
Procurement Of Chemicals, Reagents And Kits Under Rate Contract For Various Department, AIIMS, Nagpur-Maharashtra

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences has published Procurement Of Chemicals, Reagents And Kits Under Rate Contract For Various Department. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-07-2021. Cosmetics Tenders in AIIMS, Nagpur Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Procurement Of Chemicals, Reagents And Kits Under Rate Contract For Various Department
Open Tender
Aiims, Nagpur

Tender Details

Procurement Of Chemicals, Reagents And Kits Under Rate Contract For Various Department - 1.01 2, 4 Di-Nitro Phenyl Hydrazine , Bottle / Pack, 25Gm , Ar / Lr / Sq 1.02 2, 4 Di-Nitro Phenyl Hydrazine , Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq 1.03 4 Amino Antipyrine , Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Sq / Equivalent 1.04 5X Laemmli Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 5Ml , Mb 1.05 5X Laemmli Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 10Ml, Mb 1.06 Acetone, Bottle , 500Ml, Excelar Or Any Equivalent 1.07 Acetone, Bottle / Pack, 2500Ml, Extrapure 1.08 Acetonitrile, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Ar / Lr / Mb 1.09 Acetonitrile, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar / Lr / Mb 1.10 Acrylamide Solution, Bottle / Pack, 100Ml, Mb 1.11 Acrylamide Solution, Bottle / Pack, 500Ml, Mb 1.12 Acrylamide-Bis Solution, Bottle / Pack, 100Ml, Mb 1.13 Acrylamide-Bis Solution, Bottle / Pack, 500Ml, Mb 1.14 Agar Agar, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr 1.15 Agarose ( Type A ) , Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Mol Bio 1.16 Agarose ( Type B ) , Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Mol Bio 1.17 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Kit, Kit, 10 Pr, Mb 1.18 Agarose Powder, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Mb 1.19 Agarose Powder, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Mb 1.20 Agarose Powder ( Dna Grade / Low Melting ) , Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Ar / Mb Grade 1.21 Agarose Powder ( Dna Grade / Low Melting ) , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar / Mb Grade 1.22 Albumin Egg, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Ar / Lr / Mb, 1.23 Albumin Kit ( Estimation Kit ) , Ml, 100 Ml, 1.24 Albumin Kit ( Estimation Kit ) , Ml, 1000 Ml, 1.25 Alkaline Phosphatase ( Alp ) Estimation Kit, Ml, 100 Ml, 1.26 Alkaline Phosphatase ( Alp ) Estimation Kit, Ml, 1000 Ml, 1.27 Alkaline Phosphatase Enzyme ( Lyophilised ) , Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Ar 1.28 Alpha Naphthylamine , Bottle, 100 Ml Bottle, 1.29 Alpha Naphthylamine , Bottle, 500 Gm Bottle, 1.30 Alpha-Naphthol, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Sq / Equivalent, 1.31 Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Lr / Ar, 1.32 Aluminium Ammonium Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Lr / Ar, 1.33 Aluminium Hydroxide, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Lr, 1.34 Amido Black, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq / Mb / Equivalent, 1.35 Amino Acid Set ( Lyophilised ) , Pack, 21Vials, Ar 1.36 Amino Acid Set ( Lyophilised ) , Pack, 22 Vials, Ar 1.37 Ammonia Liquid 25%, Bottle, 500 Ml, Ar / Lr, 1.38 Ammonium Acetate, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Mb, 1.39 Ammonium Acetate, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Mb, 1.40 Ammonium Molybdate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Excelar Or Any Equivalent, 1.41 Ammonium Oxalate ( Monohydrate ) , Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, -, 1.42 Ammonium Per Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Sq / Mb / Equivalent 1.43 Ammonium Sulphate 98.5%, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar 1.44 Anti-Serum - Human A, Bottle, 10 Ml Bottle, 1.45 Anti-Serum - Human Ab, Bottle, 10 Ml Bottle, 1.46 Anti-Serum - Human B, Bottle, 10 Ml Bottle, 1.47 Anti-Serum - Human D, Bottle, 10 Ml Bottle, 1.48 Antisperm-Antibody ( Iga ) Kit, Pack, 50Tests / Pack, - 1.49 Antisperm-Antibody ( Igg ) Kit, Pack, 50Tests / Pack, - 1.50 Autoclave Tape, Pieces, 1.51 Barbituric Acid, Bottle / Pack, 100Mg, Mb, 1.52 Barbituric Acid, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Mb, 1.53 Barium Chloride, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Ar / Lr, 1.54 Basic Fuschin Powder, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Practical Grade, 1.55 Basic Fuschin Powder, Bottle / Pack, 25Gm, Lr, 1.56 Benedicts Reagent ( Qualitative ) , Bottle, 500 Ml, Ar / Sq / Equivalent / Lr, 1.57 Benzoic Acid, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Lr, 1.58 Benzyl Benzoate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Lr, 1.59 Bile Esulin Agar, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm 1.60 Bile Salt, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Sq / Equivalent, 1.61 Bilirubin ( Total ) Estimation Kit, Ml, 250 Ml, 1.62 Bilirubin ( Total ) Estimation Kit, Ml, 500 Ml, 1.63 Bilirubin ( Total ) Estimation Kit, Ml, 1000 Ml, 1.64 Bilirubin Powder ( Conjugated ) , Bottle / Pack, 1 Gm, Ar, 1.65 Bilirubin Powder ( Conjugated ) , Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Ar, 1.66 Bilirubin Powder ( Conjugated ) , Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Ar, 1.67 Bilirubin Powder ( Conjugated ) , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar, 1.68 Bilirubin Powder ( Unconjugated ) , Bottle / Pack, 1Gm, Ar, 1.69 Bilirubin Powder ( Unconjugated ) , Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Ar, 1.70 Bilirubin Powder ( Unconjugated ) , Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Ar, 1.71 Bilirubin Powder ( Unconjugated ) , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar, 1.72 Bis-Tris, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb 1.73 Bis-Tris, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb 1.74 Biuret Reagent, Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr / Ar, 1.75 Blood Urea Estimation ( Dam Method ) Kit, Ml, 250 Ml, 1.76 Blood Urea Estimation ( Dam Method ) Kit, Ml, 1000 Ml, 1.77 Borate Buffered Saline Solution, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 1.78 Borate Buffered Saline Solution, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 1.79 Boric Acid, Bottle / Pack, 250Gm, Ar / Lr / Mb 1.80 Boric Acid, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Mb 1.81 Bovine Serum Albumin ( Bsa ) , Bottle / Pack, 50 Gm, Lr / Ar, 1.82 Bradford Reagent, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, 1.83 Bradford Reagent, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, 1.84 Brain Heart Infusion Agar, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 1.85 Brilliant Cresyl Blue, Bottle / Pack, 25Gm, - 1.86 Bromelain, Bottle / Pack, 25Gm, - 1.87 Bromine, Pack, 5 Vials, Ar, 1.88 Bromothymol Blue Indicator, Bottle, 125 Ml, Lr, 1.89 Buffer Capsule Ph – 10, Bottle, Pack Of -10, Lr / Ar, 1.90 Buffer Capsule Ph – 10, Bottle, Pack Of -25, Lr / Ar, 1.91 Buffer Capsule Ph – 4, Bottle, Pack Of -10 , Lr / Ar, 1.92 Buffer Capsule Ph – 4, Bottle, Pack Of –25, Lr / Ar, 1.93 Buffer Capsule Ph – 7, Bottle, Pack Of -10 , Lr / Ar, 1.94 Buffer Capsule Ph – 7, Bottle, Pack Of -25, Lr / Ar, 1.95 Buffer Tablet ( Ph: 9.20 ) , Bottle / Pack, 50 / Pack, - 1.96 Butanol , Bottle, 500 Ml, Ar, 1.97 Butter Paper Sheets Approx 50X50 Cms, Sheets 1.98 Calamine , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Lr, 1.99 Calcium Carbonate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Sq / Equivalent / Ar / Lr, 2.00 Calcium Chloride Buffer Solution, Bottle / Pack, 100Ml, Mb, 2.01 Calcium Estimation Kit By Arsenazo Method, Kit , 500 Ml 2.02 Calcium Estimation Kit By Arsenazo Method, Kit , 1000 Ml 2.03 Camphor, Bottle / Pack, 150 Gm, 2.04 Candida Agar, Practical Grade 2.05 Carbol Fuschin, Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr, 2.06 Carbon Tetrachloride, Bottle / Pack, 250 Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 2.07 Carbon Tetrachloride, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 2.08 Carmine Alum Lake, Bottle / Pack, 25Gm, Pure, 2.09 Cary Blair Transport Medium, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, 2.10 Casein, Bottle / Pack, 250 Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 2.11 Casein, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 2.12 Castor Oil, Bottle, 500 Ml, 2.13 Cedarwood Oil, Bottle, 100 Ml, 2.14 Cefoxitin E-Test Strips, Pack, 120St / Pack, Practical Grade, 2.15 Cell Lysis Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100Ml, 2.16 Cell Lysis Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, 2.17 Cellulose Acetate Strips, Pack, 50 Nos, Mb, 2.18 Cellulose Acetate Strips, Pack, 100 Nos, Mb, 2.19 Chloroform, Bottle, 500 Ml, Ar / Lr / Mb, 2.20 Chloroform, Bottle, 2500 Ml, Ar 2.21 Cholesterol Powder, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Excelar Or Equivalent, 2.22 Cholesterol Powder, Bottle / Pack, 50 Gm, Excelar Or Equivalent, 2.23 Christensons Urea Agar Base, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 2.24 Chromatography Teaching Kit, Kit, 10 Preps, Mb 2.25 Chromatography Teaching Kit, Kit, 50 Preps, Mb 2.26 Citrate Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 2.27 Citrate Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 2.28 Comassie Brilliant Blue, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 2.29 Comassie Brilliant Blue, Bottle / Pack, 250 Ml, Mb, 2.30 Copper Acetate, Bottle / Pack, 250 Gm, Ar / Lr / Mb, 2.31 Copper Acetate, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Mb, 2.32 Copper Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Mb, 2.33 Corn Meal Agar, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr, 2.34 Creatinine , Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Ar / Sq / Equivalent, 2.35 Creatinine Estimation Kit, Kit, 500 Ml, 2.36 Creatinine Estimation Kit, Kit, 1000 