
Rate Contract For Medicine And Consumables 1 Injection 2 Inja-Barteether150mg. 3 Injadrenaline. 4 Injamikacin100mg. 5 Injamikacin 250Mg. 6 Injamikacin500mg. 7 Injamoxycillin500mg. 8 Injamoxycillin+Clavulanicacid ( 1.2Gm ) 9 Injamoxycil, SIMDEGA-Jharkhand

Health Department has published Rate Contract For Medicine And Consumables 1 Injection 2 Inja-Barteether150mg. 3 Injadrenaline. 4 Injamikacin100mg. 5 Injamikacin 250Mg. 6 Injamikacin500mg. 7 Injamoxycillin500mg. 8 Injamoxycillin+Clavulanicacid ( 1.2Gm ) 9 Injamoxycil. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-09-2021. Medicine Tenders in SIMDEGA Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Rate Contract For Medicine And Consumables 1 Injection 2 Inja-Barteether150mg. 3 Injadrenaline. 4 Injamikacin100mg. 5 Injamikacin 250Mg. 6 Injamikacin500mg. 7 Injamoxycillin500mg. 8 Injamoxycillin+Clavulanicacid ( 1.2Gm ) 9 Injamoxycil
Open Tender

Tender Details

Rate Contract For Medicine And Consumables 1 Injection 2 Inja-Barteether150mg. 3 Injadrenaline. 4 Injamikacin100mg. 5 Injamikacin 250Mg. 6 Injamikacin500mg. 7 Injamoxycillin500mg. 8 Injamoxycillin+Clavulanicacid ( 1.2Gm ) 9 Injamoxycillin+Cloxacillin ( 250Mg.Each ) 10 Injampcillin+Cloxacillinneonet. 11 Injamphotericinb10mg 12 Injamphotericinb25mg10ml 13 Injamphotericinb50mg10ml. 14 Injamphotericinbcrystal 15 Injamphotericinblipidcomplex10mg 16 Injamphotericinblipidcomplex25mg 17 Injampicillin ( 500Mg ) 18 Injampicillin+Cloxacillin ( 125Mg.Each ) 19 Injampicillin+Cloxacillin ( 250Mg.Each ) 20 Injampicillin+Cloxacillin ( 500Mg.Each ) 21 Injantirabbiesvaccine 22 Injantisnakevenomserumlypholised 23 Injartemether40mg. 24 Injartemether80mg. 25 Injartisunate60mg. 26 Injatropinsulphate. 27 Injazithromycin500mg 28 Injbetamethasone 29 Injcalciumgluconate. 30 Injcamylofindihcl. 31 Injcefepime1gm 32 Injcefepime+Sulbactum 33 Injcefepime+Tazobactum1.125Gm 34 Injcefoperazone+Sulbactum1.5Gm 35 Injcefoperazone1gm. 36 Injcefoperazone+Tazobactum1.125Gm. 37 Injcefopodoxime+Clavulanicacid 38 Injcefotaxime125mg. 39 Injcefotaxime1gm. 40 Injcefotaxime250mg. 41 Injcefotaxime500mg. 42 Injcefotaxime+Sulbactum ( 1Gm+500Mg ) 43 Injcefpirom 44 Injceftazidime1gm. 45 Injceftriaxone ( 1Gm. ) 46 Injceftriaxone125mg. 47 Injceftriaxone250mg 48 Injceftriaxone500mg. 49 Injceftrioxone+Sulbactum ( 1Gm+500Mg ) 50 Injceftrioxone+Tazobactum ( 1Gm+500Mg ) 51 Injcefuroxime250mg 52 Injcephazolin500mg 53 Injchloroquine40mg / Ml 54 Injciticholine 55 Injclarithromycin1gm 56 Injclindamycin100mg 57 Injclindamycin300mg 58 Injclindamycin600mg 59 Injclonidine 60 Injcloxacillin250mg 61 Injcloxacillin500mg 62 Injdexamethasone4mg / 2Ml 63 Injdexamethasone8mg / 2Ml 64 Injdiazepam. 65 Injdiclofenacsodium75mg / 3Ml 66 Injdiclofenacsuppository50mg 67 Injdiclofenaceaqous 68 Injdicyclomine10mg / Ml 69 Injdoxycycline100mg 70 Injerythropoeitin4000alpha 71 Injerythropoeitin4000beta 72 Injerythropoeitin4000thermostat 73 Injesomeprazole40mg 74 Injesomeprozle40mg 75 Injetophyllin+Theophyllin. 