
Procurement Of Lab Material-1. Sucrose Or Sugar 2. Cobalt Chloride 3. Sodium Chloride 4. Acetone 5. Calcium Carbonate 6. Petrolium Ether 7. Mercurus 8. Koh Pellets 9. Glycerine 10. Saframine 11. Acetic Acid 12. Ethyl Alcohol 13. F-Andhra Pradesh

Department Of Education has published Procurement Of Lab Material-1. Sucrose Or Sugar 2. Cobalt Chloride 3. Sodium Chloride 4. Acetone 5. Calcium Carbonate 6. Petrolium Ether 7. Mercurus 8. Koh Pellets 9. Glycerine 10. Saframine 11. Acetic Acid 12. Ethyl Alcohol 13. F. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-10-2021. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Procurement Of Lab Material-1. Sucrose Or Sugar 2. Cobalt Chloride 3. Sodium Chloride 4. Acetone 5. Calcium Carbonate 6. Petrolium Ether 7. Mercurus 8. Koh Pellets 9. Glycerine 10. Saframine 11. Acetic Acid 12. Ethyl Alcohol 13. F
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh

Tender Details

Procurement Of Lab Material-1. Sucrose Or Sugar 2. Cobalt Chloride 3. Sodium Chloride 4. Acetone 5. Calcium Carbonate 6. Petrolium Ether 7. Mercurus 8. Koh Pellets 9. Glycerine 10. Saframine 11. Acetic Acid 12. Ethyl Alcohol 13. Formal Dehyde 14. Capilary Tubes 15. Whats Man No-1 Filter Paper Section Cutting Material Dicot Root ( Primary ) Cicer Arientium Dicot Stem ( Primary ) Helianthus Annes Monocot Stem ( Zea Mays ) Monocot Root ( Zea Mays ) Compound Microscopes Dissection Microscopes ( Minimum ) Beakers ( 100Ml ) Beakers ( 50Ml ) Beakers ( 200Ml ) Watch Glass Glass Slides Petri Dishes Cover Slipes Cork Borer Set Rubber Stoppers With Hole Peelers Simple Balance Forcips ( Medium ) Scalpel Measuring Jars-20Ml Measuring Jars-50Ml Measuring Jars-100Ml Measuring Jars-10Ml Dessicator Stop Watch Mortar And Pestle Test Tubes Bent Tubes ( For Aerobic Respiration Experiment ) Seperating Funnel ( For Aerobic Respiration Experiment ) Conical Flasks ( 250Ml ) Chromotography Chambers Needles Brushes Dropping Bottles Distilled Water Boxes Squash Needles Spirit Lamp Quadrat Plant Pressers For Herbarium Preparation Thistle Funnel Staining Rocks ( Wooden ) Test Tube Stands Test Tube Holders Glass Rods Slide Box 1. Storage Root ( Carrot ) 5. Thorns-Bougainvillea 6. Phyclocade-Opuntia 7. Reproductive Leaves-Bryophyllum 2. Nodular Roots ( Archis ) 3. Corn-Colacasia 4. Bulb –Onion 11. Pome-Apple 12. Agaricus-Basidiocarp 13. Fumaria Plant With Sporophyte 8. Verticillaster-Lucas 9. Hypanthodium-Ficus 10. Hesperidium -Citrus 17. Stem Tendril-Passiflora 18. Offsets-Pistia 19. Phyllode-Acasia Melanorylon 14. Epiphytic Roots ( Vanda ) 15. Rhizome-Ginger 16. Stem Tuber-Potato 23. Pepo-Cucumis 24. Drupe Coconut 25. Marchantia Thaller 20. Trap Leaves-Nepenthes 21. Cyathium-Euphorbia 22. Tomato-Berry 32. Storage Roots -Carrot 29. Cycas-Mega Sporothyll 30. Pisum ( Pea0 Plant 31. Zea ( Corn ) Plant 26. Pteris Plant 27. Sela Ginella Plant 28. Cycas –Microsporophyll 1. Nastoc-Vegetative Filament 2. Spirogyra –Vegetative Filament 3. Rhizopus- Vegetat Ive Filament 1. Structure Of Virus ( Tobacco Mosaic Virus ) 2. Bacteriophase 3. Liver Worts –Marchantia Male Thallus 4. Marchantia –Female Thallus 5. Funaria -Plant With Sporophyte 6. Root Modifications 7. Stem Modifications 8. Leaf Modifications 9. Infloroescencs 10. Position Of Floral Parts On Thallamus 11. Types Of Aestivation In Corolla 12. Types Of Placentations 13. Types Of Nerium Leaf 14. Types Of Fruits 15. L.S.Of Flower 16. T.S. Of Anther 17. Plant Cell 18. Prokaryotic Cell 19. Structure Of Dna 