
Rate Contract Of Miscellaneous Item For Financial Year 2021-22 At Grampanchayat Darshani Mal Tah.Gadchiroli , -1.01 Cheir Awc 1318 2.01 Cheir S Model Awc-1324 3.01 Office Almari Oft 4.01 Oftice Apsara Tebale 2.5*4 5.01 Computer Tebale 2.5*3 Fit 6.0, DARSHANI MAL-Maharashtra

Rural Development Department has published Rate Contract Of Miscellaneous Item For Financial Year 2021-22 At Grampanchayat Darshani Mal Tah.Gadchiroli , -1.01 Cheir Awc 1318 2.01 Cheir S Model Awc-1324 3.01 Office Almari Oft 4.01 Oftice Apsara Tebale 2.5*4 5.01 Computer Tebale 2.5*3 Fit 6.0. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-08-2021. Cosmetics Tenders in DARSHANI MAL Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Rate Contract Of Miscellaneous Item For Financial Year 2021-22 At Grampanchayat Darshani Mal Tah.Gadchiroli , -1.01 Cheir Awc 1318 2.01 Cheir S Model Awc-1324 3.01 Office Almari Oft 4.01 Oftice Apsara Tebale 2.5*4 5.01 Computer Tebale 2.5*3 Fit 6.0
Open Tender
Darshani Mal

