
Supply Of Expendable Medical Stores, MH Wellington-Tamil Nadu

Indian Army has published Supply Of Expendable Medical Stores. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-06-2021. Medicine Tenders in MH Wellington Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Expendable Medical Stores
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu
Mh Wellington

Tender Details

Supply Of Expendable Medical Stores , Adhesive Plaster 2 . 5 Cm , Adhesive Plaster Micropore Large , Adhesive Plaster Micropore Medium , Ankle Brace , Anti Sera A , Anti Sera A1 Lectin , Anti Sera D ( Ig M ) , Anti Sera H , Bacillocid Surface Disinfectant , Bandage T Shaped , Blood Collection Bag ( 350Ml Single ) , Bovine Albumin 22% ( 5Ml Vial ) , C Size Battery For Otoscope , Canula Tracheostomy Silver Plated 28 Fr Gauge , Cap Ferrous Fumarate 300 Mg + Vitamin B12 15 Mcg Folic Acid 1 . 5 Mg , Cap Alfacalcidol 0 . 25 Mg , Cap Amino Acids + Vitamins , Cap Element Calcium 300 Mg + Vit D3 1000Iu , Cap Fe 30 Mg , Vit B6 3 Mg , Vit C 80 Mg , B12 15 Mcg , Zinc Copper Dha , Cap Vitamin E 200 Mg , Cap Vitamin E 400 Mg , Catheter Mount , Chloroform Ar 2500Ml Bottle , Clotrimazole 200 Mg + Clindamycin 100 Mg Vaginal Pessary , Combined Epidural Set Size 18 G , Cord Clamp , Cotton Wool Non-Absorbent Pkt Of 500G , Cream Permethrin 5% Tube Of 30 Gm , Cvp Manometer , D 125 Disinfectant Bott Of 1 Ltr , Dark Glasses For Post Catract Surgery , Developer For Automatic Film Processor 5 Ltr , Disposable Adult Diaper , Disposable Baby Mucus Suker , Disposable Clinical Thermometer , Disposable Gown , Disposable Lancet ( Pkt Of 100 ) , Disposable Needle - 22G , Disposable Needle - 23G , Disposable Shoe Cover , Disposable Suction Tube , Distilled Water ( Can Of 5 Ltr ) , Drop Dicyclomine 10Mg+Dimethacone 40Mg / 1 Ml , Drop Paracetamol 100 Mg / Ml , E / D Carboxy Methyl Cellulose ( Cmc ) Eye Drop 1% / 2% , Ecg Electrode Disposable , Ecg Gel , Ecg Page Writer 210 Mm X300 Mm , Endo Grasper 5 Mm , Endo Port 10Mm , Endo Port 5Mm , Endo Scissors 5 Mm , Endotracheal Tube S-2 . 5 Cuffed , Endotracheal Tube S-4 . 0 Cuffed , Endotracheal Tube S-4 . 5 Cuffed , Endotracheal Tube S-5 . 0 Cuffed , Endotracheal Tube S-5 . 5 Cuffed , Endotracheal Tube S-6 . 0 Cuffed , Erba Path Control ( Biochemistry Control ) , Ether Solvent 500Ml Bottle , Eye Drop Homatropine Hydrochloride Sol 2% , Eye Drop Atropine 0 . 01% , Eye Drop Atropine 1% , Eye Drop Brominidine 2% , Eye Drop Dorzolamide 1% , Eye Drop Flubiprofen 0 . 03% , Eye Drop Fluconazole 0 . 3% , Eye Drop Gatifloxacin 0 . 3% , Eye Drop Hypromellose 0 . 35 + Glycerin 0 . 02% + Dextran 70 . 01% With Preservative Polyquaternium , Eye Drop Lateprednol 0 . 5% , Eye Drop Moxifloxacin 0 . 5% Preservative Free Single Application Vial , Eye Drop Ofloxacin 0 . 3 % , Eye Drop Olopatadine 0 . 1%+Ketorolac 0 . 5 % , Eye Drop Prednisolone Acetate 1% , Eye Drop Tropicamide 1% + Phenylephrine 5% , Eye Oint Ciprofloxacin 0 . 3% , Eye / Ear Drops Ciprofloxacin 0 . 3% , Eye / Ear Drops Tobramycin 0 . 3% , Feeding Tube Size 5 , Film X-Ray 10 X 8 , Film X-Ray 17 X 14 , Finger Splint , Fixer For Automatic Film Processor 5 Ltr , Folleys Catheter Size-10 , Folleys Catheter Size-14 , Formaldehyde 40%W / V , Formaldehyde Tablet , Gauze Surgical 60 Cm Wide ( Pkt Of 10Mtr ) , Gi Cotton Sterile Swab Stick , Gloves Sterile Size 6 . 5 , Gloves Sterile Size 7 , Gloves Sterile Size 7 . 