
Bids Are Invited For Boq Total Quantity : 1---1 Ci4 15W40 Or Equivalent Engine Oil Confirming To Api-Ci4 / Cummins 20078 Approved By M / S Bharat Earth Movers Limited, Bangalore / Mysore 6300 Liters 2 Ultra Kb 10 Or Equivalent Meets Beml Ed 10Cd -West Bengal

Ministry Of Coal has published Bids Are Invited For Boq Total Quantity : 1---1 Ci4 15W40 Or Equivalent Engine Oil Confirming To Api-Ci4 / Cummins 20078 Approved By M / S Bharat Earth Movers Limited, Bangalore / Mysore 6300 Liters 2 Ultra Kb 10 Or Equivalent Meets Beml Ed 10Cd . Submission Date for this Tender is 13-09-2021. Earth Moving Machinery Tenders in West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Boq Total Quantity : 1---1 Ci4 15W40 Or Equivalent Engine Oil Confirming To Api-Ci4 / Cummins 20078 Approved By M / S Bharat Earth Movers Limited, Bangalore / Mysore 6300 Liters 2 Ultra Kb 10 Or Equivalent Meets Beml Ed 10Cd
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Boq Total Quantity : 1---1 Ci4 15W40 Or Equivalent Engine Oil Confirming To Api-Ci4 / Cummins 20078 Approved By M / S Bharat Earth Movers Limited, Bangalore / Mysore 6300 Liters 2 Ultra Kb 10 Or Equivalent Meets Beml Ed 10Cd For Kb10 And Confirming To Is:13656 2002 Specification And Approved By M / S Bharat Earth Movers Limited, Bangalore / Mysore 6300 Liters 3 Ultra Kb 30 Or Equivalent Meets Beml 30Cd And Confirming To Is:13656 2002 Specification And Approved By M / S Bharat Earth Movers Limited, Bangalore / Mysore 12600 Liters 4 C4 Sae-30 Or Equivalent Transmission Oil Should Be Approved By M / S Bharat Earth Movers Limited, Bangalore / Mysore 6300 Liters 5 Hp 90 Or Equivalent Gear Oil Api Gl 5, Is:1118 1957 ( Reaffirmed 2001 ) Approved By M / S Bharat Earth Movers Limited, Bangalore / Mysore 4200 Liters 6 C4 Sae-10 Or Equivalent Hydraulic Oil Should Be Approved By M / S Bharat Earth Movers Limited, Bangalore / Mysore 6300 Liters 7 Hlp 46 Or Equivalent Hydraulic Oils Confirming To Is:11656 1986 ( Reaffirmed 1991 ) , Is:10522 1983 ( Reaffirmed 1993 ) And Approved Grades For Use In Idm Drills 8400 Liters 8 Hlp 68 Or Equivalent Hydraulic Oils Confirming To Is:11656 1986 ( Reaffirmed 1991 ) , Is:10522 1983 ( Reaffirmed 1993 ) And Approved Grades For Use In Idm Drills 4200 Liters 9 Th 46 Or Equivalent Anti Wear Hydraulic Oil Approved Iso Vg 46 / Grade Th-6 For Tata Hitachi Excavators 6300 Liters 10 Hydrex 100 Or Equivalent Anti Wear Hydraulic Oil Approved Iso Vg 100 Grade Hydrex 100 Approved By L&T For Use In Poclain Excavators.

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Document Fees
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INR 42000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 84 Lakhs /-
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