Madhya Pradesh Paschim Kshetra Vidhyut Vitran Corporation Limited has published Appointment Of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Service Provider ( Amisp ) For Smart Metering On Design-Build Finance-Own-Operate-Transfer ( Dbfoot ) Basis On Hybrid Opex Mode Appointment Of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Service Provider . Submission Date for this Tender is 16-02-2022. DBFOT Tenders in MD Office, Indore Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.
Sr No | CorrigendumDate | Corrigendum | CorrigendumType | NewSubmissionDate |
1 | 04-08-2021 | Amendment 10th TS 1506 dated 04/08/2021 | Date | 06-09-2021 |
2 | 05-10-2021 | Amendment 14th TS 1506 dated 05/10/2021 | Date | 28-10-2021 |
3 | 07-05-2021 | Date Extension dtd 070521 | Date | 08-06-2021 |
4 | 07-06-2021 | Amendment-4 TS 1506 dated 07/06/2021 | Date | 08-07-2021 |
5 | 07-09-2021 | Amendment 13th TS 1506 dated 07/09/2021 | Date | 05-10-2021 |
6 | 08-07-2021 | Amendment 6th TS 1506 dated 08/07/2021 | Date | 03-08-2021 |
7 | 13-08-2021 | Date Extension TS 1506 dated 13/08/2021 | Date | 08-09-2021 |
8 | 15-07-2021 | Amendment 7 TS 1506 dated 15/07/2021 | Date | 12-08-2021 |
9 | 18-08-2021 | Encl 4 Summary of Circle-wise and Feeder wise requirement of SMART Meter. | Technical Bid | 08-09-2021 |
10 | 18-08-2021 | Encl 3 Technical Specification of Broad Scope of Meter Data Management System | Technical Bid | 08-09-2021 |
11 | 18-08-2021 | Encl 2 Technical Specification of HES and Common MDMS Connectivity, Data Format and Exchange mechanism | Technical Bid | 08-09-2021 |
12 | 18-08-2021 | Encl 1 Pre-bid queries replies | Technical Bid | 08-09-2021 |
13 | 18-08-2021 | Amendment 12 dated 18082021 | Technical Bid | 08-09-2021 |
14 | 18-08-2021 | Revised BOQ TS 1506 | BOQ | 08-09-2021 |
15 | 18-08-2021 | Amendment 12 th TS 1506 dated 18/08/2021 | Technical Bid | 08-09-2021 |
16 | 18-08-2021 | Encl 5 Mandatory Meter Parameters -IS15959 (Part 2and3) | Technical Bid | 08-09-2021 |
17 | 20-04-2021 | Notice for pre-bid meeting in respect of TS-1506 | Other | 24-05-2021 |
18 | 21-05-2021 | Date Extension TS 1506 dated 21/05/2021 | Date | 23-06-2021 |
19 | 22-06-2021 | Amendment 5th TS 1506 dated 22/06/2021 | Date | 23-07-2021 |
20 | 23-07-2021 | Amendment 8th TS 1506 dated 23/07/2021 | Date | 20-08-2021 |
21 | 27-12-2021 | Amendment 17 th TS 1506 dated 27/12/2021 | Date | 16-02-2022 |
22 | 28-10-2021 | Date Extension TS 1506 dated 28/10/2021 | Date | 27-12-2021 |
23 | 28-10-2021 | Amendment 16th dated 28.10.2021 | Other | 27-12-2021 |
24 | 30-04-2021 | Date Extension | Date | 24-05-2021 |
25 | 30-07-2021 | Amendment 9th dated 30.07.2021 | Date | 24-08-2021 |
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