
Repair / Manitenance Of Furniture Of Jco / Ors Married And Otm Accn Of Bso ( South ) Under Ge ( South ) Delhi Cantt-10-2 Chair Dining (Drg No. FD-228/279)Removing of following old unserviceable parts and S&F new parts of chair dining made from first, Garrison Engineer South Delhi Cantt 110010-Delhi

Military Engineer Services has published Repair / Manitenance Of Furniture Of Jco / Ors Married And Otm Accn Of Bso ( South ) Under Ge ( South ) Delhi Cantt-10-2 Chair Dining (Drg No. FD-228/279)Removing of following old unserviceable parts and S&F new parts of chair dining made from first. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-10-2021. Footwears Tenders in Garrison Engineer South Delhi Cantt 110010 Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Repair / Manitenance Of Furniture Of Jco / Ors Married And Otm Accn Of Bso ( South ) Under Ge ( South ) Delhi Cantt-10-2 Chair Dining (Drg No. FD-228/279)Removing of following old unserviceable parts and S&F new parts of chair dining made from first
Open Tender
Garrison Engineer South Delhi Cantt 110010

Tender Details

Repair / Manitenance Of Furniture Of Jco / Ors Married And Otm Accn Of Bso ( South ) Under Ge ( South ) Delhi Cantt-10-2 Chair Dining (Drg No. FD-228/279)Removing of following old unserviceable parts and S&F new parts of chair dining made from first class teak wood to the shape & size duly french polished, complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 3 Front leg. 4 Rear leg. 5 Side/front/rear rail. 6 Stiffener. 7 S&F new GI L shaped bracket duly painted with Black colour synthetic enamel of size 50mm x 50mm x 3mm with suitable screws to tighten the wooden frame of Chairs as required complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-In-Charge. 8 PVC Rings at bottom oflegs 9 Chair Easy (Drg No. FD-229)Removing of following old unserviceable parts and S&F new parts of chair Easy made from first class teak wood to the shape & size duly french polished, complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 10 Front leg. 11 Rear leg. 12 Side/front/rear rail. 13 Arm Rest 14 Stiffener. 15 PVC Rings at bottom oflegs 16 Chair Writing (Drg No. FD-280)Removing of following old unserviceable parts and S&F new parts of chair writing made from first class teak wood to the shape & size duly french polished, complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 17 Front leg. 18 Rear leg. 19 Side/front/rear rail. 20 Arm Rest 21 Stiffener. 22 S&F new GI L shaped bracket duly painted with Black colour synthetic enamel of size 50mm x 50mm x 3mm with suitable screws to tighten the wooden frame of Chairs as required and as directed by Engineer-In-Charge. 23 Peg Table(Drg No. FD-236,277,384) 24 Removing of old unserviceable top of table & S&F new table top of 18-19 mm thick particle board exterior grade (Make:- Archid/Action Tesa/Century/Greenlam) duly post -formed with 0.6mm thick laminate in colour/shade as approved by GE 0.8 mm thick PVC edging ofshall be fixed on two sides with strong bonded chemical adhesive through hot pressed machine as specified and directed. 25 Removing of old unsv legs and S&F of new legs of first class teak wood. 26 Removing of old unsv top long rail and S&F of new top long railof first class teak wood. 27 Removing of old unsvshort rail and S&F of new short railfirst class teak wood. 28 Removing of old unsv pvc rings and S&F new pvc rings. 29 Table Center (Drg No. FD-235,274) 30 Removing of old unserviceable top of table & S&F new table top of 18-19 mm thick particle board exterior grade (Make:- Archid/Action Tesa/Century/Greenlam) duly post -formed with 0.6mm thick laminate in colour/shade as approved by GE 0.8 mm thick PVC edging ofshall be fixed on two sides with strong bonded chemical adhesive through hot pressed machine as specified and directed. 