
Tender For Blood Bank Molecular Lab. And General Tender For Blood Bank Molecular Lab. And General , Anti Ab , Anti A Lectin , Anti H , Coomb’Ssera ( Ahg ) , Bovine Albumin , Anti D Igg + Igm , Hiv Elisa Kit , Hiv Rapid Kit , Malari, Civil Surgeon, Panchkula-Haryana

Department Of Health has published Tender For Blood Bank Molecular Lab. And General Tender For Blood Bank Molecular Lab. And General , Anti Ab , Anti A Lectin , Anti H , Coomb’Ssera ( Ahg ) , Bovine Albumin , Anti D Igg + Igm , Hiv Elisa Kit , Hiv Rapid Kit , Malari. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-08-2021. Footwears Tenders in Civil Surgeon, Panchkula Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Blood Bank Molecular Lab. And General Tender For Blood Bank Molecular Lab. And General , Anti Ab , Anti A Lectin , Anti H , Coomb’Ssera ( Ahg ) , Bovine Albumin , Anti D Igg + Igm , Hiv Elisa Kit , Hiv Rapid Kit , Malari
Open Tender
Civil Surgeon, Panchkula

Tender Details

Tender For Blood Bank Molecular Lab. And General Tender For Blood Bank Molecular Lab. And General , Anti Ab , Anti A Lectin , Anti H , Coomb’Ssera ( Ahg ) , Bovine Albumin , Anti D Igg + Igm , Hiv Elisa Kit , Hiv Rapid Kit , Malaria Cards , Distilled Water , Sodium Hypochlorite Solution 500Ml , Microtips 0-200Μl , Microtips 10-1000 Μl , Test Tubes 12X75ml , Glass Slides , Band-Aid , Tissue Roll , Edta Vacutainer , Plain Vacutainer , Donor Ball , Torniqutes , Auto Pipette 5-50Μl , Auto Pipette 10-200Μl , Auto Pipette 100-1000Μl , Multichannel Pipette 10-200Μl , Tips Stand , Cell Counter Reagent , Haemocue Hb 301 , Osteocalcium Chewable Tablet , Single Blood Bag 350 Ml , Double Blood Bag350 Ml , Triple Blood Bag 450 Ml , Quardruple Blood Bags 450 Ml , Sagm Triple Blood Bags 450 Ml , Coverslip ( Bluestar ) , Lancet For Glucometer , Aluminum Foil , Storage Vial 5Ml , Racked Filter Pipettetips ( Sterile ) 10Ul , Racked Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 20Ul , Racked Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 100Ul , Racked Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 200Ul , Racked Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 1000Ul , Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 10Ul , Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 20Ul , Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 100Ul , Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 200Ul , Filter Pipette Tips ( Sterile ) 1000Ul , Ethanol Imported 5Ltr ( 20 Bottles Per Box ) , Molecular Biology Grade Water , Storage Vial 2Ml 500 Vials Per Pack . , Dispo Bags 34H X 20B , Dispo Bags 20H X 14B , 100 Well Micro Tube Storage Box , Para Film , Zip Lock Pouch ( 4’X10’ ) , Transparent Tape , Single Channel Variable Volume Micropipette 0.5-10 Ul , Single Channel Variable Volumemicropipette 2-20 Ul , Single Channel Variable Volumemicropipette 5-50 Ul , Single Channel Variable Volumemicropipette 10-100 Ul , Single Channelvariable Volume Micropipette 20-200 Ul , Single Channel Variable Volumemicropipette 100-1000 Ul , 96 Well Qpcr Plates , Individual Pcr Tubes 8-Tube Strips ( Clear ) , Optical Flat 8-Cap Strips For 0.2Ml Tube Strips , 8 Channel Variable Volumemicropipette 2-20 Ul , 2Mlmctvial ( Sterile ) , 96 Well Reversible Rack For 0.5 To 2.0 Ml Vials , Rnase And Dnase Degradation Solutions , Rnase And D Nase Degradation Solutions Wipes , S.Alkaline Phosphate ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Blood Sugar Kit ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Blood Urea ( B ) ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Hdl Chlostrol Direct ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Ldl Chlostrol ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Vldl Chlostrol ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Pti Thromboplastin ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , Serum. Albumin ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Serum. Amylase ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , Serum. Bilirubin ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Serum. Cholesterol ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Serum. Creatinine ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Serum. Potasium ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 1*100Ml , Serum. Sodium ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 1*100Ml , Serum. Triglyceride ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Sgot ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Sgpt ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Serum.Total Protien Kit ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , S.Uric Acid ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Micro Protein ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , Serum Calcium ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Microalbuminuria ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Hba1c ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , G-6-Pd ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , Ldh ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , Lipase ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Troponine -1 ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 1Ml To 50Ml , Cpk-Mb 5 Ml 1*50 Test , Calibrators, Controlsnorm 5Ml , Calibrators, Controls Path 5 Ml , Total Bilirubin ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Direct Bilirubin ( Semi Auto / Mannual ) 100Ml To 500Ml , Blood Grouping Card , Torch Test Kit Card Test, 1 To 50 , Nutrient Agar500 Gm , Peptone Water 500 Gm , Safranninstain 125 Ml , Tripple Sugar Ironagar 500 Gm , Tcbs Agar500 Gm , Xld Agar 500 Gm , Macconky Agar500 Gm , Moily Test Medium500 Gm , Oxidase Discs 1*50 Vial , Tetramethyl Paraphenyl Diamine Di Hydro Chloride25 Gm , Acid Phenol Carbolic 500 Gm. , Potassium Nitrate Reagent. 500Gm , Simmons Citrate Medium 500 Gm , Christensens Urea Agar. 500 Gm , Agar Agar Medium 500 Gm , Muller Hinton Agar 500 Mg , Glucose 500 Gm , Lactose 500 Gm , Mannitol 500 Gm , Sucrose 500 Gm , Fructose 500 Gm. , Alkaline Peptone Water. 500 Gm , Xylose Lysine Decarboxylase Agar Vegetable Peptone Based Medium ( 500 Gms ) , Triple Sugar Iron Agar Vegetable Peptone Based Medium ( 500 Gms ) , Glucose Broth Vegetable Peptone Based Medium ( 500 Gms ) , Salmonella Shigella Agar Vegetable Peptone Based Medium ( 500 Gms ) , Blood Culture Bottles Containing Trypticsoya Broth1 X 10 X 20Ml , Blood Culture Bottles Containing Trypticsoya Broth1 X 10 X 70 Ml , Aso ( Qualitative ) 1*100 , Crp ( Qualitative ) 1*100 , Gluco Strip & Glucometer1*50 , Hbsag Rapid 1*25 , Hepatits -A Test Elisa 1*96 , Hepatits -A Test Rapid 1*25 , Hepatits -B Test Elisa 1*96 , Hepatits -B Rapid Test1*25 , Hepatits -C Test Elisa 1*96 , Hepatits -C Rapid Test1*50 , Hepatits -E Test Elisa1*96 , Hepatits -E Rapid Test1*10 , Ns 1 Denguelisa Kit ( Igm ) 1*96 , Ns 1 Dengurapid Card 1*10 , Je Elisa Igm Kit ( Japanies Encephalaties ) 1 X96 , Elisa Chikengunia Kit1 X96 , Measelselisa Kit ( Igm ) 1*96 , Mumps Elisa Kit1*96 , Ra Factor ( Qualitative ) 1*100 , Vdrl Strip1*100 , Widal Kit5*4 Ml , Coomb Sera 1*10Ml , Elisa Lh ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Fsh ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Prolactin Assay ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Ft3 ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Ft4 ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa T3 ( 1 X 96 Test ) , Elisa T4 ( 1 X 96 Test ) , Elisa Tsh ( 1 X 96 Test ) , Psa Kit Elisa 1 X 96 Test Per Kit , Estradiol Elisa ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Progestrone ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Testosterone ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Total Hcg ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Afp ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Cea ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Serum Ferritin ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Vit B12 ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Folic Acid ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Ca-125 ( 1*96 Test ) , Elisa Tpo ( 1*96 Test ) , Hbs Ag Immuno-Choromatographic Strip Single Test , Tpha Strips Immunochromatographic Single , Ada Kit 1*96 Test , Ca 125 