
Tender For Annual Job/Work Contract For Agricultural Field/Laboratory Works At C.H.E.S., Aiginia, Bhubaneswar) Note: All The Communications Must Be Addressed To The Head, Ches By Designation At Aiginia, Bhubaneswar -, Bhubaneswar-Odisha

Indian Council Of Agricultural Research has published Tender For Annual Job/Work Contract For Agricultural Field/Laboratory Works At C.H.E.S., Aiginia, Bhubaneswar) Note: All The Communications Must Be Addressed To The Head, Ches By Designation At Aiginia, Bhubaneswar -. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-05-2021. Coats and Jackets Tenders in Bhubaneswar Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Annual Job/Work Contract For Agricultural Field/Laboratory Works At C.H.E.S., Aiginia, Bhubaneswar) Note: All The Communications Must Be Addressed To The Head, Ches By Designation At Aiginia, Bhubaneswar -
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Annual Job/Work Contract For Agricultural Field/Laboratory Works At C.H.E.S., Aiginia, Bhubaneswar) Note: All The Communications Must Be Addressed To The Head, Ches By Designation At Aiginia, Bhubaneswar -Unskilled, Semi skilled/unskilled supervisory, Skilled, Highly skilled, A FRUIT CROPS - A.1. Transportation and application of manure and fertilizer and mixing (1.5-2.5 M radius) A.2 Weeding in fruit plant basin(1.5-2.5 M radius) A.3 Pit digging, refilling with soil, fertilizer, FYM and mixing a)30 x 30 x30 cm size b) 50 x 50 x 50 cm size c)1 x1 X 1 m size A.4 Planting of saplings and its basin making A.5 Preparation of solution of Pesticide etc. and application (spray) in perennial fruit crops (8-15 yrs) with power sprayer A.6 Preparation of wooden stakes and staking 1.00 to 1.25m height of plants. A.7 Mulching and fixing of polythene in pine apple. A.8. Planting of pine apple suckers A.9 Bed preparation (15-20 cm height & 1m wide) A.10 Transport & Fertilizer application in pine apple A.11 Weeding in pine apple A.12 Mulching in plant basins (Perennial Fruit crops 1.5 -2.5 m radius) A.13 Spot irrigation of plants (with tanker) in orchard. A.14 Irrigation through drip and sprinkler system & mulching as and when needed. A.15 Separation of suckers from pine apple A.16 Preparation & Bordeaux pasting in trunk up to 50cm in small perennial plants A.17 Preparation & Bordeaux pasting in trunk up to 50cm in big perennial plants A.18 Harvesting ,weighing and transporting of fruits (Mango, Sapota, banana, Guava, Custard apple, etc.) at sale site A.19 Pruning of perennial trees (8-12 years) like; mango, guava, aonla, bael, moringa, etc. A.20 Pruning of perennial trees (15-20 years), B. VEGETABLE CULTIVATION - B.1. Pit digging (45 x 45 x 45 cm) and filling of pits with manures and fertilizers B.2. Weeding in vegetable basin(1m wide, 4 x 6” ring size) B.3. Weeding, soil digging , basin making & fertilizer application in vegetable (1m wide, 4 x 6” ring size) B.4. Spraying of pesticide and fungicide in cucurbits & other vegetable crops with power sprayer B.5. Vegetable nursery raising : Land cleaning, preparation FYM application and seed sowing B.6. Collection of grass (after ploughing with tractor), minor levelling, spreading of FYM B.7. Ridge (10 cm height and 20cm width) making for vegetable transplanting B.8. Transplanting of vegetable crops in ridges B.9. Irrigation with rose can after transplanting of chilli and brinjal, etc. B.10. Weeding of vegetable crop with spade B.11. Weeding with spade and earthing up of vegetable crop B.12. Sowing of vegetable seed on readymade ridges/Lines B.13 Spraying of pesticides in vegetable crop with power sprayer B.14. Application of fertilizers in standing crop in ridges (Top dressing) and earthing up in chilli, brinjal&& other vegetable crops. B.6. Collection of grass (after ploughing with tractor), minor levelling, spreading of FYM B.7. Ridge (10 cm height and 20cm