20. Mitosis 21. Meiosis 22. Simple Tissues 23. Xylem; Phloem 24. Fabaceae Family Tephrosia Purpuea 25. Liiaceae Family – Alliumcepa 26. Solanaceae Family- Datura Metel 27. Dicot Root T.S ( Cicer Arientnium ) 28. Dicot Stem T.S ( Helianthus Annus ) 29. Monocot Stem T.S ( Zeamays ) 30. Monocot Root T.S ( Zeamays ) Bunsen Burners Wash Bottles Polythene Spatulas Burette Stands With Clamps Test Tube Stands ( Plastic ) Boiling Test Tubes ( Borosil ) Analytical Balance Sensitive Weight Boxes Tripod Stands Asbestos Wire Guazes Beakers Glass 1000Ml ( Borosil ) Burettes Glass 50Ml ( Borosil ) Pipetts 20Ml Measuring Jars 100Ml ( Plastic ) Measuring Jars ( 25Ml ) ( Plastic ) Test Tube Medium Size ( Borosil ) Beakers Glass 100Ml ( Borosil ) Beakers Plastic 100Ml Beakers Plastic 250Ml Beakers Glass 250 Ml Beakers Plastics 500Ml Measuring Jars ( 50Ml ) ( Plastic ) Measuring Jars ( 1000Ml ) ( Borocil ) Conical Flasks 250Ml ( Borocil ) 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. Required Chemical Aluminium Nitrate Watch Glass ( 3Inch Dia0 [ 3Doz, Pack 4 ] Glass Rod Test Tube Holders Tiles Ceramic Mortor Of Pestle Fracional Weight Boxes Volumetric Flasks 500Ml &1000Ml Weighing Bottles Reagent Bottles Droppers [ 6Doz, Pack 2 ] Thiles Tube ( M.P ) Capaillary Tube Funnels Medium Size China Dishes Thermo Meters ( 100 0C ) Rubber Corks Rubber Tube ( Bunsen Burner Connecting ) Kjeldalhs Flask ( M.P. ) Brushes For Test Tube Measuring Pipetts Tongs S.No. 1. 2. Aluminium Sulphate Lab Thermometer Separating Funnel Round Bottom Flasks ( 250Ml ) Round Flasks ( 500Ml ) Kipps Apparatus ( Plastic ) Thistle Funnels 6. Ammonium Chloride 7. Ammonium Sulphate 3. Ammonium Acetate 4. Ammonium Bromide 5. Ammonium Carbonate 8. Barium Acetate 12. Copper Sulphate 13. Ferrous Sulphate 14. Lead Nitrate 9. Barium Nitrate 10. Calcium Nitrate 11. Copper Nitrate 18. Manganous Sulphate 19. Nickel Nitrate 20. Stronsium Chloride 15. Magnecium Chloride 16. Magnecium Sulphate 17. Manganous Chloride 24. Hydrochloric Acid 2.5 L Bottle 25. Sulphuric Acid 2.5 L Bottle 26. Ammonia 2.5 L Bottle 21. Zinc Sulphate 22. Barium Chloride 23. Barium Bromide 30. Oxalic Acid 31. Sodium Hydroxide 32. Methyl Orange 125Ml 27. Nitric Acid 2.5 L Bottle 28. Acitic Acid 2.5 L Bottle 29. Sodium Carbonate 36. Ethyl Alcohol 37. Acetic Acid 38. Benzoic Acid 33. Phenapthaline 125Ml 34. Potasium Permanganate 35. Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate 42. Bengzldehyde 43. Acetone 44. Starch 39. Acetaldehyde 40. Phenol 41. Aniline 48. Cadmium Nitrate 49. Glucose 50. Chromatographic Paper 45. N-Hexane 46. Methyl Alcohol 47. Sodium Sulphide 54. Bendict Reagent 55. Sodium Nitrate 56. Diethyl Ether 51. Ferric Chloride 52. Ninhydrine Solution 53. Molish Reagent 60. Iodine Solution 61. 2, 4 Dnp Reagent 62. Schiffs Reagent 57. Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate 58. Chloroform 59. B-Napthaline 66. Copper Turnings 67. Ferrus Sulphate 68. Potassium Chromate 63. Nesslers Reagent ( 125Ml ) 64. Silver Nitrate 65. Manganese Dioxide 72. Ammonium Oxalate 73. Ammonium Sulphate 74. Egg Albumin 100Gm 69. Potassium Iodide 70. Potassium Ferrocynide 71. Dimethyl Glyoxine 77. Ph Universal Indicator 78. Ph Paper Red, Blue ( Litmus Paper ) 79. Benzene 75. Whatsman Filter Papers 76. Whatsman Filter Papers Long Size 80. Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate 81. Fehlings Solution -A Aluminium Hydroxide 83. Fructose 84. Aluminium Chloride 86. Lime Water 82. Fehlings Solution -B 85. 