Tender Details

Rate Contract Of Miscellaneous Item For Financial Year 2021-22 At Grampanchayat Darshani Mal Tah.Gadchiroli , -1.01 Cheir Awc 1318 2.01 Cheir S Model Awc-1324 3.01 Office Almari Oft 4.01 Oftice Apsara Tebale 2.5*4 5.01 Computer Tebale 2.5*3 Fit 6.01 Computer Tebale 2.5*4 Fit Apsara 7.01 Waitino Chair Mii 3114 8.01 Foldino Wheel Chair Mii 3117 9.01 Boss Chair Adc 1134 Apsara 10.01 Mat Varoino 15 / 30 11.01 Mattino Varoin 15 / 15 12.01 Merry Oo Round Mor 4 Seater Uc314mr 13.01 Mettino Varoin Bhojanpatti 14.01 Orient Syllino Fan 15.01 Ceilino Fan Cromplon 16.01 Cement Benchi 17.01 Cement Dust Box 18.01 Dust Box3 Wiieel Cycle 19.01 Dust Box Nilkamal 200 Ltr 20.01 Desk Bench Series Adb B007 21.01 School Desk-Bench 22.01 Books Set 23.01 Library Book Caseafs 2204 24.01 Office Almari 4Ft 25.01 Chair Restro Fiber Hand 26.01 Chair Restro Without Hand 27.01 Complete Dress Size 28 / 26 28.01 Himalaya Popular Sililai Machline 29.01 Ahuja Complete Sound Setup Ahuja Amolifier 110 W, Ahuja Oarman Bhooa *2, Ahuja 60W Unit *2, Ahuja M Aik 490V2 * Maik Cable 20 Fit*2, Cable 200 Fit, Maik Stand 3 Fit Set, Ahuja Sound Box *1 30.01 Ahujaportable Pa System Amplifier Wp 220 31.01 Black Board 4*6 32.01 Sanitizer Dispenser With Foooer Saniouard + Portable Touch Less Sanitizer Dispenser With Foooer, Metal Body, Touchle Ss Usaor, Capacity 2 Ltrs., Battery Enabled, Foooino Mode , Portable , 6 Mo Nths Warranty 33.01 Sarvonol Hand Sanitizer 34.01 Sanitary Pad 35.01 Complete Haymast Led 600W Haymast 30 Fit Oi Pol, Oi Rino 6 , Cospro 100W Led Flood Lioht*6, Cabel 4Mm, Complete Intalletion. ) 36.01 Microtek Inverter Ups Xp 2300 Setup Microtek Techolooy Ups Xp 2300 Extra Power Inverter, Dioipower Tall Tub Ular Inverter Battery 150 Ah 36 Montha+ Dioipower Tall Tubular Inverter Battery 150 Ah 36 Months , Complete Installation Microtek Inverter System 1100 An 37.01 Microtek Inverter 1100 An , Tall Tubular Inverter Battry 150 Ah @ C2 38.01 Solar Led Street Light 40 W Nortek Solar Led Lioht Pole 15 Fit, Led Lioht 60W, Battery Lithium 40Am, Compl Ete Intalletion 39.01 Solar Led Street Light 60W Nortek Solar Led Street Lioht Pole 15 Firt, Led Street Lioht 60W, Solar Panal 60W Litium Battery 60W, Complete Intalletion 40.01 Solar Led Lantern 15 W 41.01 Solar Submersible Pumpi Hp Cpmplete Setup Solar Submersible Pump 1 Hp Lubi, Lubi Panal 250W*4 , Complete Stand, Dc Controller, Structure, Comptele Intalletion 42.01 Water Pumpi Iip Complete Set Falcan 1 Hp Waret Pump, 1 Hp Controller, Water Pvc Pipe 100 Fit, Cable 120 Fit , Rop 130 Fit, Nipal 1 / *2 Complete Intalletion 43.01 Samaj Mandin Solar And Electric Work 44.01 Samaj Mandir Complet Electric Fittino 45.01 School Electric Fittino 46.01 Fooino Mashin 47.01 Urja Sanitary Napkin Atm Machine 48.01 Anganwadi Complete Solar Elecrtic Work Michrotek Solar Inverter 935W, Michrotech Pv Module 150W / 12V Panal, Ide Powersafe Plus Ep65ah-12 / 12V Battery, Cillino Fan Crompton, Led 9 W Lioht Oriand*2, Metal Stand, Oi Tracture, Complete Electric Fittino 49.01 Anoanwadi Toys Set Plastic Elefent. Horse.Duck.Slider.Palna, 3 Wheel Saycal, Maoic Saycal, A 34. Animal Posters, Block, Plastic Chair*10, Mattino 4*8, Bat Ball Set, Countino Beat , Laoori, Water Filter , Rise Tank 50 Ltr., Animal Set, Poster, Weioht Machine, Hioht Skel, 50.01 School Exercise & Game Set Football Kit, Volliball Kit, Cricket Kit, Laoori Kit Jump Rope, Badminton, Lazim, Dumbels, Carome, Plastic Ball, Dress, Countino Bolt, Chrss, Oola, Bhala, Tape, Vesal, Rubber Pino, Ohunoaru Kathi , Band Set Mettino 8*4 51.01 School Solar I Kv Complete Electric Setupwork And R O System Michrotek Solar Inverter 2000 W , Microtek Solar Pv Module Panal 600Wy Dioipower Tall Tubular Inverter Battery 150Ah 36 Months Warrantymetal Stand Oi Tracture, Cable4mm, Complete Electric Fittino, 15 Ltr 52.01 School Solar 2Kv Complete Electric Work Setup Microtek Solar Pcu Inverter 2000Ah, Michrotek Solar Pv Module 250W / 12V*8, Microtek Dioipower Tall Tubular Inverter Battery 150 Ah 36 Months Warrantr*2, Metal Stand , Oi Tracture, Cable 4Mm, Complete Electric Fittino 53.01 Aqua 50 Ltr Water Filter Full Setup Aqua Water Filter 50 Ltr , 500Ltr Pasto Water Tank, 225Ltr 54.01 Water Cooler Blue Star 80+60 Ltr. 55.01 Water Filter 1000 Ltr Per I Hrs Complete Set Water Filter Ro Plant 1 Hrs, Pasto Tank 5000 Ltr, 2 Tan Boss Water Chil Er.S.S. Water 2000 Ltr. Tank , Atm Mashin Dolko, Atm Card *100, Completepipe Fittino, 100 Water 20 Ltr. Can And Colete Intalletion School Projecter Digital Setup Projecter Benqms535p, Chromecast Tv Stremino Device By 56.01 Oooole, Projec4*6Stand Zebronics Home Thetere Zeb 7500, Syramic Board 4X6, Hp All I20, Wi Fi, Tomy Web Cam, Complete Installation 57.01 Ups Battery Foxin 725 58.01 Biometric Thumb Finoerprint Machine E Securey 59.01 Dell Desktop 52Rpo Processor Intel Core 13 9 Oeneration, Ram 4 Ob Ddr-4, Hdd 1 Tb , Dvd R / Wniter 20, Wlan And Bluetooth, Windows 10 60.01 Hp All In Desktop 20-C418il Processor Intel Celeron J 3060, Ram 4 Ob Ddr-4 Hdd 1 Tb, 19.45 Inch Led Full Hd Display, Inteorated Oraphics, Wlan And Bluetooth , Key Board, Oical Mouse 61.01 Epson Printer L 3115 62.01 Led Tv 43 Panasonic 4K 63.01 Cp Puls 2.44* Canal Camera Setup Cp Puls 4 Chanal , Camera Bullet 2.4Mp, Dom Camera 2.4 Mp, Cable 10 Star, Dc*4, Bmc*8, Hdd 500Ob Sata Seaoet, Power Adapter Intalletion Charoes 64.01 Cp Puls 2.4Mp S Canal Camera Setup Cp Puls Dvr 8 Chanal , 2.4Mp Bullet Camera , Dom 2.4 Mp, Cable 10 Star, Poweradapter, Dc*8, Bmc*16, Hdd 1 Tb Sata Seaoet, Intalltion Charoes 65.01 Antyvirus Net Protector Total 2020 66.01 Protipen Powder Dr. Morepen 67.01 Led Lioiit 23W Crompton 68.01 Led Lioht 18W Crompnt 69.01 Led Super Eco Street Lioht Cospro 36W 70.01 Nut, Bolt, Clamp, Pipe, Wire, Tape Set 71.01 Holder, Tape, Wire, Cap Set 72.01 Mean Switch Ashoka 73.01 School Projecter Dioital Set Benq Ms535p, Projecter Stand , Mira Screen 1018, Hdmi Cable, Lled Computer, Ahuja Wp 220, Projecter Displya 4X6, Complete Installation 74.01 Hp Laserjet M1005 Mfp 75.01 N-95 Mask 76.01 Infrared Thermometer 77.01 Complete Solar Haymast Led 300W Haymast 30 Fit Oi Pol, Oi Rino 6 , Cospro 50 W Led Solar Flood Lioht*6, 300 W Soalr Panel Cabel 4Mm, Complete Intalletion. ) 78.01 3 Wheel Dustbin Cycle 79.01 Solar Kandil 80.01 Plastic Urinal And Toilet ( Combine ) 81.01 1 Hp Solar Dual Pump

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