76 Injfrusemide 77 Injgentamycin40mg. 78 Injgentamycin80mg. 79 Injheparin25000iu 80 Injheparin5000iu 81 Injhydrocortisone100mg 82 Injinsulin50 / 50Regularnphpremixedvile40u10mlvile 83 Injinsulin50 / 50Regular / Nphcartridge4pen100u3ml 84 Injinsulinhumanactrapid. 85 Injinsulinhumanmixterd 86 Injintraconozole200mg / 20Ml 87 Injirondextran50mg 88 Injironsucrose 89 Injlignocaine2%30Ml 90 Injlignocaine2%Withadrenaline 91 Injlowmolecularweightheparin0.4Mg / 40Ml 92 Injlowmolecularweightheparin0.6Mg / 60Ml 93 Injmagnesium.Sulphate. 94 Injmecoblamine1500gm 95 Injmeropenam1gm 96 Injmeropenam250mg 97 Injmeropenam500mg 98 Injmeropenam+Clvulanicacid 99 Injmethylprednisolane1gm 100 Injmethylprednisolane500mg 101 Injmethylcobal. 102 Injmetoclopramide. 103 Injmidazolam10mg / 10Ml. 104 Injmultivitamin 105 Injondansetron. 106 Injoxytocin 107 Injpantoprazole40mg. 108 Injparacetamol75mg / 2Ml 109 Injparacetamolsuppository-80Mg 110 Injpentazocine. 111 Injpheniraminemaleate. 112 Injpiperacillin+Tazobactam1.125Gm 113 Injpiperacillin+Tazobactam4.5Gm. 114 Injrabeprazole. 115 Injrabeprazole. 116 Injranitidine. 117 Injregularinsulin40iu / Ml 118 Injremdisivir100mg 119 Injroxithromycin 120 Injsalbutamol. 121 Injsalbutamol+Ipratropiumsolution250mcg / 1Ml 122 Injstemetil 123 Injstreptomycine0.75Mg. 124 Injsuccinylcholine. 125 Injsulbactum500mg+Cefoperozone500mg 126 Injtetnusantitoxin 127 Injtetnustoxoidevaccine. 128 Injthiamine100mg / Ml 129 Injthiamine200mg / Ml 130 Injtramadolhcl50mg / Ml 131 Injtranexamicacid 132 Injtriamcinlone 133 Injvancomycin500mg. 134 Injvitamin-A50000iu / Ml 135 Injvitamin-C1.5Gm 136 Injvitamin-K1mg / 0.5Ml 137 Injvonconazole 138 Tablets & Capsules 139 Aceclofenac+Paracetamol 140 Aceclofenac+Serratiopeptidase 141 Acetylcysteine 142 Acetylsalicylicacid 143 Acyclovir800mg. 144 Albendazole400mg. 145 Alprazolam0.25Mg 146 Alprazolam0.5Mg 147 Amitryptyline10mg / 25Mg 148 Amlodipine10mg 149 Amlodipine5mg 150 Amoxycillin500mg+Clavulanate125mg 151 Amoxycillin250+Clavulanate125mg 152 Amoxycillin250mg. 153 Amoxycillin500mg. 154 Ampicillin+Cloxacillin ( 250Mgeach ) 155 Ampicillin+Cloxacillinkid 156 Ampicillin+Dicloxacillin ( 250Mgeach ) 157 Ampicillin500mg. 158 Amytriptilline. 159 Antacid. 160 Artemether+Lumefaotive 161 Artemether40mg. 162 Artemether80mg. 163 Artisunate+Sulphadoxim+Pyrimethanuine 164 Artisunate50mg. 165 Ascorbicacid ( Vitaminc ) 166 Atenolol50mg. 167 Atorvastatin20mg 168 Atorvastatin40mg 169 Azithromycin250mg 170 Azithromycin500mg 171 Baclofen20mg 172 B-Complex. 173 Benadone20mg 174 Betamethasone8mg 175 Bisacodyl10mg 176 Calcium+Vitd3 177 Carbamazepine200mg 178 Carbamazepine300mg. 179 Carbamazepine400mg. 180 Carbimazole10mg 181 Carvedelol12.5Mg 182 Carvedelol3.125Mg 183 Carvedelol6.25Mg 184 Cefadroxyl500mg 185 Cefadroxylkid. 186 Cefixime+Ofloxacin 187 Cefixime200mg 188 Cefopodoxime+Clavulanicacid200+125Mg 189 Cefopodoxime500mg. 190 Cefuroxime250mg 191 Cefuroxime500mg 192 Cepecitabine500gm 193 Cephalexin500mg. 194 Cetrizinehcl10mg. 195 Chloramphenicol. 196 Chlordiazepoxide5mg+Clinidiumbromide2.5Mg. 197 Chloroquinephosphate15mg. 198 Chlorpheniraminemaleate25mg 199 Chymoralplus. 