
supply of Dental Store items = 1 Expendable Dental Stores 2 Dentsply IRM 3 Dental Floss roll 4 KaVo spray 500ml with Kavo multiflex nozzle 5 StimInter dental original , 7 in 1 6 EndoProtaper Rotary Files 21 mm(assorted SX-F3) 7 Endo Protape, 10 CDU Bathinda-Punjab

Indian Army has published supply of Dental Store items = 1 Expendable Dental Stores 2 Dentsply IRM 3 Dental Floss roll 4 KaVo spray 500ml with Kavo multiflex nozzle 5 StimInter dental original , 7 in 1 6 EndoProtaper Rotary Files 21 mm(assorted SX-F3) 7 Endo Protape. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-09-2021. Dental and Subspecialty Instruments Tenders in 10 CDU Bathinda Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

supply of Dental Store items = 1 Expendable Dental Stores 2 Dentsply IRM 3 Dental Floss roll 4 KaVo spray 500ml with Kavo multiflex nozzle 5 StimInter dental original , 7 in 1 6 EndoProtaper Rotary Files 21 mm(assorted SX-F3) 7 Endo Protape
10 Cdu Bathinda

Tender Details

supply of Dental Store items = 1 Expendable Dental Stores 2 Dentsply IRM 3 Dental Floss roll 4 KaVo spray 500ml with Kavo multiflex nozzle 5 StimInter dental original , 7 in 1 6 EndoProtaper Rotary Files 21 mm(assorted SX-F3) 7 Endo Protaper Rotary Files 25 mm (assorted SX-F3) 8 Spreader Size 15 (pkt of 6) 9 Spreader Size 20 ( pkt of 6) 10 Spreader Size 25 (pkt of 6) 11 Dologel CT 12 Mucopain 13 Thermoseal Tooth paste 50gm 14 Korsolex rapid instrument sterilizer 500 ml bott (cidex) 15 Suture non absorbable 3-0 silk reverse cutting, 3/8 circle,26 mm needle,pkt of 12 16 Sutureabsorbable 3-0 Vicryl (Braided coated polyglactin 910 violet) cutting, 1/2 circle,22 mm needle,pkt of 12 17 Prima Diamond round bur cat no 801 dia 010 medium grid (blue) 18 Prima Diamond round bur cat no 801 dia 012 medium grid (blue) 19 Prima Diamond inverted cone bur cat no 805 dia 010 medium grid (blue) 20 Prima Diamond inverted cone bur cat no 805 dia 012 medium grid (blue) 21 Prima Diamond x mas tree bur cat no 852 dia 012 22 Prima Diamond depth marker bur cat no 834 dia 016 medium grid (blue) 23 Prima Diamond football shaped bur cat no 368 dia 023 medium grid (blue) 24 Prima Diamond barrel bur cat no 811 dia 032 medium grid (blue) 25 Prima Diamond pear bur cat no 830 dia 032 medium grid (blue) 26 Prima carbide flat fissure plain cut long head bur cat no 58Ldia 012 27 Prima surgical bur round cat no HP 08 for micromotor SHP 28 Prima surgical bur straight fissure cat no HP -703 for micromotor SHP 29 Prima surgical bur straight fissure cat no HP 701 for micromotor SHP 30 Super snap kit 31 Ribbon gauze absorbent folded 2 cm x 100 meters 32 Tenax Fiber post 33 Stolin gum paint 34 Single bond 2 bonding agent 35 Peeso reamer 28mm (no 1-6) 36 Pulperyl 37 Hi-dense 38 Endomethasone 39 Gluma desensitizer 40 Impression disinfectant Dimenol 200ml 41 Spirit liquid bott of 5 ltr 42 Blow torch 43 GTR membrane 44 Silane coupling agent 45 Cheek retractor spandex large 46 Cheek retractor spandex small 47 Machine dispensed Shoe covers set of 50 pairs with hook dimension 16.5 x 8.5 x 6 