
Supply Of Laboratory Stains And Chemicals, AIIMS BIBINAGAR-Telangana

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences has published Supply Of Laboratory Stains And Chemicals. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-05-2021. Chemical Supply Tenders in AIIMS BIBINAGAR Telangana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Supply Of Laboratory Stains And Chemicals
National Competitive Bid
Aiims Bibinagar

Tender Details

Supply Of Laboratory Stains And Chemicals -1 Leishman Stain Powder 2 Commercial Leishman Stain 3 Commercial Hematoxylin 4 Giemsa Stain Kit ( May- Gruenwald Stock Solution 500Ml, Giemsa Solution 500Ml, Phosphate Buffer Solution ) 5 Dpx ( Dibutylphthalate Polystyrene Xylene ) 6 Liquid New Methylene Blue ( Supravital Stain ) 7 Sodium Metabisulfite 8 Potassium Alum 9 Eosin Y 10 Phloxine B 11 Lithium Carbonate ( Bluing ) 12 Toluidine Blue For Microscopic Staining 13 Papanicolaou’S Eosin Azure 36 ( Ea 36 ) 14 Papanicolaou’S Solution 2A Orange G Solution ( Og6 ) 15 Harris Hematoxylin 16 Eosin- Y 2% W / V 17 Carbol Fuschin ( Strong ) 18 Light Green Sf Yellow 19 Gold Chloride 20 Schiff’S Reagent 21 Diastase Reagent 22 Alcian Blue 23 Aluminum Sulfate 24 Nuclear Fast Red 25 1% Aqueous Potassium Ferricyanide 26 Methanamine 27 Acid Fuschin 28 Ferric Chloride 29 Benzidine Dihydrochloride 30 Ammonium Sulphate 31 Sodium Nitroprusside 32 Fouchet’S Reagents ( Ferric Chloride And Trichloroacetic Acid ) 33 Rbc Diluting Fluid ( Formalin, Sodium Citrate ) 34 Orthotolidine Reagent 35 Reagent Alcohol For Tissue Processing 36 95% Isopropyl Alcohol For Cytology Fixative 37 Litmus Paper 38 Disposable Lancets 39 Tourniquet 40 Fna Aspirator 41 Phenol / Carbolic Acid 42 Eucalyptus Oil 43 Rectified Spirit 44 Thymol Crystals 45 Paint Brush 46 Nylon Thread 47 Hayems Fluid 48 Turks Fluid 49 Ammonium Oxalate 50 Rees Ecker Fluid 51 Dungers Fluid 52 3.8% Sodium Citrate 53 Copper Sulfate 54 Blotting Sheets For Benchtop 55 Potassium Permanganate 56 Sodium Powder 57 Liquid Paraffin 58 Sulphuric Acid 59 Potassium Hydroxide Crystals 60 Absolute Alcohol 61 Xylene 62 Phenol Crystals 63 Iodine Crystals 64 Methylene Blue 65 Glycerol 66 Methanol 67 Paraffin Wax 68 Potassium Chloride 69 Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate 70 Chromic Acid 71 Hexamethylene Tetramine 72 Sodium Tetra Borate ( Borax ) 73 Sodium Thiosulphate 74 Periodic Acid 75 Activated Charcoal 76 Iron Alum 77 10 % Aqueous Potassium Hydroxide 78 Ammonium Hydroxide 79 Acid Fuchsin 80 Phosphomolybdic Acid 81 Potassium Ferrocyanide 82 Alcian Blue 83 Oxalic Acid 84 Acetic Acid 85 N / 10 Hcl 86 Distilled Water 87 Cedar Wood Oil 88 Formaldehyde Solution 35 - 37 % W / V 89 95% Isopropyl Alcohol For Cytology Fixative 90 Alacian Chloride 91 Drabkin’S Solution 92 Semen Diluting Fluid 93 Glacial Acetic Acid 94 Alpha-Naphthol 95 Copper Acetate 96 Copper Sulphate 97 Ethanol 98 Hydrochloric Acid 99 Methylene Blue 100 Phenyl Hydrazine Powder 101 Potassium Hydroxide Pellets 102 Pottasium Iodide 103 Mono Potassium