
Provision Of Additional Launder For Converter 1,2 And 3 Of Sms, BURNPUR-West Bengal

Steel Authority Of India Limited has published Provision Of Additional Launder For Converter 1,2 And 3 Of Sms. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-07-2021. Miscellaneous Fasteners Tenders in BURNPUR West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Provision Of Additional Launder For Converter 1,2 And 3 Of Sms
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Provision Of Additional Launder For Converter 1,2 And 3 Of Sms It is proposed to lay an additional launder (capacity 1230m3/h) withaccess, walk way platform with deflector plate at one end along theproposed length, supporting structures and down comer for Gas CleaningPlant (GCP) of BOF converter of SMS in ISP. The launder will cater forthe slurry coming out from the GCP of ALL 03 converters. The launderwill receive the slurry from GCP of all 03 converters and will dischargethe slurry in existing flash mixer. The scope of work covers design and engineering, fabrication,manufacturing, testing, inspection, painting, packing, marking, sequential supply, transportation, handling, storage at site, erection, testing & commissioning of all the items of a launder withall associated facilities, supporting structure, walkway, and coverplatform launder for BOF converter of SMS in ISP within the batterylimit on turnkey basis. This scope also includes dismantling, structural work, modification inthe existing system, diversion/ relocation/ protection of existing overground facilities interfering with the proposed units in agreement withthe employer, supervision for erection & commissioning,Preliminary Acceptance Tests (PAT), commissioning, conductingPerformance Guarantee Tests (PGT) and establishment of performanceguarantee parameters, Final Acceptance Test (FAT). The scope will alsoinclude compliance of various clauses with respect to supply ofdrawings, documents, safety provisions, etc.Any additional plant, equipment or material though not specificallymentioned in this technical specification but is required to make thesystem complete or for ensuring safe & proper operation andmaintenance or to achieve the guaranteed performance shall deemed to beincluded in the scope of work of the Contractor and shall be provided byhim at his own cost. SCOPE OF SERVICES Design & Engineering The successful bidder will carry out complete design and engineeringwork required for installation of the launder including all mechanical,utilities & services and, civil works(as required) and structuralworks. The scope of bidder also includes analysis of load on existingcolumns due to new launder. Tests And Inspection The Bidder will furnish a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) in respect ofsite work as well as manufacture of items, which he proposes to followfor the purpose of ensuring the quality of equipment and workmanship atvarious stages. The successful bidder will furnish the test certificatesof all the materials of construction. The QAP will be mutually discussedand approved by the employer and will also form a part of the contract. Inspection of different items will be done by the employer beforedispatch on the basis of approved QAP. Other Miscellaneous Services Quality control & time schedule control of site work & formanufacturing, fabrication, procurement work will be done by bidder andwill be reviewed periodically by the employer.Any additional plant, equipment or material though not specificallymentioned in this technical specification but is required to make thesystem complete or for ensuring safe & proper operation andmaintenance or to achieve the guaranteed performance shall deemed to beincluded in the scope of work of the Contractor and shall be provided byhim at his own cost. SCOPE OF SUPPLIES The successful bidder will submit GA drawings along with supportingdesign documents to the employer, in requisite number of copies, andwill obtain employer#s clearance on them prior to preparing fabricationdrawings. Design work will be done either manually or with the help ofSTAADPRO software. Design calculation will be submitted for referencepurpose only. Necessary attention will be given while preparing fabrication detailssuch that it facilitates both fabrication and erection work. Thesuccessful bidder will remain fully responsible for the completeness,adequacy, correctness of his design and successful implementation andsatisfactory performance of structures under his scope of work. Softcopies of As-Built drawings will be submitted to the employer afterthe completion of erection in an editable format for reference. Necessary survey work for alignment of structures will also be in scopeof work for Bidder. All necessary site measurements and study of available existing drawings for developing the aforesaid design and drawings will also be

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