
Rate Contract For Routines On Kta Series Cummins Das In Vessels, NAVAL DOCKYARD VISAKHAPATNAM-Andhra Pradesh

Indian Navy has published Rate Contract For Routines On Kta Series Cummins Das In Vessels. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-07-2021. Wrenches and Drivers Tenders in NAVAL DOCKYARD VISAKHAPATNAM Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Rate Contract For Routines On Kta Series Cummins Das In Vessels
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh
Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam

Tender Details

Rate Contract For Routines On Kta Series Cummins Das In Vessels , Carry Out A , B And C Checks . 6000H1 . Kta50g3 . , Fuel System: ( A ) Clean And Calibrate Injectors And Record Test Pressures In Service Log . Also Change Injector Inlet Screen . ( B ) Replace Rocker Cover Gaskets . ( C ) Adjust Valve Tappet Clearances Within Limits And Record In Service Log . ( D ) Replace Fuel Pump Filter ( Screen And Magnet ) . ( E ) Calibrate Pt Fuel Pump And Record In Service Log . 6000H2 . Kta50g3 . , Air System: ( A ) Clean Turbocharger , Compressor Wheel And Diffuser ( B ) Check Turbo Charger Radial / End Bearing Clearance In-Situ . Note: Renew O Ring And Teflon Gasket When Turbocharger Is Opened For Checking Clearances . 6000H3 . Kta50g3 . , Charge Air Cooler & Fresh Water Cooler: ( A ) Clean The Internal Passages Of Charge Air Cooler And Fresh Water Cooler Coolant Side Using Restore Plus As Laid Down In Operating Manual . ( B ) Renew Coolant In The System ( C ) Inspect Charge Air Cooler Air Side And If Required Clean Using Hot Water And Pressure Test Up To 2Kg / Cm2 . 6000H4 . Kta50g3 . , Other Maintenance: ( A ) Clean Engine With Solvent . ( B ) Carryout Flushing Through Of Coolant System As Per Jic 6000H5 . Kta50g3 . , Check Thickness Of Vibration Damper At 0 , 90 , 180 And 270 Degree Positions . Replace Damper If Variation Of The 4 Readings Exceeds 0 . 010 Inch ( 0 . 25Mm ) Or Exceeds Max Allowable Thickness . Checks To Be Undertaken In Coupled Condition . 6000H6 . Kta50g3 . , Check All Safety Alarms And Trips . 6000H7 . Kta50g3 . , Check Crank End Clearances With A Dial Indicator , Attaching Against Damper Min- 0 . 13 Mm , Max-0 . 51 Mm . 6000H8 . Kta50g3 . , Tighten Mounting Bolts / Nut As Required . 6000H9 . Kta50g3 . , Alignment Checks: ( For Nt / Nta 855 Series Engines ) Undertake Alignment Checks Between The Generator And Engine And Restore Radial / Axial Initial Alignment To 25% Of The Max Limit . 6000H10 . Kta50g3 . , Carryout Visual Inspection Of Sv Mounts . Renew Mounts If Their Condition Is Deteriorated . Sr1 . Kta50g3 . , Undertake Alignment Checks Between The Generator And Engine And Restore Radial / Axial Initial Alignment To 25% Of The Max Limit . Sr2 . Kta50g3 . , Record Crankshaft End Clearances With A Dial Indicator , Attaching Against Damper Min- 0 . 13 Mm , Max-0 . 51 Mm When In Coupled Condition . Sr3 . Kta50g3 . , Check Torque Tightening Of Coupling Inner / Outer Members As Specified In The Manual For Das Fitted With Holset ( Reynolds ) Or Centamax Couplings . In Case Of Vulcan Couplings , Check For Cracks On Rubber And If Wear Mark Does Not Exceed Limits . Check Tightness Of Adaptor Plate Bolts ( Coupling Bolts ) Sr4 . Kta50g3 . , In Case Of 743 / 855 Engines . Check Thickness Of Vibration Damper At 0 , 90 , 180 And 270 Degree Positions . Replace Damper If Variation Of The 4 Readings Exceeds . 0 . 010 Inch ( 0 . 25Mm ) Or Exceeds Max Allowable Thickness . Checks To Be Undertaken In Coupled Condition . Sr5 . Kta50g3 . , Check Turbo Charger Radial / End Bearing Clearance In-Situ On Removal Of Inlet / Exhaust Pipes . Note: Renew O Ring And Teflon Gasket Whenever T / C Is Opened For Checking Clearances . Sr6 . Kta50g3 . , Carry Out A , B , C , D And Sr Checks . 12000H1 . Kta50g3 . , Offer Performance Assessment Trials On External Load Tank To Dttt / Etma And Vibration Trials To Mtu . Crankcase Blowby / Engine Smoke Condition Is Also To Be Recorded Along With All Other Performance Parameters . Trial Teams To Forward Recommendations . 