
Bids Are Invited For Boq Total Quantity : 1---Arm ( Elect ) Of Govt. Buildings At Ftr Hq Bsf Kashmir ( Sh: Procurement Of Electrical Material For Day To Day Maintenance Of Govt Buildings ) At Ftr Hq Bsf Kashmir---1 1.5 sq. mm ISI marked, FRLS PVC -Jammu And Kashmir

Ministry Of Home Affairs has published Bids Are Invited For Boq Total Quantity : 1---Arm ( Elect ) Of Govt. Buildings At Ftr Hq Bsf Kashmir ( Sh: Procurement Of Electrical Material For Day To Day Maintenance Of Govt Buildings ) At Ftr Hq Bsf Kashmir---1 1.5 sq. mm ISI marked, FRLS PVC . Submission Date for this Tender is 30-09-2021. Footwears Tenders in Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Bids Are Invited For Boq Total Quantity : 1---Arm ( Elect ) Of Govt. Buildings At Ftr Hq Bsf Kashmir ( Sh: Procurement Of Electrical Material For Day To Day Maintenance Of Govt Buildings ) At Ftr Hq Bsf Kashmir---1 1.5 sq. mm ISI marked, FRLS PVC
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Boq Total Quantity : 1---Arm ( Elect ) Of Govt. Buildings At Ftr Hq Bsf Kashmir ( Sh: Procurement Of Electrical Material For Day To Day Maintenance Of Govt Buildings ) At Ftr Hq Bsf Kashmir---1 1.5 sq. mm ISI marked, FRLS PVC insulated, single core copper conductor cable.MakeHavells / Polycable / Anchor / Finolex / Standard / Plaza. 2 2.5 sq. mm ISI marked, FRLS PVC insulated, single core copper conductor cable MakeHavells / Polycable / Anchor / Finolex / Standard / Plaza. 3 4.0 sq. mm ISI marked, FRLS PVC insulated, single core copper conductor cable MakeHavells / Polycable / Anchor / Finolex / Standard / Plaza. 4 6.0 sq. mm ISI marked, FRLS PVC insulated, single core copper conductor cable MakeHavells / Polycable / Anchor / Finolex / Standard / Plaza. 5 20 mm iron staples/ saddles/ screws ISI Marked. 6 25 mm iron staples/ saddles/ screws ISI Marked. 7 20 mm dia. ISI marked, PVC conduit Presto / Plaza / Polycab make. 8 25 mm PVC bends Presto / Plaza / Polycab make. 9 25 mm PVC junction box, two way Presto / Plaza / Polycab make. 10 S.P. 5/6 amps, one way switch, piano type ISI marked Anchor/Cona/Kinjal make. 11 S.P. 15/16 amps, one way switch, piano type ISI marked Anchor/Cona/Kinjal make. 12 5 pin 5/6 amps socket outlet, piano type ISI marked Anchor/Cona/Kinjal make. 13 PVC pendant holder ISI marked Anchor/Cona/Kinjal make. 14 Call bell/ buzzer, single phase ISI marked Anchor/Cona/Kinjal make. 15 PVC/brass Batten/ Angle Holder ISI marked Anchor/Cona/Kinjal make. 16 Single pole MCB of 5-32 Amp rating , C curve 10 KA breaking capacity. ( Make-Havalls, L&T, Standarad,Legrand ). 17 40 amps., 2 pole isolator ( Make-Havalls, L&T, Standarad, Legrand). 18 63 amps., 2 pole isolator ( Make-Havalls, L&T, Standarad, Legrand). 19 63 amps., 4 pole isolator ( Make-Havalls, L&T, Standarad, Legrand). 20 100 amps., 4 pole isolator ( Make-Havalls, L&T, Standarad, Legrand). 21 4 pole MCCB,100A,30kA ( Make-Havalls, L&T, Standarad, Legrand). 22 Aluminium lugs flat type for 25 sqmm cable make Dowell,s/ISI 23 Aluminium lugs flat type for 35 sqmm cable make Dowell,s/ISI 24 Aluminium lugs flat type for 50 sqmm cable make Dowell,s/ISI 25 Aluminium lugs flat type for 70 sqmm cable make Dowell,s/ISI 26 Aluminium lugs flat type for 95 sqmm cable make Dowell,s/ISI 27 Aluminium lugs flat type for 120 sqmm cable make Dowell,s/ISI 28 Aluminium lugs flat type for150 sqmm cable make Dowell,s/ISI 29 Aluminium lugs flat type for 185 sqmm cable make Dowell,s/ISI 30 Aluminium lugs flat type for 240 sqmm cable make Dowell,s/ISI . 31 Al. Alloy/ cadmium plated iron screws, 20 mm ISI Marked. 32 2 x 1¾ Nut Bolt with Qtr. Pin (for fan) 33 Iron screws, 35 mm X 6 mm 34 Iron screws, 40 mm X 6 mm 35 Iron screws, 45 mm X 6 mm 36 Single pole, modular blanking plate of make Havells, standard, Asian, etc. 37 200 Litre Capacity empty Iron Barrel for filling of Fuel (Diesel) with locking system at the top etc as required. 