
Rfp-41 Eye Medicnies 2021-22 Procurement Of Eye Medicnies , -1. Niv / Ophth / 8 Eye Drop Prednisolone 1%+ Moxifloxacin 0.5% 2. Niv / Ophth / 9 Eye Drop Prednisolone 1%+ Gatifloxacin0.3% 3. Niv / Ophth / 10 Eye Drop Difluprednate 0.05% 4. Niv / Ophth /, BASE HOSPITAL DELHI CANTT-Delhi

Indian Army has published Rfp-41 Eye Medicnies 2021-22 Procurement Of Eye Medicnies , -1. Niv / Ophth / 8 Eye Drop Prednisolone 1%+ Moxifloxacin 0.5% 2. Niv / Ophth / 9 Eye Drop Prednisolone 1%+ Gatifloxacin0.3% 3. Niv / Ophth / 10 Eye Drop Difluprednate 0.05% 4. Niv / Ophth /. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-09-2021. Medicine Tenders in BASE HOSPITAL DELHI CANTT Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Rfp-41 Eye Medicnies 2021-22 Procurement Of Eye Medicnies , -1. Niv / Ophth / 8 Eye Drop Prednisolone 1%+ Moxifloxacin 0.5% 2. Niv / Ophth / 9 Eye Drop Prednisolone 1%+ Gatifloxacin0.3% 3. Niv / Ophth / 10 Eye Drop Difluprednate 0.05% 4. Niv / Ophth /
Open Tender
Base Hospital Delhi Cantt

Tender Details

Rfp-41 Eye Medicnies 2021-22 Procurement Of Eye Medicnies , -1. Niv / Ophth / 8 Eye Drop Prednisolone 1%+ Moxifloxacin 0.5% 2. Niv / Ophth / 9 Eye Drop Prednisolone 1%+ Gatifloxacin0.3% 3. Niv / Ophth / 10 Eye Drop Difluprednate 0.05% 4. Niv / Ophth / 17 Eye Drop Carboxy Methyl Cellulose 0.5% With Purite 5. Niv / Ophth / 18 Eye Drop Methyl Cellulose 1% 6. Niv / Ophth / 25 Eye Drop Proparacaine 0.5% 7. Niv / Ophth / 32 Eye Drop Azithromycin 1% 8. Niv / Ophth / 33 Eye Ointment Moxifloxacin 0.5% 9. Niv / Ophth / 35 Eye Oint 0.15% Ganciclovir Gel 10. Niv / Ophth / 52 Inj Botox 50 Iu / Vial 11. Niv / Ophth / 55 Sterile Surgical Disposable Eye Drape , White Color, Double Layer Attached Pouch ( Size100cm Cm ) 12. Niv / Ophth / 57 Sterile Disposable Plastic Towel / Trolley Cover ( 66Cmx120cm ) 13. Niv / Ophth / 66 Sterile Disposable Ultra Thin Powder Free Surgical Gloves ( Size 7.5 ) 14. Niv / Ophth / 68 30 G ( 0.5 Inch ) , Sterile Hypodermic Needle 15. Niv / Ophth / 73 Inj Hyaluronidase 1500 Iu 16. Niv / Ophth / 85 Bulb For Slit Lamp, 12V, 20W 17. Niv / Ophth / 89 Bandage Contact Lens 18. Niv / Ophth / 94 3-0 Silk Braided Suture With Curved Cutting Needle 16 / 18 Mm ( Pkt Of 12 Sutures ) 19. Niv / Ophth / 121 Disposable Vitreoretinal Curved Scissor 23 G With Squeeze Handle 20. Niv / Ophth / 146 Dispo Curved Horizontal Micro Forceps Serrated Jaws 23G 21. Niv / Ophth / 156 Disposable Trocar Set 23G 22. Niv / Ophth / 158 Preservative Free Triamcinolone 4Mg For Intravitreal Use ( Aurocort ) 23. Niv / Ophth / 179 5-0 Braided Polyester Suture 24. Niv / Ophth / 96 4-0 Braided Polyester With 10.0 Mm Curved, Cutting, Spatulated Needle, Double Armed Suture For Retinal Surgery 25. Niv / Ophth / 135 Disposable Endophthalmitis Kit 26. Niv / Ophth / 176 Riboflavin Device In 3 Ml Amber Color Pfs With Dropper Cannula Hypotonic For Accelerated Collagen Cross Linking With Epithelium Scraper And Bandage Contact Lens 27. Niv / Ophth / 190 Keratome ( Clear Corneal Knife ) 2.2 Mm Clear Corneal Incision, Whole Incision, Double Bevel, Antiglare, 45 Degree 28. Niv / Ophth / 215 Ophthalmic Operating Microscope Halogen Bulb With Reflector 12V, 100 W And Bulb Holder 29. Niv / Ophth / 228 Eye Ointment Neosporin Polymyxin B 5000Iu+ Bacitracin 400Iu + Hydrocortisone 10Mg ) 30. Niv / Ophth / 238 E / D Moxifloxacin 0.5% With Difluprednate 0.05% 31. Niv / Ophth / 255 Bepotastine 1.5 % Eye Drops 32. Niv / Ophth / 257 Eye Oint Tacrolimus 0.03% 33. Niv / Ophth / 258 Eye Oint Azithromycin1% 34. Niv / Ophth / 267 Inj Voriconazole 200Mg 35. Niv Riboflavin Device In 3 Ml Amber Color Pfs With Dropper Cannula Isotonic / Hypotonic For Accelerated Collagen Cross Linking With Epithelium Scraper And Bandage Cotanct Lens ( Pkt Of 12 Sutures ) Neosporin-H ( Neomycin 3400Iu +

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