Elisa Kit 1*96 Test , Malaria Card Single , Anti Ccp Kit 1*96 Test , Ttg Kit 1*96 Test , Ana Kit1*96 Test , Blood Grouping Kit 3 X 10 Ml , Drabkin Solution With Standard Of The Same Batch 1 X 5 Ltr. , Cell Clean 1X50ml ( Cell Counter Kx 21 ) , Stromatolyzer3x500ml ( Cell Counter Kx 21 ) , Cell Pack1x20ltr ( Cell Counter Kx 21 ) , Eight Check Tri Level Pack 3X1.5Ml ( Cell Counter Kx 21 ) , Keto Dia Stix ( Strip Test 1 X 100 Strips ) / 50 Strips , Kit For Detection Of Occult Blood In Stool 200 Test ( Card Test 1 X 50 ) , Uristixs ( Strip Test 1 X 100 Strips ) , Pregnancy Card1*50 , Pregnancy Strip 1*50 , Multi Strip For Urine Examination 1 X 100 , Barcod Films Roll 100Mmx 10Mtr , Bowie Dick Test Indicator 1X5 , Pcd Indicators1x1 , Chemical Indicators 1X1 , Biological Indicators1x25 , Sterile Urine Container 30Ml , Sterile Urine Container 10Ml ( 1X100 ) , Semen Diluting Fluid 1 X 500 Ml , Sulphur Powder 500 Gm. , Lugol’S Iodine 100 Ml , Iodine - 125 Ml , Sulfuric Acid Conc. ( 100% ) 500 Ml , Acetic Acid. Glacial 500 Ml , Barium Chloride 10% 500 Ml , Sulphur Powder 500 Gm , Kovac Reagents 100 Ml , Sod. Nitropruside 100 Gm , Sodium Hydroxide 500 Gm , 10% Koh 500 Gm , 0.5% Sod. Deoxycholate 250Gm , Leishman Stain Powder 25 Gm , Leishman Stain Liq 250 Ml , N / 10 Hcl 500 Ml , Dpx Mount 250 Ml , H&E Staining 125 Ml , Heamatoxylin Stain 1*125Ml , Iso Propyle Alcohal 2.5 Ltr , Papanicolin Ea 36-125 Ml , Papanicolin Og 6 -125 Ml , Albert Stain ( With Albert A & Albert B Both In Kit Ready To Use Liquid Form ) 125 Ml , Carbol Fuschin Stain125 Ml , Crystal Violet Stain125 Ml , Methlene Blue 500 Ml , Fouchet Reagent 125 Ml , Gramsiodine 1% 100 Ml , Platelet Count Fluid 125 Ml , Wbc Fluid500 Ml , 10% Ferric Chloride Reagent. 250Ml , Kovacs Indole Reagent Ready To Use Liquid Form ( 100 Ml ) , Lead Acetate Strips. 1 X 100 , Mr Reagent. 125 Ml , Gram Negative Broth250ml , Gram Staining Kit 100*4 Ml , Antisera For Cholera Poly 0 And 0-139 1*10Ml , Antisera For Salmonella Poly 0, 09, 02, Hd 1*10Ml , Ph Paper Strips1*1 , Soyabean Casein Digest Medium1*10Ml , Shigella Antisera ( Mono Valent For All 4 Species ) 2 Ml , Readymade Sheep Blood Agar Plate ( 90Mm ) , Anti Sera Salmonella Poly-O 2 Ml , Anti Sera Salmonella Poly H 2 Ml , Anti Sera Salmonella Poly Dh 2 Ml , Anti Sera Salmonella Poly Ah 2 Ml , Vibrio Cholerae Poly 01 ( 2 Ml ) , Vibrio Cholerae Ogawa ( Mono Valent ) 2 Ml , Vibrio Cholerae Inaba ( Mono Valent ) 2 Ml , Chloramphenicol Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor 208 , Chloramphenicol Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cotrimoxazole Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 25 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Cotrimoxazole Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 25 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Gentamicin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Oxacillin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 1 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Oxacillin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 1 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Tetracycline Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Optochin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Optochin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) Vial Contain 50 To 100 Disc , Nitrofurantoin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 300 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Nitrofurantoin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 300 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Norfloxacin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 2 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Norfloxacin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 2 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Novobiocin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Novobiocin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 50 To 100 Disc , Nalidixic Acid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Nalidixic