38 Releasable cable Tie RCV 100 of make Taparia, Dowells, etc. 39 DIGITAL MEGGER (Battery operated) 40 Gohm, 1000V & 2500V DC make Sigma, etc. 40 Long Nose Pliers, with thick C.A. Sleeve, 215 mm, make Taparia (Code 1420-8) of make Taparia, Dowells, etc. 41 Screw driver insulated of following size of make Taparia, Dowells, etc. 42 i) Blade length 150 mm, 3.5 mm dia make Taparia (Code 8421) 43 ii) Blade length 125 mm, 5.0 mm dia make Taparia (Code 9351) 44 iii) Blade length 300 mm, 8.0 mm dia make Taparia (Code 8291) SPECIFICATION Name of work:- ARM (Elect) of Govt. Buildings at FTR HQ BSF Kashmir (SH: Procurement of electrical material for Day to Day Maintenance of Govt Buildings) at FTR HQ BSF Kashmir. 45 J K half round file make Bastard of make Taparia, Dowells, etc. 46 Centre Punch 125 mm make Taparia (code 1985) of make Taparia, Dowells, etc. 47 Ring spanners set, 6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x11, 12 x 13, 14 x15, 16 x17, 18 x 19, 20 x 22, 21 x23, 24 x27, 25 x 28, 30 x32. Make Taparia (Code 1812) of make Taparia, Dowells, etc. 48 Double ended spanner set, 6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11, 12 x 13, 14 x 15, 16 x 17, 18 x 19, 20 x 22, 21 x 23, 24 x 27, 25 x 28, 30 x 32. Make Taperia, (Code DEP 12) of make Taparia, Dowells, etc. 49 Digital AC -DC Clamp meter/Digital tong tester 3.5 digits, 9 volt battery operated, (0-20)A, 200A, 1000A, 750V AC, 1000V DC, 200 ohm, 2 Kohms, Frequency, continuity check, data hold make Sigma,etc. 50 Grease for ceiling fans of make castrol / servo 51 Water proof tape for submersible motors as required. 52 Measurement Tape, for measuring upto 30 metre, centrifugal operating handle for spiral folding. 53 Aluminium ferrules ( line connectors) of following sizes cables of make Taparis, Dowells, etc. 54 (i) 35 sq mm 55 (ii) 50 sq mm 56 (iii) 70 sq mm 57 (iv) 95 sq mm 58 (v) 120 sq mm 59 (iv) 150 sq mm 60 (v) 180 sq mm 61 4 Pole, MCCB. 25 Amps Rating, 10 KA breaking capacity, 415 V, Fixed Thermal and Fixed Magnetic setting of Havells cat. No. IHLGET0025 of make Standard, HPL, ABB, etc. 62 4 Pole, MCCB. 40 Amps Rating, 10 KA breaking capacity, 415 V, Fixed Thermal and Fixed Magnetic setting of Havells cat. No. IHLGET0040 of make Standard, HPL, ABB, etc. 63 4 Pole, MCCB. 63 Amps, Rating, 25 KA breaking capacity, Frame GH of Havells cat. No. IHLGHF0063 of make Standard, HPL, ABB, etc. 64 4 Pole, MCCB. 125 Amps Rating, 25 KA breaking capacity, Adjustable Thermal and fixed magnetic setting of Havells cat. No. IHLASF0125 of make Standard, HPL, ABB, etc. 65 Wire stripping pliers 6 length 160 mm Product no. EWS 06 make Taparia, dowells, etc. 66 PVC fastener 40 mm long GKW/ISI Marked. 67 PVC clip for fixing of PVC Pipe 20 mm best quality. 68 PVC clip for fixing of PVC Pipe 25 mm best quality. 69 PVC clip for fixing of wire 5 mm best quality. 70 PVC clip for fixing of wire 8 mm best quality. 71 25 mm X 3mm bolts & nuts ISI Marked/AKG/GKW Make. 72 32mm X 8mm bolts & nuts ISI Marked/AKG/GKW Make. 73 38mm X 10 mm bolts & nuts ISI Marked/AKG/GKW Make. 74 38 mm X 7 mm, bolts and nuts ISI Marked/AKG/GKW Make. 75 LED driver PCB for 70/90/100 watt led lights Make- Havells /Philips / CG/Osram/ ISI. 76 15 mm long X 6 mm dia G.I. bolts and nuts ISI Marked/AKG/GKW Make. 77 10 mm X 25 mm long G.I. bolt with nut etc.ISI Marked/AKG/GKW Make . 78 16 mm X 50 mm bolts and nuts with washers ISI Marked/AKG/GKW Make. 79 16 mm X 40 mm bolts and nuts with washers ISI Marked/AKG/GKW Make. 80 PVC surface mounting box of size 4 x 4 (Anchor/Presto/Plaza / Polycab). 