
Tender For Laboratory Consumable Items.-Gujarat

Health And Family Welfare Department has published Tender For Laboratory Consumable Items.. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-05-2021. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Laboratory Consumable Items.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Laboratory Consumable Items-1 . Nutrient Agar 2 . Mac Conkey Agar 3 . Muller Hinton Agar 4 . Agar Agar 5 . L J Media ( Twin Pack ) 6 . Mac Conkey Broth 7 . Potato Dextrose Agar 8 . Dermatophyte Tes Medium 9 . Sabourad Dextrose Agar 10 . Tcbs 11 . Cornmeal Agar 12 . Yeast Nitrogen Base ( Ynb ) 13 . Chrom Agar For Candida 14 . Robertson Cooked Meat Media 15 . Blood Culture Bottle, Adult ( Large ) , Brain Heart Infusion Broth With 0.05 % Sps 16 . Blood Culture Bottle- Paediatric ( Small ) - Brain Heart Infusion Broth With 0.05 % Sps 17 . Triple Sugar Iron Agar 18 . Simmons Citrate Agar 19 . Urease Agar With 40% Urea Solution 20 . Phenyl Allenine Agar 21 . Glucose Phospahte Broth 22 . Peptone 23 . Glucose Sugar 24 . Lactose Sugar 25 . Maltose Sugar 26 . Sucrose Sugar 27 . Ss Agar 28 . Dca Agar 29 . Xld Agar 30 . Bile Esculin Agar 31 . Ornithin Decarboxylase Broth 32 . Arginine Dehydrolase Broth 33 . Lysine Decarboxylase Broth 34 . Nitrate Broth 35 . Mannitol Salt Agar 36 . Brain Heart Infusion Broth 37 . Base Decarboxylase Broth 38 . Phosphate Buffer Saline 39 . Phosphate Buffer Saline 40 . 2% Sodium Acetate Anhydrous 41 . 2% Sodium Acetate Anhydrous 42 . Congored Dye 43 . Congored Dye 44 . Blood Agar ( 5% Sheep Blood Agar ) 45 . Blood Agar ( 5% Sheep Blood Agar ) 46 . Elisa Plates 47 . Elisa Plates 48 . Amikacin ( Ak ) 49 . Amoxyclav ( Amoxycillin / Clavulanicacid ) ( Amp ) 50 . Ampicillin ( Amp ) 51 . Azithromycin ( Azm ) 52 . Carbenicillin ( Cb ) 53 . Cefaclor ( Cf ) 54 . Cefazolin ( Cz ) 55 . Cefepime ( Cpm ) 56 . Cefoperazone ( Cpz ) 57 . Cefotaxime ( Ctx ) 58 . Ceftazidime Calavulanic Acid 59 . Ceftazidime ( Caz ) 60 . Ceftriaxone ( Ctr ) 61 . Cephalothin ( Cep ) 62 . Chloramphenicol ( C ) 63 . Ciprofloxacin ( Cip ) 64 . Clindamycin ( Cd ) 65 . Co-Trimoxazole ( Sulpha / Trimethoprim ) ( Cot ) 66 . Erythromycin ( E ) 67 . Gentamicin ( Gen ) 68 . Imipenem ( Ipm ) 69 . Kanamycin ( K ) 70 . Levofloxacin ( Le ) 71 . Linezolid ( Lz ) 72 . Meropenem ( Mrp ) 73 . Methicillin ( Met ) 74 . Nalidixic Acid ( Na ) 75 . Nitrofurantoin ( Nit ) 76 . Norfloxacin ( Nx ) 77 . Ertapenem ( Etp ) 78 . Gentamicin ( Gen ) 79 . Oxacillin ( Ox ) 80 . Penicillin G ( P ) 81 . Piperacillin ( Pi ) 82 . Piperacillin / Tazobactum ( Pit ) 83 . Polymyxin B ( Pb ) 84 . Imipenem ( Ipm ) 85 . Tigecycline ( Tgc ) 86 . Trimethoprim ( Tr ) 87 . Vancomycin ( Va ) 88 . Fluconazole ( Flc ) 89 . Bacitracin 90 . Optochin 91 . Teicoplanin 92 . Tetracyclin 93 . Ketoconazole 94 . Amphotericine B 95 . Clotrimazole 96 . Itraconazole 97 . Nystatin 98 . Miconazole 99 . Arabinose Ar 100 . Cellobiose Ce 101 . Dextrose De 102 . Dulcitol Du 103 . Galactose Ga 104 . Inositol Is 105 . Lactose La 106 . Maltose Ma 107 . Mellibiose Mb 108 . Raffinose Rf 109 . Sucrose Su 110 . Trehalose Te 111 . Oxidase Disc 112 . Colistin Cl 113 . Novobiocin Nv 114 . Onpg Strips 115 . Atcc Strain: E Coli 25922 116 . Atcc Strain: Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 27853 117 . Atcc Strain: Staphylococcus Aureus 25923 118 . Atcc Strain: Haemopilus Influenza 119 . Atcc Strain: Candida Albicans 10231 120 . Atcc Strain: Enterococcus Faecalis 29212 121 . Epsilometer- E Strip For Vancomycin, Imipenem, Oxacillin 122 . Glucose Phosphate Broth 123 . Aso Test Kit 124 . Rpr Test Kit 125 . Ra Test Kit 126 . Crp Test Kit 127 . Widal Tube Test Kit ( Tydal ) 128 . Hav Test Kit 129 . Hev Test Kit 130 . Hcv Test Kit 131 . Hbsag Test Kit 132 . Hiv Test Kit 133 . Leptospira Igm Test Kit 134 . Dengue ( Igm ) Test Kit 135 . Ns 1 Ag ( Dengue ) Test Kit 136 . Tpha Test Kit 137 . Rapid Test Kit For Hiv 138 . Rapid Test Kit For Hiv 139 . Rapid Test Kit For Hiv 140 . Typhi Dot Test Kit 141 . Rapid Test Kit For Hbsag 142 . Rapid Test Kit For Hcv 143 . Anti Sera For V.Choleare 144 . Anti Sera For S.Typhi 145 . Antisera For Shigella 146 . Cmv Test Igm 147 . L.J. Media 148 . Albert Stain A & B - Kit 149 . Gram Strain Kit: Crystal Violet, Grams Iodine, Decoloriser: Acetone+Alcohol, Saffranine Or Basic Fuchsin ( 0.1% ) 150 . Z N Stain Kit 151 . Cedar Wood Immersion Oil 152 . Capsular Stain Kit: Methylene Blue ( Aqueous ) , Nigrosinstain ( 10% ) 153 . Fluoresent Stain For Fungus ( Calcoflour White ) 154 . Fluroscent Stains- For Mycobacteria-Phenolic Auramine, Acid Alcohol, Potassium Permanganate - Kit 155 . Sodium Hypochlorite 156 . Hydrogen Peroxide 157 . India Ink Stain Kit 158 . Isopropyl Alcohol 159 . Kovacs Indole Reagent 160 . Lactophenol Cotton Blue 161 . Lugols Iodine 162 . Ph Indicator Strips 163 . Andrades Indicator 164 . Methyl Red Indicator 165 . Alpha Napthol 166 . Koh 167 . Potassium Nitrate 168 . Concentrated Hcl 169 . Sulphanilic Acid 170 . P-Dimethyl Aminobenzaldehyde ( For Kovacs Reagent ) 171 . Giemsas Stain Kit 172 . Leishmans Stain Kit 173 . Nnnn Tetramethyle Paraphenylene Diamine Dihydrochloride 174 . 20% Formalin 175 . Sugar Disc: Glucose 176 . Sugar Disc: Xylose 177 . Sugar Disc: Lactose 178 . Sugar Disc: Sucrose 179 . Sugar Disc: Galactose 180 . Sugar Disc: Melibiose 181 . Micro Amp Fast Optical 96 Well Reaction Plate Real Time 182 . Micro Amp Fast Optical Adhesive Film For 96 Well Reaction 183 . Micro Amp Optical Caps 0.2 Ml For Real Time Pcr Tube 8 184 . Micro Amp Optical Tubes 0.2 Ml For Real Time Pcr Tube 8 185 . Optical Pcr Plates With Adhesive Cover For Roche Lc 96 186 . Optical Tubes And Caps Strip For Real Time Pcr ( 0.1 Ml ) 8 187 . Epsilometer 188 . Epsilometer 189 . Epsilometer 190 . Epsilometer 191 . Epsilometer 192 . Acetic Acid 193 . Acetone 194 . Albumin Powder ( Egg ) 195 . Ammonium Oxalate Powder 196 . Ammonium Solution 197 . Ammonium Sulphate Powder 198 . Ammonium Molybdate 199 . Ashipol ( Glass