31 Removing of old unsv legs and S&F of new legs of first class teak wood. 32 Removing of old unsv top long rail and S&F of new top long railof first class teak wood. 33 Removing of old unsv top short rail and S&F of new top short railfirst class teak wood. 34 Removing of old unsv stiffner and S&F of new stiffner of first class teak wood. 35 Removing of old unsv pvc rings and S&F new pvc rings. 36 Teapoy (Drg No. FD-278, 382) 37 Removing of old unserviceable top of table & S&F new table top of 18-19 mm thick particle board exterior grade (Make:- Archid/Action Tesa/Century/Greenlam) duly post -formed with 0.6mm thick laminate in colour/shade as approved by GE 0.8 mm thick PVC edging ofshall be fixed on two sides with strong bonded chemical adhesive through hot pressed machine as specified and directed. 38 Removing of old unsv legs and S&F of new legs of first class teak wood. 39 Removing of old unsv top long rail and S&F of new top long railof first class teak wood. 40 Removing of old unsv short rail and S&F of new short railfirst class teak wood. 41 Removing of old unsv pvc rings and S&F new pvc rings. 42 Table Bed Side (Drg No. FD-248, 276) 43 Removing of old unsv Sides /Top/Bottom S&F new Sides /Top/Bottomof 18-19 mm thick particle board exterior grade (Make:- Archid/Action Tesa/Century/Greenlam) with4 mm thick Teakwood Beading shall be fixed whereever required all as per Drg. 44 Removing of old unsv shelf S&F new shelfof 18-19 mm thick particle board exterior grade (Make:-Archid/ActionTesa/Century/Greenlam) with 4 mm thick Teakwood Beading shall be fixed whereever required all as per Drg. 45 Removing of old unsv back ply and S&F new back ply 06 mm BWR grade both side commercialas approved as directed. 46 Recanning: Removing of old unsv cane and canningof all type of wooden Chair Dinning ,Writing , Easyand stool dressing ladies with using 2.00mmwide 0.4 mm thick half round PVC cane and border with 4.00 mm PVC cane as per Godrej pattern shown on drawing and as specified. 47 Chair Dinning (Drg No. FD/MAP-II/05) 48 Removing of following old unserviceable parts and S&F new parts of chair dining made from first class teak wood to the shape & size duly french polished, complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 49 Front leg. 50 Rear leg. 51 Side/front/rear rail. 52 Stiffener. 53 S&F new GI L shaped bracket duly painted with Black colour synthetic enamel of size 50mm x 50mm x 3mm with suitable screws to tighten the wooden frame of Chairs as required . 54 Removing of old unsv PVC /PPCP seat of Chair and Supply & Fixing new PVC /PPCP seat 0f 04 mm thick Make:- AMCO/ Harmony as approved by Garrison Engineer as per Drg. 55 Table Dinning 04 Person (JCO/ORs) (Drg No. FD/MAP-II/03 56 Removing of old unserviceable top of table Dinning 04 Person& S&F new table top of Table Dinning 04 Person of 18-19 mm thick particle board exterior grade (Make:- Archid/Action Tesa/Century/Greenlam) duly post -formed with 0.6mm thick laminate in colour/shade as approved by GE 0.8 mm thick PVC edging ofshall be fixed on two sides with strong bonded chemical adhesive through hot pressed machine as specified and directed. 57 Removing of the old unsv legs & S&F new legs of teak wood for table dinning 04 person to the shape & size, duly french polished complete all as specified and shown on drawing :- 58 Removing of the old unsv upper long rail & S&F new upper long rail of teak wood for table dinning 04 person to the shape & size, duly french polished complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 59 Removing of the old unsv upper short rail & S&F new upper short rail of teak wood for table dinning 04 person to the shape & size, duly french polished complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 60 S&F New Wooden Bracket made from Teakwood of size 100mmX100mmX25mm dully fixed with suitable adhesive and screw and french polished. 61 Removing of old unsv pvc ringes and S&F new pvc shoes. 