
E Tender For Rate Contract Of Chemical Reagents Kits At Agmc And Gbp Hospital Agartala E Tender For Rate Contract Of Chemical Reagents Kits At Agmc And Gbp Hospital Agartala , 1,3 Beta Glucan Detection Kit 100 Assays/Kit , 3.8% Tri Sodium Citrate. 500Ml/B, AGMC AND GBP Hospital Agartala-Tripura

Director Of Health Services has published E Tender For Rate Contract Of Chemical Reagents Kits At Agmc And Gbp Hospital Agartala E Tender For Rate Contract Of Chemical Reagents Kits At Agmc And Gbp Hospital Agartala , 1,3 Beta Glucan Detection Kit 100 Assays/Kit , 3.8% Tri Sodium Citrate. 500Ml/B. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-06-2021. Liquid Container Tenders in AGMC AND GBP Hospital Agartala Tripura. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : E Tender For Rate Contract Of Chemical Reagents Kits At Agmc And Gbp Hospital Agartala E Tender For Rate Contract Of Chemical Reagents Kits At Agmc And Gbp Hospital Agartala , 1,3 Beta Glucan Detection Kit 100 Assays/Kit , 3.8% Tri Sodium Citrate. 500Ml/B
Open Tender
Agmc And Gbp Hospital Agartala

Tender Details

E Tender For Rate Contract Of Chemical Reagents Kits At Agmc And Gbp Hospital Agartala E Tender For Rate Contract Of Chemical Reagents Kits At Agmc And Gbp Hospital Agartala , 1,3 Beta Glucan Detection Kit 100 Assays/Kit , 3.8% Tri Sodium Citrate. 500Ml/Bottle , Absolute Alcohol 250 Ml , Absolute Alcohol 500 Ml , Absolute Alcohol 1000 Ml , Acetic Acid 500 Ml , Acetone (Lab. Reagent) 2.5 Ltr , Acetone (Lab. Reagent) 500Ml , Actin Fs Aptt Reagent 10X2 Ml/Pack , Agar Agar Powder 100-500Gms/Bottle , Albert Stain “A” 500Ml , Albert Stain “B 500Ml , Albumin Powder (Bovine) 100Gm-500 Gm , Albumin Reagent5x50 Ml ±10 , Albumin System Pack 10X44ml ±10 , Alcian Blue Stain Kit 30 Ml Each Component /Kit , Alkaline Phosphatase Tris Carbonate4x24 Ml /4X6 Ml±10 , Alkaline Phosphatase System Pack 2X44ml / 2X11 Ml ±10 , Amikacin 30Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250 Discs , Ammonium Molibdat250-500 Gm , Ammonium Sulphate 500Gm , Ammonium Sulphate 1Kg , Ammonium Sulphate 5Kg , Amoxy-Clauv 20/10Μganti-Biotic Disc 250 Discs , Ampicillin10µg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Amylase System Pack 5X22 Ml ± 10 , Anaero Bag System 12 For 12 Plates/Test , Andres Indicator 1 L/Bottle , Anti Serra-“D”(Mono+Poly)10Ml/Vial , Anti Serra-A10ml/Vial , Anti Serra-B 10Ml/Vial , Aso Kit. 25/100Tests/Kit , Azythromycin15µg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Bacitracin (0.04Iu) Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Barium Chloride. 50Gm , Barium Chloride. 100 Gm , Barritt Reagent A 100 Ml , Barritt Reagent B 100 Ml , Benedict Reagent Qua.500Ml , Benzidine Powder. 