
Tender For Supply Of Lubricant Oil, Griss, Coolunt, Petroleum Product Etc. Purchase For Kmc Vehicles- 1 Ch4 15W-40 - Barrel 2 Diamond 15W40-Barrel 3 Gold 40-Barrel 4 Multigrade 20 W 40 ( Cf ) -Barrel 5 2T-Barrel 6 Cd 10W - Barrel , kolhapur-Maharashtra

Kolhapur Municipal Corporation has published Tender For Supply Of Lubricant Oil, Griss, Coolunt, Petroleum Product Etc. Purchase For Kmc Vehicles- 1 Ch4 15W-40 - Barrel 2 Diamond 15W40-Barrel 3 Gold 40-Barrel 4 Multigrade 20 W 40 ( Cf ) -Barrel 5 2T-Barrel 6 Cd 10W - Barrel . Submission Date for this Tender is 13-10-2021. Material Handling Service Tenders in kolhapur Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Supply Of Lubricant Oil, Griss, Coolunt, Petroleum Product Etc. Purchase For Kmc Vehicles- 1 Ch4 15W-40 - Barrel 2 Diamond 15W40-Barrel 3 Gold 40-Barrel 4 Multigrade 20 W 40 ( Cf ) -Barrel 5 2T-Barrel 6 Cd 10W - Barrel
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Lubricant Oil, Griss, Coolunt, Petroleum Product Etc. Purchase For Kmc Vehicles- 1 Ch4 15W-40 - Barrel 2 Diamond 15W40-Barrel 3 Gold 40-Barrel 4 Multigrade 20 W 40 ( Cf ) -Barrel 5 2T-Barrel 6 Cd 10W - Barrel 7 Cd 20W / 40 - Barrel 8 Cd 30 - Barrel 9 Cd 40 - Barrel 10 Ci4 15W40 - Barrel 11 Platinum Plus 15W-40- Barrel 12 Classic 20W50 ( Sg ) -Barrel 13 Elite 15W40 ( Sj ) - Barrel 14 Gold Ch4 Plus - Barrel 15 Platinum 15W40 - Barrel 16 Pump-Barrel 17 T 20W / 40 - Barrel 18 T 30 - Barrel 19 Turbo Shpd 15W / 40 - Barrel 20 Ultra Supreme 15W / 40 – Barrel 21 Hydrol Hlp 32 Sc Barrel 22 Hydrol 121 - Barrel 23 Hydrol 12- Barrel 24 Hydrol 15- Barrel 25 Hydrol 22- Barrel 26 Hydrol D-52 - Barrel 27 Hydrol 37- Barrel 28 Hydrol 57 - Barrel 29 Hydrol Aw 32- Barrel 30 Hydrol Aw 46 - Barrel 31 Hydrol Aw 68 - Barrel 32 Hydrol 100 - Barrel 33 Hydrol 81 - Barrel 34 Hydrol 150 - Barrel 35 Hydrol 220 - Barrel 36 Hydrol 320 - Barrel 37 Hydrol 460 - Barrel 38 Hydrol Hlp 32 - Barrel 39 Hydrol Hlp 46 - Barrel 40 Hydrol Hlp-68 - Barrel 41 Hydrol Hlp 150 Sc - Brl 42 Hydrol Hlp 46 Sc Barrel 43 Hydrol Hlp-68 Sc - Barrel 44 Hydrol Hlp-100 - Barrel 45 Hydrol Hvlp 68 - Barrel 46 Hydrol Hvlp 46 - Barrel 47 Hydrol Hvlp 32 - Barrel 48 Hydrol P 46 - Barrel 49 Hydrol P 100 - Barrel 50 Hydracut - Barrel 51 Hydrol Tq 32 - Barrel 52 Hydrol 176 - Barrel 53 Hydrol Ce 68 - Barrel 54 Spirol Hd 80W 90 - Barrel 55 Syncrol 90 - Barrel 56 Syncrol 140 - Barrel 57 Spirol Ep 90-Barrel 58 Spirol Ep 140-Barrel 59 Spirol Ls 80W-90 - Brl 60 Spirol Hd 80W - Barrel 61 Spirol Xep 90 - Barrel 62 Spirol 80 W Ep- Barrel 63 Spirol Ep 80W90 64 Spirol Hd 90-Barrel 65 Spirol Hd 140-Barrel 66 Spirol Xhd-Barrel 67 Spirol Hd 85W-140 - Barrel 68 Spirol Ll 85W140 - Barrel 69 Autran Ii - Barrel 70 Autran Iii - Barrel 71 Htf C4 Sae 10W - Barrel 72 Htf C4 Sae 30 - Barrel 73 Atf A-Barrel 74 Brake Fluid Xt Super Dot 4 - Barrel 75 Brake Fluid-Barrel 76 Super Kool-Barrel 77 Redi Kool-Barrel 78 Grease Sg 240 - Cask 79 Tata Motors Univex A- Cask 80 Multiplex L2 Cask 81 Multiplex L1 - Cask 82 Multiplex L3 - Cask 83 Univexcd - Cask 84 Ll3 Grease - Cask 85 Mp Grease 3 - Cask 86 Wb Grease Special - Cask 87 Tata Motors Rr3 Grease - Cask 88 Garonex R 250 - Cask 89 Rr 3 Grease - Cask 90 Hitemp Xtra Grease-Cask 91 Graphite Grease - Cask 92 Lanthex Ep1 - Cask 93 Lanthex Ep2 - Cask 94 Lanthex Ep 0 - Cask 95 Molex Grease 2 - Cask 96 Molex Grease 3 – Cask 97 Mp Grease 2 - Cask 98 Sinthax Ep Grease 2 99 Rolling Mill Wr Grease 100 Mp3 Poly Grease 101 Lanthax Bright Ep - Cask 102 Molygrease Cask 103 Multiplex Cs

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 04-10-2021 EXTENDED CALL 2 Date 13-10-2021
2 15-09-2021 EXTEATION CALL 1 Date 27-09-2021

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 24500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 24.50 Lakhs /-
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We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.
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