
Reagent Basis Rental Equipment For Central Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory, Dehrakhas Patel Nagar, Dehradun-Uttarakhand

Medical College has published Reagent Basis Rental Equipment For Central Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-05-2021. Natural Fuels Tenders in Dehrakhas Patel Nagar, Dehradun Uttarakhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Reagent Basis Rental Equipment For Central Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory
Open Tender
Dehrakhas Patel Nagar, Dehradun

Tender Details

Reagent Basis Rental Equipment For Central Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory-1 Ace 2 Acid Phosphatase 3 Adenosine Deaminase 4 Albumin 5 Alkaline Phosphatase 6 Alpha Amylase 7 Alt / G Pt 8 Ammonia 9 Amylase 10 Apolipoprotein B 11 Apolipoproteina1 12 Aso 13 Ast / Got 14 Bilirubin Direct 15 Bilirubin Total 16 Calcium 17 Cea Carcinoembryonic 18 Chloride 19 Cholesterol 20 Ck Nac 21 Ckmb 22 Copper 23 Creatinine ( Enzymatic ) 24 Crp 25 Cystatin C Kit 26 Enzymatic Homo Cysteine 27 T St Kit 28 Ferritin 29 Fpsa Free Prostate Specific 30 Antigen 31 G6pd 32 Gamma Gt 33 Glucose 34 Glucose Strip Test ( Poc ) 35 Glycated Serum Protein 36 ( Gsp ) 37 Hba1c 38 Hdl Cholesterol Direct 39 Human Kappa Flc 40 Human Lambda Fsc 41 Immunoglobulin Igm 42 Iron ( Fe ) 43 Lactate 44 Ldh 45 Ldl Cholesterol Direct 46 Lipase 47 Lp ( A ) Turbilatex 48 Magnesium ( Calmagite ) 49 Microalbumin 50 Myoglobin 51 Ngal 52 Pct 53 Phosphorus 54 Psa Prostate Specific 55 Antigen Assays 56 Retinol Binding Protein ( Rbp ) 57 Rf 58 Tibc 59 Total Bile Acid 60 Total Protein 61 Transferrin 62 Triglycerides 63 Trop-I 64 Trop-T 65 Urea 66 Uric Acid 67 Vitamin D 68 Zinc 69 Α-Fetoprotein Assay 70 Plac Test For Lp_Pla2 71 1, 5 -Anhydroglucitol ( 1, 5-Ag ) 72 Acetaminophen 73 Acetic Acid 74 Acid Phosphatase 75 Adenosine Deaminase 76 Adiponectin 77 Albumin, Serum 78 Albumin:Globulin Ratio Aldolase 79 80 Alkaline Phosphatase ( Alp ) , Serum 81 Alpha-1 Acid Glycoprotein 82 Alpha-I Antitrypsin 83 Alt ( Sgpt ) 84 Ammonia 85 Amphetamines 86 Amylase, Serum 87 Canca 88 Panca 89 Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme ( Ace ) Test 90 Anti-Phospholipid Antibodies Syndrome Test 91 Anti-Smooth Muscle Ab Tests ( Asma ) 92 Apolipoprotein A-I ( Apo A1 ) 93 Apolipoprotein A-Ii 94 Apolipoprotein B ( Apo B ) Apolipoprotein Cii 95 96 Apolipoprotein Ciii 97 Apolipoprotein E 98 Aso, Quantitative 99 Ast ( Sgot ) 100 Augmented Histamine Test 101 Barbiturates 102 Benzodiazepines 103 Beta-2- Macroglobulin 104 Bicarbonate, Serum / Plasma 105 Bile Acid 106 Bilirubin, Total 107 Bilirubin, Direct & Indirect 108 Bilirubin Total, Direct & Indirect 109 Body Fluids ( Csf / Ascitic Fluid, Etc ) - Glucose, Sugar 110 Calcium, Total Calcium, Ionic 111 112 Cannabinoids 113 Carbamazepine 114 Catecholamines 115 Ceruloplasmin, Serum 116 Chloride, Serum 117 Cholesterol, Total 118 