200 Cinnarizine30mg 201 Cinnarzine25mg / 50Mg 202 Ciprofloxacin250mg. 203 Ciprofloxacin500mg. 204 Ciprofloxacin500mg+Tinidazol600mg. 205 Citicoline+Piracetam500+800Mg 206 Citicoline500mg 207 Clarithromycin250mg. 208 Clarithromycin500mg. 209 Clindamycin300mg 210 Clindamycin600mg 211 Clinidipine10mg 212 Clonazepam0.25Mg. 213 Clopidogrel150mg. 214 Clopidogrel75mg. 215 Clotrimazolevaginal 216 Coralcalciumwithvitdandk 217 Cotrimaxazole 218 Co-Trimoxazole 219 Deflazacort6mg 220 Dexamethasone4mg 221 Diclofenac50mg+Patacetamol325mg 222 Diclofenacsodium+Paracetamol50+325Mg 223 Diclofenacsodium100mg. 224 Dicyclomine100mg. 225 Dicyclominehydrochloride 226 Di-Ethylcarbazine100mg. 227 Diloxamidefureate. 228 Disprin325mg 229 Domperidone10mg 230 Doxycycline100mg. 231 Drotaverin 232 Dulcolax 233 Ecosprin150mg 234 Enalprilmaleate5mg 235 Erythromycin500mg. 236 Erythromycinkid, 237 Ethambutol800mg 238 Ethamsylate250mg. 239 Etophyllin+Theophyllin23+77Mg 240 Famotidine40mg. 241 Favipiravir200mg 242 Favipiravir400mg 243 Flavoxate200mg 244 Fluconazole150mg. 245 Fluoxetive40mg 246 Frusemide40mg 247 Gatifloxacin200mg. 248 Glibenclamide5mg. 249 Gliclazide30mg 250 Glimipride1mg 251 Glimipride1mg+Metformin500mg 252 Glimipride2mg+Metformin500mg 253 Griseofluvin250mg. 254 Hydrochloroquine200mg 255 Ibuprofen+Paracetamol. 256 Ibuprofen400mg. 257 Iron+Folicacid 258 Itraconazole100mg 259 Itraconazole200mg 260 Ivermectin12mg 261 Ketocanazole200mg 262 Ketoconazole200mg. 263 Levetiracetan500mg 264 Levocetrizinelomg. 265 Levofloxacin500mg 266 Levofloxacin750mg 267 Linozobid600mg 268 Loperamide 2Mg 269 Losertan 270 Mefenamicacid 271 Metformin500mg. 272 Methylcobalamine 273 Methyldopa. 274 Methylprednisolone8mg 275 Metoprolol25mg 276 Metoprololsuccinateextendedrelese12.5Mg 277 Metronidazole400mg. 278 Misoprostol200mcg 279 Multivitamin 280 Nitrofurantocin100mg 281 Norfloxacin+Tinidazole. 282 Norfloxacin400mg. 283 Ofloxacin100mg. 284 Ofloxacin200mg. 285 Ofloxacin200mg+Ornidazole500mg 286 Olanzapine5mg 287 Omeprazole20mg. 288 Omeprazole20mg+Domperidone10mg 289 Ondensateron10mg 290 Ornidazole500mg. 291 Pantoprazole40mg. 292 Pantoprazole40mg+Domperidone 293 Paracetamol500mg. 294 Paracetamol650mg. 295 Paroxetine12.5Mgxr 296 Pheniraminemaleate.50Mg 297 Phenytoinsodium100mg 298 Pioglitazone15mg 299 Piperazine500mg. 300 Piracetam800mg 301 Prednisolone10mg. 302 Prednisolone10mg. 303 Pregabolin+Methylcobalamine 304 Primaquine15mg. 305 Primaquine2.5Mg 306 Prochlorperazine 307 Promethazine25mg. 308 Propanolol40mg. 309 Pyrazinamide750mg. 310 Pyridostigmine60mg. 311 Quininehcl300mg. 312 Quitiapine25mg 313 Rabeprazole20mg 314 Rabiprazoletablet 10Mg 315 Racecadrotil 316 Ramipril2.5Mg. 317 Ranitidine. 318 Rifampicin450mg. 319 Rifampicin450mg+Isoniazide300mg 320 Rifampicinkid. 321 Risperidone2mg 322 Rosuvastatin 323 Roxythromycin150mg 324 Salbutamol2mg 325 Salbutamol2mg. 326 Serratiopeptidase10mg. 327 Serratiopeptidase10mg+Diclofenacsodium50mg. 328 Sodvalporate250mg. 329 Sodvalporate500mg 330 Sparfloxacin 331 Spironolactone 332 Sulfadoxime500mg+Pyrimethenine250mg 333 Sulfasalazine500mg 334 Tamsulosin0.4Mg 335 Telmisartan40mg 336 Terbinafin250mg. 337 Terbutaline. 