
Bids Are Invited For Boq Total Quantity : 1 supply of 1 Bulls lamp Nos 1 2 Ishihara chart book Nos 1 3 Spin win Mini - centrifuge Nos 1 4 Bains Circuit Nos 2 5 Pointed Scissor Nos 4 6 Gabnel Syinge Nos 2 7 Mallet Nos 4 8 UteRUS HOLDING FORCEPS No-Jammu And Kashmir

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has published Bids Are Invited For Boq Total Quantity : 1 supply of 1 Bulls lamp Nos 1 2 Ishihara chart book Nos 1 3 Spin win Mini - centrifuge Nos 1 4 Bains Circuit Nos 2 5 Pointed Scissor Nos 4 6 Gabnel Syinge Nos 2 7 Mallet Nos 4 8 UteRUS HOLDING FORCEPS No. Submission Date for this Tender is 16-08-2021. Slacks Trousers Shorts Tenders in Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Boq Total Quantity : 1 supply of 1 Bulls lamp Nos 1 2 Ishihara chart book Nos 1 3 Spin win Mini - centrifuge Nos 1 4 Bains Circuit Nos 2 5 Pointed Scissor Nos 4 6 Gabnel Syinge Nos 2 7 Mallet Nos 4 8 UteRUS HOLDING FORCEPS No
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Boq Total Quantity : 1 supply of 1 Bulls lamp Nos 1 2 Ishihara chart book Nos 1 3 Spin win Mini - centrifuge Nos 1 4 Bains Circuit Nos 2 5 Pointed Scissor Nos 4 6 Gabnel Syinge Nos 2 7 Mallet Nos 4 8 UteRUS HOLDING FORCEPS Nos 5 9 Cotton cloth medical tape Nos 10 10 Tongue depressor Nos 50 11 Sterilium Bott 10 12 Bp Handle Of Different Sizes Nos 13 13 Sodium Nitroprusside crystals Bott 2 14 Dummy Fruits And Vegetables Nos 5 15 Muitani Mud (For Display) Nos 20 16 Stone Holding Forcep Nos 4 17 Periosteum elevator Nos 2 18 Blunt And Sharp curette Nos 5 19 IUCD Removing Hook Nos 5 20 Fistule Probes Malleable (Copper & Steel) Nos 5 21 Uretheral Catheter Nos 5 22 Metal Cather Nos 5 23 Suturing Needle ( Straight/ Curved ) Nos 5 24 human vagina model Nos 1 25 Tongue Plate With Throat Suction Nos 4 26 Electronic Balance Nos 1 27 Leishman stain Bott 2 28 Green Armytage Foeceps Nos 5 29 Kelly Pad Nos 5 30 Blood vials ( blue,grey, red,yellow,purple, black, green Nos 500 31 Boiler-Small Nos 1 32 Microslides Pkt 50 33 Neti Pot Nos 10 34 volsellum Nos 5 35 Babkocks Forcep Nos 5 36 Rectal speculum Nos 7 37 Liquor Ammonia Bott 2 38 Infant meter Nos 2 39 Machintosh Rubber Sheet Nos 20 40 Endotracheal Tube Different Sizes Nos 34 41 Dressing Drum Of Different Size Nos 4 42 Surgical Disposable Gloves Pair 210 43 Right Angle Chlecystectomy Forcep Nos 4 44 Bladder sound Nos 5 45 Cat gut and thread Nos 10 46 Uterine Curette Nos 10 47 Long Straight haemosttrtic forceps Nos 10 48 Hardness Test Apparatus Nos 1 49 Cidex Tray Nos 1 50 Tonsil Holding Forceps Nos 4 51 Peritosillar Abcess Draining Forceps Nos 4 52 Sponge Holding Forceps Nos 9 53 Tissue Forceps Toothed & Non Toothed Nos 8 54 Instrument Tray Of Different Sizes Nos 6 55 Balances Nos 1 56 Stitch Removing Scissor Nos 5 57 HbsAG rapid kit Nos 200 58 MTP suction Currette Nos 5 59 Ot Gowns Nos 10 60 Glass ware Nos 30 61 Foam tape Nos 5 62 Hb Estimator Nos 1 63 Vertical B.P Instrument Rubber Catheter Of Assorted Size Nos 2 64 Weighing machine Nos 5 65 Abdominal Retractor Nos 5 66 baby with umblical cord Nos 1 67 Nebulizer Nos 3 68 Bone Cutter Nos 2 69 Hartman Mosqitto Foreceps Nos 1 70 IL Mirror Nos 1 71 Near Vission drum Nos 1 72 Kochers Forcep Nos 10 73 forceps Nos 10 74 Clinical thermometer Nos 100 75 Newtons colour wheel in a batch Nos 1 76 Sigmoidoscope Rigid/ Flexible Nos 1 77 Gastric lavage set Nos 1 78 Shadow Less Lamp Nos 