
Supply Of Surgical And Suture Materials, KARUNAGAPPALLY-Kerala

Directorate Of Health Services has published Supply Of Surgical And Suture Materials. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-06-2021. Surgical Disposable Tenders in KARUNAGAPPALLY Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Surgical And Suture Materials
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Surgical And Suture Materials , ethilon-9 . 0 , 38 cm nw3709 , ethilon-10 . 0 nw 3314 , ethilon2 . 0 , 45 cm nw 3336 , ethilon-3 . 0 70cm , cheatle forceps jar , surgical tray 12x10 , dressing drum 11 x9 , dressing drum lifex 11 x9 , digital thermometer , walker folding aluminium delux , ethilon 40 nw 3319 , bed pan fiber female , urine can ( 2 inj ) , flow meter with humidifier bottle , peel pouch reel 5 x 200 , peel pouch reel 7 . 5 x 200 , peel pouch reel 10x 200 , three fold screen , oxygen hood , tourmiquet ( mk ) - , toueniquet velcro , microshield antiseptic 500 ml . , dressing drum-large , dressing drum medium , dressing drum-small , steel tray mediumsize with lid , microshield antiseptic solution , ambu bag adult , laringoscope ( icu ) , tongue depressor , glucometer machine on call plus , nasal speculam , ent instruments , anaesthesia face mask , alice forceps , artary forceps 6 , mosquito forceps ( curved ) , needle holder 8 , thumb forcepts ( tookhed ) 6 , b . p . handle ( no . 4 ) , b . p . handle ( no . 3 ) , b . p . apparatus pedestal , mayos scissors , straight scissors ( cutting ) , kokers artery forceps 8 curved , mayos trolly , retracter small , larger hands retractor , lever , periostium elevator , screw driver 3 . 5 mm , hand drill , wire cutter with hander , medicine trolley , injection trolley , bp cuff and bag with bulb , sponge forceps , vaginal speculum medium , spot light , cutting scissors , dialater medium , dialator small , curette medium , curette small , artery forceps large curved , kidney tray ( large ) , kidney tray ( small ) , stethescope , d&c set , kokers artery forocepts 8 curved , kokers artery straight , bp apparatus manual , bp apparatus dial type , anaes thetic face mask , surgical disposibles , skin stapler , popsite 45*55 , epidural set , cling drape , knee d drape , hip d drape , vaccu suction , romovac 16 , surgikit ds , vicril 2-0 , mersilk 3-0 , romovac 14 , knee support ( m , l , xl ) , knee support twin pack ( m , l , xl ) , et tube 7 , 7 . 5 , 8 , 8 . 5 , spinal needle , digital bp apparatus , glucose monitor , nebuliser 1 care , hme filter ( anti bacterial filter ) , digital thermometer , doctors thermometer , betadine scrub , air bed , water bed , adult diaper , crape bandage 10 cm , crape bandage 15 cm , top o plast 8*4 / 6 , top o plast 10*1 / 2 , mopping pad , sterile apron , electro surgical pencil , ortho kit , surgi kit , bipolar forceps ( coutery lead ) , nasel pack , pulse oximeter , mucus succer , abgel , drezz tulle , syringe 5 ml , gigly sow wire , suction drain 12 , suction drain 18 , cast padding , cholostemy bag , surgi drape , chest tube drainage , folleys catheter no 18 ( syli ) , folleys catheter 18 , follys catheter 20 , follys catheter , nebu mask pedi , iv stand , dressing drum 15*12 , s . s tray 9*6 , hygro meter , digital thermometer for fridge , steel tray with lid large , steel tray with lid small , baby forehead digital thermometer , dressing trolley , cheatle forceps 8 psco , cheatle forceps 10 psco , single injection tray , indicator tape , nebu mask adult , venturi mask , artery forceps for dressing 6 psco , artery forceps for dressing 5 ( s ) psco , back rest , jelly ecg , et tubes 8 , 8 . 5 , bougie & stylet , larigeal airways , i -gel size :2 , baby receiving tray , sponge holding forceps 8 psco , sponge holding forceps 10 psco , vaginal speculam ( sims ) , vaginal speculam ( cuscos ) , episotmy scissors 6 , episotmy scissors 8 , vulsellem forceps 8 psco , vulsellem forceps 10 psco , knee hammer ( nisco round ) , knee hammer ( pin & bush ) , artery forceps curved , reel pouch 20*200 , peel puch 15*200 , disposable airway , ambu bag paediatricno . 1 , vaccusuc ( suction tube ) , lscs kit , romovac 12 , romovac 14 , romovac 16 , needle holder , kelleys pad , utrine dialator , biological indicator , kidney tray medium , s . s tray with lid 9cmx20cm , s . s drum small , laringoscope paediatric , o2 key , et tubes 2 . 5 , et tubes 3 , et tubes 3 . 5 , b p cuff paediatric , foetal doppler , alleys forceps , enema can , enema can nostils , mucus extractor , m r syringe , 20 ml syringe , micro drip set , oxygen mask ( adult ) , oxygen mask ( paedi ) , edtabottle , ecg electrode , fluride bottle , esr tube , scalpel blade 22 , scalpel blade11 , suture meterials , chromic catgut 1-0 , chromic catgut 1 , polyglactin ( vycryl no1-0 ) with needle , polyglactin ( vycryl no . 1 ) with needle , polyglactin ( vycryl no . 1 . 05 ) with needle , monofilament polypropylene ( prolrene 2 . 0 ) , chromic catgut 2-0 , polyglactin ( vycryl no 3 . 0 ) with needle , monofilament polypropylene ( prolrene 3 . 0 ) , polyglactin ( vycryl no . 2 . 0 ) with needle , monofilament polypropylene ( prolrene 4 . 0 ) , rapid vyvryl no . 1 , braided silk no . 1 , braided silk no . 2 , abdominal retractor , patient warmer , patient shifter , lever leg ( medium ) , screw driver 2 . 7 , point reduction clamp small , point reduction clamp medium , wire passer ( curved ) for patella , self retaining mastoid retractor , burns clamp small , burns clamp medium , scoop small , scoop medium , scoop large , thermal scanner , finger- pulse oximator , surgeons gown , niv face mask , sanitizer ( auto dispensor ) machine , leak port , abg machine cartridge , budecort mdi , re breathing mask , o2 nasal prongs , fumigation dispensor , sterile water , anaesthesia face mask ( antistatic ) size :3 , anaesthesia face mask ( antistatic ) size :4 , anaesthesia face mask ( antistatic ) size :5 , pmo line 100 cm , pmo line 200 cm , three way iv extension line 10 cm , three way iv extension line 100 cm , threeway stop cock , syringe 50 ml , isoflourine anasthesia inhalation agent , sevoflourine anaesthesia inhalation agent 100 ml , nasal airway rubber size : 26 , nasal airway rubber size : 28 , nasal airway rubber size : 30 , nasal airway rubber size : 32 , laryngoscope handle , laryngoscope blade no . 3 & 4 , sterile gloves 6 , sterile gloves 6 . 5 , sterile gloves 7 , sterile gloves 7 . 5 , micropore 2 . 5 , glucometer strip on call plus , glucometer machine one touch select plus , glucometer strip one touch select plus , glucometer machine cool , glucometer strip cool , non vented face mask , deadbody cover , glucometer strip cool , wighing machine ( digital ) , high flow nasal catheter tubings & water chamber , sanitizer stand ( foot operated )

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 6726 /-
INR 30000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 30 Lakhs /-
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We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.
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