338 Thalidomide100mg 339 Theophyllin. 340 Thyroxinesodium25mcg 341 Thyroxinesodium50mcg 342 Tiamine 343 Tinidazole500mg. 344 Torsemide 345 Tramadol+Paracetamol 346 Tramadolhcl50mg 347 Trenexamicacid500mg 348 Trihexiphenidyl2mg. 349 Trypsinandchymotrypsin 350 Valacyclovir500mg 351 Vitamin-A 352 Vitamin-C 353 Vitamin-D 354 Vitamin-E400mg 355 Vitamin-K 356 Zinc10mg 357 Zinc20mg 358 Zinc50mg 359 Drops , Syrups , Ointments & Misllaneous 360 Bisocodyl Suppository 361 Camphor Menthol Vapocap 362 Chlorhexidine Gluconate & Cetrimide Solution 363 Chlorhexidine Mouth Wash 364 Chloroxylenol, Terpineol & Absolute Alcohol Liquid 365 Clindamycin Gel 366 Clotrimazole Mouth Paint 1% 367 Drop Dicyclomine 368 Drop Domperidone 369 Drop. Ciprofloxacin Eye Drop. 370 Drop. Ciprofloxacin+Dexamethasone Eye / Ear Drop. 371 Drop. Clotrimazole Ear Drop 372 Drop. Dexamethasone Eye Drop 373 Drop. Gentamicin Eye / Ear Drop. 374 Drop. Iron Oral Drop 25Mg / Ml 375 Drop. Moxifloxacin Eye Drop 376 Drop. Multivitamin Oral Drop 15Ml 377 Drop. Nasal Drop. 378 Drop. Neomycin + Clotrimazole + Dexamethasone Eye Drop. 379 Drop. Neomycin + Hydrocortisone Eye Drop. 380 Drop. Ofloxacin + Dexamethasone Eye Drop. 381 Drop. Paracitamol Oral Drop 382 Drop. Polymyxin-B Eye Drop 383 Drop. Saline Nasal Drop 384 Drop. Tobramycin Eye Drop. 385 Drop. Vitamin D3 ( 1Ml=800Iu ) 386 Drop. Waxonil Ear Drop. 387 Drop. Xylometazoline Nasal Drop 388 Gamma Benzene Hexchloride Lotion. 389 Hydrogen Peroxide. 390 Oint. Atropin Sulphate 1% 391 Oint. Atropin Sulphate 1% S Eye Ointment 392 Oint. Beclomethasone 393 Oint. Chloramphenicol 394 Oint. Clobetasol 395 Oint. Clotrimazole 396 Oint. Diclofenac Gel 397 Oint. Fucidic Acid 398 Oint. Ketoconazole Ointment. 399 Oint. Metronidazole + Povidine Iodine 400 Oint. Mometasone 401 Oint. Mupirocin 402 Oint. Neomycin+Polymyxin B Eye Oint. 403 Oint. Neosporm Skin / Eye Ointment. 404 Oint. Ofloxacin+Dexamethasone 405 Oint. Povidine Iodine 15Gm. Tube 406 Oint. Soframycin Skin Ointment. 407 Plaster Of Paris 50Kg Tin / Bag. 408 Povidone Iodineointment 250Gm 409 Povidone Iodine Solution 5% W / V 410 Povidone Iodine Solution 7.5 % 411 Powder Clotrimazole 412 Powder Neosporin 413 Silver Sulphadiazine Cream 1% W / W 500Gm 414 Syp. Albendazole. 415 Syp. Alkaline. 416 Syp. Amoxycillin 228.5Mg / 5Ml 417 Syp. Amoxycillin+Clavulanic Acid 228.5Mg+457Mg / 5Ml 418 Syp. Ampicillin+Cloxacillin. 419 Syp. Antacid. 420 Syp. B Complex. 421 Syp. Caffine Citrate 60Mg / 3Ml 422 Syp. Calcium 423 Syp. Calcium + Phosp+ Vit D3 424 Syp. Cefadroxyl. 425 Syp. Cefalexin 426 Syp. Cefixime 427 Syp. Cefodoxim 428 Syp. Cefuroxime 429 Syp. Cetrizine 430 Syp. Chloroquine. 431 Syp. Cotrimoxazole. 432 Syp. Cough Expectorant 100Ml 433 Syp. Cough Syrup 100Ml 434 Syp. Cremalax 435 Syp. Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide 15Mg+Cpm 2Mg / 5Ml 436 Syp. Dry Cough 100Ml 437 Syp. Erythromycine 438 Syp. Ferrous Fumarate / Sulphate 439 Syp. Ibuprofen. 440 Syp. Lactulose. 