Ml, 2.37 Csf Protein Estimation Kit, Kit, 100 Ml, 2.38 Csf Protein Estimation Kit, Kit, 500 Ml, 2.39 Denatured Alcohol ( Spirit ) , Bottle, 1Liter, Lab Grade 2.40 Deoxycholate Citrate Agar, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 2.41 Dextran, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Mb, 2.42 Dextran, Bottle / Pack, 250 Gm, Mb, 2.43 D-Fructose Anhydrous, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar / Lr / Mb 2.44 D-Glucose Anhydrous, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar / Lr / Mb, 2.45 Diacetyl Monooxime, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 2.46 Diacetyl Monooxime, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 2.47 Diff-Quik Staining Method ( Skt For Morphology ) , Pack, 100Tests / Pack, 2.48 Di-Potassium Hydrogen Orthophosphate, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / 2.49 Di-Potassium Oxalate, Bottle / Pack, 250 Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq 2.50 Di-Potassium Oxalate, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq 2.51 Direct Hdl Estimation Kit, Kit, 500 Ml, 2.52 Direct Hdl Estimation Kit, Kit, 1000 Ml, 2.53 Disodium Hydrogen ( Orthophosphate ) , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar, 2.54 Disodium Hydrogen ( Orthophosphate ) ( Sodium Phosphate Dibasic ) , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar, 2.55 Distilled Water, Bottle / Can, 5 Liter, Pure, 2.56 Dmem, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm / 100 Ml, 2.57 Dmem, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm / 500 Ml, 2.58 Dna Fragmentation Test Kit ( Human Sperm ) , Pack, 10Tests / Pack, - 2.59 Dna Gel Extraction Kit, Kit, 25 Preps, Mb, 2.60 Dna Gel Extraction Kit, Kit, 100 Preps, Mb, 2.61 Dna Isolation / Purification Kit, Bottle / Pack, 20Pr, Mb, 2.62 Dna Isolation / Purification Kit, Bottle / Pack, 250Pr, Mb, 2.63 Dna Ladder, Pack, 50 Lanes, Mb, 2.64 Dna Ladder, Pack, 200 Lanes, Mb, 2.65 Dna Ladder ( 100 Bp Ladder ) , Kit 2.66 Dna Loading Dye, Bottle, 5 Ml, Mb, 2.67 Dna Loading Dye, Bottle, 10 Ml, Mb, 2.68 Dna Purification Kit, Bottle / Pack, 20Pr, Mb, 2.69 Dna Purification Kit, Bottle / Pack, 250Pr, Mb, 2.70 Dnaase Agar Base, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr, 2.71 Dntps Solution, Bottle / Pack, 1 Ml, Mb, 2.72 Dntps Solution, Bottle / Pack, 5 Ml, Mb, 2.73 Dpx Mount, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar, 2.74 Dpx Mountant For Histology, Bottle / Pack, 500Ml , - 2.75 Dulbeccos Phosphate Buffered Saline 1X ( With Calcium And Magnesium ) , Bottle / Pack, 500Ml, - 2.76 Edta ( Disodium Salt ) , Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, -, 2.77 Edta Free Acid , Bottle / Pack, 100Gm , Ar / Lr / Mb, 2.78 Edta Free Acid , Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Mb, 2.79 Edta, Ph 8, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml / 50Gm , Mb, 2.80 Edta, Ph 8, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml / 500 Gm, Mb, 2.81 Ehrlichs Hematoxylene, Bottle, 125 Ml, Pure, 2.82 Elution Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 2.83 Elution Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 2.84 Eosin Powder, Spirit Soluble 0.5%, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Pure 2.85 Eosin Y Water Soluble, Bottle / Pack, 10 Gm, Pure, 2.86 Eosin Y Water Soluble, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Pure, 2.87 Eosin- Nigrosin Solution ( Sft For Vitality ) , Pack, 2.5Ml / Pack , - 2.88 Ethanol ( Ethyl Alcohol Absolute ) 99.99%, Bottle, 500 Ml, Ar, 2.89 Ethidium Bromide , Bottle / Pack, 5 Gm, Mb, 2.90 Ethylene Glycol, Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr / Mb / Ar, 2.91 Ferric Chloride ( Anhydrous ) , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Sq / Equivalent, 2.92 Filter Paper-Approx. 46 * 57 Cm ( Sheets ) ( Laboratory ) , Sheets 2.93 Folin & Ciocalteus Phenol Reagent, Bottle / Pack, 250Ml, - 2.94 Formalin ( 37-38% W / V ) , Bottle / Can, 2500 Ml, Ar / Acs, 2.95 Formalin ( 37-38% W / V ) , Bottle / Can, 5 Litre, Ar / Acs, 2.96 Formalin ( 37-41% W / V ) , Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Ar / Lr, 2.97 Formic Acid 98-100%, Bottle, 500Ml, 2.98 Fructose ( Quantitative ) Kit ( Human Sperm ) , Pack, 50 Tests / Pack, -, 2.99 Galactose, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm , Mb, 3.00 Galactose, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Mb, 3.01 Gel Binding Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 3.02 Gel Binding Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 3.03 Gel Loading Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 6 X1ml , Mb, 3.04 Gel Loading Buffer 10 X, Bottle, 5 X 0.5 Ml Approx / Variable Volumes, Mb, 3.05 Gel Loading Buffer 5 X, Bottle, 6 X 1 Ml Approx / Variable Volumes, Mb, 3.06 Gelatin, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 3.07 Gelatin, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 3.08 Gentian Violet , Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr, 3.09 Gentian Violet ( Aqueous ) , Bottle / Pack, 125Ml, - 3.10 Gentian Violet For Microscopy, Bottle / Pack, 25Gm, - 3.11 Geobacillius Stearothermopihilus Ampoule, Pack , 25 / Pack, Practical Grade, 3.12 Giemsa Powder, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Pure, 3.13 Gillss Hematoxylene, Bottle, 500 Ml, Pure, 3.14 Glacial Acetic Acid, Bottle, 500Ml, Excelar Or Any Equivalent, 3.15 Glucometer Strips For Accu-Check Active, Bottle, 50 Strips / Packet, 3.16 Glucose Azide Broth, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Lr, 3.17 Glucose Estimation Kit By God-Pod Method, Kit, 1000Ml, 3.18 Glucose Phosphate Broth ( Mr Vp ) , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, 3.19 Glycatedhb / Hbaic Kit, Kit, 20 Tests, 3.20 Glycatedhb / Hbaic Kit, Kit, 50 Tests, 3.21 Glycerine, Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr / Mb, 3.22 Glycerol, Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr / Mb, 3.23 Glycine For Electrophoresis, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Mb, 3.24 Glycine For Electrophoresis, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Mb, 3.25 Gum Acacia, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Lr, 3.26 Harrys Haematoxylin, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, 3.27 Hiviral Transport Medium, Box, 50 Tube / Box, 3.28 Hydrochloric Acid ( 99% ) , Bottle, 500 Ml, Sq / Equivalent, 3.29 Hydrochloric Acid 0.1 N, Bottle, 500 Ml, Ar, 3.30 Hydrochloric Acid 1 N ( 36% Emplura ) , Bottle, 500 Ml, Ar / Mb, 3.31 Hydrochloric Acid 36-38%, Bottle, 500Ml, Lr, 3.32 Hydrochoric Acid 30%, Ultrapure, Bottle, 500 Ml, Acs, 3.33 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 10%, Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr, 3.34 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 30%, Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr, 3.35 Hypo-Osmotic Solution ( Sft For Vitality ) , Pack, 50Ml / Pack, - 3.36 Imipenem ( 32Mcg / Ml ) , Pack, 30 Tests, Practical Grade, 3.37 India Ink Stain , Vial, 23 Ml / Vial, Lr, 3.38 Insulin ( Cell Culture Grade ) , Bottle / Pack, 3.39 Iodine Crystal, Bottle / Pack, 50 Gm, Ar / Lr / Acs, 3.40 Isopropyl Alcohol ( 99.9% ) , Bottle, 2.5 L, Lr / Practical Grade, 3.41 Isopropyl Alcohol ( Lab Grade ) , Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr 3.42 Isopropyl Alcohol ( Lab Grade ) , Bottle, 1000 Ml, Lr 3.43 Isopropyl Alcohol, 70% V / V, Bottle, 4000 Ml, Lg / Ar, 3.44 Kovas Indole Reagent, Bottle, 100 Ml, Lr, 3.45 Labolene Solution, Can, 5 Litres, 3.46 Lactose, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 3.47 Lactose Broth, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr, 3.48 Lead Acetate Trihydrate ( 99% ) , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Sq / Equivalent, 3.49 Leishman’S Stain ( Twin Pack ) , Bottle / Pack, 500Ml, 3.50 Leishmans Stain Powder , Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Pure, 3.51 Leucocyte Detection Kit ( In Semen ) , Pack, 50Tests / Pack, - 3.52 Light Green Dye, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Pure, 3.53 Liquid Paraffin, Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr, 3.54 Lithium Carbonate, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 3.55 Lithium Carbonate, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 3.56 Litmus Paper Blue, Pack, 10 Booklet / Pack, 3.57 Litmus Paper Pink, Pack, 10 Booklet / Pack, 3.58 Lpcb ( Lactophenol Cotton Blue ) , Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr 3.59 Lysis Solution, Bottle / Pack, 100-500 Ml, Mb 3.60 Mac Conkey Agar W / O Cv, Nacl W / 0.5 % Of Sodium Taurocholate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 3.61 Macconkey Broth Ds With Neutral Red, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 3.62 Macconkey Broth Ss With Neutral Red, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 3.63 Magnesium Carbonate Light, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, , Lr 3.64 Magnesium Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Lr / Ar / Mb, 3.65 Malachite Green Oxalate, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Practical, 3.66 Maltose Powder, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Lr / Ar / Mb, 3.67 Mannitol Salt Agar Base, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr, 3.68 May Grunwald Powder, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Pure, 3.69 Meat Extract Powder, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 3.70 Mercuric Chloride, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Ar / Acs, 3.71 Mercuric Oxide, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Ar, 3.72 Mercuric Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 250 Gm, Excelar Or Any Equivalent, 3.73 Meropenem ( 32Mcg / Ml ) , Pack, 31 Tests, Practical Grade, 3.74 Metanil Yellow, Bottle / Pack, 25Gm, Pure, 3.75 Methanamine, Bottle / Pack, 25Gm , Ar, 3.76 Methanol, Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr / Mb, 3.77 Methanol ( 99.8% ) , Bottle, 2500 Ml, Ar / Acs, 