Cleaning ) 200 . Barium Chloride Dihydrate 201 . Benzidine Powder 202 . Bile Salt 203 . Benidict S Reagent 204 . Chromic Acid 205 . Copper Acetate 206 . Cupric Acetate ( Monohydrate ) 207 . Cupric Sulphate 208 . Casein 209 . Diacetymonoxime 210 . D- Glucose Dextrose Powder 211 . Ferric Chloride ( Anhydrous ) 212 . Fructose 213 . Fouchet S Reagent 214 . Frormaldehyde Solution 215 . Gelatin 216 . H2so4 217 . Hydrochloric Acid ( Hcl ) 218 . Hydrogen Peroxide 20 % 219 . Hydrogen Peroxide 30 % 220 . Iodine 221 . Lead Acetate 222 . Lactose 223 . Mercuric Sulphate Powder 224 . Maltose 225 . Methanol 226 . Ninhydrin 227 . Nitric Acid ( Hno3 ) 228 . Napthol 229 . Orthophosphoric Acid 230 . Potassium Iodide 231 . Peptone 232 . Phenyl Hydrazine Hydrochloride 233 . Phenolphthalein Indicator 234 . Picric Acid 235 . Resourcinol 236 . Sodium Chloride 237 . Sodium Nitrite 238 . Sodium Nitrate 239 . Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous 240 . Sodium Hydroxide Pellets 241 . Sodium Hypobromite 242 . Starch 243 . Silver Nitrate 244 . Sulphosalicylic Acid 245 . Sulphur Powder 246 . Sodium Nitroprusside 247 . Sucrose 248 . Sodium Acetate Anhydrous 249 . Sodium Tungstate 250 . Thisemicabazide 251 . Topher‘S Reagent 252 . Tri-Sodium Citrate 253 . Filter Paper 254 . Ph Paper 255 . Urea Powder 256 . Creatinine Standard ( Powder ) 257 . Urea Standard ( Powder ) 258 . Test Kit For Sgpt ( Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase ) 259 . Test Kit For Sgot ( Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase ) 260 . Test Kit For Alkaline Phosphatase 261 . Test Kit For Glucose 262 . Test Kit For Uric Acid 263 . Test Kit For Total Protein 264 . Test Kit For Albumin 265 . Test Kit For Cholestrol 266 . Test Kit For Triglyceride 267 . Test Kit For Bilirubin 268 . Test Kit For Calcium 269 . Test Kit For Phosphrous 270 . Methylglyoxal Estimation Kit 271 . Antisera Abd Kit ( Blood Grouping ) 272 . Hayem S Fluid 273 . Leishman S Stain 274 . Normal Slaine 275 . N / 10 Hcl 276 . Spirit 277 . Turk S Fluid 278 . Cotton Roll 279 . Dropping Plastic Bottle 280 . Ecg Paper Roll 281 . No. 1 Micro Filter Paper 282 . Lancet Safety 283 . Demonstration Eyepiece With Pointer 284 . Sahli S Haemoglobinometer 285 . Tissue Paper Roll 286 . Plastic Dropper 287 . Plastic Mug 288 . Syringes With Needle 289 . Syringes With Needle 290 . Pregnancy Kit 291 . No.7 Dispossible Gloves 292 . No.6 Dispossible Gloves 293 . Gower S Reagent 294 . Ecg Gel 295 . Stop Watch 296 . Distilled Water 297 . Formaline 298 . Glycerine 299 . Spirit 300 . Isopropanol Histological Grade 301 . Eosin Yellow 302 . Needle 16 303 . Syringe 10Cc 304 . Syringe 50Cc 305 . Turpentine Oil ( Pure ) 306 . Paraffin Wax ( Laboratory Quality ) - Merck 307 . Xylene 308 . Scalpel Blade ( No.23 ) 309 . Hematoxylin Stain ( Himedia ) 310 . Acetone Laboratory Quality ( Merck ) 311 . I V Set 312 . Plastic Apron 313 . Carbolic Acid Crystals 314 . Long Rubber Gloves 315 . Phenol Crystal 316 . Mask & Cap 317 . Microslide ( 50 Slides / Pack ) 318 . Paint Brush ( Camlin ) Series - 56 319 . Green Bedsheets ( To Cover Cadavers ) 320 . H2o2 321 . Chlorine 322 . Varnish 323 . Asphalt ( Damar ) Colour 324 . Disp. Gloves No.6 325 . Disp. Gloves No.6.5 326 . Disp. Gloves No.7 327 . Disp. Gloves No.7.5 328 . Disp. Gloves No.8 329 . Ehrlich S Reagent 330 . Barium Chloride Solution 331 . Benedict’S Solution 332 . Fouchet’S Reagent 333 . Liquor Ammonia 334 . Lugol S Iodine Solution 335 . Ammonium Sulphate Powder 336 . Normal Saline 337 . Sulfosalisylic Acid Solution 338 . Hay S Sulfur Powder 339 . Rbc Diluting Fluid 340 . Wbc Diluitng Fluid 341 . 10% Acetic Acid 342 . Esbauch S Reagent 343 . Lieshman Stain 344 . Benzidine Powder 345 . Nitric Acid 346 . Glass Cleaning Solution 347 . Cotton Roll 348 . Egg Albumin Powder 349 . Dextrose Powder 350 . Antisera-A 351 . Antisera-B 352 . 0.1 N Hcl 353 . Spirit 354 . Distilled Water 355 . Sodium Nitropusside Crystal 356 . Ceder Wood Oil 357 . Tissue Paper Roll 358 . Filter Paper 359 . Ph Paper 360 . Syringes 361 . Syringes 362 . Syringes 363 . Micro Drip Set ( Iv Set ) 364 . Macro Drip Set ( Iv Set ) 365 . Normal Saline ( Ns ) 366 . Dextrose Normal Saline ( Dns ) 367 . Ringer Lactate ( Rl ) 368 . Needles 369 . Needles 370 . Needles 371 . Needles 372 . Tuberculine Syringes 373 . Insulin Syringe 374 . Inj Dopamine 375 . Inj Dobutamine 376 . Inj Quinine 377 . Inj Aminophylline 378 . Inj Diazepam 379 . Inj Adrenaline 380 . Inj Atropine 381 . Inj Benzyl Penicillin 382 . Inj Insulin 383 . Gram Staining Kit ( Reagent Of The Kit: Crystal Violet, Gram’S Lodine, Decolorizer And Saffranine ) 384 . Zn Staining Kit ( Reagent Of The Kit: Carbon Fuchsine, Decolorizer And Methylene Blue ) 385 . Albert Staining Kit ( Reagent Of The Kit: Albert Stain A And Albert Stain B ) 386 . H2so4 Concentrated 387 . Ethanol 388 . Gram’S Iodine 389 . Pointer For Microscope 390 . Dehydrated Powder Of Arginine 391 . Dehydrolase Ornithin Decarboxylase 392 . Lysine Decarboxyla 393 . Dehydrated Powder Of Stuart Transport Media 394 . Atcc Escherichia Coli 35218 395 . Atcc Enterococcus Faecalis 51299 396 . Atcc Escherichia Coli 35218 397 . Atcc Klebsiella Pneumoniae Baa-1706 398 . Atcc Escherichia Coli 25922 399 . Atcc Staphylococcus Aureus 43300 400 . Atcc Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 27853 401 . Ertapenem ( 10 Μg ) 402 . Ceftazidime-Clavulinic Acid ( 30 / 10 Μg ) 403 . Cefoxitin ( 30 Μg ) 404 . High Level Gentamycin ( 120 Μg ) 405 . Metronidazole E Strip 406 . Vancomycin E Strip 407 . Colistin E Strip 408 . Voriconazole ( 1 Μg ) 409 . Caspofungin ( 10 Μg ) 410 . Atcc Hemophilus Influenza 10211 411 . Atcc Staphylococcus Aureus 29213 412 . Atcc Klebsiella Pneumoniae 700603 413 . Atcc Klebsiella Pneumoniae Baa-1705 414 . Entamoeba Histolytica Antigen Detection Elisa Kit 415 . Rotavirus Antigen Detection Elisa Kit

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INR 20000.0 /-
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