width) making for vegetable transplanting B.8. Transplanting of vegetable crops in ridges B.9. Irrigation with rose can after transplanting of chilli and brinjal, etc. B.10. Weeding of vegetable crop with spade B.11. Weeding with spade and earthing up of vegetable crop B.12. Sowing of vegetable seed on readymade ridges/Lines B.13 Spraying of pesticides in vegetable crop with power sprayer B.14. Application of fertilizers in standing crop in ridges (Top dressing) and earthing up in chilli, brinjal&& other vegetable crops. B.15 Harvesting ,weighing and transporting of vegetables at sale site B.16 Spraying of pesticide in manual sprayer (Tank of 15-20 ltr water) B.17 Preparation flat raise beds and mulching of polythene in Vegetable crops (Height 15 cm, wide-80 cm, length-50 m) B.18 Colouring of Iron poles of 7 ft long, wide 20 cm (cleaning of rust with sand paper, application of Red oxide 1 coat and 1 coat of colour) B-19 Weeding , soil digging, application of fertilizer & FYM and making of basin (1 mt. width, 4x6 ring size) B-20 Amaranthus seed harvesting(collection, drying, collection of seed) B-21 Preparation of coco pit and FYM mixture, filling of 50/100 cavity portrays and sowing of brinjal , tomato, chilli seeds. B-22 Filling of plastic pots 1.5’ height with soil, manure mixture and transplanting of chilli, tomato, brinjal plots B-23 Harvesting of chillies and extraction of seed and preparation of 5g packets B-24 Harvesting of Brinjal fruits and extraction of seeds and preparation of 5g packets B-25 Harvesting of amaranthus seeds, extraction of seeds and preparation of 5g packet B-26 Harvesting of beans pods and extraction of seeds and preparation of 250g seed packets B-27 Harvesting of bean & seed extraction ADDITIONAL: B-28 Trimming of gunny thread trelling system B-29 Rolling of drip irrigation pipe 50 mtr. Length from the plot 50mt X 50 nos B-30 laying of drip irrigation pipe 50mtr. Long (50 mtr. X50nos) B-31 Training of cucurbit plant in the trelling system 50mt length 10X 50 mtr B-32 Spraying of moringa plants in power triller (power sprayer), C NURSERY MANAGEMENT - C.1. Preparation of seed bed and sowing of seeds of Mango in 1 X 10m size C.2. Preparation of soil, pesticide and manure mixture and filling of poly bags and potting of seedlingC.3. Shifting of aonla seedling, guava seedlings, custard apple seedlings from the bed to 6”x8” size poly bags C.4. Air layering in guava and lime (Skilled) C.5. Grafting /budding in fruit/ornamental plants (Skilled) C.6. Shifting of mango root stock and nursery plant within 50 meter distance C.7. Weeding of polythene bags plants in nursery C.8. Weeding of nursery beds C.9. Collection of guava and other gootees, from plant, dressing in nursery and potting in polythene bags of 20 X 7.5 X 7.5 cm / 6 X 8 inch size, shifting to poly house. C.10. Collection of pointed gourd, ivy gourd, teasle gourd vines, cutting in Nursery, preparation of cutting and potting in 15 X 5 X 5 cm / 4 X 6 inch poly bags. C.11. Collection of spine gourd, teasle gourd tubers, cutting in pieces in nursery, potting in 15 X 5 X 5 cm / 4 X 6 inch poly bags. C.12 Watering of mango root stocks beds 1mtr x 10mtr net house / poly house plants. C.13 Preparation of 1mtx 5 mtr soil beds, sowing of aonla seeds, guava seeds, custard apple seeds etc. and watering by water cane for 1 month C.14 Nursery Weeding and cleaning of nursery plants inside and outside of poly house(1), and net house(5) irrigation of root stock, shifting of plants for hardening and sale, shifting of plants in and out of poly house and net house, helping in propagation works, irrigation etc. ADDITIONAL: C.15 Defoliation of fruit plant shoots from mother plants for grafting. C.16 Cutting / collecting of shoots (scions) from mother plant for grafting C.17 Watering of net house / poly house plants C.18 Weeding of fruit mother blocks