1 79 pH meter with electric Nos 1 80 low cavity Forceps Nos 2 81 Slit Proctoscope Nos 4 82 VDRL Rapid kit Nos 200 83 Watch Glasses Nos 20 84 Wilder punctum Dialator Nos 2 85 Swimming glasses Nos 10 86 Physical Balance Nos 2 87 Formalin Chamber Nos 1 88 Examination gloves Pair 10 89 Spirit Bott 20 90 Female reproductive system Nos 1 91 Filter paper Pkt 5 92 Weighing machine (paediatric) Nos 2 93 Glass Bottle jar / for keeping cheatle forceps Nos 10 94 Hot air oven Nos 1 95 Fire Extinguisher Nos 2 96 Scissors different sizes Nos 41 97 Jars for specimen organs -uterus with fallopian tubes and ovaries, fibroid uterus, cystic ovaries, placenta Nos 10 98 Ultraviolet lamp Nos 2 99 Rotator for Cell Counter Nos 1 100 HCL Reagent Bott 4 101 Mosquito Forceps Nos 16 102 Self Retaining Retractor Nos 2 103 HIV kit - Tridot (method by T Mitra) Nos 50 104 Glucose kit Nos 10 105 Eyewash Glasses (Tarpan Karma) Nos 10 106 Foetal Toco Cardiograph Nos 1 107 Anesthesia kit Nos 1 108 Refractometer Nos 1 109 sahlt Square tube Nos 50 110 Pinards stethoscope Nos 4 111 Measuring tape Nos 55 112 Eucalyptus oil Nos 3 113 Allies Forcep Small Nos 17 114 Needle Holder Of Different Sizes Nos 23 115 Foetoscope Nos 2 116 Probe Nos 50 117 Westergrenss stand Nos 30 118 Hb Pipette Nos 50 119 Ambu Bag Nos 4 120 Oxygen Hood Box Nos 2 121 Mastoid Retrector Nos 2 122 Nasal Snare Nos 4 123 Vacuum Extractor Nos 2 124 Glasswears Nos 1 125 Surgeon Scrub Suits( Kurta& Pajama) Nos 10 126 Ethyl alcohol Bott 2 127 Imunization Agents Nos 20 128 Retractors Abdominal ( Doynes etc ) Nos 5 129 Sieves 10To 120With Sieve Shaker Nos 1 130 Surgical Drapes Nos 10 131 Cheatles Forcep Nos 17 132 Allies Forcep Medium Nos 17 133 Thermometer Nos 69 134 Artery Forcep Small Nos 22 135 Westregens Pipette Nos 130 136 Destoor Iris Retractor Nos 2 137 Meyrhoefer Chalazion (small, medium, large) Nos 2 138 Elevator (double ended) Nos 2 139 Mc.Person Corneal Forecep with tying Forecep Nos 2 140 Arruge Capsular Forecep Nos 2 141 Barraquer needle Nolder Nos 2 142 Air Injection Cannulla Nos 2 143 Hellon Aspirating Cannulla Nos 2 144 AC Washout Cannula Nos 2 145 Hydrolysis Cannula Nos 2 146 J loop Cannula (left / right silcon tubing ) Nos 2 147 Irrigating Aspirating Handle Nos 2 148 Superior Rectus Forecep Nos 2 149 Trial Frame Nos 2 150 Glycerine Bott 20 151 Charts/ Flex Nos 30 152 Lens case with wooden box Nos 1 153 Magnetic Stirrer Nos 1 154 JobsonS Aural Probe Nos 4 155 Nasal Foreign Body Hook Nos 4 156 Nasal Packing Foeceps Nos 4 157 Bayonet Shaped Gouge Nos 4 158 Laryngeal Forecep Nos 2 159 Tonsillar Suction Nos 4 160 Allies Forcep Large Nos 17 161 HCV Rapid kit Nos 200 162 Kidney Trays Of Different Size Nos 35 163 Wintrobes stand Nos 30 164 Incubator Nos 2 165 Glass Jars with lid of different sizes Nos 20 166 Artery Forcep Medium Nos 22 167 Anterior Vaginal wall retractor Nos 5 168 Ano rectal examination instruments Nos 2 169 Total Protein Kit Nos 50 170 Litmus paper Pkt 55 171 Autoclave-Small Nos 2 172 Shelves For Displying Models Nos 6 173 CT and BT kit Nos 100 174 Artery Forcep Large Nos 22 175 China dish Nos 15 176 Chloride Kit Nos 50 177 Vallas State Scissors Nos 3 178 Lens Dialer Nos 3 179 ASO Kit Nos 10 180 Pulse Oximeter Nos 10 181 Dilators set (Hegars Hawkin)different sizes Nos 5 182 Forceps obsterices Nos 5 183 Termometer Jar Nos 10 184 Colour Coded biomedical waste bins and plastic bags Nos 