
Supplying For Basic Facilities For Labs In Bidar Division Lab .- 1. TDS CUM CONDUCTIVITY METER 2. Analytical weighing balance with Enclosure (4 digit Analytical balance with display of weights both in grams and milligrams) 3. Antivibration table for -Karnataka

Water Supply And Sanitation Department has published Supplying For Basic Facilities For Labs In Bidar Division Lab .- 1. TDS CUM CONDUCTIVITY METER 2. Analytical weighing balance with Enclosure (4 digit Analytical balance with display of weights both in grams and milligrams) 3. Antivibration table for . Submission Date for this Tender is 07-08-2021. Chemical Supply Tenders in Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supplying For Basic Facilities For Labs In Bidar Division Lab .- 1. TDS CUM CONDUCTIVITY METER 2. Analytical weighing balance with Enclosure (4 digit Analytical balance with display of weights both in grams and milligrams) 3. Antivibration table for
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supplying For Basic Facilities For Labs In Bidar Division Lab .- 1. TDS CUM CONDUCTIVITY METER 2. Analytical weighing balance with Enclosure (4 digit Analytical balance with display of weights both in grams and milligrams) 3. Antivibration table for analytical balance and separate enclosed space/area for placing the same 4. Airconditioner for instrumentation room 5. Digital waterbath (Temperature display) 6. Cold storage (fabricated, movable and with temperature display)for retention of samples for a month. 7. Digital thermohygrometer 8. Stainless steel Weight box 9. Millipore if the distillation unit not working properly 10. Lux meter for checking light intensity 11. Icebox 12. Storage can for storing distilled water 13. Polypropylene can for storage of acid and base waste before scientific disposal. 14. Body shower & Eye Shower 15. Fumehood 16. Exhaust fan 17. First aid box 18. BC Type Fire Exinguisher and emergency exit 19. Temperature sensor with indicator 20. Digital Thermo meter with 3 wire RTD Sensor 21. Digital Magnetic Stirrer 22. Digital Hot plate

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Document Fees
INR 550 /-
INR 25000.0 /-
Tender Value
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