3.78 Methyl Red Indicator, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gms, Practical, 3.79 Methyl Red Powde, R, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Excelar Or Any Equivalent, 3.80 Methylene Blue, Bottle, 25 Gm / Vial, Lr, 3.81 Molecular Biology Grade Water ( Protease, Dnaase, Rnaase Free ) , Bottle, 100 Ml, Mb, 3.82 Molybdic Acid 58%, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Sq / Equivalent / Ar / Lr, 3.83 Muller Hinton Agar , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 3.84 New Methylene Blue, Bottle / Pack, 25Ml, Ar, 3.85 Nigrosine, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, - 3.86 Ninhydrin, Bottle / Pack, 10 Gm Ar / Mb 3.87 Nitric Acid ( 69% ) , Bottle, 500 Ml, Ar / Mb, 3.88 Nitrocellulose Blotting Membrane, Roll, Mb, 3.89 Nitrocellulose Membrane Pre-Cut Sheets, Pack, 25 Sheets, Mb, 3.90 Nitrocellulose Membrane Pre-Cut Sheets, Pack, 50 Sheets, Mb, 3.91 Nnnn-Tetramethyl-P-Phenylene Diamine Dihydrochloride, Bottle, 5Gm / Lr, 3.92 Nuclear Protein Assay Kit, Pack, 50Tests / Pack, -, 3.93 Nucleases ( Dnaase / Rnaase ) Solution, Bottle / Pack, 2Ml, Mb, 3.94 Nucleases ( Dnaase / Rnaase ) Solution, Bottle / Pack, 15Ml, Mb, 3.95 Nutrient Agar , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 3.96 Nutrient Broth , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 3.97 Nylon Blotting Membrane, Roll, Mb, 3.98 Nylon Membrane For Blotting Pre-Cut Sheets, Pack, 20 Sheets, Mb, 3.99 Nylon Membrane For Blotting Pre-Cut Sheets, Pack, 50 Sheets, Mb, 4.00 Og 6 Dye, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Pure, 4.01 Oil Of Lemongrass, Bottle, 500 Gm, Ar, 4.02 Oil Of Turpentine, Bottle, 500 Ml, 4.03 Oligo Dt, Bottle, 50Um, Mb, 4.04 Orthophosphoric Acid , Bottle, 500 Ml, Excelarr Or Any Equivalent, 4.05 Pap Staining Kit ( Sft For Morphology ) , Pack, 6 Bottles / Pack, -, 4.06 Paper Electrophoresis Kit, Kit, 10 Preps, Mb, 4.07 Paper Electrophoresis Kit, Kit, 100 Preps, Mb, 4.08 Paraffin Wax ( Noncaking ) , Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, -, 4.09 Paraffin Wax 52- 54 C, Pack, 2 Kg, Pure, 4.10 Paraffin Wax 56- 58 C, Pack, 2 Kg, Pure, 4.11 Paraffin Wax 58- 60 C, Pack, 2 Kg, Pure, 4.12 Paraffin Wax 60 - 62 C, Pack, 2 Kg, Pure, 4.13 Paraffin Wax Granules 56 Degrees, Pack, 500 Gm, Ar, 4.14 Paraffin Wax Pellets 60°C With Ceresine, Bottle / Pack, 2Kg, -, 4.15 Pcr Kits, Kit, 10 Preps, Mb, 4.16 Pcr Kits, Kit, 250 Preps, Mb, 4.17 Pcr Master Mix, Kit, Mb, 4.18 Pcr Master Mix ( Hot Start ) , Kit, 250 Rx, Mg, 4.19 Pcr Product Purification Kit, Bottle / Pack, 20Pr, Mb 4.20 Pcr Product Purification Kit, Bottle / Pack, 250Pr, Mb, 4.21 Penicillin Streptomycin Solution, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, 4.22 Penicillin Streptomycin Solution, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, 4.23 Peptone Powder, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 4.24 Peptone Water, Bottle, 500 Gms, Lr, 4.25 Ph Paper Indicator ( Ph 1.0 - 14.0 ) , Pack, 10 Booklets / Pack 4.26 Ph Paper Indicator ( Ph 1.0 -7.0 ) , Pack, 10 Booklets / Pack, 4.27 Ph Paper Indicator ( Ph 3.5 - 6.0 ) , Pack, 10 Booklets / Pack, 4.28 Ph Paper Indicator ( Ph 6.5 - 9.0 ) , Pack, 10 Booklets / Pack, 4.29 Ph Paper Indicator ( Ph 8.0 - 10.5 ) , Pack, 10 Booklets / Pack, 4.30 Ph Strips ( Sft For Ph Assessment ) , Pack, 50 / Pack, -, 4.31 Phenol Crystal, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Ar, 4.32 Phenol Red Indicator Solution, Bottle / Pack, 125Ml, Ar / Lr / Sq, 4.33 Phenyl Alanine Agar, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr, 4.34 Phenyl Hydrazine Hydrochloride, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Mb, 4.35 Phenyl Hydrazine Hydrochloride, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Mb, 4.36 Phenyl Phosphate Disodium ( Salt Dihydrate ) , Bottle / Pack, 10 Gm, Ar / Lr 4.37 Phloxin B, Bottle / Pack, 25Gm, 4.38 Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail / Tablets, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm / 100 Ml, 4.39 Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail / Tablets, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm / 500 Ml, 4.40 Phosphate Buffered Saline, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 4.41 Phosphate Buffered Saline, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 4.42 Phosphate Buffered Saline Tablets Ph 7.40, Bottle / Pack, 50 / Pack, - 4.43 Phosphomolybdic Acid, Bottle / Pack, 25Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 4.44 Phosphomolybdic Acid, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 4.45 Phosphorus ( Inorganic ) Estimation Kit, Kit, 100 Ml, 4.46 Phosphorus ( Inorganic ) Estimation Kit, Kit, 500 Ml, 4.47 Phosphotungstic Acid, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 4.48 Phosphotungstic Acid, Bottle / Pack, 250Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 4.49 Picric Acid Powder, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 4.50 Picric Acid Solution Saturated, Bottle / Pack, 500Ml, Ar / Lr / Sq, 4.51 Ponceau S Sodium Salt, Bottle / Pack, 10 Gms, Ar / Lr / Mb, 4.52 Ponceau S Sodium Salt, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gms, Ar / Lr / Mb, 4.53 Ponceau S Staining Solution, Bottle / Pack, 250 Ml, Mb, 4.54 Ponceau S Staining Solution, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 4.55 Potassium Aluminium Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar, 4.56 Potassium Chloride, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar, 4.57 Potassium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Sq / Equivalent, 4.58 Potassium Ferricyanide, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Sq / Equivalent, 4.59 Potassium Iodide, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Ar / Lr / Eq, 4.60 Potassium Permanganate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Lr / Sq, 4.61 Potassium Tellurite 1%, Pack, 5 Vial / Pack ( 1 Ml / Vial ) , Practical Grade, 4.62 Precipitated Sulphur, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, 4.63 Pregnancy Test Kit ( Urinary Beta Hcg ) , Pack / Strip, 4.64 Primers* * - The Details Will Be Given To Vendor At The Time Of Placing Order, Bottle, 25 Nmole, Mb, 4.65 Primers* * - The Details Will Be Given To Vendor At The Time Of Placing Order, Bottle, 100 Nmole, Mb, 4.66 Propylene Glycol, Bottle, 500 Ml, Mb, 4.67 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail / Tablets, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm / 100Ml, 4.68 Protease Inhibitor Cocktail / Tablets, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm / 500 Ml, 4.69 Protein Extraction Kit, Kit, 10 Preps, Mb, 4.70 Protein Extraction Kit, Kit, 250 Preps, Mb 4.71 Protein Ladder, Kit, 10Lane, Mb, 4.72 Protein Ladder, Kit, 100 Lane, Mb, 4.73 Protein Loading Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 1Ml, Mb, 4.74 Protein Loading Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 5Ml, Mb, 4.75 Protein Stain, Bottle / Pack, 1Ml, Mb, 4.76 Protein Stain, Bottle / Pack, 10Ml, Mb, 4.77 Proteinase K Solution, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 4.78 Proteinase K Solution, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 4.79 Pvdf Membrane For Blotting, Pack, 50 Nos, Mb, 4.80 Pvdf Membrane For Blotting, Pack, 100 Nos, Mb, 4.81 Pyruvate ( Cell Culture Grade ) , Bottle / Pack, 4.82 R-2A Agar, Bottle, 500 Gm., Practical Grade, 4.83 Radial Immunodiffusion Teaching Kit, Kit, 20 Test / Kit, 4.84 Radial Immunodiffusion Teaching Kit, Kit, 50 Test / Kit, 4.85 Rbc Diluting Fluid, Bottle, 500 Ml, 4.86 Rbc Lysis Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 4.87 Rbc Lysis Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 4.88 Rcm Medium, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr, 4.89 Ready Prepared Lj Media Slope, Piece, 4.90 Ready Prepared Loefflers Serum Slope, Piece, Lr, 4.91 Ready Prepared Mac Conkey Agar Plates, Pack, 20 Plates / Pack, 4.92 Ready Prepared Sheep Blood Agar Plates, Pack, 20 Plates / Pack, 4.93 Resorcinol, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm , Ar / Lr / Sq, 4.94 Resorcinol, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 4.95 Restriction Enzyme Hae Iii , Kit, 350 Reactions, 4.96 Restriction Enzyme Hae Iii , Kit, 500 Reactions, 4.97 Restriction Enzyme Pst I, Kit, 350 Reactions, 4.98 Restriction Enzyme Pst I, Kit, 500 Reactions, 4.99 Restriction Enzymes, Bottle / Pack, 250U, Mb 5.00 Restriction Enzymes, Bottle / Pack, 1000U, Mb, 5.01 Reticulocyte Stain, Bottle, 25 Ml, Ar, 5.02 Rna Isolation Kit, Bottle / Pack, 20Pr , Mb, 5.03 Rna Isolation Kit, Bottle / Pack, 250Pr, Mb, 5.04 Rna Purification Kit, Bottle / Pack, 20Pr, Mb, 5.05 Rna Purification Kit, Bottle / Pack, 250Pr, Mb, 5.06 Rose Water, Bottle, 500 Ml, 5.07 Rpmi-1640, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm / 100Gm, 5.08 Rpmi-1640, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm / 500 Ml, 5.09 Sabouraud Agar Glucose 4%, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 5.10 Sabouraud Cycloheximide Chloramphenicol Agar, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr, 5.11 Safranin 0.5%, W / V, Bottle, 500 Ml, Lr, 5.12 Salicylic Acid Powder, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Lr, 5.13 Saline Sodium Citrate, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 5.14 Saline Sodium Citrate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 5.15 Salmonella Shigella Agar, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr, 5.16 Saponin, Bottle / Pack, 100Mg, Mb, 5.17 Saponin, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Mb, 5.18 Screw Tubes, Flat Bottom ( 10 Ml ) , Bottle, 100 / Pack, Practical Grade, 5.19 Selenite F Broth, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr, 5.20 Seliwanoffs Reagent, Bottle, 125Ml, -, 5.21 Serum Total Protein Kit ( Estimation Kit ) , Ml, 100 Ml, 5.22 Serum Total Protein Kit ( Estimation Kit ) , Ml, 500 Ml, 5.23 Serum Total Protein Kit ( Estimation Kit ) , Ml, 1000 Ml, 5.24 Sft Kit For Viscocity ( Bromolene ) , Pack, 2Ml / Pack, -, 5.25 Sft Kit For Viscocity ( Chemotrypsin ) , Pack, 2Ml / Pack, -, 5.26 Sgot Estimation Kit, Kit, 500Ml, 5.27 Sgot Estimation Kit, Kit, 1000Ml, 5.28 Sgpt Estimation Kit, Kit, 500-Ml, 5.29 Sgpt Estimation Kit, Kit, 1000Ml, 5.30 Silver Nitrate, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Sq / Equivalent / Mb, 5.31 Silver Nitrate Crystal, Bottle, 10 Gm Bottle, 5.32 Simmons Citrate Agar, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr, 5.33 Simple Ointment, 5.34 Sodium Acetate, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Ar, 5.35 Sodium Acetate Trihydrate, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Ar, 5.36 Sodium Carbonate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Excelar Or Any Equivalent, 5.37 Sodium Chloride, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Excelar Or Any Equivalent, 5.38 Sodium Citrate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Lr / Ar / Sq, 5.39 Sodium Deoxycholate, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr / Ar / Mb, 5.40 Sodium Dihydrogen Orthophosphate, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 5.41 Sodium Dithionite, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq / Mb, 5.42 Sodium Dithionite, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq / Mb, 5.43 Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 25 Gms, Mb, 5.44 Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Mb, 5.45 Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate ( Sodium Bicarbonate ) , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Sq / Ar / Equivalent, 5.46 Sodium Hydroxide, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar / Mb, 5.47 Sodium Hydroxide ( Pellets ) , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar, 5.48 Sodium Hydroxide Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 10X500ml, Mb, 5.49 Sodium Hypochlorite 4%, Bottle / Can, 10 Litres, Ar, 5.50 Sodium Hypochlorite 4%, Bottle, 1 Litre, Ar, 5.51 Sodium Iodate, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Lr, 5.52 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq / Mb, 5.53 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq / Mb, 5.54 Sodium Nitrite, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Sq / Equivalent, 5.55 Sodium Nitroprusside ( Dihydrate ) , Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Sq / Equivalent, 5.56 Sodium Potassium Tartarate, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 5.57 Sodium Tungstate, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 5.58 Sodium Tungstate, Bottle / Pack, 250 Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 5.59 Soft Soap, 5.60 Sperm Confirm Kit, Pack, 50Tests / Pack, -, 5.61 Starch, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 5.62 Stem-Media, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm / 100Ml, 5.63 Stem-Media, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm / 500 Ml, 5.64 Sterile Petri Plates ( 90Mm ) , Pack, 600 / Pack, Practical Grade, 5.65 Stet Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 5.66 Stet Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 5.67 Strip For Urinary Dip Stick Test For 2 Parameters ( Glucose And Albumin ) , Packet, 50 Strips / Packet, 5.68 Strip For Urinary Dip Stick Test For 7 Parameters, Packet, 50 Strips / Packet, 5.69 Strip For Urinary Dip Stick Test For 7 Parameters 50 Strips / Packet, Packet, 50 Strips / Packet, 5.70 Sucrose Powder, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Ar / Lr / Sq, 5.71 Sulfanilic Acid, Bottle, 100 Ml / Bottle, 5.72 Sulphosalicylic Acid, Bottle, 250 Gm, Sq / Equivalent, 5.73 Sulphosalicylic Acid, Bottle, 500 Gm, Sq / Equivalent, 5.74 Sulphur Powder ( 99.5% ) , Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Ar, 5.75 Sulphuric Acid, Bottle, 500 Ml, Emplura Or Any Equivalent, 5.76 Surgical Spirit, Bottle, 500 Ml / 1 Litre, 5.77 Tae Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 1000Ml, Mb, 5.78 Taq Dna Polymerase, Bottle / Pack, 500U, Mb, 5.79 Taq Dna Polymerase, Bottle / Pack, 5000U, Mb, 5.80 Tbe Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 5.81 Tbe Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 5.82 Tbe Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100Mg, Mb, 5.83 Tbe Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Mb, 5.84 Tcbs Agar Base, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 5.85 Te Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100Ml, Mb, 5.86 Te Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 5.87 Teepol Detergent Liquid, Can, 5 Litres, 5.88 Temed, Bottle / Pack, 100Ml, Mb, 5.89 Temed, Bottle / Pack, 250 Ml, Mb, 5.90 Thin Layer Chromatography Teaching Kit, Kit, 10 Preps, Teaching Kit, 5.91 Thin Layer Chromatography Teaching Kit, Kit, 20 Preps, Teaching Kit, 5.92 Thiosemicarbazide, Bottle / Pack, 25Gm, Mb, 5.93 Thiosemicarbazide, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Mb, 5.94 Thymol Crystals, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gm, Ar / Mb, 5.95 Tissue Marking Dye ( India Ink ) , Bottle, 5.96 Tnt Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 5.97 Tnt Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 5.98 Toluidine Blue, Vial, 0.1Gm / Vial, Lr, 5.99 Total Cholesterol Estimation Kit, Ml, 250 Ml, 6.00 Total Cholesterol Estimation Kit, Ml, 1000 Ml, 6.01 Trichloroacetic Acid, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Sq / Equivalent / Ar, 6.02 Triglyceride Estimation Kit, Kit, 1000Ml, 6.03 Triple Suger Iron, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr, 6.04 Tris Base, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm / 100 Ml, Mb, 6.05 Tris Base, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm / 500 Ml, Mb, 6.06 Tris Buffer, Bottle, 100Gm / 100 Ml, Mb, 6.07 Tris Buffer, Bottle, 500Gm / 500 Ml, Mb, 6.08 Tris Buffered Saline, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 6.09 Tris Buffered Saline, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 6.10 Tris Free Base, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm / 100 Ml, Mb, 6.11 Tris Free Base, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm / 500 Ml, Mb, 6.12 Tris Hydrochloride, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm / 100Ml, Ar / Mb, 6.13 Tris Hydrochloride, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm / 500 Ml, Ar / Mb, 6.14 Tris-Cl Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm-500Gm / 100-500 Ml, Mb, 6.15 Tris-Cl Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm / 100 Ml, Mb, 6.16 Tris-Edta Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm / 500 Ml, Mb, 6.17 Tris-Glycine Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm / 100Ml, Mb, 6.18 Tris-Glycine Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm / 500 Ml, Mb, 6.19 Trisodium Citrate, Bottle / Pack 500 Gms, Ar / Lr / Equivalent 6.20 Tris-Sds Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm / 100 Ml, Mb, 6.21 Tris-Sds Buffer, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm / 500 Ml, Mb, 6.22 Triton, Bottle / Pack, 50Ml, Mb, 6.23 Triton, Bottle / Pack, 500Ml, Mb, 6.24 Trizol For Rna Isolation, Bottle, 100 Ml, Mb, 6.25 Trypsin-Edta 0.25% / 0.5%, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 6.26 Trypsin-Edta 0.25% / 0.5%, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 6.27 Tryptic Soya Agar, Bottle, 500 Gm., Practical Grade, 6.28 Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar, Bottle, 500 Gm., Practical Grade, 6.29 Tryptone Soya Broth, Bottle / Pack, 100 Gms, Lr, 6.30 Tween 20, Bottle / Pack, 100 Ml, Mb, 6.31 Tween 20, Bottle / Pack, 500 Ml, Mb, 6.32 Universal Indicator Solution, Bottle, 100 / 250 Ml, 6.33 Urea, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Excelar Or Any Equivalent, 6.34 Urea 40%, Bottle, 5Ml / Vial, Lr, 6.35 Urea Estimation Kit, Kit, 1000Ml / 500Ml, 6.36 Uric Acid ( 99% ) , Bottle / Pack, 25 Gm, Ar, 6.37 Uric Acid Estimation Kit, Kit, 500 Ml, 6.38 Uric Acid Estimation Kit, Kit, 1000 Ml, 6.39 Urinary Dip Sticks For 3 Parameters ( Glucose, Ketone And Albumin ) , Packet, Strips / Packet, 6.40 Uti Agar, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gms, Lr, 6.41 Water Test Kit To Identify Coliform Organisms, Vibrio, Salmonella From Water Samples, Piece, 6.42 Wbc Diluting Fluid, Bottle, 500 Ml, 6.43 Whatman Filter Paper Number 41 150 Mm Diameter Pack Of 100, Pack, Pack 100, 6.44 Whatmans Filter Paper No.1 ( Round- Dimension 125 / 150 Mm ( Diameter ) 100 Pieces / Pack ) , Pack, 100 / Pk, Mb, 6.45 Whatmans Filter Paper No.1 ( Sheets ) -Approx.460 X 570 Mm, Pack, 100 / Pk, Mb, 6.46 Whatmans Filter Paper No.2 ( Sheets ) -Approx.460 X 570 Mm, Pack, Pack Of 100, Mb, 6.47 Xylene, Bottle, 2.5 Liter, Acs, 6.48 Zinc Dust, Packet, 500 Gm / Pkt, 6.49 Zinc Oxide, Bottle / Pack, 500 Gm, Lr, 6.50 Zinc Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 100Gm, Mb, 6.51 Zinc Sulphate, Bottle / Pack, 500Gm, Mb, 6.52 Zinc Test Kit ( Human Sperm ) , Pack, 50Tests / Pack, -, 6.53 Α-Glycosidase Testing Kit ( Human Sperm ) , Pack, 50Tests / Pack, -, 6.54 Osmium Tetraoxide, Pack, 1 Grm, 6.55 Periodic Acid, Pack, 25 Grm, 6.56 Potassium Dichromate, Pack, 500 Grm, 6.57 Potassium Hydroxide, Pack, 500 Grm, 6.58 Potassium Metabisulfate, Pack, 500 Grm, 6.59 Heparin, Pack, 1 Vial, 6.60 Fetal Bovine Serum ( Fbs ) , Pack, 25Grm, 6.61 Phytohaemoagglutinin – M, Pack, 1 Vial, 6.62 Colchicine, Pack, 1 Grm, 6.63 Trypsin, Pack, 25 Grm, 6.64 Geimsa Stain, Bottle, 500 Ml, 6.65 Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate ( Kh2po4 ) , Pack, 100 Grm, 6.66 Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate ( Na2hpo4 ) , Pack, 100 Grm, 6.67 Calcium Choloride Dihydrate , 500Gm, Ar 6.68 Acetylcholine Cholride, 2 Gm , Ar 6.69 Potassium Biphosphate, 500 Gm, Ar 6.70 Magnesium Cholride, 500 Gm , Ar 6.71 Sodium Biphospahate, 500 Gm Ar 7 Antibiotic Disks ( Name Of The Item With Specifications, A / U, Pack Size, ) 7.01 Amikacin ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.02 Amoxycillin ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.03 Amoxyclav ( 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.04 Amoxyclav ( 20Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.05 Ampicillin ( 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.06 Ampicillin / Sulbactum ( 10 / 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.07 Anaerobic Sachet, Packet, 10Pcs / Pkt, 7.08 Andrade Indicator, Packet, 100 Ml / Pkt, 7.09 Arginine Decarboxylase Broth, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 7.10 Azithromycin ( 15Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.11 Aztreonam ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.12 Bacitracin ( 10Unit ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.13 Barrit Reagent A, Bottle, 100 Ml / Bottle, 7.14 Barrit Reagent B, Bottle, 100 Ml / Bottle, 7.15 Bile Esculin Disc, Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.16 Bowle & Dick Test Pack, Packet, 1×5Pkt, 7.17 Bromothymol Blue, Bottle, 125 Ml / Bottle, 7.18 Campy Bap Media, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 7.19 Candida Differential Agar, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 7.20 Cary Blair Medium Base ( Transport Medium W / O Charcol ) , Packet / Bottle, 500 Gm, 7.21 Caspofungin ( 5 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.22 Cefaclor ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.23 Cefazolin ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.24 Cefdinir ( 5Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.25 Cefepime ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.26 Cefepime / Tazobactam ( 30 / 10 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.27 Cefixime ( 5Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.28 Cefoperazone ( 75Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.29 Cefoperazone / Sulbactam ( 75 / 10 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.30 Cefotaxime / Clavulanic Acid ( 30 / 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.31 Cefotetan ( 30 Mcg ) , Vial, 7.32 Cefoxitin ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.33 Cefpodoxime ( 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.34 Ceftaroline ( 30 Ug ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.35 Ceftazidime ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.36 Ceftazidime / Clavulanic Acid ( 30 / 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.37 Ceftazidime-Avibactum ( 20 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.38 Ceftazidime-Avibactum ( 30 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.39 Ceftolozone-Tazobactam ( 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.40 Ceftolozone-Tazobactam ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.41 Ceftriaxone ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.42 Ceftriaxone -Sulbactum ( 15 ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.43 Ceftriaxone -Sulbactum ( 30 ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.44 Cefuroxime ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.45 Cephotaxime ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.46 Cetrimide Agar, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 7.47 Chloromphenicol ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.48 Ciprofloxacin ( 5 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.49 Clarithromycin 15Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.50 Cled Agar With Bromothymol Blue Indicator, Packet, 500 Gm / Pkt, 7.51 Clindamycin ( 2 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.52 Colistin ( 10 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.53 Colistin E Test Strip ( Range 0.016-256 Ug / Ml ) , Pkt, 30 Strips / Pkt., 7.54 Co-Trimoxazole ( 25Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.55 Daptomycin ( 10 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.56 Dermato Supplement, Vial, 100 Ml / Vial, 7.57 Doripenem ( 10 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.58 Doxycycline ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.59 Dtm ( Dermatophyte Test Agar ) , Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 7.60 Ertapenem ( 10 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.61 Erythromycin ( 15Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.62 Ferric Chloride, Packet, 500 Gm / Pkt, 7.63 Fluconazole ( 25 Ug ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.64 Fosphomycin ( 200 Ug ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.65 Furazolidone ( 100 Ug ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.66 Gatifloxacin ( 5Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.67 Gemifloxacin ( 5Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.68 Gentamicin ( 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.69 Geobacillusstearothermophillus, Packet, 25 Strips / Pkt, 7.70 High Level Gentamicin ( 120Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.71 High Level Streptomycin ( 300 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.72 Imipenam ( 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.73 Lead Acetate Paper Strips, Packet, 10 Pcs / Pkt, 7.74 Levofloxacin ( 5Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.75 Linezolid ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.76 Lomefloxacin ( 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.77 Lysine Decarboxylasebroth, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 7.78 Malachite Green, Vial, 25 Gm / Vial, 7.79 Mannitol Salt Agar, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 7.80 Meropenam ( 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.81 Methyl Violet , Vial, 25 Gm / Vial, 7.82 Moeller Decarboxylase Base Agar, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 7.83 Moxifloxacin ( 5Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.84 Nalidixic Acid ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.85 Netillin ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.86 Nitrate Broth, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 7.87 Nitrofurantoin ( 300Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.88 Norfloxacin ( 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.89 Novobiocin Disc ( 5Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.90 Ofloxacin ( 5Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.91 Onpg Disc, Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.92 Optochin Disc ( 5Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.93 Ornithindecarboxylasebroth, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 7.94 Oxacillin ( 1 Ug ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.95 Pefloxacin ( 5Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.96 Penicillin ( 10 Unit ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 7.97 Phenol Red Arabinose Broth, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 7.98 Phenol Red Dextrose Broth, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 7.99 Phenol Red Lactose Broth, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 8.00 Phenol Red Maltose Broth, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 8.01 Phenol Red Mannitol Broth, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 8.02 Phenol Red Pyruvate Broth, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 8.03 Piperacillin ( 100Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.04 Piperacillin / Tazobactum ( 100 / 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.05 Polymyxin B ( 300 Unit ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.06 Polymyxin B ( 50 Unit ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.07 Posaconazole ( 5Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.08 Potassium Tellurite 3.5%, Packet, 5Vials / Pkt, 8.09 Potato Dextrose Agar , Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 8.10 Pristinomycin ( 15Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.11 Prulifloxacin ( 5Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.12 Pyr Broth, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 8.13 Pyr Reagent, Bottle, 100 Ml / Bottle, 8.14 Quinupristin-Dalfopristin ( 15 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.15 Rifampin ( 5 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.16 Robertson’S Coocked Meat Media, Packet, 500 Gm / Pkt, 8.17 Sodium Thioglycollate, Packet, 100 Gm / Pkt, 8.18 Sparfloxacin ( 5 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.19 Sterile Disc, Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.20 Sulfanilic Acid, Bottle, 100 Ml / Bottle, 8.21 Teicoplanin E-Test Strip, Pkt, 30 Strips / Pkt., 8.22 Teicoplanin ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.23 Tetracycline ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.24 Ticarcillin- Clavulanate ( 10 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.25 Ticarcillin- Clavulanate ( 75 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.26 Tigecycline E Test Strip ( Range 0.016-256 Ug / Ml ) , Pkt, 30 Strips / Pkt, 8.27 Tigecycline ( 15 Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.28 Tobramycin ( 10Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.29 Trimethoprim / Sulphamethoxazole ( 1.25 / 23.75Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.30 V Factor Disc, Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.31 Vancomycin E Test Strip ( Range 0.016-256 Ug / Ml ) , Pkt, 30 Strips / Pkt., 8.32 Vancomycin ( 30Mcg ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.33 Voriconazole ( 1 Ug ) , Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 8.34 Wilson Blair Media With Brilliont Green With Supplement , Packet, 500 Gm / 8.35 X Factor Disc, Vial, 100 Disc / Vial, 9 Immunofluorsence Antibodies ( Name Of The Item With Specifications, A / U, Pack Size, ) 9.01 Ana Iif, Bottle / Pack, 10 X 05, 9.02 Ana Immunoblot, Bottle / Pack, 10 X 1, 9.03 Anca Iif, Bottle / Pack, 10X05, 9.04 Mpo / Pr3 / Gbm ( Immunoblot ) , Bottle / Pack, 16T, 9.05 Ds Dna Iift, Bottle / Pack, 10X05, 9.06 Igg, Pack, 100 Test, 9.07 