4 185 Blood grouping kit Nos 20 186 Cover Slip Pkt 9 187 Centrifuge machine Nos 3 188 Separating funnels of various sizes Nos 30 189 Ventouse cup Nos 10 190 Albumin kit Nos 60 191 Colorimeter Nos 2 192 Hematocrit Tube Nos 100 193 Drum Stand Nos 4 194 Aum (Metallic) Nos 5 195 WBC pipette Nos 50 196 Pointed chisel Nos 2 197 Hospital folding screen Nos 2 198 Boiler-Medium Nos 2 199 Needle Holding Forceps (Big, Medium & Small) Nos 4 200 Skin Grafting Knif With Handle Nos 2 201 Head Mirror Nos 5 202 Cord cutting appliances Nos 5 203 Aural Syringe Nos 4 204 Walsham Foreceps Nos 4 205 sterilizing box/case with mates Nos 4 206 Lens Insertion forceps Nos 4 207 Keratone (2.8 , 3.2) Nos 4 208 Cat-paw Lacrimal Retractor Nos 4 209 Mueller lacnmol sac Retractor Nos 4 210 Sinsky lens manipulator hook Nos 4 211 IOL Manipulator Nos 4 212 Foreign body spud Nos 4 213 Lewis lens Loop (vectis) Nos 4 214 Cystotome & spoon Nos 4 215 Mule Evisceration Spoon Nos 4 216 Iris Repository (double ended) Nos 4 217 Jarneson muscle hook Nos 4 218 Wills Cautery with Copper ball point Nos 4 219 Langs Lacrimal sac Dissector Nos 4 220 Kelly Glucoma Punch Elevator Nos 4 221 Bowman Lacrimal Probes Nos 4 222 Coliberi Forecep with teeth Nos 4 223 Dressing Forecep, Serrated Nos 4 224 Moor Field Conjuctival Forecep Nos 4 225 Fixation Forcep Nos 4 226 Beer cilea (epilation) forcep Nos 4 227 Snellen Intropian clamp Nos 4 228 Chalazion clamp (small , medium, large) Nos 4 229 Lacrimal Cannula Nos 4 230 Simcock Direct I/A Cannula & Silicon tubing Nos 4 231 patient Trolley Nos 2 232 Bunsen Burner Nos 50 233 Tablet Friability Tester Nos 1 234 Emergency Power Back Up Fazility Nos 1 235 Sims Speculum Nos 54 236 Fetus in utero Nos 1 237 HIV kit Nos 20 238 Barbour Linen Thread 20 Nos 50 239 Ovarian Uterine anatomical model Nos 1 240 Disintegrater Nos 1 241 Dryer Nos 1 242 Calcium kit Nos 60 243 Piles holding forceps Nos 6 244 Jars for wet preservation Nos 50 245 Fumigator Nos 1 246 Bone cutter of the number 3/4 , 1/2 ,1/4 , 1/8 Nos 1 247 Tripod Stand Nos 10 248 Boiler-Large Nos 1 249 Oxygen Cylinder and mask Nos 1 250 Tablet Disintegration Appratus Nos 1 251 Hot Air Oven Different Range Of Temp/Vacuum Oven Nos 1 252 Tablet Dissolution Tester Nos 1 253 High pressure autoclave Nos 2 254 Nitrous oxide cylinder Nos 2 255 Stretcher With Trolley Nos 2 256 Bilirubin Kit Nos 50 257 Snellens chart/box Nos 1 258 specimen khanija visha (mineral poisons) Nos 77 259 Urea kit Nos 50 260 Sodium Kit Nos 50 261 Potassium Kit Nos 50 262 SGOT Kit Nos 50 263 SGPT Kit Nos 50 264 LDL Kit Nos 50 265 Triglycerides kit Nos 50 266 Models for surface anatomy Nos 2 267 acids- corrosive (sulphuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloride acid ) Nos 3 268 ayurvedic antidots(drugs) Nos 10 269 Human Skeleton (articulate & disarticulated) Nos 2 270 Glass Jars of Different sizes Nos 50 271 Adenoid Curette With Cage Nos 4 272 Opthalmoscope (direct)/Fundoscope Nos 2 273 Drums Nos 5 274 x ray view box Nos 11 275 ph indicator paper strips Nos 50 276 Glass Cupboard with locks Nos 1 277 Eppendrof Nos 1000 278 Modal dummies Nos 1 279 breast examination model Nos 1 280 episiotomy suturing techniques Nos 1 281 Labour demenostration model Nos 1 282 Refrigerator 250 litres Nos 1 283 Shifter Nos 1 284 Stick making Machine Nos 1 285 Water Distillation Still Nos 1 286 pH Comparater with disc Nos 1 287 Formaldehyde