81 PVC surface mounting box of size 7 x 4 (Anchor/Presto/Plaza / Polycab). 82 PVC surface mounting box of size 8 x 10 (Anchor/Presto/ Plaza / Polycab). 83 PVC surface mounting box of size 8 x 6 (Anchor/Havells with ISI mark). 84 90 W LED die-cast aluminium flood light with high power LEDs as light source JETA QUANTO PLUS Make Havells/ CG /Philips. 85 70 W street light made up of pressure die cast aluminium housing with high power LED with IP 65 protection Make Havells/CG/Philips. 86 15 W LED post-top energy saving spun aluminium landscape luminaire IP65 RUBY (Clear) - IP65 Make Havells/Philips/ CG. 87 36/40 Watt electronic ballast. (Phillips/Bajjaj/Crompton/Havalls with ISI mark). 88 Gyeaser element upto 2000 watt (Bajjaj/Crompton/ ISI mark). 89 Two core PVC insulated and PVC shethed alluminium cable 4 Sqmm (Polycab/finolex/Havells). 90 Two core PVC insulated and PVC shethed alluminium cable 6 Sqmm (Polycab/finolex/Havells). 91 Two core PVC insulated and PVC shethed alluminium cable10 Sqmm (Polycab/finolex/ Havells). 92 Thermostate suitable for 25ltr geyser (Bajjaj/Crompton/ ISI mark). 93 18 W LED luminaire BS 865 LED surface / wall mounted LED batten Make Havells/CG/Philips. 94 9W LED LUMILINE BS 865 LED surface and wall mounted LED batten Make Havells/CG/Philips. 95 Decorative wall light fixture made up of Polycarbonate, suitable for 12W CFL/LED (B-22 base) Make-Phillips/Bajjaj/Crompton/Havalls. 96 06W LED 6000K surface mounted round/square shaped fixture in white finish with separate electronic driver for low ceiling height. 97 12W LED 6000K surface mounted round/square shaped fixture in white finish with separate electronic driver for low ceiling height. 98 36W LED 6000K surface mounted round/square shaped fixture in white finish with separate electronic driver for low ceiling height. 99 18W LED 6000K surface mounted round/square shaped fixture in white finish with separate electronic driver for low ceiling height. 100 Exhaust fan 300 mm sweep in built with decorative metal body complete set model ventil Air-DSP Make (Usha/orient/crompton /Havells). 101 Fresh air fan 200 mm sweep in built with decorative non metallic body complete set model ventil AirMake (Usha/orient/ crompton / Havells). 102 Start push button for MR-G controller for 1.5 HP motor 103 Safety belt (Full size) suitable to climb in the electric poles 104 Safety belt (Half size) suitable to climb in the electric poles 105 Safety helmet suitable for construction/electric works 106 Goggles suitable for using drilling machine 107 Gum boot suitable for working with 11 KV electric line (pair) 108 WD-40 400TC0313B, multi use product spray with straw, 400ml for friction free moving parts 109 Loop/Junction box of size 10*6*4 of FRP material for street light looping, suitable to fitting with the street light pole, two cable outlet, installation of connector and SP MCB, IP65 protection, clamp & screw door locking arrangement etc as required. 110 Plywood of size 8*4*1/2 of reputed make 111 G.I. earthing wire of rating 6 SWG 112 Hammer Drill bit set (a) Flat Tip- each size (Diameter*working Length, Total Length) in mm (5*50*110, 5*100*160, 6*100*160, 8*50*110, 10*150*210). (b) Cross Tip- each size (Diameter*working Length, Total Length) in mm (6*50*110, 6*100*160, 8*50*110, 8*100*160, 10*150*210) 113 Cutting machine, 1 phase, suitable for cutting metal, wood, concrete of day to day domestic electrical works of make Ken, Bosch. Including metal cutting blade, wood cutting blade & concrete cutting blade of 05 Nos each. 114 SELF PRIMING MONOBLOC PUMPS - Pipe Size-25 X 25(mm), Kw-0..75,HP-1.0,Head Range(m) -6-34,Discharge Range- 2700-490 Kirloskar/crompton/Havells.Compatable to make & model. 