Cholinesterase ( Butyryl ) 119 Ck Or Cpk, Total 120 Ck-Mb 121 Ck-Mb Mass 122 Ck.Nac 123 Co2 Total 124 Cocaine Metabolite 125 Complement Component 3 126 Complement Component 4 Copper, Serum 127 128 Creatinine 129 Creatinine Clearance 130 Crp Quantitative 131 Crp Full Range 132 Crp High Sensitive ( Hscrp ) 133 Cystatin C 134 Digoxin, Serum 135 D-Xylose 136 Eddp ( 2-Ethylidene-1, 5-Dimethyl- 3, 3-Diphenylpyrrolidine ) 137 Electrophoresis, Serum 138 Ethanol 139 Ferritin 140 Fructosamine 141 Erythropoetin ( Epo ) , Serum 142 G6pd / Gpd ( Glucose 6-P Dehydrogenase ) Ggt / Ggtp ( Gamma Glutamyl 143 Transpeptidase ) 144 Gentamicin 145 Glucose Fasting ( Fbs ) 146 ( Fasting Blood Sugar ) 147 Glucose Random ( Rbs ) 148 ( Random Blood Sugar ) 149 Glucose Pp ( Ppbs ) 150 ( Post Prandial Blood Sugar ) 151 Glucose Challanged Tests / Mini Gtt ( Glucose Fasting & Pp ) 152 Glucose Tolerance Test ( Gtt ) 153 Glucose / Fructose 154 Glutamate 155 Glutamine 156 Glutathione Peroxidase 157 Glutathione Reductase 158 Glycerol Haptoglobin 159 160 Hba1c 161 Hb Fetal 162 Hb Electrophoresis / Hb Hplc 163 Hdl3 164 Hdl ( Direct ) 165 Heart-Type Fatty Acid Binding Protein ( H-Fabp ) 166 Homocysteine 167 Hydroxybutyrate 168 Iga 169 Ige 170 Igg 171 Igm 172 Iron, Serum 173 Lactate, Serum 174 Lactose Tolerance Test Lactase Dehydrogenase ( Ldh ) 175 176 Lp ( A ) 177 Ldl Cholesterol 178 Ldl / Hdl Factor 179 Lipase, Serum 180 Lipoprotein ( A ) 181 Lithium 182 L-Lactic Acid 183 Magnesium, Serum 184 Malic Acid 185 Methadone 186 Microalbumin 187 Myoglobin 188 Nefa ( Non- Esterified Fatty Acid ) 189 Opiates 190 Pancreatic Amylase Phenobarbital 191 192 Phenytoin ( Dilantin ) 193 Phosphorus 194 Protein Bound Iodine ( Pbi ) 195 Potassium, Serum 196 Rheumatoid ( Ra ) Factor, Quantitative 197 Salicylate 198 Sodium, Serum 199 Superoxide Dismutase 200 Tibc ( Total Iron Binding Capacity ) 201 Total Antioxidant Status 202 Total Protein 203 Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, Albumin / Globulin Ratio 204 Transferrin 205 Transthyretin ( Pre-Albumin ) 206 Triglycerides, Serum Urea Or Bun 207 208 Urea Clearance Test 209 Uric Acid 210 Urinary Protein 211 Valproic Acid / Valproate, Serum 212 Zinc 213 24 Hrs Urine For Proteins, Sodium, Creatinine 214 Protein Creatinine Ratio, Urine 215 Pro-Calcitonin ( Pct ) 216 Torch Test ( Panel ) 217 Nt Pro-Bnp 218 Urine Bile Pigment & Bile Salt 219 Urine Urobilinogen 220 Urine Ketones 221 Urine Occult Blood 222 Urine Total Proteins Bga 223 224 Bga With Electrolytes 225 Kidney Function Test ( Kft ) / Renal Fuction Test ( Rft ) 226 ( Urea, Creatinine, Na, K, Cl ) 227 Liver Function Test ( Lft ) 228 ( Ast, Alt, Alp, Tp, Albumin, Globulin, A / G Ratio ) 229 Cortisol 230 Acth 231 Ige 232 Feritin, Serum 233 Folate Iii 234 Vitamin B-12 235 Beta Cross Laps 236 N-Mid 237 Osteocalcin 238 Pinp-Total 239 Pth ( Paratharmone ) 240 Vitamin-D, Total 241 Vitamin D3 242 Brain Damage 243 S100 244 Afp 