Providing 1. Compound Pendulum (Wall Mounted Type) With Photo Gated Digital Stop Clock 2. Kater’S Pendulum (Wall Mounted Type) With Photo Gated Digital Stop Clock 3. Torsional Pendulum Apparatus With Tripod Stand, Circular Disc, Chuck Nuts, Sensor And Digital Oscillation Counter And Wire, Mi Rectangular Plate And Irregular Plate 4. Physical Beam Balance With Weight Set, Vernier Calipers, Different Materials, Screw Gauge. 5. Triple Beam Balance With Weight Set 6. Uniform bending stand pair (acrylic), Aluminium scale with pointer and hanger pair, Digital Travelling microscope, Slotted weight 5x50gm pair 7. Cantilever on stand Slotted weight 5x50gm Lamp and scale telescope 8 Silky spring of three different number of turns, Supporting Stand for spring, Digital stop clock, Digital balance 200gm 9. Metal bench with Photo gated digital stop clock, Sphere, cylinder & Hollow cylinder objects 10. Static Torsion apparatus 1⁄2 m horizontal Slotted weight 5x500gm 11. Solid Flywheel 20 cm with counter. Digital stop watch, Physical weight box 200gm, Scale pan 12. Digital Stoke’s viscosity apparatus with Sensor activated digital stop clock, Aluminum balls (25 mm dia) 13. Viscosity of water by Poiseuille’s method With stand, glass tube, rubber tube, jar on movable stand 14. Capillary tube 1mm diameter with pointer, Digital Travelling microscope Single motion Raising table (acrylic) and capillary holder, Glass beaker 100ml & Cork 15. Coupled oscillator on stand, Digital stop clock 16. Acrylic tube on stand with piston, Tuning fork frequency generator GClamp pair 17. Sonometer 1⁄2 m with clamp and pulley, Sonometer electromagnet, Sonometer power adapter, Tuning fork frequency generator 100Hz1KHz Digital balance 200gm Slotted weight 5x20gm 18. Brewster’s bed fitted with diode laser and graduated scale and rotatable table, Relative light intensity meter, Light sensor, White screen, Glass slabs, Acrylic slab, Slab holder 19. Complete set with Biprism assembly, Scale, Semiconductor Laser, Graduated Screen and Holder 20. Apparatus Newton’s rings microscope with 45` lens and glass assembly with rigid support and Sodium vapor lamp set 21. Febry Perot Etalon with single arm Spectrometer, telescope, pin hole camera and diffuser Sodium vapor lamp set 22. Liquid Lens apparatus Illuminated pointer, set of mirror and lens 23. Student Spectrometer Superior Mercury lamp set Diffraction Grating Indian (15000 LPI) EDF Prism Hollow Prism (2nos) 24. With digital stop clock, power supply and digital voltmeter 25. Series and parallel resonance with digital ac milliammeter 200KHz bandwidth, Two L , Three C and Three R values Matching Oscillator 26. Cary foster bridge Electronic Laclanche cell Plug type Resistance box 1 – 10 Galvanometer 27. Four wire potentiometer Electronic Laclanche cell Plug type resistance box 0.11 Galvanometer 28. Deflection magnetometer & Bar magnet 29. With source, Resistance, Galvanometer and Resistance set 30. Utube fitted with syringe on stand Pressure weights 5x500gm 2 Pressure weights 4x100gm 4 31. Charles Law apparatus 32. Constant Volume Gas thermometer 33. Complete Apparatus with digital thermometers, Peltier module with heat sinks, power supply etc 34. Lees and Charlton apparatus with Digital stop watch Digital thermometers 35. Searle’s conductivity apparatus Digital thermometer Steam boiler 2L Rubber tube 2m Digital stop watch Electric stove 36. Bulb calorimeter with electric stirrer Mercury thermometer, Digital stop clock, Digital ammeter 2A. Regulated battery Eliminator 37. Copper calorimeter with electric stirrer , Mercury thermometer, Digital stop clock 38. Regulated power supply 07V/1A, Digital voltmeter 020V, Digital current meter 02A, Digital temperature indicator, Copper Black body