
Procurement Of Testing Equipments For Up-Gradation Of Laboratory, Nowshera Srinagar-Jammu And Kashmir

Boards / Undertakings / PSU has published Procurement Of Testing Equipments For Up-Gradation Of Laboratory. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-07-2021. Coats and Jackets Tenders in Nowshera Srinagar Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Procurement Of Testing Equipments For Up-Gradation Of Laboratory
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir
Nowshera Srinagar

Tender Details

Procurement Of Testing Equipments For Up-Gradation Of Laboratory-1 DIGITAL MICROSCOPE. nMICROSCOPE & ENDS COUNTING EQUIPMENT. n5X,10X,20X,40X & 100X LENSES TRINOCULAR BIOLOGICAL nMICROSCOPE WITH FIBRE CROSS SECTION KIT, HIGH nRESOLUTION CCD CAMERA AND IMAGING SOFTWARE nWITH MEASUREMENT FACILITIES. n? SCOPE OF USE : CROSS SECTION OF FIBRE OR YARN, nANALYSIS OF ANY FIBRE, YARN AND FABRIC. n? RANGE: 5X, 10X, 20X, 40X & 100X LENSES / TOTAL nMAGNIFICATION REQUIRED : 1000X n? FOCUS: ADJUSTABLE n? LIGHTS: WHITE, BLUE, YELLOW UPPER & LOWER n? SUPPLY: 240 VOLT AC SUPPLY 2 DIRECT COUNT BALANCE nIT SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: n? CONSISTS OF AN ELECTRONIC BALANCE (220 GRAMS X n0.001 GRAMS) WITH INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL CUSTOM nSOFTWARE WHICH CALCULATES YARN, SLIVER AND nROVING COUNT ALONG WITH NUMBER OF TESTS, nAVERAGE VALUE, CV % AND STANDARD DEVIATION. nOTHER REQUIREMENTS: nALL ACCESSORIES AS REQUIRED (PL PROVIDE LIST OF THE nACCESSORIES WITH TECHNICAL BID) nNOTE: CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE SHOULD BE PROVIDED 3 ELECTRONIC TWIST TESTER nIT SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: n?AUTOMATIC MOTORIZED DOUBLE YARN TWIST TESTER nWITH AUTO STOP. n?HAVING DIGITAL COUNTER METER WITH AND ADJUSTABLE Page 17 of 29 IICT/Tender/Document/2020-21 nPRETENSION MECHANISM n? TO ANALYZE BOTH S AND Z TYPE OF TWIST. n?ADJUSTABLE TEST LENGTH ( 1 TO 50 CM) nOTHER REQUIREMENTS: nALL ACCESSORIES AS REQUIRED (PL PROVIDE LIST OF THE nACCESSORIES WITH TECHNICAL BID) nNOTE: CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE SHOULD BE PROVIDED 4 Shade card winding machine nIt should have following specifications: n?Completely automatic, with digital display. n? Single geared motor with traverse mechanism. n? 10 Bobbin at a time can be used. n? Provided with stand to accommodate 10 baby cones. n?Has digital counter to set the number of rotations n?Rust proof coating n? At least 500 empty cards shall be provided nOther requirements: nAll accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories nwith Technical Bid) nNote: Calibration certificate should be provided 5 Universal Tensile Strength Tester To determine Tensile strength and elongation of fabric, carpet and thread as per CRE principle . It should have following specifications: Instrument Detail : The instrument should be digital with window based software having automatic control of unit , user friendly interface and presentation of test reports together with data storage and retrieval with following features - Capacity -20 KN Type of loading : Axial Load cell capacity 20 KN ( measuring range 20 N to 18 KN as per DIN EN ISO 7500 ) Accuracy of load cells : Both 0.5 % & 1% as per DIN EN ISO 7500-1 Breaking Force of load cell : 300 % of the maximum load capacity of the load cell Digital Servo Drive system Page 18 of 29 IICT/Tender/Document/2020-21 Speed of the machine : 0.001 mm/min to 500 mm/min ( step less variable ) Safety Features : In built protection / control in the machine for following conditions - Load cell overall protection via software limit switch - Both hardware & software limit switch for over travel of traversing crosshead in both direction (Up & down ) - Automatic stopping & return of the machine to the original position with a click of a button - Emergency switch - Suitable Grips