
Supply Of Gate/Globe/Check Valves ( Lot-4 ) Supply Of Gate/Globe/Check Valves ( Lot-4 ) For Naphtha Cracker Expansion Project At Panipat Refinery, IOCL Panipat Refnery-Haryana

Indian Oil Corporation Limited has published Supply Of Gate/Globe/Check Valves ( Lot-4 ) Supply Of Gate/Globe/Check Valves ( Lot-4 ) For Naphtha Cracker Expansion Project At Panipat Refinery. Submission Date for this Tender is 30-06-2021. Globe Valves Tenders in IOCL Panipat Refnery Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Supply Of Gate/Globe/Check Valves ( Lot-4 ) Supply Of Gate/Globe/Check Valves ( Lot-4 ) For Naphtha Cracker Expansion Project At Panipat Refinery
Open Tender
Iocl Panipat Refnery

Tender Details

Supply Of Gate/Globe/Check Valves ( Lot-4 ) Supply Of Gate/Globe/Check Valves ( Lot-4 ) For Naphtha Cracker Expansion Project At Panipat Refinery , Gate Valve , Ss , Locking Arrange , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Ful Bore , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs ( H2 Serv . ) , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Go , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Go , Lock , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Lock , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Lock , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Lock , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Lock , Gate Valve , Ss , Gate Valve , Ss , Go , Gate V . Vent Ex . Bonet , Ss , Lock , Gate V . Vent Ex . Bonet , Ss , Gatev . Vent Ex . Bonet , Ss , Go , Lock , Gate V . Vent Ex . Bonet , Ss , Lock , Gate Valve , Cs ( Ibr ) , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Full Port , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate V . Vent Ex . Bonet , Ss , Gate V . Vent Ex . Bonet , Ss , Gate Valve , Ss , Gate Valve , Ss , Gate V . Vent Ex . Bonet , Ss , Gate V . Vent Ex . Bonet , Ss , Gate Valve , Cs ( Ibr ) , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Vent , Ex . Bonnet , Ss , Gate Valve , Vent , Ex . Bonnet , Ss , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Full Bore , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs ( H2 Serv . ) , Gate Valve , Lock , Cs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Lock , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Lock , Ltcs , Gate Valve , Ss , Gate Valve , Ss , Gate Valve , As , Gate Valve , As , Gate Valve , Cs ( Ibr ) , Gate Valve , Cs ( Ibr ) , Gate Valve , Cs ( Ibr ) , Gate Valve , Cs ( Ibr ) , Lock , Gate Valve , Cs ( Ibr ) , Gate Valve , As ( Ibr ) , Gate Valve , As ( Ibr ) , Gate Valve , As ( Ibr ) , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Cs , Gate Valve , Ex . Bonnet , Ss , Fb , Gate Valve , Ex . Bonnet , Ss , Fb , Gate V . Vented , Ex . Bonet , Ss , Gate V . Vented , Ex . Bonet , Ss , Gate V . Vented , Ex . Bonet , Ss , Fb , Gate V . Vented , Ex . Bonet , Ss , Fb , Gate V . Vented , Ex . Bonet , Ss , Fb , Gate V . Vented , Ex . Bonet , Ss , Fb , Gatev . Vent , Ex . Bonet , Lck , Ss , Gatev . Vent , Ex . Bonet , Lck , Ss , Gate V . Vent , Ex . Bonet , Ss , Gate V . Vent , Ex . Bonet , Ss , Gate V . Vent , Ex . Bonet , Ss , Gate V . Vent , Ex . Bonet , Ss , Lock , Gate V . Vent , Ex . Bonet , Ss , Lock , Gate Valve Vented , Ltcs , Gate Valve Vented , Ltcs , Globe Valve , Cs , Globe Valve , Cs , Globe Valve , Cs , Globe Valve , Cs , Globe Valve , Cs , Globe Valve , Cs , Globe Valve , Ltcs , Globe Valve , Ltcs , Globe Valve , Ss , Globe Valve , Ss , Globe Valve , Ss , Globe Valve , Ss , Globe Valve , Ss , Globe Valve , Ss , Globe Va Ext . Bonnet , Ss , Globe Valve , Cs ( Ibr ) , Globe Valve , Cs ( Ibr ) , Globe V . Ext . Bonnet , Ss , Globe Valve , Cs , Globe Valve , Ss , Globe Valve , Ss , Globe Valve , Cs , Globe Valve , Cs , Globe Valve , Cs , Globe Valve , Cs , Globe Valve , Ltcs , Globe Valve , Ltcs , Globe Valve , Ltcs , Globe Valve , Ss , Globe Valve , Ss , Globe Valve , Ss , Globe V . Ext . Bonnet , Ss , Globe V . Ext . Bonnet , Ss , Globe V . Ext . Bonnet , Ss , Globe V . Ext . Bonnet , Ss , Globe Val Ex . Bonnet , Ss , Globe Val Ex . Bonnet , Ss , Swing Chk Valve , Ss , Swing Chk Valve , Ss , Piston Lift Chk Valve , Cs , Piston Lift Check Valve , Ss , Piston Lift Chk Valve , Ltcs , Piston Lift Chk Valve , Ltcs , Piston Lift Chk Valve , Ss , Piston Lift Chk Valve , Ss , Piston Lift Chk Valve , Ss , Piston Lift Chk Val , Ss , Piston Lift Chk Valve , Cs ( Ibr ) , Piston Lift Chk Valve , Cs ( Ibr ) , Piston Lift Chk Valve , As ( Ibr )

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 25-06-2021 269_Addendum_3_Commercial Financial Bid 30-06-2021

Key Value

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