Iga, 0.1Ml, 100 Test, 9.08 Igm, Pack, 100 Test, 9.09 C3b / Ic3b, Pack, 100 Test, 9.10 C1q, 0.5Ml, 100 Test, 9.11 Kappa, Pack, 100 Test, 9.12 Lambda, Pack, 100 Test, 9.13 Fibrin, Pack, 100 Test, 9.14 Ige, Pack, 100 Test, 9.15 Igd, Pack, 100 Test, 9.16 Desmoglein 3, Pack, 100 Test, 9.17 Desmoglein 3, Pack, 100 Test, 9.18 C4, Pack, 100 Test, 1. Ihc Antibodies ( Primary ) ( Name Of The Item With Specifications, A / U, Pack Size, ) 10.01 Er, Pack, 100 Test, 10.02 Pr, Pack, 100 Test, 10.03 Her 2 Neu, Pack, 100 Test, 10.04 Pla 2R, Pack, 100 Test, 10.05 Cd3, Pack, 100 Test, 10.06 Cd20, Pack, 100 Test, 10.07 Cd99, Pack, 100 Test, 10.08 Cd45, Pack, 100 Test, 10.09 Cd138, Pack, 100 Test, 10.10 Cd38, Pack, 100 Test, 10.11 Pan Ck, Pack, 100 Test, 10.12 Ema, Pack, 100 Test, 10.13 Vimentin, Pack, 100 Test, 10.14 Ck7 / Ck19, Pack, 100 Test, 10.15 Ck20, Pack, 100 Test, 10.16 K67, Pack, 100 Test, 10.17 Synaptophysin, Pack, 100 Test, 10.18 Chromogranin, Pack, 100 Test, 10.19 Secondary Antibody Kit For Ihc, Pack, 100 Test, 10.20 Michels Transport Medium, Bottle, 500Ml, 10.21 Pbs Stock Solution, Bottle, 500Ml, 11 Rapid Kits ( Of The Item With Specifications, A / U, Pack Size, ) 11.01 Troponin-I Rapid Test Kit, Pack, 100 Kits, 11.02 Troponin-I Rapid Test Kit, Pack, 250 Kits, 11.03 Troponin-T Rapid Test Kit, Pack, 100Kits, 11.04 Troponin-T Rapid Test Kit, Pack, 250 Kits, 11.05 Nt-Pro Bnp Fast Test Kit, Pack , 100 Kits, 11.06 Nt-Pro Bnp Fast Test Kit, Pack , 250 Kits, 11.07 Procalcitonin Fast Test Kit, Pack , 100 Kits, 11.08 Procalcitonin Fast Test Kit, Pack , 250 Kits, 11.09 Typhoid Igg / Igm, Pack , 100Kits, 11.10 Typhoid Igg / Igm, Pack , 250 Kits, 12 Elisa Based Kits ( Name Of The Item With Specifications, A / U, Pack Size, ) 12.01 Angiotensin Ii Eia Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.02 Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Eia Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.03 Brain Natriuretic Peptide Eia Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.04 C-Peptide Eia Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.05 Camp Enzyme Immunoassay Kit, Direct, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.06 Human 5′-Nucleotidase Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.07 Alpha-2-Macroglobulin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.08 Human Ace Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.09 Adiponectin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.10 Human Adipsin / Factor D Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.11 Human Adp-Ribosyl Cyclase 2 Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.12 Alpha-Fetoprotein Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.13 Human Aggrecan Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.14 Alpha-2-Hs-Glycoprotein Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.15 Human Alkp Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.16 Human Aminopeptidase N Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.17 Human Angiotensinogen Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.18 Human Antithrombin 3 Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.19 Apolipoprotein A-I Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.20 Apolipoprotein A-Ii Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.21 Apolipoprotein B-100 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.22 Human Aminopeptidase N Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.23 Human Aminopeptidase P2 Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.24 Human Aminopeptidase P1 Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.25 Apolipoprotein C-I Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.26 Apolipoprotein C-Ii Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.27 Apolipoprotein C-Iii Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.28 Apolipoprotein E 2 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.29 Apolipoprotein E 3 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.30 Apolipoprotein E 4 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.31 Beta-2-Glycoprotein 1 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.32 Human App / Amyloid Beta A4 Protein Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.33 Human Arginase 1 Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.34 Human Arylsulfatase B Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.35 Human Β-2 Microglobulin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.36 Human C-Myc Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.37 Human C-Reactive Protein Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.38 Human C1qr1 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.39 Human C1qtnf1 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.40 Human C-Peptide Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.41 Human C5a / Complement C5a Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.42 Human Cadherin Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.43 Human Carbonic Anhydrase Ix Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.44 Human Carboxypeptidase Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.45 Human Cathepsin D Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.46 Human Cardiotrophin-1 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.47 Human Calb1 / Calbindin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.48 Human Calcitonin Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.49 Human Caspase-7 Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.50 Human Coagulation Factor Vii Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.51 Human Coagulation Factor Xi Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.52 Human Coagulation Factor Xiv Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.53 Human Apoe / Apolipoprotein E 2 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.54 Human Apoe / Apolipoprotein E 3 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.55 Human Apoe / Apolipoprotein E 4 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.56 Human Cd Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.57 Human Ckm / Ckb Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.58 Human Complement Factor H Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.59 Human Cox-2 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.60 Human Csf1r / Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor 1 Receptor Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.61 Human Csf3r / Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Receptor Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.62 Human Cystatin C Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.63 Human D-Dimer Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.64 Human Dopa Decarboxylase Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.65 Human E-Selectin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.66 Human Endothelin-1 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests 12.67 Human Epo / Erythropoietin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.68 Human Epor / Erythropoietin Receptor Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.69 Human Fas Ligand Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.70 Human Ferritin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.71 Human Fibronectin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.72 Human Fgf19 / Fibroblast Growth Factor Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.73 Human Fms-Related Tyrosine Kinase 3 Ligand Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.74 Human Folr1 / Folate Receptor Alpha Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.75 Human Gh Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.76 Human Ghr Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.77 Human Hcg Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.78 Human Heat Shock Protein 27 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.79 Human Hemoglobin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.80 Human Hemopexin Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.81 Free T3, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.82 Free T4, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.83 T3, Pack, 96 Tests 12.84 T4, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.85 Tsh, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.86 Fsh, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.87 Lh, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.88 Prolactin, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.89 Free Testosterone, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.90 Total Igg, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.91 Total Igm, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.92 Total Iga, Pack, 96 Tests 12.93 Total Ige, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.94 Ultrasensitive Amh, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.95 Vitamin Folic Acid, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.96 Vitamin B12, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.97 Vitamin D, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.98 Human Gcg / Glucagon Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 12.99 Human Ifn Γ Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.00 Human Il-6 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.01 Human Insulin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.02 Human L-Selectin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.03 Human Ldlr / Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.04 Human Leptin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.05 Human Mb / Myoglobin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.06 Human P-Cadherin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.07 Human P-Selectin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.08 Human P53 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.09 Human Plg ( Plasminogen ) Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.10 Human Procalcitonin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.11 Human Prolactin R Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.12 Human Pronppb / Natriuretic Peptides B Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.13 Human Psa-Total Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.14 Human Rbp4 / Retinol-Binding Protein 4 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.15 Human Renin Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.16 Human Sdc1 / Syndecan-1 Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.17 Human Shbg / Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 13.18 Human Soluble Tnf Receptor Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests 13.19 Human Tau Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.20 Human Thrombopoietin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.21 Human Thyroglobulin Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.22 Human Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.23 Human Tlr2 / Toll-Like Receptor Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.24 Human Tnf-Alpha Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.25 Human Tnni3 / Troponin I, Cardiac Muscle Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.26 Human Tnnt1 / Troponin T, Slow Skeletal Muscle Elisa Kit, Pack, Tests, 13.27 Human Tpa Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.28 Human Tpo / Thyroid Peroxidase Elisa Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.29 Human Transcobalamin Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.30 Human Tripeptidyl-Peptidase I Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.31 Anti-Tpo Antibodies, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.32 Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.33 Lipoprotein ( A ) , Pack, 96 Tests, 13.34 Serum Complement Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.35 Serum Inhibin-A, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.36 Serum Inhibin-B, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.37 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Kit, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.38 Serum Methotrexate, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.39 Serum Theophyllin, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.40 Serum Phenytoin, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.41 Serum Carbamazepine, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.42 Serum Antibiotics - Gentamycin, Vancomycin, Amikacin Etc, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.43 Tumour Markers - He4, Pap, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.44 Soluble Transferrin Receptor, Pack, 96 Tests 13.45 Serum Pre-Albumin, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.46 Serum Ace, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.47 Serum Vma, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.48 Allergen Packages / Kits, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.49 Human Il-18 Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.50 Human Vegf Elisa, Pack, 96 Tests, 13.51 External Quality Assurance Programme Sample, Pack, 13.52 Chemicals Consubales ( Wash / Cleaning / Diluents ) For Analyzer, Pack, 14 Clia Based Kits ( Name Of The Item With Specifications, A / U, Pack Size, ) 14.01 Acth, Pack, 14.02 Afp, Pack, 14.03 Anti Tsh Receptor Antibody, Pack, 14.04 Anti Ccp, Pack, 14.05 Anti Mullerian Hormone, Pack, 14.06 Anti Thyroglobulin Antibodies ( Anti Tg ) , Pack, 14.07 Anti Tpo, Pack, 14.08 Beta Cross Laps, Pack, 14.09 Beta Hcg, Pack, 14.10 Ca 19-9, Pack, 14.11 Ca 50, Pack, 14.12 Ca 72-4, Pack, 14.13 Ca125, Pack, 14.14 Ca-15-3, Pack, 14.15 Calcitonin, Pack, 14.16 Cea, Pack, 14.17 Cortisol, Pack, 14.18 C-Peptide, Pack, 14.19 Csf Beta Amyloid, Pack, 14.20 Cyclosporine, Pack, 14.21 Cyfra 21-1, Pack, 14.22 Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulphate, Pack, 14.23 Digitoxin, Pack, 14.24 Digoxin, Pack, 14.25 Estradiol, Pack, 14.26 Ferritin, Pack, 14.27 Folate Rbc Hemolyzing Reagent, Pack, 14.28 Free Beta-Hcg, Pack, 14.29 Fsh, Pack, 14.30 Ft3, Pack, 14.31 Ft4, Pack, 14.32 Gdf 15, Pack, 14.33 Hcg, Pack, 14.34 Hcg+Beta Hcg, Pack, 14.35 Human Epididymal Protein 4, Pack, 14.36 Human Growth Hormone, Pack, 14.37 Igg, Pack, 14.38 Igm, Pack, 14.39 Iga, Pack, 14.40 Ige, Pack, 14.41 Igf-1, Pack, 14.42 Igfbp-3, Pack, 14.43 Il-6, Pack, 14.44 Insulin, Pack, 14.45 Lh, Pack, 14.46 Myoglobin, Pack, 14.47 Neuron Specific Enolase, Pack, 14.48 N-Mid Osteocalcin, Pack, 14.49 P1np, Pack, 14.50 Papp-A, Pack, 14.51 Phospho-Tau ( 181-P ) Csf, Pack, 14.52 Pigf, Pack, 14.53 Pivka-Ii, Pack, 14.54 Pro-Bnp, Pack, 14.55 Progesterone, Pack, 14.56 Pro-Grp, Pack, 14.57 Prolactin, Pack, 14.58 Psa Free, Pack, 14.59 Psa Total, Pack, 14.60 Pth, Pack, 14.61 Pth ( 1-84 ) , Pack, 14.62 Rbc Folate, Pack, 14.63 S-100, Pack, 14.64 Scc-Ag, Pack, 14.65 Serum Folate, Pack, 14.66 Sflt-1, Pack, 14.67 Shbg, Pack, 14.68 Sirolimus, Pack, 14.69 Tacrolimus, Pack, 14.70 Tbc-Uptake, Pack, 14.71 Testosterone, Pack, 14.72 Thyroglobulin, Pack, 14.73 Total Tau- Csf, Pack, 14.74 Troponin I, Pack, 14.75 Troponin T, Pack, 14.76 Tsh, Pack, 14.77 Tt3, Pack, 14.78 Tt4, Pack, 14.79 Vitamin B12, Pack, 14.80 Vitamin D, Pack, 14.81 Vitamin Folic Acid, Pack, 14.82 Angiotensin Ii, Pack, 14.83 Atrial Natriuretic Peptide, Pack, 14.84 Brain Natriuretic Peptide, Pack, 14.85 C-Peptide, Pack, 14.86 Alpha-2-Macroglobulin, Pack, 14.87 Adiponectin , Pack, 14.88 Alpha-Fetoprotein, Pack, 14.89 Human Β-2 Microglobulin, Pack, 14.90 Human C-Reactive Protein, Pack, 14.91 Human Calcitonin Pack, 14.92 Ckmb, Pack, 14.93 Human Cystatin C, Pack, 14.94 Human D-Dimer, Pack, 14.95 Human Gh, Pack, 14.96 Human Hcg, Pack, 14.97 Human Mb / Myoglobin, Pack, 14.98 Human Procalcitonin, Pack, 14.99 Human Pronppb / Natriuretic Peptides B, Pack, 15.00 Human Psa-Total, Pack, 15.01 Human Rbp / Retinol-Binding Protein, Pack, 15.02 Human Thyroglobulin, Pack, 15.03 Human Tpo / Thyroid Peroxidase Elisa Kit Pack, 15.04 Anti-Tpo Antibodies, Pack, 15.05 Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies, Pack, 15.06 Lipoprotein ( A ) , Pack, 15.07 Hscrp, Pack, 15.08 Human Tsh Receptor Antibodies, Pack, 15.09 Serum Dopamine, Pack, 15.10 Urine Dopamine, Pack, 15.11 Urine 5Hiaa, Pack, 15.12 Serum Barbiturates, Pack, 15.13 Serum Cannabinoids, Pack, 15.14 Serum Opiods, Pack, 15.15 Serum Amphetamine, Pack, 15.16 Serum Valproic Acid, Pack, 15.17 Serum Transglutaminase Antibody, Pack, 15.18 Serum Amyloid A Protein, Pack, 15.19 Serum Ostease, Pack, 15.20 Igm Antiphospholipid , Pack, 15.21 Anti-Mitochondrial Antibodies, Pack, 15.22 Anti-Smooth Muscles Antibodies, Pack, 15.23 Anti-Ds-Dna Antibodies, Pack, 15.24 Apolipoprotein A-I, Pack, 15.25 Apolipoprotein A-Ii , Pack, 15.26 Apolipoprotein B-100, Pack, 15.27 Serum Complement Kit, Pack, 15.28 Serum Inhibin-A, Pack, 15.29 Serum Inhibin-B, Pack, 15.30 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Kit, Pack, 15.31 Serum Methotrexate, Pack, 15.32 Serum Theophyllin, Pack, 15.33 Serum Phenytoin, Pack, 15.34 Serum Carbamazepine, Pack, 15.35 Serum Antibiotics - Gentamycin, Vancomycin, Amikacin Etc, Pack, 15.36 Tumour Markers - He4, Pap, Pack, 15.37 Soluble Transferrin Receptor, Pack, 15.38 Serum Pre-Albumin, Pack, 15.39 Allergen Packages / Kits, Pack, 15.40 Serum Ace, Pack, 15.41 Serum Vma, Pack, 15.42 Ck-Mb ( Mass ) , 15.43 External Quality Assurance Programme Sample, Pack, 15.44 Serun Homocysteine, Pack, 15.45 Active B12, Pack, 15.46 Calibratores For Various Kits, Pack, 15.47 Controls ( Pathological ) For Various Parameters / Kits, Pack, 15.48 Controls ( Normal ) For Various Parameters / Kits, Pack, 15.49 Chemicals Consumables ( Wash / Cleaning / Diluents ) For Analyzer, Pack, 15.50 Sars-Co V2 Total Assay, Pack, 16 Coagulometry Based Kits ( Name Of The Item With Specifications, A / U, Pack Size, ) 16.01 Fib With Ibs ( Fibrinogen Reference Plasma ) , Pack, 16.02 Fibrinogen Degradation Products, Pack, 16.03 Prothrombin Time, Pack, 16.04 Activated Prothrombin Time, Pack, 16.05 Calcium Chloride, Pack, 16.06 Antithrombin, Pack, 16.07 D-Dimer, Pack, 16.08 External Quality Assurance Programme Sample, Pack, 16.09 Calibrators For Various Kits, Pack, 16.10 Controls ( Pathological ) For Various Parameters / Kits, Pack 16.11 Controls ( Normal ) For Various Parameters / Kits, Pack 16.12 Chemical Consumables ( Wash / Cleaning / Diluents ) For Analyzer, Pack 17 Hplc Kits ( Name Of The Item With Specifications, A / U, Pack Size, ) 17.01 Hba1c, Pack, 17.02 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Kit, Pack, 17.03 External Quality Assurance Programme Sample, Pack, 17.04 Chemicals Consumables ( Wash / Cleaning Solutions / Diluents / Eluents / Column Units ) For Analyzer, Pack, 17.05 Control Samples ( Low / High / Normal ) , Pack, 17.06 Calibrators For Various Kits, Pack, 18 Diagnostic Biochemistry Kits ( Name Of The Item With Specifications, A / U, Pack Size, ) 18.01 Adenosine Deaminase Kit Pnp-Xod Method, Pack, 30Ml, 18.02 Adenosine Deaminase Kit Pnp-Xod Method, Pack, 75Ml, 18.03 Albumin By Bcg Method, Pack, 100 Ml, 18.04 Albumin By Bcg Method, Pack, 1000 Ml, 18.05 Alkaline Phosphate Kit By Pnpp / Kinetic ( Ifcc ) Method, Pack, 100 Ml, 18.06 Alkaline Phosphate Kit By Pnpp / Kinetic ( Ifcc ) Method, Pack, 1000 Ml, 18.07 Amylase Pancreatic, Pack, 18.08 Alpha Amylase, Pack, 20Ml, 18.09 Alpha Amylase, Pack, 100 Ml, 18.10 Ammonia Kit By Kinetic Method, Pack, 20Ml, 18.11 Ammonia Kit By Kinetic Method, Pack, 100 Ml, 18.12 Bicarbonate Kit By Pep-C Method, Pack, 15 Ml, 18.13 Bicarbonate Kit By Pep-C Method, Pack, 50 Ml, 18.14 Bilirubin Direct By Dmso / J & G Method, Pack, 200Ml, 18.15 Bilirubin Direct By Dmso / J & G Method, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.16 Bilirubin Total By Dmso / J & G Method, Pack, 200Mll, 18.17 Bilirubin Total By Dmso / J & G Method, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.18 Calcium By Ocpc / Arsenazo