Acid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Vancomycin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Vancomycin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Erythromycin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 15 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Erythromycin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 15 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Netilmicin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Netilmicin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Linezolid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Linezolid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Piperacillin + Tazobactum Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 100 Mcg, + 10 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Piperacillin + Tazobactum Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 100 Mcg, + 10 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefoperazone + Sulbactum Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Cefoperazone 75 + Sulbactum 30 Mcg ( 6 Mm ) Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefotaxime Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Cefotaxime Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ciprofloxacin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Ciprofloxacin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Amikacin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Amikacin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 30 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ampicillin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 25 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Ampicillin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 2 188 , Amoxicillin - Clavulanic Acid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 20 / 10 Mcg, Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Amoxicillin - Clavulanic Acid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 20 / 10 Mcg, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Bacitracin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 10 Units Pack Has 5 Cartridges Of 50 Discs With Plastic Disc Dispensor , Bacitracin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) 10 Units, Vial Contain 100 Disc , Piperacillin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 100 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ampicillin-Sulbactum Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 10 Mcg, +10 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefixime Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 5 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ceftriaxone Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 5 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ceftazidime Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 30 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefoperazone Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 75 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefepime Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 30 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ticarcillin-Clavulanic Acid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 75 / 10 ?Cg ) Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefuroxime Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 30 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Cefazolin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 30 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Penicillin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 10 Units ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Azithromycin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 15 Mcg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Teicoplanin Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 30 ?Cg ) , Vial Contain 100 Disc , Ceftazidime +Clavulanic Acid Antibiotic Disc ( 6 Mm ) ( 30 / 10 ?Cg ) Vial Contain 100 Disc , Drinking Water – H2s Test Strip Bacterial Test 1 To 10 , Sterile Disposable Petri Plates Optically Clear ( 90 Mm Dia X 15 Mm ) , Culture Media With Sensitivity Disk As Per Requirement Gram ( + ) Gram ( - ) Higher , H2so4 