5 , Glycerin Liq Bott Of 100 Ml , Gram Stain Readymade Kit , Haemo Spot Occult Blood Kit ( 50 Tests Per Kit ) , Hand Disinfactant Bott Of 450Ml , Hbsag Rapid , Hematoxylin And Eosin Stain Readymade ( H&E ) , Hiv Rapid ( Sd- 30 Cards Per Box ) , Hydrogen Peroxide Solution , Inhaler Beclomethasone 200 Mg , Inhaler Budesonide 200 Mcg , Inhaler Fluticasone Propinate 125 Mcg , Inhaler Formoterol 6 Mcg+ Budesonide 100Mcg , Inhaler Ipratropium Bromide 20 Mcg , Inhaler Salbutamol 100 Mcg , Inj Artesunate 60 Mg , Inj Atracurium 5 Mg / Ml , Inj Bovine Surfactant Suspension 3 Ml , Inj Bupivacaine Hcl 5Mg / Ml Heavy 4 Ml , Inj Calcium Gluconate 0 . 137 Mg / Ml , Inj Ciprofloxacin 200 Mg / 100 Ml , Inj Dexmedetomidin 100 Mg / 5 Ml , Inj Dextrose 25 % Bott Of 100 Ml , Inj Dextrose 50 % , Inj Diazepam 5Mg / Ml , Inj Digoxin 0 . 25Mg / Ml , Inj Diltiazem 5 Mg / Ml , Inj Dobutamine Hcl 250 Mg , 5 Ml , Inj Etophyllin 169 . 4 Mg And Theophylline 50 . 6Mg / 2 Ml ) , Inj Glycopyrrolate 0 . 2 Mg / Ml 1Ml , Inj Haemaccel Colloidal Intravenous Infusion 3 . 5% , Inj Haloperidol 5Mg / Ml , Inj Heparin 5000 Iu / Ml , Inj Hepatitis B Paed , Inj Human Insulin Nph 40 Iu Per Ml , Inj Hydroxyethyl Starch , Inj Hyoscine Bromide Inj 20 Mg / Ml , 1Ml , Inj Insulin 50 / 50 40 Iu / Ml , Inj Insulin Mixtard 30 / 70 40 Iu / Ml , Inj Insulin Regular , Inj Ketamine Hcl 50 Mg / Ml , 2 Ml , Inj Labetalol 5 Mg / Ml , Inj Lignocaine 4% Topical Vial Of 30 Ml , Inj Linezolid 600 Mg / 300 Ml Bott , Inj Lorazepam 2Mg / Ml , 2 Ml , Inj Magnesium Sulphate 50% Amp Of 1 Ml , Inj Mephentermine 30 Mg / Ml Vial Of 10 Ml , Inj Methylergometrine Maleate 0 . 2Mg , 1 Ml , Inj Multivitamin Amp Of 3 Ml , Inj Naloxone , Inj Oxytocin 5 Oxytocic Units Per 0 . 5Ml , 0 . 5Ml , Inj Pentazocin 30 Mg / Ml , Inj Piperacillin 4 Gm + Tazobactum 500 Mg , Inj Rabishield ( R-Mab ) Rabies Human Monoclonal Anti-Body 100 Iu / 2 . 5 Ml , Inj Sodium Bicarbonate 5% , Inj Sodium Chloride 0 . 9% & Dextrose 5% Bott Of 500Ml ( Dns ) , Inj Sodium Chloride Solution 3% Bott Of 100Ml , Inj Sodium Nitroprusside 50 Mg , 5 Ml , Inj Streptokinase 15 Lacs Iu , Inj Terbutaline 1 Mg / Ml , Inj Thiamine 100 Mg , Inj Tranexamic Acid 100Mg / Ml , Inj Typhoid Vaccine 0 . 5 Ml , Inj Vasopressin 20Iu / Ml , Insulin Syringe 40Iu , Intra Catheter Size 16 , Intra Catheter Size 24 , Intra Catheter Size 26 , Intracostal Chest Drain Size-14 , Intracostal Chest Drain Size-16 , Isabagol Husk 3 . 5 Gm Sachet , Isoflurine Bott Of 250 Ml , Iv Sheild For Cannula Fixation , Kit Sgot ( Ast ) ( Erba 120 Ml Kit ) , Kit Alkaline Phosphate ( Erba 120 Ml Kit ) , Kit Bilirubin ( Erba 250 Ml Kit ) , Kit Cholesterol ( Erba 120 Ml Kit ) , Kit Ckmb ( 20 Ml Per Kit ) - Erba , Kit Cpk 20Ml Per Kit Erba , Kit Creatinine ( Erba 240 Ml Kit ) , Kit Dengue Card 10 Card Per Kit , Kit Erba Wash ( Erba 100 Ml Kit ) , Kit For Estimation Sgpt ( Alt ) ( Erba 120 Ml Kit ) , Kit Ggt ( Erba ) 60Ml Per Kit , Kit Glucose ( Erba ) 400Ml Per Kit , Kit Hba1c 20 Tests Per Kit , Kit Hbsag Test 30 Cards Per Box ( Sd ) , Kit Hcv Rapid ( Sd ) 30 Cards Per Kit , Kit Hdl Cholesterol ( Erba 100 Ml Kit ) , Kit Ldh ( Erba 40Ml Perkit ) , Kit Microprotein 50Ml Per Kit Erba , Kit Prothrombin Time 10 Ml Per Kit , Kit Pttk ( 08 Ml Kit ) , Kit Triglyceride ( 120 Ml Kit ) , Kit Urea ( Erba 120 Ml Kit ) , Kit Uric Acid ( Erba 120 Ml Kit ) , Kit-Lipase Erba 25Ml Per Kit , L S Belt Large , L S Belt Medium

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