10Gm/Pkt , Bhi Agar. 100/500Gms/Bottle , Bile Esculin Agar 500 Gms , Billirubin Direct System Pack 6X44ml / 3X22 Ml± 10 , Billirubin Total & Direct Diazo , End Point 4X60 Ml ± 20 , Biuretreagent 1 Lit , Brilliant Crysal Blue(Bcb) @ Methyl Violet For Reticulocytis 10 Gm/Pkt , Bromophenol Blue Powder100 Gm. , Bromophenol Blue Powder200 Gm. , Bromophenol Blue Powder500 Gm. , Bromothiomol Blue 500Gm , Calcium (A) System Pack 10X12ml± 10 , Calcium Chloride (Cacl2) 100Gm , Calcium Chloride Solution For Pt/Aptt 10X15 Ml/Pack , Calcium Ocpc Method 2X35 Ml ± 10 , Calcoflor White 500 Gm/ Bottle , Candida Antigen Assay 1 Kit , Carbon For Centifuge Machinegood Quality. , Cd 45 (Lca) 7 Ml Rtu , Cefepime 30Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Cefexime30µg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Cefoperazone 75Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Cefotaxim30µg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Cefotaxime 30Mcg+ Clauvulonic Acid 10Mcg 250Discs , Cefoxitine 30Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Cefpodoxime 10Mcg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Ceftazidime 30Μganti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Ceftriaxone + Salbactum Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Ceftriaxone 30Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Cefuroxime 30Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Cellulose Acetate Strip , Cephalothin 30Mcg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Chloramphenicol 30Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Chloramphenicol Stock Solution  1Gm/Vial. , Cholera Seroagglutination Kit (Vibrio Cholerae Antisera) 1 Set , Cholesterol System Pack 10X44ml±10 , Cholestrolchod Pap5x30 Ml ± 10 , Christensen Urea Agar Base 100 - 500 Gms , Chromogranin-A (Ab) Ihc Marker 7 Ml Rtu , Ciprofloxacin 5Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250 Discs , Ckmb Kinetic 2X10ml,3X10 Ml , Ckmb System Pack2x44 Ml / 2X11 Ml± 10 , Clarithromycin 15Mcg Anti-Biotic Disc250discs , Clindamycin 2Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Coagulation Control Solution (Level-1) For Pt/Aptt 20 X 1 Ml/Pkt , Conc. Hydrochloric Acid 2.5 Ltr , Conc. Nitric Acid. 2.5 Ltr , Conc. Sulphuric Acid 500Ml/ 2.5Ltr. , Conc. Sulphuric Acid 2.5Ltr. , Co-Trimoxazole1.25/23.75Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Creatine Reagent , Modified Jaffes 4X60 Ml± 10 , Cryptococcal Serology Test 1 Kit , Cryptococcus Lipopolysaccharide Assay10-50 Test/Kit , Cycloheximide Stock Solution  1Gm/Vial , Urea Dam Reagent 500Ml , D-Arginine 100-500 Gms/Bottle , De-Ionized Water 5L/Jar , Dermato Supplement 5Vl/Pack , Dermatophyte Test Agar Base (D.T.M. Agar Base) 100-500Gms , Di-Ethyle Ether 100-500Ml , Double Distilled Water 5L/Jar , Doxycycline 30Μg Anti-Biotic Disc250discs , Dpx Mount 125/250/500 Ml Per Bottle. , Drabkin’S (Hemoglobin) Solution1l/Bottle , Dulcitol 500Gm/Bottle , Edta Vial (K3) 100Nos/Pkts , Enzymatic Createnine System Pack 5X30ml / 5X10ml± 10 , Eosin Stain (Powder) 25 Gm/Btl , Eqas Clinical Chemistry Program.Cat No Bc 50(12X5ml) , Er (Ab) Ihc Marker6/7 Ml Per Unit. , Erba Autowash For Xl-640 Autoanalyzer 10X100 Ml , Erba Norm 4X5 Ml± 10 , Erythromycin 15Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Eschericia Coli Serotyping Kit 1 Kit , Ethanol (Rectified Spirit) 99%500Ml-2.5 Ltr/Btl , Fe125 System Pack Use In Xl-640 Autoanalyer4x25 Ml/2X12.5Ml/2X2 Ml , Ferric