Phosphate 104 Sodium Pottasiumtartarate 105 Orcinol 106 Sodium Acetate Powder 107 Sodium Citrate ( Trisodium Citrate ) 108 Sodium Hydroxide 109 Stannous Chloride 110 Sulphuric Acid 111 Urea 112 Sodium Carbonate 113 Albumin ( Egg ) 114 Ammonium Molybdate 115 Ammonium Oxalate 116 Solid Ammonium Sulphate 117 Barium Chloride 118 Bromocresol Green ( Bcg ) 119 Bromine Water 120 Chlorophenol Red Indicator 121 Citric Acid Anhydrous 122 Casein Powder 123 D-Fructose 124 D-Glucose Anhydrous 125 D-Maltose 126 Gelatin 127 Horse Gram Powder 128 Hydrogen Peroxide 129 Lactose 130 Lead Acetate 131 Mercuric Nitrate 132 Mercuric Sulphate 133 Sodium Diethyl Barbitone 134 Diethyl Barbutric Acid 135 Ninhydrin 136 Nitric Acid 137 Nitrous Acid 138 Resorcinol 139 Tris 140 Glycine 141 Orthophosphoric Acid 142 P-Dimethyl Amino Benzaldehyde 143 Peptone Powder 144 Phenol Red Powder 145 Phosphotungustic Acid 146 Red Litmus Paper 147 Zinc Sulphate 148 Picric Acid 149 Sulphosalicylic Acid 150 Sulphanilic Acid 151 Sodium Chloride 152 Sodium Tungstate 153 Potassium Chromate 154 N-Butanol 155 Sodium Nitrite 156 Sucrose 157 Potassium Oxalate 158 Sodium Hypobromite 159 Silver Nitrate 160 Sodium Nitroprusside 161 Ammonia 162 Benzidine Powder 163 Sulfur Powder 164 Trichloroacetic Acid 165 Phenol Red Indicator 166 Ehrlich Aldehyde Reagent 167 10% Ferric Chloride 168 2, 4 Dinito Phenyl Hydrazine 169 20 Amino Acid Standards 170 1% Agarose Powder 171 Cellulose Acetate Strip 172 Formalin 173 95% Acetone 174 Amido Black 175 Mercurous Chloride 176 Bromophenol Blue 177 Sudan Black 178 Oil Red O 179 Comassine Brilliant Blue 180 Ponceau S 181 Silica Gel 182 Movable Spreader For Thin Layer Chromatography 183 Sodium Azide 184 Lugols Iodine 185 Sodium Hypochlorite ( 4% ) 186 Di-Ethyl Ether 187 Crystal Violet 188 Basic Fuchsin 189 Saffranine 190 Grams Iodine 191 Oxidase Reagent 192 Kovacs Reagent 193 Lpcb Stain 194 Actidione 195 Spore Stain 196 Kinyouns Stain Kit 197 Alberts Stain A & B 198 Nigrosin Stain 199 Lead Acetate Strips 200 Andrade’S Indicator 201 Sterile Mineral Oil 202 India Ink 203 Sodium Deoxycholate 204 Potassium Dichromate 205 Loeffler’S Methylene Blue 206 Methyl Red Reagent 207 Alpha Naphthylamine 208 Congored Solution 209 Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate 210 Agar Powder 211 Peptone Water 212 Nutrient Agar 213 Macconkey Agar 214 Mueller Hinton Agar 215 Triple Sugar Iron Agar 216 Christensens Urease Agar 217 Cled Agar With Andrade’S Indicator 218 Sda With Out Antibiotics 219 Nutrient Broth 220 Thioglycollate Broth 221 Robertson’S Cooked Meat Medium 222 Brain Heart Infusion Broth 223 Hugh Leifson O / F Media 224 Simmons Citrate Agar 225 Phenyl Alanine Agar 226 Nitrate Broth 227 Glucose Phosphate Broth 228 Deoxycholate Citrate Agar 229 Alkaline Peptone Water 230 Selenite F Broth 231 Hichrome Candida Agar 232 Bile Esculin Agar 233 Corn Meal Agar 234 Loefflers Serum Base 235 Mannitol Motility Test Medium 236 Lowenstein Jensen Base 237 D- Glucose 238 Lactose 239 Sucrose 240 Xylose 241 