C.19 Weeding of vegetable plants blocks. D. OTHER PRACTICES D.1. Weedicide spray D.2. Bund repairing (50 cm earthing up) D.3. Bund making (50 X 50 cm) D.4. Pruning of hedge with chopper/hedge shear D.5. Rubbing ,cleaning and white washing/painting of lables& angels D.6. Dressing of Kachha road 1-4 m wide D.7. Chopping of leaves for vermi compost D.8. Collection of leafs and grass etc. inside the campus and loading by tractor trolley and unloading at vermi compost unit D.9 Separation of earth warm from vermin compost and drying, cleaning, packing of compost(10x2x1 M- 1 structures) D.10 Maintenance of other plant materials, lawn and seasonal flower beds D.11 Laying or rolling of lateral pipes of drip irrigation (each 50 m length) D.12. Filling and un-filling of Vermi compost (10x2x1m- 2 structures), Nadep (6x 2.5x 1.10 M- 2 structures), Vermi wash structure(each 200 ltr capacity-3 Nos) etc. as & when needed D.13. Cutting, clearing of wild grasses and shrubs alongside boundary wall with chopper D.14 Beautification work in front of main building (Lawn, Potted plants) 2500 Sqm--weeding, watering, potting, soil preparation, spraying, drip/sprinkler irrigation, sowing, transplanting, cleaning, disposal of waste, minor repairs, etc. D.15 Cleaning of work space, washing of utensils, dusting/washing of glass wares/instruments, collection of field samples and its preparation, assistance in laboratory, as and when needed. D.16 Maintenance and operation of Net house, -weeding, watering, potting, soil preparation, spraying, drip/sprinkler irrigation, sowing, transplanting, cleaning, disposal of waste, minor repairs, etc. D.17 laying of drip irrigation pipe 50mtr. Long (50 mtr. X50 nos) D.18 Rolling of drip irrigation pipe 50 mtr. Long (50 mtr. X50 nos) D.19 Spraying of moringa plant in power tiller sprayer D.20 operating of weed cutter per day D.21 operating of power tiller per day D.22 operating of any power operated machine per day D.23 operated power tiller with sprayer per day D.24 Maintenance and operation in Crop cafeteria -weeding, watering, soil preparation, spraying, drip/sprinkler irrigation, sowing, transplanting, cleaning, disposal of waste, minor repairs, staking, harvesting, transport of produce, collection, cleaning and storage of seeds, and other field operations, etc. D.25 Preparation of soil, manure mixture filling of pots, transplanting D.26 Maintenance of potted plants D.27 Operation of hedge pruner for pruning of hedge plants D.28 Operation of hedge pruner of 2 mtr height & canopy area plants (Asoka/croton/other plants) D.29 Chopper using for pruning of 2 mtr height & canopy area plants (Asoka/Croton/Other plants) D.30 Operation of weed cutter for weed/grass cutting D.31 Spade / pick axe field work for digging, loosening of soil D.32 Battery knapsack sprayer - preparation of spray solution and spraying, etc D.33 Electric O.H.L.T supply wire tightening, trench digging, electric pole pit digging & soil filling, stay wire pit digging, earthing pit digging & soil filling, out order pump set lifting from boring, and sump lifting from boring and sump , also assistance in work and estate works like AC work, assisting in mason work and plumbing work as and when needed. D.34 Overhead water tank cleaning (1.5 m x 1m) 09 nos. D.35 Cutting, cleaning of wild grass and shrub around agri electric poles base area total - 100 nos. (1m x 1m) D.36 cutting, cleaning of mango and drumstick plant branches which is touching the electrical live wire 30 nos. of span D.37 Tightening of overhead LT line wires and its accessories like jumper wire stay wire , nut and bolts etc. D.38 Cleaning by emery paper and wire brush of 30 nos. of rusted long poles streetlight and painting work D 39 Cleaning by emery paper and wire brush of 40 nos. of garden light colouring work, etc.

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