Iii, Pack, 200Ml, 18.19 Calcium By Ocpc / Arsenazo Iii, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.20 Chloride By Thiocyanate Method, Pack, 30Ml, 18.21 Chloride By Thiocyanate Method, Pack, 100Ml, 18.22 Cholestrol By Chod / Pod Method, Pack, 60Ml, 18.23 Cholestrol By Chod / Pod Method, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.24 Cholinesterase, Pack, 30 Ml, 18.25 Cholinesterase, Pack, 300 Ml, 18.26 Ck-Mb By Immunoinhibition / Mod. Ifcc Method, Pack, 25Ml, 18.27 Ck-Mb By Immunoinhibition / Mod. Ifcc Method, Pack, 100Ml, 18.28 Ck-Nac By Mod.Ifcc Method, Pack, 25Ml, 18.29 Ck-Nac By Mod.Ifcc Method, Pack, 100Ml, 18.30 Creatinine Kit By Enzymatic / Modified Jaffes Liquid Reagent / Alkaline Picrate Method, Pack, 80Ml, 18.31 Creatinine Kit By Enzymatic / Modified Jaffes Liquid Reagent / Alkaline Picrate Method, Pack, 200Ml, 18.32 Glucose By God-Pod / Hexokinase Method, Pack, 300Ml, 18.33 Glucose By God-Pod / Hexokinase Method, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.34 Hdl Cholestrol Direct By Pegme Method, Pack, 40Ml, 18.35 Hdl Cholestrol Direct By Pegme Method, Pack, 100Ml, 18.36 Homocysteine, Pack, 40Ml, 18.37 Homocysteine, Pack, 100Ml, 18.38 Ldh Kit By L->P Kinetic Method, Pack, 30 Ml, 18.39 Ldh Kit By L->P Kinetic Method, Pack, 300 Ml, 18.40 Ldl Cholestrol Direct By Immunoinhibition Method, Pack, 40Ml, 18.41 Ldl Cholestrol Direct By Immunoinhibition Method, Pack, 160Ml, 18.42 Lipase By Methyl Resorufin Method, Pack, 25Ml, 18.43 Lipase By Methyl Resorufin Method, Pack, 50Ml, 18.44 Magnesium Kit By Xb Method, Pack, 15Ml, 18.45 Magnesium Kit By Xb Method, Pack, 100Ml, 18.46 Microprotein Kit, Pack, 15Ml, 18.47 Microprotein Kit, Pack, 100Ml, 18.48 Phosphorus By Molybdate Uv Method, Pack, 25Ml, 18.49 Phosphorus By Molybdate Uv Method, Pack, 100Ml, 18.50 Potassium By Colorimetric Method, Pack, 100Ml / 25T, 18.51 Potassium By Colorimetric Method, Pack, 100Ml / 50T, 18.52 Sgot / Ast By Ifcc Kinetic Method, Pack, 100Ml, 18.53 Sgot / Ast By Ifcc Kinetic Method, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.54 Sgpt / Alt By Ifcc Kinetic Method, Pack, 100Ml, 18.55 Sgpt / Alt By Ifcc Kinetic Method, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.56 Sodium By Colorimetric Method, Pack, 100Ml / 25T, 18.57 Sodium By Colorimetric Method, Pack, 100Ml / 50T, 18.58 Total Protein Kit By Biuret Method, Pack, 100Ml, 18.59 Total Protein Kit By Biuret Method, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.60 Triglycerides By Gpo / Pod Method, Pack, 60Ml, 18.61 Triglycerides By Gpo / Pod Method, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.62 Urea By Uv Gldh / Berthelots Method, Pack, 50Ml, 18.63 Urea By Uv Gldh / Berthelots Method, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.64 Urea / Bun By Uv Kinetic / Gldh Method, Pack, 50Ml, 18.65 Urea / Bun By Uv Kinetic / Gldh Method, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.66 Uric Acid By Uricase / Pod / Uricase Enzymatic Method, Pack, 40Ml, 18.67 Uric Acid By Uricase / Pod / Uricase Enzymatic Method, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.68 Gamma Glutamyl Transferase, Pack, 50Ml, 18.69 Gamma Glutamyl Transferase, Pack, 1000Ml, 18.70 Iron, Pack, 50Ml, 18.71 Iron, Pack, 100Ml, 18.72 Transferrin, Pack, 50Ml, 18.73 Transferrin, Pack, 100Ml, 18.74 Total Iron Binding Capacity ( Tibc ) , Pack, 50Ml, 18.75 Total Iron Binding Capacity ( Tibc ) , Pack, 100Ml, 18.76 Zinc, Pack, 50Ml, 18.77 Zinc, Pack, 100Ml, 18.78 Microalbumin, Pack, 50Ml, 18.79 Microalbumin, Pack, 100Ml, 18.80 Ceruloplasmin, Pack, 50Ml, 18.81 Ceruloplasmin, Pack, 100Ml, 18.82 Crp, Pack, 50Ml, 18.83 Crp, Pack, 100Ml, 18.84 Crp Ultra, Pack, 50Ml, 18.85 Crp Ultra, Pack, 100Ml, 18.86 Alpha Hydroxybuytrate Dehydrogenase ( Ldh1 ) , Pack, 50Ml, 18.87 Alpha Hydroxybuytrate Dehydrogenase ( Ldh1 ) , Pack, 100Ml, 18.88 Homocystein, Pack, 50Ml, 18.89 Homocystein, Pack, 100Ml, 18.90 Cholinesterase, Pack, 50Ml, 18.91 Cholinesterase, Pack, 100Ml, 18.92 Ck-Mb, Pack, 50Ml, 18.93 Ck-Mb, Pack, 100Ml, 18.94 Ck-Nac, Pack, 50Ml, 18.95 Ck-Nac, Pack, 100Ml, 18.96 D-Dimer, Pack, 50Ml, 18.97 D-Dimer, Pack, 100Ml, 18.98 Alpha Amylase, Pack, 50Ml, 18.99 Alpha Amylase, Pack, 100Ml, 19.00 Copper, Pack, 50Ml, 19.01 Copper, Pack, 100Ml, 19.02 Acid Phosphatase, Pack, 50Ml, 19.03 Acid Phosphatase, Pack, 100Ml, 19.04 Urinary Creatinine, Pack, 50Ml, 19.05 Urinary Creatinine, Pack, 100Ml, 19.06 Urinary Albumin, Pack, 50Ml, 19.07 Urinary Albumin, Pack, 100Ml, 19.08 Fructosamine By Nitroblue Tetrazolium, Pack, 50Ml, 19.09 Fructosamine By Nitroblue Tetrazolium, Pack, 100Ml, 19.10 Lactate, Pack, 50Ml, 19.11 Lactate, Pack, 100Ml, 19.12 Urinary Protein, Pack, 50Ml, 19.13 Urinary Protein, Pack, 100Ml, 19.14 Uibc , Pack, 50Ml, 19.15 Uibc , Pack, 100Ml, 19.16 System Pack For Electrolyte Analysis, Pack, 250 Tests, 19.17 System Pack For Electrolyte Analysis, Pack, 100 Tests, 19.18 Uristix For Quantitative Urine Analysis, Pack, 25 / Box, 19.19 Uristix For Quantitative Urine Analysis, Pack, 100 / Box, 19.20 Calibrators For Various Kits, Pack, 19.21 Hba1c, Pack, 25 Tests, 19.22 Hba1c, Pack, 100 Tests, 19.23 Urinary Urobilinogen, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.24 Urinary Urobilinogen, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.25 G6pd, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.26 G6pd, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.27 Serum Ketones, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.28 Serum Ketones, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.29 Urinary Ketones, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.30 Urinary Ketones, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.31 Urine Free Light Human Kappa, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.32 Urine Free Light Human Kappa, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.33 Urine Free Light Human Lambda, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.34 Urine Free Light Human Lambda, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.35 Urine Calcium, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.36 Urine Calcium, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.37 Urine Phosphorus, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.38 Urine Phosphorus, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.39 Urine Creatinine, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.40 Urine Creatinine, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.41 Urinary Metanephrines, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.42 Urinary Metanephrines, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.43 Serum Acth, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.44 Serum Acth, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.45 Serum Bnp, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.46 Serum Bnp, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.47 Serum Renin, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.48 Serum Renin, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.49 Serum Aldosterone, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.50 Serum Aldosterone, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.51 Serum / Urine Alcohol, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.52 Serum / Urine Alcohol, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.53 Allergen Packages / Kits, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.54 Allergen Packages / Kits, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.55 Stone Analysis Kit, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.56 Stone Analysis Kit, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.57 Food Tolerance Kit, Pack, 50 Ml, 19.58 Food Tolerance Kit, Pack, 100 Ml, 19.59 External Quality Assurance Programme Sample, Pack, 19.60 Calibrators For Various Kits Of Auto Analyzers & Electrolyte Analyzers, Pack, 19.61 Controls ( Pathological ) For Various Parameters / Kits ( Auto Analyzers & Electrolyte Analyzers ) , Pack, 19.62 Controls ( Normal ) For Various Parameters / Kits ( Auto Analyzers & Electrolyte Analyzers ) , Pack, 19.63 Daily Cleaning / Wash Solutions For Electrolyte Analyzer / Autoanalyzer, Pack, 19.64 Diluents For Electrolyte Analyzer / Autoanalyzer, Pack, 2. Turbidimetry / Nephelometry Kits ( Name Of The Item With Specifications, A / U, Pack Size, ) 20.01 Rf , Pack, 20.02 Aso, Pack, 20.03 Crp, Pack, 20.04 Microalbumin, Pack, 20.05 Hba1c Direct With Calibrator, Pack, 20.06 Cystatin-C, Pack, 20.07 Complement C3, Pack, 20.08 Complement C4, Pack, 20.09 Alpha 1 Acid Glyco Protein, Pack, 20.10 Alpha 1 Antitrypsin, Pack, 20.11 Alpha 2 Macroglobulin, Pack, 20.12 Apo A1, Pack, 20.13 Apo B, Pack, 20.14 Ceruloplasmin, Pack, 20.15 Cystatin C, Pack, 20.16 Ferritin, Pack, 20.17 D-Dimer, Pack, 20.18 Haptoglobin, Pack, 20.19 Igg, Pack, 20.20 Iga Csf, Pack, 20.21 Iga, Pack, 20.22 Igm Csf, Pack, 20.23 Igm, Pack, 20.24 Ige, Pack, 20.25 Lp ( A ) , Pack, 20.26 Pre-Albumin, Pack, 20.27 Hscrp, Pack, 20.28 Vitamin D, Pack, 20.29 Alpha 1 Microglobulin, Pack, 20.30 Urine Albumin, Pack, 20.31 Apolipoprotein A1, Pack, 20.32 Apolipoprotein B, Pack, 20.33 Beta 2 Microglobulin, Pack, 20.34 Lambda Light Chain, Pack, 20.35 Kappa Light Chain, Pack, 20.36 Myoglobin, Pack, 20.37 Rpr, Pack, 20.38 Soluble Transferrin Receptor, Pack, 20.39 Urinary Transferrin, Pack, 20.40 Insulin, Pack, 20.41 Iron, Pack, 20.42 Transferrin, Pack, 20.43 Ldh, Pack, 20.44 Ck, Pack, 20.45 Ck-Mb, Pack, 20.46 Homocystein, Pack, 20.47 Sdldl, Pack, 20.48 Acid Phosphatase, Pack, 20.49 Ngal, Pack, 20.50 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Pack, 20.51 Drug Of Abuse Testing, Pack, 20.52 External Quality Assurance Programme Sample, Pack, 20.53 Calibrators For Various Kits, Pack, 20.54 Control ( Pathological ) For Various Parameters / Kits, Pack, 20.55 Control ( Normal ) For Various Parameters / Kits, Pack, 20.56 Chemicals Consumables ( Wash / Cleaning / Diluents ) For Analyzer, Pack,

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