Acid ( Concentrated ) Cane Of 1 Ltr , Immersion Oil 250 Ml , Paraffin Waxwith Cerassin 2 Kg , Xylene 2.5 Ltr , L Shaped Angle 1 , Brilliant Cresyl Blue 100 Ml , Giemsa Stain 500 Ml , Absolute Alcohol 99.95% 5 Lt , Eosin Yellow 25 Gms , Mgg Stain 125 Ml , Pas Stain 100 Test , Peroxidase Stain 1*100 Ml , Sudan Black Stain1*125Ml , Reticulin Stain 1*160 Ml , Beaker 1 X 50 Ml , Beaker 1 X 100Ml , Beaker 1 X 200Ml , Beaker 1 X 500Ml , Cover Slip 18X18 , Coupling Jar Glass 1 X1 , Coupling Jar Plastic 1 X 1 , Measuring Cylinder 1 X 500 Ml , Cover Slip 22X40 , Capillary Tube1 X 100 , Esr Tube ( Western Gren ) Disposable 1 To 25 , Esr Tube ( Wintrobes Tube With Rack ) 1 To 25 , Flask1 X 1000Ml , Flask 1 X 500 Ml , Glass Slide 1 X 50 ( 75 X 25 With 1.35 Mm Thickness Clear Glass Slide ) Blue Star , Glass Funnel1 X 1 , Sahli Hb Meter 1 X 1 , Hb Pipette1 X 25 , Neubar Counting Chamber 1 X1 , Sterile Disposable Petri Plates Optically Clear ( 90 Mm Dia X 15 Mm ) 1X1 , Autoclavable Scored Bottom Petri Plates Clear Tranparent And Unbreakable ( 150 Mm Dia X20 Mm ) 1X1 , Autoclavable Petri Plates Clear Tranparent And Unbreakable ( 90X15 Mm ) 1X1 , Acetic Acid. Glacial 500 Ml , Acid Phenol Carbolic 500 Gm. , Pasteur Pipette 1 X12 , Test Tube Borosil 12X75 , Test Tube Borosil 12X100 , Test Tube Borosil 12X150 , Thermal Paper For Bio Analyzer1 X1 , Torniquete 1 X 1 , Brush For Washing Test Tube1x 1 , Cleaning Acid 1 X 5 Ltr , Micro Tips Yellow 0-200 ( 1 X 1000 ) , Micro Tips Blue 200-1000 ( 1X 500 ) , Vtm Vials 1X 50 , Sodium Hypochlorite 1 X 5Ltr , Tissue Roll 1 X 1 , Micro Pippetesdifferent Sizes With Lock System 1 X1 Each , Multi Channel Pippete With Lock System 1 X1 , Barcode Sticker ( Size 50*25 ) , Tissues Cassette Different Sizes , Low Profile Blade For Automatic Microtome 1*50 , Tube Rack Aluminium 1*1 , Microscope Bulb ( Halogen Lamp ) 1*10 , K2 Edta Vacutainer Spray Dried With Hemogard Closure 1*100 , Vacutainers Silica Clot Activator Tube With Haemogard Closure 1*100 , Edta+ Flouride Vacutainer With Hemogard Closure For Blood Sugar 1*100 , Buffer Sod. Citrate Vaccutiner For Esr Study, Glass Tube With Black Hemogard Closure. 1*100 , 0.109 ( 3.2% ) Buffered Sod Citrate Vacutainer 13*75 Mm Tube With Hemogard Closure. 1*100 , Heparin Vacuuutiner1*100 , Flash Back Needle 21 G 1*50 , Flash Back Needle 22 G 1*50 , Nichome Stright Wire 1*1 , Nichome Wire Loop 1*1 , Spirit Lamp 1*1 , Ethanol ( 70% V / V Ip ) Contains 0.5% W / V Benzalkonium Chloride , Distal Water 1*5Ltr , Hb Meter 1*1 , Autoclave Disposable Bags 1*1 , Gel System , Forceps Plain1*1 , Cedar Wood Oil1*1 , Appendorfs ( 1Ml ) 1*1 , Stop Watch 1*1 With Hours & Min & Sec , Digital Thermameters For Incubators / Refrigerators 1*1 , Digita Room Thermameters With Humidity Indicator 1*1 , Absorbent Filter Paper For Shelf 1 To 100 , Litmus Paper Blue & Red 100 Strips Per Pack , Filter Paper N 4 Whatman 46*57 Cms 100 Sheet Per Box , Filter Paper Whatman No. 1 1 Box , Slide Tray ( For 20 Slides ) , Distilled Water 5 Lt. , Acetone 2.5 Lit , Biorad Internal And External Quality Controls , Ready Mate Blood Agar Plates , Toludin Stain , Petridish Disposable , Bd Blood Culture Bottles ( Both Adult & Peads. ) , Hbs Ab Elisa Kit 1*96 , Antigen Card Covid 19 , Anti Body Covid 19 Elisa Kit ( 1*96 ) , Flash Back Needles ( 21 G ) , Flash Back Needles ( 22G ) , D Dimerkit ( Manual ) , Il - 6 Kit ( Manual ) , Ldh Kit ( Manual ) , Crp Quantitative Kit , S-Feritine Kit , Hydrogen Peroxide 3% , Pas-Stain , Schiff Reagents , Vit-D Kit ( Elisa Kit 1*96 ) , S.Ferritn Kit , S. Transferrin Level Kit , Aso Quantitative , India Ink For Cryptococus , Koh 40% , Gomosis Methanammi Stain For Fungus , Anakit1*96 Test ( Elisa ) , Vit B12 Elisa 1*96 , Hcl Acide , Grossing Knife , Hcg Elisa1*96 , G6pd ( Manual ) , S.Troponin 1 ( Manual ) , S. Lipase ( Manual ) , Weil Felex Elisa Kit 1*96 , Leptospira Test Elisa Kit 1*96 , Anticcp Elisa Kit1*96 , Urine Container , Disposable Petri Dish , Yellow Tips , Disposal Cap , Disposal Shoe Cover

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INR 50000.0 /-
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