for testing of fabric , carpet and thread strength : Test Software : Window based software for testing , data acquisition and representation of result for CRE tests .The software should have following features o Preparation of Test o Carrying out of test o Full statistical Analysis o Real time Graphical display o Real Time Test Results o Data Acquisition Accessories Required: All standard accessories Reference Standards : ASTM D 2256, ASTM D 5034 / IS 1969 Other requirements: All accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories with Technical Bid) Note: Calibration certificate should be provided 6 Motorized Digital Wrap Reel nIt should have following specifications: n? Digital panel with resettable revolution counter and nauto stop. n? Supplied with a wheel of 1 meter or 1.5 yards nperimeter with support creels / Bobbin holding stand nto accommodate bobbins up to 100mm. Page 19 of 29 IICT/Tender/Document/2020-21 n? Adjustable double bar yarn tensioner and yarn guides n? Five leas can be made together( Min) n? Complete with all accessories, 5-station yarn package nstand and collapsible swift. nOther requirements: nAll accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories nwith Technical Bid) nNote: Calibration certificate should be provide 7 Motorized Yarn Appearance Board Winder nInstrument consists of a yarn wrap board. The board is rotated nautomatically to wrap yarn over it .The yarn is guided on to nthe board through a yarn guide , which moves parallel to the npivoting axis of the board giving uniformly spaced wraps . The nguide is positively linked to the rotation of the board with the nhelp of a chain and sprocket drive. A set of change gears gives nsix different spacing to the yarn for wrapping yarn of different ncounts. A spring loaded adjustable tensioning arrangements nprovide the desired tension to the yarn. A specially designed nbobbin holder provides holding of yarn bobbin to check. nTesting is carried out as per ASTM D 2255. It should have nfollowing specifications: nSpecification: Instrument should be built on rigid heavy base nwith standard finish. Instrument and its all components should nbe corrosion resistant. Traverse speed option for yarn nwrapped @ 20,22,26,32,38,& 48 ends per inch . nSize of Acrylic tapered Board : 28.5 cm x 18 cm , taper angle 2 nDegree 28.5 cm x 16 cm Size Acrylic rectangular Board : 28.5 ncm x 18 cm nStandard yarn spacing : 20,22,26,32,38, and 48 wraps per inch nAccessories Required : Pointing needle 04 sets of tapered and nrectangular boards each (Both white and Black Boards are nrequired). nOne complete set of photographic standards for yarn grading nin compliance with ASTM D 2255 (Range –Ne 1-12 , Ne 12-24 , nNe 24-36 , Ne 36-50 , Ne 50-75 , Ne 75-135 in std size 25 x15 ninch nOther requirements: nAll accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories nwith Technical Bid) nNote: Calibration certificate should be provided 8 Laundro-Meter nThe instrument should conform to IS/ISO 105 C10/ AATCC-61 Page 20 of 29 IICT/Tender/Document/2020-21 nstandards/IS) 105 C06. It should have following specifications: n? It should handle both 08 numbers of 500ml capacity ncanisters ( pots) or 04 numbers 1200ml capacity canisters n(pots) in the same machine. n? Temperature range: It should meet the requirement of nIS/ISO 105 C10 E(5) of 95±20 nC n? Number of stainless steel canister :08 numbers with ncapacity 500 ml and 04 numbers with capacity 1200 ml n? Stainless steel ball 6 mm diameter:100 numbers n? Stainless steel disc: 25 numbers as per AATCC metod n? Carriage RPM :40±2 n? Corrosion resistant body with Inner chamber and top cover nshall be of stainless steel and n? Multifibre test fabric as per IS/ISO and AATCC method: 50 nmeter n? Gray scale of change in shade and staining as per ISO and nAATCC standard nOther requirements: nAll accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories nwith Technical Bid) nNote: Calibration certificate should be provided 9 Crock Meter nThe instrument should conform to IS: 766/ AATCC-8/ISO X-12 nstandards. It should have following specifications: n? Diameter of the Rubbing Finger : 16 mm & 25 mm n? Load on the Finger : 9 N & 20 N n? Length of the Traverse : 100 ±5 mm n? Counter (Re-settable) : 4-Digit Counter n? Rubbing cloths: 500 pieces n? Motor driven auto stop nOther requirements: nAll accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories nwith Technical Bid) nNote: Calibration certificate should be provided 10 Pile Thickness Guage nElectronic Hand operated micrometer with following nspecifications : n? Measuring Range : 0-30 mm n? Accuracy : 0.02 mm n? Head Diameter( Pressure Foot) : 12 mm n? Lower Plate diameter(Anvil):50mm&75mm( ninterchangeable) n? Test Pressure : 0.5 , 1 , 2 , 5 , 10 & 20 KpaPage 21 of 29 IICT/Tender/Document/2020-21 nOther requirements: nAll accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories nwith Technical Bid) nNote: Calibration certificate should be provided 11 Moisture Meter nIt should have following specifications: n? Supplied with 3 probes for fiber, yarn and fabric, blend nconversion charts and carrying case interchangeable nelectrodes suitable for cones , hanks , bales and fabric n? High frequency resistance measurement n? Measuring accuracy : + 0.1 % n? With calibration unit nOther requirements: nAll accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories nwith Technical Bid) nNote: Calibration certificate should be provided 12 Tuft withdrawl Tester nIt should have following specifications: n? Micro-computer control, large LCD display, automatic data nprocessing. n? Professional carpet tufting clamp. n? Maximum load range=120N n? Power supply =AC220v+_ 10%,50HZ nOther requirements: nAll accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories nwith Technical Bid) nNote: Calibration certificate should be provided 13 GSM Cutter nIt should have following specifications: n? Cutting area: 100 cm². n? Cutting depth: 5 mm. Model with 4 blades. n? Equipped with one cork support plate and four spare nblades. n? Dimensions: (L) 170 x (W) 170 x (H) 150 mm nOther requirements: Page 22 of 29 IICT/Tender/Document/2020-21 nAll accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories nwith Technical Bid) nNote: Calibration certificate should be provided 14 Electronic Weighing Balance nIt should have following specifications: n? Weighing capacity 250 g and accuracy : 0.001 g n? Digital reading ( LCD display) n? RS 232 Port n? Pan size : 12 cm n? Sealed Housing n? Auto Calibration nOther requirements: nAll accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories nwith Technical Bid) nNote: Calibration certificate should be provided 15 Industrial Heater Press nIt should have following specifications: n? Laboratory model with press head size approximately n2.5 Inch X 2.5 inch n? For label fusing purpose on carpet n? Digital Temperature control n? Digital Timer n? Adjustable Pneumatic Pressure nOther requirements: nAll accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories nwith Technical Bid) nNote: Calibration certificate should be provided 16 Magnetic Stirrer (With Hotplate) nIt should have following specifications: n? Max Speed -1200 RPM n? Stirring capacity – 2 Ltr n? Heating capacity – 300 watt n? Solid State Electronic Speed Controller: 1 No n? Display – Digital n? Teflon coated Paddle dimension - 9×35 mmPage 23 of 29 IICT/Tender/Document/2020-21 n? Totally enclosed unit. Designed for use even in corrosive natmosphere and portable n? Set - up plate material- Stainless Steel n? Stir bar length -25 mm nOther requirements: nAll accessories as required (Pl Provide list of the accessories nwith Technical Bid) n.Note: Calibration certificate should be provided

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