12000H2 . Kta50g3 . , Undertake Random Inspection Of Two Representative Liners And Bearings Of The Engine . Inspect Other Liners / Bearings Incase Deteriorated . Following Inspection And Examination Cylinders To Be Carried Out: - ( A ) Gauging And Inspection Of One Liner From Each Bank For Corrosion / Pitting Post Extraction . ( B ) Gauging Of Connecting Rod Big End Bearing Clearances And Examination Of Big End Shell For The Cylinder Opened . ( C ) Check Condition Of Valve Gear Bracket , Transfer Sleeve Sealing Ring And Injector Tube . Inspection Of Valve Gear Parts And Valve Seat Inserts Of The Cylinder Head Opened . ( D ) Examine Crank Pin Surfaces And Check For Ovality And Wear . ( E ) Examine Pistons For Wear And Gauge Piston Ring Clearances . Renew Rings If Necessary . ( F ) Examine Lub Oil Pump Drive For Wear . 12000H3 . Kta50g3 . , Inspect Holset / Vulcan / Centamax Flexible Coupling And Torque Tighten Inner / Outer Members . Check Rubber Blocks / Disc For Deterioration . Renew If Necessary . 12000H4 . Kta50g3 . , Undertake Alignment Checks Between The Generator And Engine And Restore Radial / Axial Initial Alignment To 25% Of The Max Limit . 12000H5 . Kta50g3 . , Renew Rubber Vibration Dampers Where Fitted . 12000H6 . Kta50g3 . , Dismantle Auxiliary Drives And Check Bearing Clearances . Renew Bearings If Necessary . Examine All Gear Teeth For Pitting And Scuffing . 24000H1 . Kta50g3 . , Renew Big End Bearings , Their Bolts , Nuts And Washers . 24000H2 . Kta50g3 . , Check Main Bearing Clearances And Examine The Condition . Renew Bearing If Clearances Are Excessive . 24000H3 . Kta50g3 . , Remove , Clean And Examine All Cylinder Liners For Scoring And Corrosion . Gauge Liners Internally . Renew If Necessary . 24000H4 . Kta50g3 . , Clean All Water Passages . Renew All Sealing Rings . 24000H5 . Kta50g3 . , Examine And Gauge All Pistons . Renew Pistons If Necessary . 24000H6 . Kta50g3 . , Renew All Piston Rings . 24000H7 . Kta50g3 . , Remove Crankshaft And Check For Cracks , Scoring And Deflection , ( Eccentricity ) . Clean And Flush Out Oil Ways . Renew Teflon Seals . 24000H8 . Kta50g3 . , Overhaul Governor . Renew Worn Out Parts . Calibrate Governor After Completion Of Overhauling . 24000H9 . Kta50g3 . , ( A ) Remove And Chemically Clean Lub Oil Cooler And Fresh Water Cooler And Carry Out Pressure Testing . Replace If Required . ( B ) Renew Gasket And `O Seals . 24000H10 . Kta50g3 . , Remove And Check The Over Speed Trip ( Protection Device / Sensor ) For Correct Setting / Functioning , Calibrate If Necessary . 24000H11 . Kta50g3 . , Refit Cam Shaft Drive Assembly . 24000H12 . Kta50g3 . , Check All Camshaft Bearing Clearances . Renew If Necessary . Check Valve Timing . 24000H13 . Kta50g3 . , Check All Connecting Rods For Bend And Twist . Clean And Flush Out Oil Passages . 24000H14 . Kta50g3 . , Renew Hp Fuel Pump . 24000H15 . Kta50g3 . , Remove , Clean And Retreat The Crankcase . 24000H16 . Kta50g3 . , Clean And Repaint Bedplate . 24000H17 . Kta50g3 . , Renew All Flexible Hoses . 24000H18 . Kta50g3 . , Gauge All Gudgeon Pins . Replace If Wear Is Excessive . 24000H19 . Kta50g3 . , Renew S . V . Mountings . 24000H20 . Kta50g3 . , Overhaul Turbo Supercharger . Renew Entire Unit If Parts Are Excessively Worn Out . 24000H21 . Kta50g3 . , Remove Air Cooler , Chemically Clean And Pressure Test On Completion Of Cleaning . Replace If Required . 24000H22 . Kta50g3 . , Overhaul Air Starting Motor . Renew Worn Parts24000h23 . Kta50g3 . , Renew Silicon Vibration Damper Where Fitted . 24000H24 . Kta50g3 . , Overhaul / Renew Holset / Vulcan / Centamax Coupling As Necessary . Renew The Rubber Inserts / Member Of The Flexible Coupling . Renew All Fasteners / Bolts While Assembling The Coupling As Per Oem Recommended Procedure . Carry Out Engine To Alternator Alignment Procedure While Maintaining The Crankshaft End Clearances . Dowel The Alternator . Carry Out Full Load Trials And Vibration Checks Before Normal Service . 24000H25 . Kta50g3 . , Carry Out A , B And C Checks . 6000H1 . Kta50dm . , Fuel System: ( A ) Clean And Calibrate Injectors And Record Test Pressures In Service Log . Also Change Injector Inlet Screen . ( B ) Replace Rocker Cover Gaskets . ( C ) Adjust Valve Tappet Clearances Within Limits And Record In Service Log . ( D ) Replace Fuel Pump Filter ( Screen And Magnet

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