245 Ca-125 246 Ca-15-3 247 Ca 19-9 248 Ca 72-4 249 Calcitonin 250 Cea ( Carcinoembryonic Antigen ) 251 Cyfra 21-1 252 Psa, Total 253 Psa, Free Nse ( Neuron Specific Enolase ) 254 255 Tnf-Alfa 256 Vma ( Vinyl Mandelic Acid ) 257 Ck-Mb, Stat 258 Digitoxin 259 Digoxin 260 Myoglobin, 18 Mins 261 Myoglobin 262 Pro-Bnp Ii 263 Anti-Probnp 264 Troponin-I, Quantitative 265 Troponin-T, Quantitative 266 Troponin-T, Stat 267 Troponin-T, Hs 268 Troponin-T, Hs Stat 269 C-Peptide Insulin 270 271 Dheas 272 E2 273 Fsh 274 B-Hcg Stat Ii 275 B-Hcg 276 Hgh 277 Lh 278 Progesterone 279 17-Dh-Progesterone 280 Prolactin 281 Shbg 282 Testosterone, Serum 283 Anti Hcv 284 Anti Hav 285 Anti Hav Igm Anti Hbc 286 287 Anti Hbc Igm 288 Anti Hbe 289 Anti Hbs 290 Anti Hev Igm 291 Hbeag 292 Hbsag Confirmatory 293 Hbsag Quantitative 294 Hbcab ( Hb Core Igm Ab ) 295 Hiv Antigen Confirmatory 296 Hiv Antigen Ii 297 Hiv Combi 298 Papp-A 299 Free Beta Hcg 300 Plgf 301 Sfit-1 Pct 302 303 Il-1 304 Il1-B ( Il1-Beta ) 305 Il2-R ( Il2-Receptor ) 306 Il-6 307 Il-8 308 Anti-Ccp 309 T3, T4, Tsh 310 Anti Tg 311 Anti Tpo 312 Anti Tshr 313 Ft3 314 Ft4 315 T3, Total 316 T4, Total 317 Thyroglobulin ( Tg ) Tsh 318 319 Tpo 320 Thyroid Binding Globulin 321 Thyroglobulin Antibody 322 Iron, Serum 323 Tibc 324 Ferritin, Serum 325 Vitamin B12 326 Folic Acid 327 Androstendione 328 Growth Hormone ( Gh ) 329 Igf ( Insulin Growth Factor ) 330 Dht 331 Acth 332 17-Ketosteroids ( 24 Hrs. ) 333 5-H.I.A.A. ( 24 Hrs. Quantitative ) 334 335 Ammonium Chloride Loading Test 336 Beta 2 Microglobinuria Test 337 Microalbuminuria Test 338 Osmolarity Urine 339 Urinary 7 Ketogenic And Hydroxy Steroids 340 Urinary Catecholamines 341 Urinary Copper 342 Urinary Chlorides ( 24 Hrs. Quantitative ) 343 Urinary Creatinine ( 24 Hrs. Quantitative ) 344 Urinary Phospho-Bilinogen 345 Urinary Phosphorus ( 24 Hrs. Quantitative ) 346 Urinary Sodium 347 Urinary Potassium 348 Urine Albumin ( 24 Hrs. Quantitative ) 349 Urine Barbiturate 350 Urine Calcium ( 24 Hrs. Quantitative ) 351 Urine Estriol Estimation During Pregnancy 352 Csf Chlorides 353 Csf Globulin ( Quantitative ) 354 Csf / Ascitic Fluid ( Glucose & Protein ) 355 Csf / Ascitic Fluid Glucose 356 Csf / Ascitic Fluid Proteins 357 Urinary Vma 358 Urinary Metanephrine / Normetanephrine 359 Urinary Free Catecholamines 360 Serum Catecholamines 361 Serum Aldosteron 362 24 Hr Urinary Aldosteron 363 Plasma Renin Activity 364 Serum Aldosteron / Renin Ratio 365 Osmolarity Urine 366 Osmolarity Serum 367 Urinary Sodium 368 Urinary Chloride 369 Urinary Potassium 370 Urinary Calcium 371 24 Hrs Urinary Free Cortisole 372 Islet Cell Antibody 373 Gad Antibody 374 Insulin Associated Ab 375 Igf-1 376 Igf-Bp3 377 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 378 E2 379 Typhoid Igm

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 3540 /-
INR 400000.0 /-
Tender Value
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