Chloride Anhydrous 100 Gms , Ferritin Elecsyscobas E 100 V2 100 Test , Fontana-Masson Stain Kit For Melanin 125 Ml , Formaldehyde 500Ml/Bottle , Formalin (10%) 500Ml-5 Ltr/Btl , Fouchet Reagent Solution 100Ml , Fungibiotic Agar 100Gms/Pkt. , Furazolidone 100 Mcg Anti-Biotic Disc 250 Discs , Gamma Gt System Pack 2X44ml/2X11 Ml± 10 , Gentamycin Stock Solution  1Gm Per Vial , Giemsa Stain 250Ml/Bottle , Glacial Acetic Acid 500Ml , Glass Slide75x25x1.25 Mm ;50Nos/Pkt. , Glucose Phosphate Buffer (Mr-Vp Medium) 500 Gm , Glucose Powder 100Gm-500 Gm , Glucose Reagent (God/Pod Method) 2 X 200 Ml,5X100ml, 6X100ml,4X50ml,6X100ml , Glucose System Pack 10X44 Ml±10 , Gram Stain Kit 125 Ml Each , Harris Haematoxylene Stain 100 - 500 Ml/ Btl , Hbsag Elisa Test Kit 96Wells/Kit , Hbsag Rapid Test Kits  10 Nos Per Pkt , Hbsag Rapid Test Kits  25 Nos Per Pkt , Hbsag Rapid Test Kits  30 Nos Per Pkt , Hbsag Rapid Test Kits  50 Nos Per Pkt , Hbsag Rapid Test Kits  100 Nos Per Pkt , Hcg Kit 10 Nos Per Pkt , Hcg Kit 25Nos Per Pkt , Hcg Kit 30 Nos Per Pkt , Hcg Kit 40 Nos Per Pkt , Hcg Kit 50 Nos Per Pkt , Hcg Kit 100 Nos Per Pkt , Hcv Elisa Test Kit  96 Wells/Kit. , Hcv Rapid Test (Tri Dot)  10 Nos Per Pkt , Hcv Rapid Test (Tri Dot)  30 Nos Per Pkt , Hcv Rapid Test (Tri Dot)  50 Nos Per Pkt , Hcv Rapid Test (Tri Dot)  100 Nos Per Pkt , Hdl Cholesterol System Pack With Calibrator 4X30ml / 4X10ml± 10 , Hdl Cholestrol 2X50 Ml ±10 , Her2/Neu 6/7 Ml , Hicrome Candida Differential Agar 500 Gms , Hiv Eliza Test Kit 96 Test /Kit , Hiv Rapid Test I &Ii 10 Nos Per Pkt , Hiv Rapid Test I &Ii 30 Nos Per Pkt , Hiv Rapid Test I &Ii 50 Nos Per Pkt , Hiv Rapid Test I &Ii 100Nos Per Pkt , Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 1Ltr. , Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 5 Ltr. , Il 6 Elecsyscobas E 1000 100 Test , Imipenem 10Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250 Discs , Immersion Oil 50-500Ml/Btl , Indian Ink Stain 100Ml/Bottle. , Indole Reagent (Kovacs) 100Ml , Isopropyl Alcohol (99%) 500Ml-2.5 Ltr/Jar , Jsb Stain-I 250 Ml , Jsb Stain-I 500 Ml , Jsb Stain-Ii 250-500 Ml , Lacto Phenol Cotton Blue 100-500Ml/ Bottle. , Lactose Powder 100-500Gm , L-Arabinos Power 100 Gm , Leica Microtome Blade 818, High Profile 50 Nos/Pkt , Leishman Stain (Powder) 25 Gm/Btl , Leishman Stain 100-500Ml/Btl , Leptosira Igm Elisa Serology 96 Wells/Kit , Levofloxacin 5Μganti-Biotic Disc 250 Discs , Linezolid 30Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250Discs , Lipase Kinatickit 10/15/25 Ml , Lipase Lsr System Pack 1X44 Ml / 1X11 Ml ±10 , Liqor Ammonia500ml , Litmas Paper Blue100 X 10 , Litmas Paper Red 100 X 10 , L-Lysine 500 Gm/ Bottle , L-Ornithine 500 Gm/Bottle , Lugols Iodine 100Ml , Lyphocheck Assayed Chemistry Control Level-1 (12X5ml) , Lyphocheck Assayed Chemistry Control Level-2 (12X5ml) , Lysol Liquid 1Ltr , Magnesium Kit Calmigate Method 25Ml , Malaria Rapid Test Kit (Antigen) 10 Nos Per Pkt , Malaria Rapid Test Kit (Antigen) 25 Nos Per Pkt , Malaria Rapid Test Kit (Antigen) 30 Nos Per Pkt , Malaria Rapid Test Kit (Antigen) 50 Nos Per Pkt , Malaria Rapid Test Kit (Antigen) 100Nos Per Pkt , Malaria Test Kit (Elisa) 96 Wells/Kit , Mannan Igm Antibody Rapid Detection Kit 25 Test/Kit , Mannito Powder 500 Gms , May Graunwald Giemsa (Mgg) Stain 100-500 Ml/Bottle , Mec Conkey Agar 500Gms/Bottle , Meningitis Lat Kit (Pasteurax). 