Bott 50 288 Muffle Furance Nos 1 289 Uric Acid Nos 50 290 Thymol crystal Nos 5 291 Plain & hole towels Nos 50 292 charts of forensic science Nos 40 293 Red cell pipette Nos 50 294 Cretinine kit Nos 60 295 Stop Watch Nos 150 296 Microscope Monocular Nos 5 297 Cuscos speculum different sizes Nos 10 298 Yoga Mats Nos 80 299 White Board Nos 7 300 Alkaline Phosphate kit Nos 60 301 Cholesterol Kit Nos 60 302 Sterilizer Nos 6 303 Baby Tray Nos 7 304 MTP suction machine Nos 2 305 Basti Yantra Nos 10 306 Auroscope Nos 2 307 Emergency medicines kit required for OT Kit 1 308 Emergency surgical items required for OT Kit 1 309 Examination Table Nos 2 310 Barron Pile Gun With Rubber Bands Nos 2 311 Instrument for labour & Episiotomy Nos 1 312 Desmarres Lid Retrator Nos 8 313 Glass Plates Nos 100 314 Nasal Speculum (adult/child) Nos 54 315 Stenlizer (Autoclave) Nos 2 316 Autoclave-Large Nos 2 317 Suction Machine Electric Nos 3 318 U.V Chamber For Sterlization Nos 2 319 Electro Cardio Graph Nos 2 320 Centrifuge With Speed Control Nos 6 321 Calorimeter Nos 6 322 Specimens of different organs ( Male ) Nos 2 323 Specimens of different organs ( Female ) Nos 2 324 Dehumidifier Nos 1 325 specimen jangama visha (venomous animals) Nos 10 326 Display Racks And Almirah Nos 5 327 Tuning Fork Nos 162 328 Ph Meter Nos 3 329 Dissection Sets Nos 15 330 Knee hammer Nos 150 331 OT Table & Head - Up & Head low facility Nos 1 332 models of forensic science (depicting different type of injuries) Nos 15 333 ENT Examination Set Nos 30 334 Electro cautery Nos 2 335 Multistix Nos 50 336 Sahlis Haemoglobinometer Nos 100 337 Instruments Trolley Nos 10 338 Slit lamp Nos 1 339 Hydraulic operation Table Nos 1 340 Hydraulic table/Adjusting table Nos 2 341 Music System In Yoga Hall Nos 1 342 Proctoscope With/ Without Illumination Nos 4 343 Round Jars Nos 200 344 Multiparameter Monitor Nos 2 345 weapons ( sharp weapons, blunt weapons and firearms) Nos 30 346 Mannual Capsule filling Machine ( 300caps ) Nos 1 347 Tonometer (Schiotz) Nos 4 348 Female pelvis Nos 4 349 Pill cutting Machine ( 250mg ) Nos 1 350 Pill cutting Machine ( 500mg ) Nos 1 351 Spot Light (Ceilng Fitted) Nos 1 352 Big Carpets (For Covering Yoga Hall) Nos 10 353 Phototherapy unit Nos 3 354 Ophthalmic operation table with head rest Nos 1 355 ENT Kit Nos 2 356 HBs Ag kit Nos 100 357 Pulverizer Nos 1 358 Manual Suction apparatus Nos 10 359 Hemocytometer Nos 100 360 Tank with capacity to preserve 2-4 bodies Nos 1 361 Refrigerator Nos 5 362 Anti CCP Kit Nos 5 363 ANA KIT Nos 5 364 sphygmomanometer Nos 50 365 B.P Apparatus Nos 76 366 Models of different organs Nos 5 367 improved Neubulizer chamber Nos 50 368 Radiant warmer Nos 3 369 Stethoscope Nos 169 370 Electrolyte Analyzer Nos 1 371 Bio-Chmistry Analyzer Nos 1 372 Anaesthesia trolley Nos 2 373 Resuscitation kit Nos 2 374 Urinometer Nos 1 375 Boyles Apparatus Nos 2 376 Kshar Sutra Cabinet Nos 2 377 Machines for bone and brain sectioning Nos 1 378 HDL Kit Nos 60 379 Microscope Binocular Nos 25 380 Tlc Apparatus With All Accessories Nos 1 381 Whatmanns filter paper Nos 200 382 Laryngoscope Pediatric / Adult Nos 54 383 X-ray Machine 100 MA with table and 1 set of X-ray fims and casset Nos 1 384 Microscope with oil immersion

Key Value

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Tender Value
INR 1.75 Crore /-
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