
Instrumentation Works For Plant 4 , 10 , 13 In Manali Refinery Of Cpcl, CPCL Chennai-Tamil Nadu

Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited has published Instrumentation Works For Plant 4 , 10 , 13 In Manali Refinery Of Cpcl. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-05-2021. Coats and Jackets Tenders in CPCL Chennai Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Instrumentation Works For Plant 4 , 10 , 13 In Manali Refinery Of Cpcl
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu
Cpcl Chennai

Tender Details

Instrumentation Works For Plant 4 , 10 , 13 In Manali Refinery Of Cpcl , part a: erection , installation , testing , commissioning support & handover of following instrumentation items : , installation of temperature transmitter remote mounted inclusive of mounting on yoke , fabrication and erection of supports ( other than yoke ) , painting of supports but exclusive of supply of transmitter , yoke , all electrical connections and calibration . installation charges include shifting of materials from site-store / yard to installation location , consumables , tools & tackles , man power , accessories installation , submission of reports , etc . all complete as per specification and direction of engineer-in-charge . , installation of temperature transmitters , as per typical instrument installation drawings no . 1063-901-006-41-0001 , calibration , inspection & testing , as per tender specifications . cleaning , calibration of instruments listed below including providing necessary equipments , test jig , instrument air , nitrogen cylinders , test reports , all consumable , etc . calibration charges include shifting of instruments from site-store / yard to calibration site and shifting them back to a safe location after calibration . , temperature transmitters , junction box installation installation of weather proof / weatherproof and flameproof cast aluminium alloy junction boxes including screwing plugs for unused entries , fabrication and erection of supports and painting , but exclusive of supply of junction boxes and glands / fittings . installation charges shall include transportation from site-store / yard to the installation location , erection , alignment , necessary tools and tackles , manpower , etc . all complete as per specification and direction of engineer-in-charge . , for cable size 6px1 . 5mm2 signal / control , exproof / weatherproof type , for cable size 12px1 . 5mm2 signal / control , exproof / weatherproof type , structural installation of galvanised iron pre fabricated perforated trays and its supports at every 1 . 2 m , including tees , bends and elbows with one coat of primer as per is:2074 and two coats of finished paints in joints including supply of paint as per standard and necessary weld materials required for fabrication of supports but exclusive of supply of supports and trays . installation charges shall include transportation from site-store / yard to the installation location , erection , alignment , necessary tools and tackles , manpower , etc . all complete as per direction of engineer-in-charge . , 300 mm x 35 mm gi perforated tray , hot dip galvanised , with out cover , 150-200 mm x 30 mm gi perforated tray , hot dip galvanised , with out cover , 50-60 mm x 20 mm gi perforated tray , hot dip galvanised , with out cover , installation of pre fabricated gi cable duct with cover on existing structural support at every 1 . 2 meter , this includes reducer , elbow , tee , bend and end cap of duct . the scope involves activities like inter coupling of ducts , coupling of duct with existing structural supports , providing earthing connection for ducts . cutting of ducts where ever required , making slot in existing structure for securing the duct and covering of duct on completion of cable laying jobs . tack welding shall be carried out where ever required . the scope excludes supply of ducts , structural materials , nuts , bolts etc . installation charges include shifting of materials from site- store / yard to installation location , consumables , tools & tackles , man power , accessories installation ( couplers , fish plates etc ) , submission of reports , etc . all complete as per specification and direction of eic . , 800 mm x 300 mm duct , cables ( frls armored instrumentation signal cable , alarm , shutdown , control cable , thermocouple , rtd , detector and power cable ) :- laying of instrumentation cables in ducts , trays , trenches , etc . , including , laying through instrument road crossing , megger testing , glanding and termination at both ends , including in existing junction box / system / marshalling panel , by opening and identifying spares . shall also include supply of clamping materials , printed ferrules , tag plates , at both ends , lugs up to 2 . 5 sq . mm as required . but excluding the supply of cable and cable glands . installation charges shall include transportation from site-store / yard to the installation location , necessary tools and tackles , consumables ( lugs , ferrules , sealing compounds , etc ) etc . all complete as per specification and direction of engineer-in-charge . , 1p x 1 . 5 sq . mm 1t x 16awg armoured , overall shielded , signal cable . , 6p x 1 . 5 sq . mm armoured , individual and overall shielded , signal cable . , 12p x 1 . 5 sq . mm armoured , individual and overall shielded , signal cable . , loop checking hot loop checking of instruments including continuity test , troubleshooting , checking the correctness of instrument parameters such as tag no , range , unit , etc at both instrument and control system end , ensuring correctness of installation of line mounted instruments like orifice plates in line with flow direction , inlcuding but not limited to basic tools & tackles ( screw driver , valid multimeter , continuity tester , etc . ) , submission of loop checking reports , etc exclusive of supply of special tools such as hart communicator , process calibrator , etc . , i / o - analogue input / analogue output / digital input / digital output . , commissioning assistance providing technical commissioning assistance by deploying different categories of skilled personnel as listed below . , supply of manpower on man day basis , including tools ( tester , screwdriver set , safety belt and one multimeter ) , for commissioning assistance considering 12 hours , either day or night ( inclusive of holidays and off days ) - instrument technician ( skilled ) , supply of manpower on man day basis , including ( allen keys , pipe wrench , adjustable spanners , safety belt and spanner set ) , for commissioning support considering 12 hours , either day or night ( inclusive of holidays and off days ) - helper ( un-skilled ) , supply of cleaning manpower on man day basis , including ( cleaning materials like cloths , broom , bucket and moping materials ) , for cleaning floors and materials 8 hours in day - helper ( un-skilled ) , part b: supply and installation of items supply and installation of instrumentation consumable items: , supply and installation of frp prefabricated sunshade / canopy suitable for each transmitters , switches , junction box , smart positioners , etc . ( suitable for vertical as well as horizontal mounting ) , including supports for mounting on the stanchion and alignment . installation charges include shifting of materials from site- store / yard to installation location , consumables , tools & tackles , etc . all complete as per specification and direction of engineer-in-charge . the material shall be supplied by the contractor at the earliest after receipt of loa / foa as per instruction of eic . , canopies for local instruments , transmitters as per standard attached , canopies for one jb as per standard attached , supply and installation of 2 cs yoke support for instruments wherever applicable including supply , fabrication and erection of instrument yoke of all types as per standard drawing attached and painting of yoke supports but exclusive of mounting of instruments on supports , and structural materials like angles , plates and flats . installation charges include shifting of materials from site-store / yard to installation location , consumables ( paints , anchoring bolts , j bol

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