25 Tests/Kit , Mercuric Sulphate , Meropenem 10Μg Anti-Biotic Disc 250 Discs , Methanol (Lab. Reagent) Solution 500Ml-2.5 Ltr. , Methelated Spirit (Methanol) Solution 500Ml , Methyle Red. 100Ml , Methyline Blue 500Ml , Micro Albumin Control 1 Ml ±10 , Micro Albumin Mal-10 1X10ml , Micro Albumin Mal-10 5X25ml , Micro Albumin Mal-10 1X1ml , Micro Centrifuge Tube (Conical) Brand 2Ml With Lid Pp2 Ml, Br 780546 , Micro Cover Slip 18X18 Mm Pack Of 20 Packets Of 10 Grams Each , Metronidazole 50 Mcg Anti-Biotic Disc 250 Discs , Micro Cover Slip 50X22x0.13 Mmpack Of 20 Packets Of 10 Grams Each , Glass Pipette 5 Ml , Micropipette Fixed 5 Ml , Micropipette Fixed 50 Μl , Micropipette Variable 5 -100 Ul , Micropipette Variable 100-500 Ul , Micropipette Variable 50-200 Ul , Micropipetted Variable 500-1000 Ul , Microprotein System Pack 10X12ml ±10 , Moxifloxacin 5Mcg Anti-Biotic Disc 250 Discs , Muller Hinton Agar ,500Gms/Bottle , Myeloperoxidase (Mpo) Leukocyte Stain Kit,100 Tests/Kit , N/10 Hcl,500Ml-2.2 Ltr/Btl , Na+K+ Control For Easylyte, Level-I , Na+K+ Control For Easylyte, Level-Ii , Na+K+ Control For Easylyte, Level-Iii , Nalidixic Acid Anti-Biotic Disc,250 Discs , N-Butanol Solution,500 Ml , Netilmycin 30Μg Anti-Biotic Disc,250 Discs , Neutrophilic-Alkaline Phosphatase (Nap) Staining Kit,20 Tests/Kit , Ninhydrin Powder,25 Gm , Nitrofurantoin 30Μg Anti-Biotic Disc,250Discs , Norfloxacin 5Μg Anti-Biotic Disc,250Discs , Novobiocin Anti-Biotic Disc,250Discs , Nutrient Agar, 100-500Gms/Bottle , Ofloxacin 5Mcg Anti-Biotic Disc,250Discs , Optochin Anti-Biotic Disc,250Discs , Oxacillin Anti-Biotic Disc,250Discs , Oxidase Reagent,100Disc/Vial , Pancytokeratin Ab Ihc Marker,7 Ml Rtu , Pap Pen, 1 Unit , Paraffin Wax Roll (Malted) (58-60°C), 500Gm/Pkt , Penicillin G 10 Units Anti-Biotic Disc,250Discs , Peptone Water Broth Base,500Gm , Periodic Acid-Schiff (Pas) Stain Kit ,Kit With Hematoxylin, Schiff’S Reagents & Periodic Acid , Perl,S Stain Kit,100 Tests/Kit , Ph Paper (1-12),50 Strips/Pack , Phenopthalin,100 Ml , Phenylalanine Agar,100 Gms , Phosporusmolybdate Colorimetric ,1X75 Ml ±10 , Picric Acid, 500 Gm , Piperacillin + Tazobactum 100/10Μg Anti-Biotic Disc,250Discs , Piperacillin 100Μg Anti-Biotic Disc,250Discs , Plain Vial( Clot),100Nos/Pkts , Poly-L Lysin ,100 Ml/Vial , Polymer Hrp Dab Kit,16 Ml/Kit , Polymyxin-B (50U) Anti-Biotic Disc , Potassium Metabi Sulphite, 20 Gm/Pkt , Potassium Permanganate , Potassium Tellurite 1%,5 Vials /Pack , Pr Ab Ihc Marker,6/7Ml , Psa Human Elisa Kit,96 Tests/Box , Qbc Capillary Tube,200 Nos/Pkt , Ra Kit,25Tests/Kit , Rapid Pap Staining Kit, , Rcm Media,500Gms/Bottle , Reagent For Anti-Tpo Antibody Test,For Elisa Test :96 Tests Pack Size , Reagent For Serum Ferritin,For Elisa Test: 96 Tests /Box , Reagent For Uibc 125System