
Tender For Miscellaneous Works At Vytilla And Kakkanad Sites -, Kochi-Kerala

Kochi Metro Rail Limited has published Tender For Miscellaneous Works At Vytilla And Kakkanad Sites -. Submission Date for this Tender is 17-08-2021. Coats and Jackets Tenders in Kochi Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Miscellaneous Works At Vytilla And Kakkanad Sites -
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Tender Details

Tender For Miscellaneous Works At Vytilla And Kakkanad Sites -1. Supply and fixing of junction box cover of various sizes with SS 304 grade and 3mm thick Stainless steel plate of suitable sizes to properly cover the openings of junction boxes.The SS plate shall be satin finish and edges of the plate shall be neatly cut & polished to avoid the sharpness of edges. The four side size of the SS plate shall be added with a minimum of 50mm overlap over the existing tile to have a proper coverin for the juncition box opening and to fix the SS plate on the existing flooring tile with counter sunk screws of suitable size and length.Special care shall be taken by the contractor to avoid any damages to the existing finished floor tile while fixing the SS plate.Cut out in rectangular shape shall be provided for SS plate (19 nos) under the counters to pull out the cables wherever required as per the actual requirement at site. The rate should be including all material,labour,transporation etc complete and shall be fixed as per the directions of Engineer in charge.Payment shall be as per the actual area of SS plate measured at site. A reference drawing is attached herewith. 2. Supply and fixing of cable tray cover with 1.2 mm thick G I sheet cover the existing G.I cable tray of width 150mm and 50mm bend vertically on both side and fixed with G.I Screws at suitable proper intervals to hold the cable tray cover. The rate should be including all material,labour,transporation etc complete and shall be fixed as per the directions of Engineer in charge. Payment shall be made as per the actual running meter of G.I cable tray cover measured at site. 3. Providing and fixing stainless steel railing made with Hollow tubes of Grade 316 with 50mm dia,3mm thick tubes at ends and 25mm dia intermediate tubes with 25mm connecting tubes of 2.0mm wall thickness fixed on the SS plate of suitable size and thickness which is anchored to the soffit of roof slab and on the side of waist slab with suitable size of anchor bolts or stainelss steel screws. The fixing SS screws shall be covered with suitable SS round cup. The SS tubes and plates shall be mirror polished.Rate should be including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and making curvature (wherever required),all accessories , fixings, labour,transportation complete and shall be fixed as per the direction of Engineer in charge .(For payment purpose only weight of stainless steel members shall be considered as per actual executed at site excluding fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.). A reference drawing is attached herewith. 4. Supply and fixing non firerated hollow GI metal grilled door confirming to IS16074 & IS 4351 made of GI hollow steel sections confirming to IS:4923 with the following specification .Door frame shall be of size 60 x 40 mm made out of 1.6mm( 16 gauge) hollow tube.Frames shall be field assembled with self tabs. Bolted & butted joints are not acceptable. All provision should be mortised, drilled and tapped for receiving appropriate hardware. Frames should be provided with back plate bracket and anchor fasteners for installation on a finished plastered masonry wall opening. Grills shall be SHS 25x25x1.6mm with an outer and middle frame of RHS 50x25x1.6mm.All doors and frames shall be finished painting with two coats of aliphatic acrylic PU paint(DFT 2x35 microns) over one coat of epoxy MIO(Micaceous Iron Oxide) coating intermediate(DFT 100 microns), over one coat of epoxy mastic primer(DFT 100 microns), etc. During installation of the grill doors if any damages happnend in the existing plastered surface shall be rectified and cleared. The rate shall includes the cost and conveyance of all materials, Fasteners, labour charges, lead, lift and necessary hardware like SS ball bearing hinges - Minimum 03Nos.in each panel,Lever handle with pad lock (1 Set for each panel) , Concealed Flush Bolt as required etc. complete as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge at all levels. All SS fixtures shall be of 304 grade unless otherwise mentioned. MS grill door with size 790 x 2490 mm,Ref GD1. A reference drawing is attached herewith. 5. Supply and installation of Fire Barrier mortar with minimum 2 (Four)hours fire rating when tested in accordance with UL 1479 standards , for fire rated vertical openings in floors or slabs and floors made of concrete, masonry, metal, gypsum partition, after passing service lines like Cable,Cable trays, Bus Duct or Metal pipes. The mortar shall be a light weight cementitious product and shall carry test certificate in accordance with IEC 60068-2-57:1999-11 (Environmental Testing) as per Part 2-57: Test for Vibration-Time-history method and VERTEQII for seismic zone 4. Expanding fire stop foam (HILTI CP 620 or Approved Equivalent) with minimum 2 hours fire rating when tested in accordance with UL 1479 standards, shall be used to seal areas that are highly dense or are not accessible and cannot be sealed with fire stop mortar properly. The expanding foam shall expand minimum seven times its volume to fill the cavity at the time of dispensing the material and shall fully cure within two minutes after dispensing. The expanding foam shall also be repenetratable. The products shall be age tested as per Dafstb and DIBT standards. The products shall carry test certificate for mold resistance rating of 0 as determined by ASTM G21-96. The products shall be UL listed & classified and shall bear the UL approval logo on the packing. The rate shall include the mineral wool and miscellaneous items etc.., (Ratio of Mortar to foam can be assumed as 75% & 10% Respectively).Assumed 15% Penetrants

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