87. Sodium Nitrite ( Nano2 ) Ball And Stick Models Box Periodic Table Chart Diasplay Board Orbitals Chart Preparation Of H2so4 ( Contact Process ) Chart Preparation Of Hno3 ( Oswald Process ) Chart Preparation Of Nh3 ( Haber’S Process ) Chart Moeller’S Diagram Chart Chart Showing Chemistry Lab Apparatus 1. Vernier Callipers ( Stainless Steel ) 2. Screw Gauge 3. Metal Cylinders ( Steel / Brass ) 4. Metal Spheres ( Steel / Brass ) With Hook 5. Thin Glass Plates 6. Physical Balance 7. Weight Box 8. Fractional Weight Box 9. Helical Springs 10. Travelling Microscope 11. Meter Scales 12. Retort Stands 13. Stop Clocks 14. Quill Tube Apparatus 15. Specific Gravity Bottle ( 50 Cc ) 16. Copper Calorimeter 17. Resonating Air Column Apparatus 18. Tuning Fork Sets 19. Slotted Weights Set ( 5 X 50G ) 20. Concave Mirrors ( 15 / 20 Focal Length ) 21. Convex Lens ( 15 / 20 Focal Length ) 22. Bar Magnets ( 5 Cm ) 23. Magnetic Compass For Lines Of Fours 24. Glass Prisms 25. Tangent Galvanometer 26. Battery Eleminator ( 0-12V ) 27. Ammeters ( 0-10 A ) Dc 28. Volt Meter ( 10 A ) Dc 29. Table Galvanometer 30. Resistance Boxes ( 0- 10Ω ) 31. Commutators 32. Rheostats 33. Meter Bridge 34. High Resistance 35. Jockey 36. P-N Junction Diode Kit 37. Multimeter ( Digital ) 38. N-P-N Transistor Kit 39. Probes 40. Drawing Boards 41. Metal Pullys 42. Capillary Tubes 43. Split Corks ( Medium ) 44. Rubber Corks With Holes 45. Thermometers 46. Regnaults Steam Heater 47. Rubber Hammers 48. V.Shape Wooden Stands 49. Wooden Screens 50. Illuminated Corss Wires 51. Drawing Pins 52. Long Alpins 53. One Way Plug Key 54. Spirit Level 55. Water Bath Copper 56. Electrical Lamp Boxes With Plug Pin And Bulbs 57. Connecting Wires 58. Glass Beakers ( 250 Ml ) 59. Lead Shots 60. Elecrical Plus Boxes 61. Manganine Wire 62. Half Meter Scales 1. Earthworm –Digestive System 2. Earthworm – Nervous System 3. Earthworm -Spermthecae 4. Cockroach –Mouth Parts 5. Cockroach - Digestive System 6. Cockroach- Nervous System 7. Human Being - Digestive System 8. Human Being – Arterial System 9. Human Being- Venous System 10. Human Being – Male Urinogenital System 11. Human Being – Female Urinogenital System 1. Starch 2. Bendicts Reagent 3. Ethanol 4. Spirit 5. Iodine Solution 6. Con Nitric Acid 7. Fructose ( Glucose ) 8. Albumin Powder 1. Beakers 2. Water Bottles ( Droppers ) 3. Spatulas 4. Forceps 5. Brushes ( Small ) , Test Tube Cleaning 6. Test Tube Holders 7. Glass Droppers 8. Glass Rods 9. Watch Glass 10. Spirit Lamps 11. Compound Microscopes 12. Disection Microscopes 13. Pointer Eye Pieces 14. Copper Water Bath Set 15. Pipettes 16. Test Tube Stands 17. Test Tubes 1. Amoeba ( W.M ) 2. Euglena ( W.M. ) 3. Paramoecum 4. Hydra ( W.M ) 5. Liver Fluke 6. Squamous Epithelium 7. Columnar Epithelium 8. T.S Of Cartilage 9. T.S Of Bone 10. Blood Smear Of Mammal 11. Striated Muscle 12. T.S Of Intestine 13. T.S Of Kidney 14. L.S Of Kidney 15. T.S Of Liver 16. T.S.Of Pancreas 17. T.S. Of Tests 18. T.S Of Ovary 19. Unstriated Muscle 20. Striated Muscle 1. Eusponga 2. Aurella 3. Metridium / Ademsa 4. Liver Fluke 5. Tenia Solium 6. Ascaris Male 7. Ascaris Female 8. Nereis 9. Earthworm 10. Leech 11. Scolopendra 12. Julus 13. Palaemon 14. Aranea 15. Palamneus 16. Silkmoth 17. Honey Bee 18. Pila 19. Unio 20. Asterias 21. Shark 22. Rohu 23. Catla 24. Cirrihina 25. Frog 26. Seasnake 27. Rabbit 1. Ball & Socket Joints 2. Hinge Joint 3. Pivot Joint 4. Gliding Joint

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