441 Syp. Levo Salbutamol+ Ambroxol 442 Syp. Liver Tonic. 443 Syp. Mefemenic Acid 444 Syp. Multivitamin. With Zinc 445 Syp. Ofloxacin. 446 Syp. Ofloxacin+Metronidazole 447 Syp. Oxetacaine Bp 10Mg+Aluminium Hydroxide 0.291Gm+Magnisium Hydroxide 98Mg / 5Ml 448 Syp. Paracetamol. 125Mg 449 Syp. Polymyxin B 450 Syp. Portklor 451 Syp. Promethezine Hcl 452 Syp. Quinine. : 453 Syp. Sodium Valporate. 454 Syp. Sucralfate 455 Syp. Vitamin-A 456 Syp. Vitamin-D 457 Syp. Vitamin-E 458 Drop Paracetamol 459 Drop Cough 460 Drop Vitamin C 461 Drop Amoxycillin 462 Syp. Ofloxacin+Ornidazole 463 Syp. Prednisolne 464 Syp. Ranitidin 465 Syp. Montelukast+Levocetrizine 466 Syp. Montelukast+Cetrizine 467 Syp. Vitamin C 468 Ors 469 Solution Salbutamol Nebulizing 470 Solution Ipratropium Bromide Nebulizing 471 Solution Budecort Nebulizing 472 Particulars 473 Isolyte - M ( 500Ml ) Ffs Pack 474 Isolyte - P ( 500Ml ) Ffs Pack 475 Iv Ciprofloxacine ( 100Ml ) Bffs Pack 476 Iv Mannitol ( 100Ml ) Bffs Pack 477 Iv Mannitol ( 300Ml ) Ffs Pack 478 Iv Metronidazole 100Ml Bffs Pack 479 Saline D.N.S. ( 500Ml ) Ffs Pack 480 Saline Dextrose 10% ( 500Ml ) Ffs Pack 481 Saline Dextrose 5% ( 500Ml ) Ffs Pack 482 Saline N.S. ( 500Ml ) Ffs Pack 483 Saline Rl ( 500Ml ) Ffs Pack 484 Saline 1 / 2 Dns 485 Crystalloid Solution ( 0.9% Ns ) In Severe Cases 486 Disposables / Consmables 487 Disposable Syring 5Ml 488 Disposable Syring 10Ml 489 Disposable Syring 3Ml 490 Disposable Syring 2Ml 491 Disposable Syring 1Ml 492 Disposable Syring 0.5Ml Ad 493 Gloves 7.5 Surgical Pair 494 Gloves 7 Surgical Pair 495 Gloves 6.5 Surgical Pair 496 Gloves 6 Surgical Pair 497 Examination Gloves All Sizes 498 Nitrile Gloves All Sizes 499 Vinyl Gloves All Sizes 500 Heavy Duty Gloves All Size Rubber 501 Cotton Roll 400Gm Nett 502 Absorbent Cotton I.P 400Gm / Roll ( Net Weight ) 503 Absorbent Gauze Than 18 M X 90 Cm Sch F-Ii Delux Quality 504 Absorbent Bandage Than 18 M X 90 Cm Sch F-Ii Delux Quality 505 Roller Bandage Sch F-Ii 2X5mtr 506 Roller Bandage Sch F-Ii 3X5mtr 507 Roller Bandage Sch F-Ii 4X5mtr 508 Roller Bandage Sch F-Ii 6X5mtr 509 Saline Set 510 B.T. Set 511 Paedia Drip Set 512 Scalp Vein Set ( 18 Nos. ) 513 Scalp Vein Set ( 22 Nos. ) 514 Scalp Vein Set ( 24 Nos. ) ( All Size ) 515 Oxygen Mask Adult 516 Leucoplast With Zinc Oxide 4 X 5 Mt 517 Leucoplast With Zinc Oxide 4 X 9 Mt 518 Leucoplast With Zinc Oxide 7.5 Cm X 5 Mt 519 Leucoplast With Zinc Oxide 7.5 Cm X 9 Mt 520 Lecopore With Zinc Oxide 7.5 Cm X 5 Mt 521 Lecopore With Zinc Oxide 7.5 Cm X 9 Mt 522 Intracath 18G 523 Intracath 20G 524 Intracath 22G 525 Intracath 24G 526 Intracath 26G 527 Butter Fly Scalp Vein Set ( 24 No. ) 528 Butter Fly Scalp Vein Set ( 23No. ) ( All Size ) 529 Adhesive Micropore 2 530 Adhesive Micropore 1 / 2 531 Adhesive Micropore 1 532 Uro Bag 533 Uro Bag With Hanger For Adult / Child 534 Urine Pot 535 Nasal Prongs ( Neonats ) 536 Ryles Tube 5Fr 537 Ryles Tube 6Fr 538 Ryles Tube 7Fr 539 Ryles Tube 8Fr 540 Suction Tube6fr 541 Suction Tube 8 Fr 542 Micropore 1 Inch 543 Oxygen Mask Child 544 Oxygen Mask Adult 545 