inches industry tools 48 Ehrich Arch bar 49 Filtek- Z350XT restorative 50 Mani –EX-11 diamond bur 51 Mani –EX-12 diamond bur 52 Mani TF bur 53 Self sealing sterilization pouches 90 mm x 260 mm pkt of 200 54 Lignocaine plain vial 55 Implant with all fixtures 56 0.022” MBT Kit Ceramic Brackets 57 Bands with MBT 022 molar tubes kit of 200 bands U/L 58 Bondable 022 MBT molar tubes 59 Crimpable hooks 60 Red Elastics 61 FORSUS FRD class II corrector 62 Blue Elastics 63 Ortho Wax 64 Elastomeric Modules (transparent) 65 Elastomeric Modules (Multi Colour) 66 0.014 NiTi Preformed Arch Wires (U/L) 67 0.016 X 0.022 NiTi Preformed Arch Wires (U/L) 68 0.016 NiTi Preformed Arch Wires (U/L) 69 Transbond XT 70 Orthocal 71 Intra oral mirrors for photographs 72 Performed ligature (Long) 73 Performed ligature (Short) 74 Plastic Ortho impression Tray 75 GI Mask Auto Mix 76 Medical grade Maxillifacial silicone 500gms per bottle 77 P702 Medical grade Extrinsic stains for silicon 78 P 499 skin shade medical grade intrinsic stains for silicon 79 P 199 Master Colour kit 80 P 799 Extrinsic Sealant 81 B 200 ES daro Adhesive extra strength 82 A 300 1Thixotropic agent 83 Ball attachment/O-ring attachment for tooth supported overdenture 84 Hader Bar attachment clip 85 Overdenture ball attachment Set 86 Finishing Bur ( for airotor) 87 Bur T/C for metal cutting 88 Crown Preparation Kit 89 Anti fog mouth mirror 90 Magnifying mouth mirror 91 Shade guide 92 EDTA sol 15% (Largal Ultra) bott of 13 ml 93 High speed lathe 94 Micromotor (Heavy Duty) 95 All Ceramic build up material kit 96 All ceramic finishing kit 97 Shade guide for all ceramic 98 Gingival porcelain & stain, bott of 20gms each 99 Ingots for all ceramic A1 shade LT Tubes or 5 ingots 100 Ingots for all ceramic A1 shade HT Tubes or 5 ingots 101 Ingots for all ceramic A2 shade LTTubes or 5 ingots 102 Ingots for all ceramic A2 shade HT Tubes or 5 ingots 103 Ingots for all ceramic A3 shade LT Tubes or 5 ingots 104 Ingots for all ceramic A3 shade HT Tubes or 5 ingots 105 Ingots for all ceramic A3.5 shade LT Tubes or 5 ingots 106 Ingots for all ceramic A3.5 shade HT Tubes or 5 ingots 107 Ingots for all ceramic A4 shade LT Tubes or 5 ingots 108 Ingots for all ceramic A4 shade HT Tubes or 5 ingots 109 Ingots for all ceramic C3 shade LT Tubes or 5 ingots 110 Ingots for all ceramic C3 shade HT Tubes or 5 ingots 111 Ingots for all ceramic C4 shade LT Tubes or 5 ingots 112 Ingots for all ceramic C4 shade HT Tubes or 5 ingots 113 Opaque A2 Shade tube for PFM 114 Dentine A3 shade Bott of 100 gms 115 Dentine C3 Shade, Bott of 100 gms 116 Porcelain brush (set of 6) 117 Buff wheel for buffing & polishing 3mm mandrel (Metal finishing buff) 118 Bioplast sheets 2mm thickness pkt of 20 119 Bioplast sheets 1.5mm thickness pkt of 20 120 Bioplast sheets 1mm thickness pkt of 20 121 T/C bur for metal finishing 122 Impression tray, set of 16 (Metallic, rim lock, dentulous& perforated)

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INR 56000.0 /-
Tender Value
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