115 SELF PRIMING MONOBLOC PUMPS - Pipe Size-25 X 25(mm), Kw-0.37,HP-0.50,Head Range(m) -6-34,Discharge Range- 2700-490 Kirloskar/crompton/Havells.Compatable to make & model. 116 DOL starter suitable for 5 HP Pump/Motor 3 Phase, 415 V, 50 Hz, relay range 6-10 A, Coil voltage 400/440 V of make L&T, ABB, etc. Make-L&T/ Havells /Crompton. 117 Adjustable spanner chrom plated length 255mm Make-Taparia/ITI /Jhalani. 118 Screw driver Sets (5 nos blades) code no 812 Make-Taparia/ITI /Jhalani. 119 Universal Sets code no1005 Make-Taparia/ITI/Jhalani. 120 Two in one Screw driver Sets bladeslength 200 mm Make-Taparia /ITI / Jhalani. 121 Self supporting aluminium ladder 4 ft length anti-skid design gives a better grip and protection Summer & co/Best quality. 122 Sels supporting aluminium ladder 6 ft length anti-skid design gives a better grip and protection Summer & co/Best quality. 123 Iron made daa with wooden handel Big Size Best quality. 124 Spade steel iron made with wooden handel Best quality. 125 Bearing Pullar 3 legs(chrom plated HSN-8205) 6-150 mm Make-Taparia/ Jhalani. 126 Hammer with handle 200 gm (ball peen & cross peen) Make-Taparia/ITI /Jhalani. 127 Socket Set 9.5 mm (3/8)square driver 14 no socket & 6 Accessories Make-Taparia/ITI/Jhalani. 128 Double ended spanner set product code DW 09 Make-Taparia/ITI/Jhalani. 129 Ring spanner set product code DW 09 Make-Taparia/ITI/Jhalani. 130 Cotton/jute rope twested 40 ft length Best quality. 131 Hydraulic Crimping tools range16 sqmm to 300 mm size die BHCT MakeTaparia/ISI/ITI/Jhalani. 132 Rechargeable LED torch 900 mAh,4 v, 3 watt Make-Havells/Anchor/jeep. 133 Socket Set 9.5 mm (3/8)square driver 14 no socket & 6 Accessories Make-Taparia/ITI/Jhalani. 134 Heck saw Blade, 1 inch wide, double edge 135 Multi Meter Cum Tong tester model 2025-Hz (TRMS) - 1000A AC (TRMS), 3¾ Digit 3999 Counts Make-MECO,Fluke,ISI 136 40 / 76 Copper conductor flexible wire Havells / Plaza / Anchor / Polycab / Kalinga. 137 PVC 20 mm elbow for casing / capping Kit (ISI marked). 138 PVC 20 mm tee for casing / capping Kit (ISI marked). 139 PVC 20 mm state through joint for casing / capping Kit (ISI marked). 140 PVC 25 mm elbow for casing / capping Kit (ISI marked). 141 PVC 25 mm tee for casing / capping Kit (ISI marked). 142 PVC 25 mm state through joint for casing / capping Kit (ISI marked). 143 PVC casing / capping 20/25mm Kit assort elbow,tee,joine box (ISI marked). 144 6 Amps plug Top Make Havells/Anchor/ Cona. 145 16 Amps plug Top Make Havells/Anchor/ Cona. 146 LED 10 W E27 Lamp Make Havells/Philips/Bajaj. 147 LED 10 W E22 Lamp Make Havells/Philips/Bajaj. 148 LED 3 W E22 CDL Candle Lamp Make Havells/ Philips/Bajaj. 149 PVC casing / capping 20 mm Presto / Plaza / Polycab make.(ISI make) 150 PVC casing / capping 25 mm Presto / Plaza / Polycab make.(ISI make) 151 Screw full thread Black following sizes (i)15 mm(1 Pkt =100 Nos) GKW / ISI 152 (ii) 19 mm (1 Pkt = 100 Nos) 153 iii) 25 mm (1 Pkt = 50 Nos) 154 (iv) 40 mm (1 Pkt = 50 Nos) 155 (v) 50mm (1 Pkt = 50 Nos) 156 PVC tape role, 10 mtr long, 3/4 inch wide,Anchor/Steel gripe 157 Iron Nails,1 length size Best quality. 158 Iron Nails,1.5 length size Best quality. 159 Iron Nails,2 length size Best quality. 160 Black LT line PVC flat base spacers for 4 line thickness 11 mm-13mm. Spacing between coductor best quality. 161 Combination Plier with joint cutter -165 mm length 1611-8 Make-Taparia/ITI/ Jhalani. 162 Neon Tester Yellow-200 mm Make-Taparia/ITI/Jhalani. 163 Bitumine insulated kachha tape (ISI make) 164 2.5 MFD Fan condenser Universal / Asian / Elektron make

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 25-09-2021 30-09-2021

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Tender Value
INR 9.99 Lakhs /-
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