
Supplying Of Hotmix Material In Tal. Ankleshwar, Dist.Bharuch For Asphalt Patchwork.-Gujarat

Road And Building Department has published Supplying Of Hotmix Material In Tal. Ankleshwar, Dist.Bharuch For Asphalt Patchwork.. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-05-2021. Construction Material Tenders in Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supplying Of Hotmix Material In Tal. Ankleshwar, Dist.Bharuch For Asphalt Patchwork.
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Tender Details

Supplying Of Hotmix Material In Tal. Ankleshwar, Dist.Bharuch For Asphalt Patchwork.-1 1.00 Providing and laying wet mix base course macadam 225 mm thick in one layer (125mm+100 mm) using machine crushed chips as per required gradation mixing with required optimum quantity of water conveying the mix to site and spreading to grade and camber with mechanical paver consolidation by vibratory road roller incl material, labour, plant and machinary and equipment etc. complete. 2 1.00 Providing laying & rolling of built up spray grout in one layer each layer 37.50mm th. with using bitumen for tack coat at the rate of 4 Kg/10 Sqm with spreading stone aggregrae at the rate 0.50 Cum/ 10 Sqm & spraying bitumen at the rate of 15 Kg/ 10 Sqm and spreading 0.13 Cum / 10 Sqm of key aggregate on top in accordanace with requirement of sprecification including the cost of stone aggregate, bitumnen, consolidation with fire wood oil, lubricants labour charges, machineries equipment tools, etc complete. 3 1.00 Providing & laying bitument sealcoat with 0.18 cum/10sqmt & stone chips 6mm size & binder content at the rate of 4.50% by weight of total mix hot laid process including heating the asphalt & aggregate by continuous batching drummix plant, transportiing the mix & spreading the same by paver finisher & consolidation with vibratory roller including providing necessary fire wood, lubricants, oil, kerosene, labour charges, hire charges of riquired plant & machinery etc complete. (Using D.M. Plant) 4 1.00 Providing and applying Asphalt painting over B.T. Surface using asphalt 80/100 @ rate of 5.00Kg/10Sqm including preparing the Surface by brushing with wire brush,heating and applying a layer over B.T.surface with bitumen sprayer and flush 5 1.00 Providing and laying 20 mm thick mix seal surfacing using stone chips as per gradation asphalt VG-30 (60-70) for mixing at the rate of 51 Kg/M.T. (5.10%) of mix including heating the asphalt and aggregate by continuous batching of hot mix plant and spreading the same by paver finisher and consolidation with vibratory roller 80-100 K.N. static weight including the cost of labour charges, oil, kerosene, lubricants etc. complete using contractors own machinery and plant etc. complete

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Document Fees
INR 1500 /-
INR 30000.0 /-
Tender Value
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