Pack For Xl-640 Autoanalyer,R1 4X25ml/R2 2X12.5 Ml/Calibrator 2X2 Ml±10 , Rectifiedspirit,500 Ml/1Ltr/2.5Ltr Per Btl , Reticulin Stain Kit ,250 Ml/500 Ml , Rota Virus Elisa Kit (Rotaclone),96 Wells/Kit , S-100 Ab Ihc Marker,7 Ml Rtu , Sabourad Dextrose Agar,500 Gms , Salenite F Broth Base,100Gms , Salmonella Seroagglutination Kit Salmonella Serotyping Antisera), , Serotyping Of Shigella Spp,1 Kit , Serum Amylase Test Kit,10/20/30/36 Ml Per Pkt , Serum Createninetest Kit,200/240/300Ml Per Pkt , Sgotel System Pack,6X44ml /3X22ml ±10 , Sgot -R Ifcc Kinetic,4X24 Ml /4X6 Ml ±10 , Sgpt - R Ifcc Kinetic,4X24 Ml /4X6 Ml ±10 , Sgpt El System Pack,6X44ml /3X22ml±10 , Simmons Citrate Agar,100Gms , Sodium Chloride(Nacl) Powder,500Gm , Sodium Citrate Vial For Coagulation Tests (3.2%) (K3),100 Nos./Pkt , Sodium Citrate Vial For Esr (3.8%) (K3),100 Nos./Pkt , Sodium Floride Vial (Suger),100Nos/Pkts , Sodium Fluoride Powder,500Gm , Sodium Hydroxide (Pellet),500Gm/Pkt , Sodium Hypo Bromide Solution,5 Ltr , Sodium Hypochlorite Solution (5%),5 Ltr /Jar , Sodium Meta Bi-Sulphate,100 Gm/Pkt , Sodium Nitropruside Crystal,100Gm , Sorbitol,500 Gm/Bottle , Scrub Typhus Igm Elisa Serology,96 Wells/Kit , Ss Agar,500Gm , Standard Amino Acidh Liq, , Streptoccus Acid Extraction Kit For Streptococcal Serogrouping (Streptex*),1 Kit , Sucrose Powder,500Gms/Bottle , Sulpher Powder,50 Gm , Sulphosalicylic Acid (20%),500 Ml , Suspension Solution,4 Bottles/ Pack , Tcbs Agar Base,500Gms/Bottle , Tetracycline 30Μg Anti-Biotic Disc,250Discs , Thioglycolate Broth,500Gms/Bottle , Thromboplastin Reagent For Prothrombin Time,10X4ml/ Pkts , Tips For Micropipette ,200 - 1000 Ul ; 500 Nos/Pkts , Tips For Micropipette,2-200 Ul; 1000 Nos/Pkt , Tobramycin 10Μg Anti-Biotic Disc,250Discs , Toluidene Blue Reagent,25Gm/Bottle , Total Billirubin System Pack,6X44ml / 3X22 Ml±10 , Total Protein Reagent ,End Point,5X50 Ml ±10 , Transport Swab With Cary Blair Medium,10 Nos/Pkt , Transport Swab With Stuart Transport Media,10Nos/Pkt , Triglyceride System Pack,5X44ml / 5X11ml ±10 , Tris Acetate Edta Buffer,500 Ml , Troponin-I,10/20Nos Per Pkts , Tsi Agar Base,500Gms/Bottle , Typhoid Rapid Test Kit (Typhi Dot),Anti.S.Typhi Igm , Un-Sensitized Tubes,2000/Box , Urea 40% Supplement,5Ml/Vial , Urea Gldh (Kinetic)Bun,50/100/200Ml Per Pkt , Urea System Pack,5X44ml / 5X11ml±10 , Uric Acid System Pack,5X44ml / 5X11ml ±10 , Vancomycin 30Μg Anti-Biotic Disc,250Discs , Vdrl Rapid Test Kit (Rpr),25Test/Kit , Vimentinm,7 Ml Rtu , Whatman Paper No.-1 , Whatman Paper No.-3 ,65Cm X75cm , Widal Test Kit,25 Tests/Kit , Xl-Auto Wash Ac/Alfor Xl-640 Autoanalyzer,5X44ml / 5X44ml , Xl-Multical Sytem Pack For Xl-640Fully Autoanalyzer, 4X3 Ml , Xyline Pure ,500Ml.-2.5 Ltr , Zinc Kit(Colorimetric Nitro-Paps),Nitro-Paps ,25 Ml , Zn Stain,100Ml/Pkt , ß-D-Glucan Assay For Invasive Candidiasis,1 Kit

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 09-06-2021 Date EXTENSION Date 24-06-2021

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INR 2000 /-
INR 125000.0 /-
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