62 Table Wooden 3x2 without Drawer (Drg No. FD-284) 63 Removing of old unserviceable top of table Dinning 04 Person& S&F new table top of Table Dinning 04 Person of 18-19 mm thick particle board exterior grade (Make:- Archid/Action Tesa/Century/Greenlam) duly post -formed with 0.6mm thick laminate in colour/shade as approved by GE 0.8 mm thick PVC edging ofshall be fixed on two sides with strong bonded chemical adhesive through hot pressed machine as specified and directed. 64 Removing of the old unsv legs & S&F new legs of teak woodto the shape & size, duly french polished complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 65 Removing of the old unsv upper long rail & S&F new upper long rail of teak woodto the shape & size, duly french polished complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 66 Removing of the old unsv upper short rail & S&F new upper short rail of teak woodto the shape & size, duly french polished complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 67 S&F New Wooden Bracket made from Teakwood of size 100mmX100mmX20mm dully fixed with suitable adhesive and screw and french polished. 68 Removing of old unsv pvc shoes and S&F new pvc shoes. 69 Table Wooden 3x2 with Drawer (Drg No. FD283) 70 Removing of old unserviceable top of table Dinning 04 Person& S&F new table top of Table Dinning 04 Person of 18-19 mm thick particle board exterior grade (Make:- Archid/Action Tesa/Century/Greenlam) duly post -formed with 0.6mm thick laminate in colour/shade as approved by GE 0.8 mm thick PVC edging ofshall be fixed on two sides with strong bonded chemical adhesive through hot pressed machine as specified and directed. 71 Removing of the old unsv legs & S&F new legs of teak woodto the shape & size, duly french polished complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 72 Removing of the old unsv upper long rail & S&F new upper long rail of teak woodto the shape & size, duly french polished complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 73 Removing of the old unsv upper short rail & S&F new upper short rail of teak woodto the shape & size, duly french polished complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 74 S&F New Wooden Bracket made from Teakwood of size 100mmX100mmX20mm dully fixed with suitable adhesive and screw and french polished. 75 Removing of old unsv front,sides and back of drawer of table and S&F new Drawer duly french polished complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 76 Removing of old unsv ply of bottom of drawer of table and S&F new ply of bottom of drawer 06 mm thick commercial BWR Grade complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 77 Removing of old unsv knobs of drawer and S&F new Knobs as specified and shown on drawing. 78 Removing of old unsv pvc shoes and S&F new pvc shoes. 79 Table office Clerk Steel (Drg No. FD-84 (M), FD-381, FD-1004) 80 Removing of old unserviceable top of table office clerk& S&F new table top of 18-19 mm thick particle board exterior grade (Make:- Archid/Action Tesa/Century/Greenlam) duly post -formed with 0.6mm thick laminate in colour/shade as approved by GE 0.8 mm thick PVC edging ofshall be fixed on two sides with strong bonded chemical adhesive through hot pressed machine as specified and directed. 81 Removing of the old unsv legs & S&F new legs of 25 mm Square pipe and 1.6 mm thickto the shape & size, duly painted and complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 82 Removing of the old unsv upper long rail of frame & S&F new rail of frameof 25 mm Square pipe and 1.6 mm thickto the shape & size, duly painted and complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 83 Removing of the old unsv upper short rail of frame & S&F new shortrail of frameof 25 mm Square pipe and 1.6 mm thickto the shape & size, duly painted and complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 84 Removing of old unsv lock of drawer of table office clerk and S&F new lock with duplicate keys make :- Link/Harrison or ISI Mark as approved by Garrison Engineer. 85 Removing of old unsv Rubber Shoes of Table and S&F new Hard Rubber Shoes as specified in Drg . 