Nebulizer Set 546 Disposable Niddle 18Fr 547 Disposable Niddle 22 Fr 548 Endotracheal Tube 2.5 No 549 Endotracheal Tube 3 No 550 Endotracheal Tube 3.5 No 551 Malecot Catheter Different Sizes 552 Epidural Catheter 553 Suction Catheter 554 Endotracheal Tube 6 No 555 Endotracheal Tube 6.5 No 556 Endotracheal Tube 7 No 557 Endotracheal Tube 7.5 No 558 Trece Ostomy Tube Set 559 Folye’S Catheter 16 Two Way 560 Folly’S Catheter 20 Two Way 561 Folly’S Catheter 18 Two Way 562 Folly’S Catheter 10 Two Way 563 Chromic Catgut Plain 2 564 Chromic Catgut Plain 2-0 565 Chromic Catgut With Needle 1 566 Chromic Catgut With Needle 1-0 567 Intestinal Catgut 1 568 Intestinal Catgut 1-0 569 Intestinal Catgut 2 570 Intestinal Catgut 2-0 571 Mersilk ( 1 - 0 ) 572 Mersilk ( 1 No ) 573 Mersilk ( 1 No ) 574 Mersilk ( 2 - 0 ) 575 Mersilk ( 8 - 0 ) 576 Mersyl 2-0 Withcurvedneedle 577 Mersyl 2-0 Withstraight Needle 578 Plain Catgut ( 1-0 ) 579 Plain Catgut ( 2-0 ) 580 Plain Catgut 1No 581 Plain Catgut 1No 582 Plain Vial 583 Prolene ( 2-0 ) 584 Prolene ( 1No ) 585 Prolene Mesh 7.5 X10cm 586 Prolene Mesh 7.5 X15cm 587 Prolene ( 1-0 ) 588 Vicryl ( 1-0 ) 589 Vicryl1no 140 Cm 590 Vicryl1no 45 Cm 591 Vicryl1no 70 Cm 592 Vicryl1no 90 Cm 593 Vicryl ( 2-0 ) 594 X- Ray Plates ( 12X15 ) 595 X- Ray Plates ( 10X12 ) 596 X- Ray Plates ( 08X10 ) 597 X- Ray Plates ( 12X12 ) 598 X- Ray Cassttee ( 12X15 ) 599 X- Ray Cassttee ( 10X12 ) 600 X- Ray Cassttee ( 08X10 ) 601 X- Ray Cassttee ( 12X12 ) 602 Developer For Xray 13.5 Litre 603 Fixerfor Xray 13.5 Litre 604 Rapid Test Card For Pregnancy Kit 605 Rapid Test Card For Malaria A / G 606 Rapid Test Card For Chiakngunia 607 Rapid Test Card For Dengue 608 Rapid Test Card For Hbsag 609 Rapid Test Card For Hiv 610 Rapid Test Card For Hcv 611 Rapid Test Card For Covid 19 Ag 612 Rapid Test Card For Syphillis 613 Rapid Test Card Combo ( Hiv & Syphlis ) 614 Urine Test Strip 2P 615 Urine Test Strip 3P 616 Urine Test Strip 4P 617 Urine Test Strip 5P 618 Urine Test Strip 10P 619 Idbracelet For Chiidren, Written Type 620 Idbracelet For Adult, Written Type 621 Idbracelet For Chiidren, Card Insert Type 622 Idbracelet For Aduit, Card Insert Type 623 Idbracelet For Adult & Chiid, Card Insert Type 624 Idbracelet For Adult & Chiid, Card Bar Code Type 625 Ppe Kit 626 Surgeon Cap 627 3 Ply Face Mask 628 N 95 Mask 629 Shoe Cover Disposable 630 Bouffant Cap 631 Disposable Apron 632 New Born Diaper 633 Needle Straight 634 Needle Curved 635 Mucus Sucker 636 Roller Crepe Bandage 2 637 Roller Crepe Bandage 3 638 Roller Crepe Bandage 4 639 Roller Crepe Bandage 6 640 Cotton Thread 641 Cord Clamp 642 Burn Patti 643 Bleaching Powder 25 Kg 644 B.P. Blade No. 20 ( All Size ) 645 B.P. Blade No. 15 646 B.P. Blade No. 12 647 Lab Items 648 Albumin 649 Albumin 650 Alkaline Phosphatase 651 Alkaline Phosphatase 652 A-Amylase 653 A-Amylase 654 A-Amylase 655 Sgot ( Uv Kinetic ) 656 Sgot ( Uv Kinetic ) 657 Sgot ( Uv Kinetic ) 658 Sgot ( Uv Kinetic ) 659 Sgpt ( Uv Kinetic ) 660 Sgpt ( Uv Kinetic ) 661 Sgpt ( Uv Kinetic ) 662 Sgpt ( Uv Kinetic ) 663 