D- Mannitol 242 Maltose 243 L-Trytophan 244 Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar 245 Wilson & Blair Agar ( Base Supplement ) 246 Tetrathionate Broth 247 Thiosulfate-Citrate-Bile Salts-Sucrose Agar ( Tcbs ) 248 Mannitol Salt Agar 249 Potassium Tellurite Blood Agar 250 Macconkey Broth Double Strength W / Neutral Red 251 Lysine Hydrochloride 252 Arginine Dihydrochloride 253 Ornithine Hydrochloride 254 Urea 40 % ( 5Ml / Vial ) 255 Lysine Iron Agar 256 Arabinose 257 Enterococcus Fecium Selective Supplement 258 Hicrome Uti Agar, Modified 259 Tda Reagent 260 Dmaca Reagent 261 Macconkey Broth Double Strength W / Neutral Red 262 Tryptone Soya Broth 263 Amikacin ( Ak ) 264 Amoxyclav ( Amc ) 265 Cefepime ( Cpm ) 266 Cefoperazone ( Cpz ) 267 Cefotaxime ( Ctx ) 268 Cefotaxime / Clavulanate ( Cec ) 269 Cefoxitin ( Cx ) 270 Cefpodoxime ( Cpd ) 271 Ceftazidime ( Caz ) 272 Ceftriaxone ( Ctr ) 273 Colistin ( Cl ) 274 Clarithromycin ( Clr ) 275 Chloramphenicol ( C ) 276 Ciprofloxacin ( Cip ) 277 Cotrimoxazole ( Cot ) 278 Doxycycline ( Do ) 279 Ertapenem ( Etp ) 280 Erythromycin ( E ) 281 Gatifloxacin ( Gat ) 282 Gentamicin ( Gen ) 283 Linezolid ( Lz ) 284 Imipenem ( Ipm ) 285 Methicillin ( Met ) 286 Meropenem ( Mrp ) 287 Moxifloxacin ( Mo ) 288 Ceftazidime / Clavulanic Acid ( Cac ) 289 Clindamycin ( Cd ) 290 Nitrofurantoin ( Nit ) 291 Norfloxacin ( Nx ) 292 Ofloxacin ( Of ) 293 Oxacillin ( Ox ) 294 Pencillin-G ( P ) 295 Pipercillin / Tazo ( Pit ) 296 Polymyxin-B ( Pb ) 297 Ticarcillin / Clavu ( Tcc ) 298 Vancomycin ( Va ) 299 Ampicillin ( Amp ) 300 Azithromycin ( Azm ) 301 Furazolidone ( Fr ) 302 Fusidic Acid ( Fc ) 303 Rifampicin ( Rif ) 304 Teicoplanin ( Tei ) 305 Tigecycline ( Tgc ) 306 Fosfomycin ( Fo ) 307 Gentamicin ( Hlg ) 308 Ampicillin Sulbactam ( A / S ) 309 Aztreonam ( At ) 310 Cefoperazone Sulbactam ( Cfs ) 311 Colistin, Mic 312 Levofloxacin ( Le ) 313 Minocycline ( Mi ) 314 Netilmicin ( Net ) 315 Tetracycline ( Te ) 316 Vancomycin- Estrip 317 Polymyxin B ( Pb ) 318 Onpg 319 Fluconozole ( Flc ) 320 Itraconozole ( It ) 321 Voriconazole ( Vrc ) 322 Amphotericin B 323 X Factor Discs 324 V Factor Discs 325 Oxidase Discs 326 Bacitracin Discs 327 Optochin Discs 328 Atcc Strain - Enterococcus Fecalis 29212 329 Atcc Strain - E.Coli 25922 330 Atcc Strain - Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 27853 331 Atcc Strain - Staphylococcus Aureus 25923 332 Atcc E Coli Esbl 35218 333 Atcc Strain Hemophilus Influenzae 49766 334 Atcc Strain Mrsa 43300 335 Anti A Antisera 336 Anti B Antisera 337 Anti Ab Antisera 338 Anti A1 Antisera 339 Anti H Antisera 340 Anti D - Monoclonal Antisera 341 Anti D Polyclonal Antisera 342 Gel Card For Forward Group 343 Gel Card For Ahg Cross Match 344 Neutral Gel Card 345 Gel Card For Rh & Kell 346 Erysewell Solution 347 Liss

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 04-05-2021 Retension of Tender Date 08-05-2021

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 9 Lakhs /-
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