86 Table Office Officer Steel (Drg No. FD-84 (M), FD-1002, FD-1003 87 Removing of old unserviceable top of table office clerk& S&F new table top of 18-19 mm thick particle board exterior grade (Make:- Archid/Action Tesa/Century/Greenlam) duly post -formed with 0.6mm thick laminate in colour/shade as approved by GE 0.8 mm thick PVC edging ofshall be fixed on two sides with strong bonded chemical adhesive through hot pressed machine as specified and directed. 88 Removing of the old unsv legs & S&F new legs of 25 mm Square pipe and 1.6 mm thickto the shape & size, duly painted and complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 89 Removing of the old unsv upper long rail of frame & S&F new rail of frameof 25 mm Square pipe and 1.6 mm thickto the shape & size, duly painted and complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 90 Removing of the old unsv upper short rail of frame & S&F new shortrail of frameof 25 mm Square pipe and 1.6 mm thickto the shape & size, duly painted and complete all as specified and shown on drawing. 91 Removing of old unsv lock of drawer of table office officer and S&F new lock with duplicate keys make :- Link/Harrison or ISI Mark as approved by Garrison Engineer. 92 Removing of old unsv Rubber Shoes of Table and S&F new Hard Rubber Shoes as specified in Drg . 93 Bed ply Top(Drg No. FD-213, 246) 94 Removing of old unsv long rail of bed ply top and s&f new long rail made from first class teak wood as per drg. 95 Removing of old unsv short rail of bed ply top and s&f new short rail made from first class teak wood as per drg. 96 Removing of old unsv ply of bed ply top and s&f new ply 12 mm thick BWR grade both side commercialMake:- Archidply/Greenply/Century as per drg. 97 Removing of old unsv stiffner of bed ply top and s&f new stiffner made from first class teak wood as per drg. 98 Removing of old unsv leg of bed ply top and s&f new leg made from first class teak wood as per drg. 99 Removing of old unsv teak ply of head board of bed ply top and s&f new teakply size 4mm thick including teak wood beading as required make of ply :-Archidply/Greenply/Century of head boardas per drg. 100 Removing of old unsv teak ply of foot board of bed ply top and s&f new teak ply size 4mm thick including teak wood beading as requiredmake of ply :-Archidply/Greenply/Century of foot board as per drg. 101 CHAIR COMPUTER (Drg No. FD/E6/MAP/01) 102 Removing of old unsvseat and back Tapestry Cloth from chair and S&F new Tapestry Clothwith new PVC Lipping all around itcomplete all as specified and directed. 103 Removing of old unsv Handle and S&F New Black PU Handleall as specified and directed by the Engineer-in-Charge 104 Removing of old unsv seat and back PU foam and S&F New seat& back PU Foamall as specified and directed. 105 Removing of old unsv seat and backply and S&F New seat& back Ply 12 mm Hot pressedall as specified and directed . 106 Removing of old unsv Pedestral Assembly complete with castor wheel and S&F New Metalic Pedestral Assembly complete with castor wheel all as specified and directed . 107 Removing of old unsv Castor Wheel and S&F New Castor Wheel made from superior quality as per approved sample by Garrisson Engineer all as specified and directed . 108 Removing of old unsvPVC back Sheet cover and S&F New PVC back Sheet cover including setting the tilting Mechanism of Chairall as specified and directed . 109 Removing of old unsv Hydrolic System and S&F New Hydrolic System of ISI Marked as approved by Garrisson Engineer all as specified and directed . 110 Removing of old unsv upholstry ofeach cushion of sofa setand S&F New Upholstry of Cushion Rate of upholstry not less than 150/- per meter colour and quality as approved by Garrisson Engineer . 111 RACK SHOE STEEL (Drg No. FD/E6/MAP/02 ® 112 Removing of old unsv missingMS Bar and S&F New5 mm dia MS Bar dully painted with black colour synthetic enamel complete all as directed. 