Bilirubin Total &Direct 664 Bilirubin Total &Direct 665 Bilirubin Total &Direct 666 Bilirubin Direct 667 Bilirubin Direct 668 Bilirubin Direct 669 Bilirubin Total 670 Bilirubin Total 671 Bilirubin Total 672 Calcium 673 Calcium 674 Calcium 675 Cholesterol + Hdl Ppt 676 Cholesterol 677 Cholesterol 678 Cholesterol 679 Ck-Nac ( Kinetic ) 680 Ck-Nac ( Kinetic ) 681 Chloride 682 Chloride 683 Ck-Mb ( Kinetic ) 684 Ck-Mb ( Kinetic ) 685 Cleaning Solution ( Semi Auto Analyser ) 686 Creatinine ( 3Affe’S 2P Kinetic ) 687 Creatinine ( 3Affe*S 2P Kinetic ) 688 Creatinine ( 3Affe’S 2P Kinetic ) 689 Ggt ( Kinetic ) 690 Ggt ( Kinetic ) 691 Glucose 692 Glucose 693 Ldh ( Kinetic ) 694 Ldh ( Kinetic ) 695 Micro Protein 696 Micro Protein 697 Phosphorus 698 Phosphorus 699 Triglycerides 700 Triglycerides 701 Triglycerides 702 Total Protein 703 Total Protein 704 Uric Acid 705 Uric Acid 706 Uric Acid 707 Urea Uv ( 2P Kinetic ) 708 Urea Uv ( 2P Kinetic ) 709 Acid Phosphatase ( Kinetic ) 710 Acid Phosphatase ( Kinetic ) 711 Cholesterol Direct ( Ep ) , Hdl 712 Cholesterol Direct ( Ep } , Hdl 713 Cholesterol Direct ( Ep } , Ldl 714 Cholesterol Direct ( Ep ) , Ldl 715 Lipase ( Kinetic ) 716 Lipase ( Kinetic ) 717 Sgpt ( Uv Kinetic 30 Days ) 718 Sgpt ( Uv Kinetic 30 Days ) 719 Sgpt ( Uv Kinetic 30 Days ) 720 Sgpt ( Uv Kinetic 30 Days ) 721 Sgot ( Uv Kinetic 30 Days ) 722 Sgot ( Uv Kinetic 30 Days ) 723 Sgot ( Uv Kinetic 30 Days ) 724 Sgot ( Uv Kinetic 30 Days } 725 Cholesterol ( Ep90 Days ) 726 Cholesterol ( Ep90 Days ) 727 Cholesterol ( Ep90 Days ) 728 Glucose ( Ep60 Days ) 729 Triglycerides ( Ep 30 Days ) 730 Triglycerides ( Ep 30 Days ) 731 Triglycerides ( Ep 30 Days ) 732 Uric Acid ( Ep30 Days ) 733 Uric Acid ( Ep30 Days ) 734 Uric Acid ( Ep30 Days ) 735 Urea Berthelot ( Ep21 Days ) 736 Urea Uv ( 2P Kinetic 30 Days ) 737 Urea Uv ( 2P Kinetic 30 Days ) 738 Urea Uv ( 2P Kinetic 30 Days ) 739 Plain, Vacutainer Tubes, 4Mired 740 Edtak2 ( K3 } , 2Mi Purple 741 Edtanaf, 2Mi, Grey 742 Sodiumheparin, 4Mi, Green 743 Sodium Citrate 3.2* / A, 2Mi Blue 744 Sodium Citrate 3.8* / A, 2Mi Black 745 Gel & Clot Activator, Sml Yellow 746 Blue Tips Gilson Type 1000Ui 747 White Tips Gilson Type 1000Ui 748 Yellow Tips, Gilson Type 200Ui 749 White Tipsgilson Type 200Ui 750 White Tipsgilson Type 10 Ul 751 White Tips 1000Ui With Filter 752 White Tips 200Ui With Filter 753 White Tips 10Ui With Filter 754 White Tips 1000Ui Rna / Dna Free 755 White Tips 200Ui Rna / Dna Free 756 White Tips 10U Rna / Dna Free 757 White Tips 1000Ui ( With Filter ) In Rack 758 White Tips 200Ui ( With Filter ) In Rack 759 Cover Glass Square 18X18mm ( ) 760 Cover Glass Square 22X22mm ( ) 761 Microslides 75Mmx25mmx1.25Mm ( ) 762 Microslides 75Mmx25mmx1.30Mm ( ) 763 Esr Pipette Westergreen ( Glass ) 764 Haemometer Pipette 20Pi ( Glass ) 765 Haemometer Tube Round ( Glass ) 766 Hb Square Tube ( Glass ) 767 Rbc Pipette Pvc Tubing ( Glass ) 768 Wbc Pipette Pvc Tubing ( Glass ) 769 Winthrobe Tube ( Glass ) 770 Coverglasses, 18X18mm, 100Pcs, #1 ( Imported ) 771 Coverglasses, 22X22mm 100Pcs, #1 ( Imported ) 772 Cover Glass 22 X 50 Mm 100Pcs, # 1 ( Imported ) 773 Microslides 75Mmx25mmx1.25Mm ( Imported ) 774 Microslides 75Mmx25mmx1.25Mm ( Imported ) Frosted One End 775 Test Tube Glass Disposable 12X75mm 776 Test Tube Glass Disposable 12X100mm 777 Haematocrit Capillariesheparinised 778 Haematocrit Capillariesnon Heparinised 779 Petridish 90Mm Eto Sterilized 780 Urine Container 30Mi Eto-Steriiized 781 Urine Container 50Mi Eto-Steriiized 782 Urine Container 60Mi Eto-Steriiized 783 Urine Container 120 Ml 784 Stool Container 30 Ml Pp 785 Stool Container 30 Ml Ps 786 Centrifuge Tube 15Mi ( Sterilised ) 787 Centrifuge Tube 50Mi ( Sterilised ) 788 Pasteur Pipettes3mi ( Sterilised ) 789 Test Tube ( Ria Tube ) 1Zx75mm Ps 790 Microcentrifuge Tube 0.5Mi Conical ( Dna / Rna Free } 791 Microcentrifuge Tube 1.5Mi Conical ( Dna / Rna Free } 792 Microcentrifuge Tube 2.0Mi Conical ( Dna / Rna Free } 793 Microcentrifuge Tube 0.5Mi Conical 794 Microcentrifuge Tube 1.5Mi Conical 795 Microcentrifuge Tube 2.0Mi Conical 796 Centrifuge Tube 15Mi Conical 797 Centrifuge Tube 50 Ml Conical 798 Cryovial Tube 1.8Mi 799 Sample Cups Hitachi 800 Pasteur Pipettes3mi 801 Aserological Pipette 1Mi 802 ‘Grserological Pipette 2Mi 803 6Serological Pipette 5Mi 804 6 Serological Pipette 10Mi 805 Serological @Ipette 25Mi 806 Micropipette Fixed 10Pl - 807 Micropipette Fixed 20Pl - 808 Micropipette Fixed 100Pl - 809 Micropipette Fixed 500Pl - 810 Micropipette Fixed 1000Pl - 811 Micropipette Variable 5-50Pl - 812 Micropipette Variable 10-100Pl - 813 Micropipette Variable 100-1000Pl - 814 Micropipette Holder Stand - 815 Micropipette Variable 5-50Pl - 816 Micropipette Variable 10-100Pl - 817 Micropipette Variable 100-1000Pl - 818 Tourniquetebuckle Premium 819 Tourinquetestandard 820 Test Tube Rack D13 Mm, 50 Holes 821 Test Tube Rack D18 Mm, 50 Holes 822 Test Tube Rack 50 Wells Multipurpose 823 Rack For Gilson Tips 200Pi 96 Hole 824 Rack For Gilson Tips 1000Pi 60 Hole 825 Counting Chambers 826 Esrpipette Disposable 827 Blood Cell Counter S Keys 828 Blood Cell Counter 8 Keys 829 Alcohol Swabs Saturated 830 Embeddingcassettes 831 Embeddingring 832 Pipette Pump 2Mi 833 Slide Box Glass 834 Thermal Paper 110Mmx25mtrs 835 Thermal Paper 57Mmx25mtrs 836 Thermal Paper 80Mmx25mtrs 837 Thermal Paper 50Mmx25mtrs 838 Blood Lancets, Steel Type 839 Blood Lancets Plastic Screw 840 Blood Lancets Plastic Flat 841 Cytobrush, Standard Type, Nylon Bristie, Ss Wire, Pp Stick 842 Swab Sticks Wooden 6 Inch 843 Swab Sticks Sterilised Wooden ( In Plastic Tubes ) 844 Swab Sticks Sterilisedplastic ( Inplastic Tubes ) 845 Wooden Ayre Scrapper / Spatula 846 Papsmear Test Kit - 4Pcs - Sterilised 847 Papsmear Test Kit - 2Pcs - Sterilised 848 Swab Stick Sterilised 849 Endometrialsuction Curette 850 A Umbilicalcord Clamp - Paper Pouch 851 Mucus Extractor - Plastic Pouch 852 Crystal Voilet Pow. 853 Crystal Voilet Pow. 854 Giemsa’S Pow. 855 GiemsaSpow. 856 Leishman’Sstainpow. 857 LeishmanSstainpow. 858 Methyleneblue 859 Methyleneblue

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