113 Welding to broken joints of Rack Shoe Steelcomplete all as directed . 114 Removing of the dirt and rust from old painted surfaces and applying one coat ofblack synthetic enamel paint all as specified and directed . 115 Removing of old unsv rubber shoe and S&F New Hard Rubber/PVC Shoe complete all as directed. 116 CHARPOY WITH HARD TOP (Drg No. FD/MAP-II/01) 117 Removing of old and unserviceable Plytop from Charpoy with hard top and S&F of new 12 mm thick plywood of suitable size, ISI marked, BWR phenol bonded commercial plywood with suitable size nut and bolts all as shown on drawing and as directed. 118 Welding to broken joints of Charpoy complete all as directed . 119 Removing of old unsv MS plate from legs of charpoy and S&F of New Plates of size 32x32x5mm at bottom of legs and under which 3 mm thick rubber Sheet fixed with Adhesive. 120 CHAIR SCHOOL WITH HAND BOARD(Drg No. FD/E6/MAP/06) 121 Removing of old unsv PVC Seat of Chair and S&F new seat as per drgmake of seat Blowplast or equivalent as approved by Garrison Engineer. 122 Removing of old unsv detachable top of chair and S&F new top made from 18 mm thick prelaminated board exterior gradewith pvc edging alaround it colour and shade of particle boardas approved by garrison engineer dully fitted with suitable size screw all as specified in drg. 123 Removing of old unsv shoes of chair and S&F new shoes of chair made from hard rubber or PVC as approved 124 Table 3X3X760mm Steel (Drg No. FD-1009) 125 Removing of old unserviceable top of table & S&F new table top of Table of 18-19 mm thick particle board exterior grade (Make:- Archid/Action Tesa/Century/Greenlam) duly post -formed with 0.6mm thick laminate in colour/shade as approved by GE 0.8 mm thick PVC edging ofshall be fixed on two sides with strong bonded chemical adhesive through hot pressed machine as specified and directed. 126 Removing of old unsv rusted legs of table and S&F new legs made from 25mmX25mm MS Square Pipe all as specified in drg. 127 Removing of old unsv Rubber Shoes of Table and S&F new Hard Rubber Shoes as specified in Drg . 128 Tuck Welding to all types of steel items of furniture wherever required. 129 Polishing of Wooden Items of Furniture 130 Chair Dining (Drg No. FD-228/279) 131 Chair Easy (Drg No. FD-229) 132 Chair Writing (Drg No. FD-280) 133 Peg Table (Drg No. FD-236, 277, 384) 134 Teapoy (Drg No. FD-278, 382) 135 Table Center (Drg No. FD-235,274) 136 Chair Dinning MAP (Drg No. FD/MAP-II/05) 137 Table Dinning 04 Person (JCO/ORs) (Drg No. FD/MAP-II/03 138 Table Wooden 3x2 without Drawer (Drg No. FD-284) 139 Table Wooden 3x2 with Drawer (Drg No. FD-283) 140 Sofa Set single seater (Drg No. FD-281, 373) 141 Sofa Set Three Seater (Drg No. FD-281, 373) 142 Bed ply Top(Drg No. FD-213, 246) 143 Painting of Steel Items of Furniture 144 Table office Clerk Steel (Drg No. FD-84 (M), FD-381, FD-1004) 145 Table Office Officer Steel (Drg No. FD-84 (M), FD-1002, FD-1003 146 Rack Map Steel (Drg No. FD-02, FD-1035) 147 Rack Side Steel with Tray (Drg No. FD-1023, FD-321) 148 Rack Stationary Steel (Drg No. FD-81) 149 Rack Steel of size 1905mm X 830 mm X 760 mm 150 Rack Steel 75X18X36 with 06 shelves. 151 Rack Steel Adj 3 Tier 915mmX1150mmX990mm. 152 Stool Steel 305x305X510mm (Drg No. FD-81) 153 Stool Steel 305x305X760mm (Drg No. FD-81) 154 Rack Steel 1.3 M 16 Cabinet 155 Charpoy Hard Top Map (Drg No. FD/MAP-II/01) 156 CHAIR SCHOOL WITH HAND BOARD(Drg No. FD/E6/MAP/06) 157 Trestle Store Room Iron (Drg No. FD-86 (M), FD-1043, FD-347) 158 Table 3X3X760mm Steel (Drg No. FD-1009)

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 11-10-2021 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 18-10-2021
2 28-09-2021 Corrigendum01 Date 11-10-2021
3 29-09-2021 Corrigendum 02 BOQ 11-10-2021

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 91420.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 45.71 Lakhs /-
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