
Rate Contract Of Laboratory Chemicals, Glasswares, Plasticwares, Minor Instrument And General Items 1. Abcam 2. Acros 3. Addgene 4. Agrigenome 5. Alfa Aesar 6. American Type Cell Culture (Atcc) 7. Assay Pro 8. Avra 9. Bd-Biosciences 10. -Haryana

YMCA University of Science and Technology has published Rate Contract Of Laboratory Chemicals, Glasswares, Plasticwares, Minor Instrument And General Items 1. Abcam 2. Acros 3. Addgene 4. Agrigenome 5. Alfa Aesar 6. American Type Cell Culture (Atcc) 7. Assay Pro 8. Avra 9. Bd-Biosciences 10. . Submission Date for this Tender is 21-04-2021. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Rate Contract Of Laboratory Chemicals, Glasswares, Plasticwares, Minor Instrument And General Items 1. Abcam 2. Acros 3. Addgene 4. Agrigenome 5. Alfa Aesar 6. American Type Cell Culture (Atcc) 7. Assay Pro 8. Avra 9. Bd-Biosciences 10.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Rate Contract Of Laboratory Chemicals, Glasswares, Plasticwares, Minor Instrument And General Items 1. Abcam 2. Acros 3. Addgene 4. Agrigenome 5. Alfa Aesar 6. American Type Cell Culture (Atcc) 7. Assay Pro 8. Avra 9. Bd-Biosciences 10. Bethyl Lab 11. Bio Linkk 12. Bioassay Systems 13. Biogenuix 14. Biorad 15. Biorbyt 16. Biovendor 17. Biovision 18. Cayman 19. Cdh 20. Cell Signalling Technology 21. Cytoskeleton 22. Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (Dhsb) 23. Dss Takara Bio India 24. Enzo Lifesciences 25. Epigentek 26. Eurofins 27. Fermentas 28. Finar 29. Fisher Bio Reagents 30. Fisher Chemical 31. Fisher Scientific 32. Fluka 33. Fluka(Honeybell) 34. Future Biosciences 35. G- Biosciences 36. Ge Healthcare Life Sciences 37. Genaxy 38. Genei Laboratories 39. Genetix 40. Himedia 41. Hyclone(Part Of Ge-Healthacare Life Science 42. Imperial life sciences 43. Invitrogen 44. LANCASTER-ALFA-AESAR 45. Lonza 46. MERCK INDIA/Geemany 47. Merck Life Sciences 48. MDI (MDI membrane technologies) 49. Millipore 50. Molychem 51. MP Biomedicals 52. New England Biolabs (NEB) 53. Novas 54. Otto Chemical 55. Promega 56. Qiagen 57. Qualigen 58. Qualigens 59. Qualikems 60. R & D Systems 61. Rankem 62. RayBiotech 63. Reinste nano ventares 64. Roche 65. Rockland Antibodies 66. Santa Cruz 67. SDS Fine Chemical 68. Sigma-Aldrich-Fluka 69. Spectrochem 70. SRL 71. TCI 72. Thermo Fisher Scientific 73. Thomas Baker 74. UBS Biochemicals 75. Vetech 76. Whatman 77. Xcelris glassware- 1. Abdos 2. ASGI 3. Axiva 4. Axiva Sichem Biotech 5. Axivachem 6. Axygen 7. Borosil 8. Brand 9. Cole-Parmer 10. Duran 11. Ependroff 12. Fisher Scientific 13. Genaxy 14. GENETIX 15. Glassco 16. Himedia 17. IKA 18. Insif 19. JSGW 20. J-Sil Glasswares 21. Labco 22. LABWARE 23. Lobco 24. Merck 25. MILIPORE 26. Moxcare 27. P’fact 28. Perfit 29. POLYLAB 30. Qualigen 31. Rankem 32. Religlas 33. Riviera 34. Riviera glass 35. Schott-Duran 36. Sigm-Aldrich 37. Supertek 38. Tarson 39. Tensil 40. Thermo Fisher Scientific 41. Vensil 42. Whatman 43. Xcelris Plasticware:- 1. Abdos 2. ASGI 3. Axiva Sichem Biotech 4. Axygen 5. Biogenuix 6. Bio-Rad 7. BOROSIL 8. Brand 9. Cole-Parmer 10. Corning 11. Duran 12. Eppendorf 13. Fisher Scientific 14. GE Healthcare Life Sciences 15. Genaxy 16. Genetix 17. Himedia 18. IBIDI 19. IKA 20. Imperial Life Sciences 21. Insif 22. JSGW 23. Labco 24. LABWARE 25. Lobco 26. MDI (MDI membrane technologies) 27. Merck 28. Millipore 29. Moxcare 30. NEST 31. P’fact 32. Perfit 33. POLYLAB 34. Qualigen 35. Rankem 36. RIVIERA 37. Riviera glass 38. Schott-Duran 39. Sigm-Aldrich 40. Supertek 41. TARSON 42. Tensil 43. Thermo Fisher Scientific 44. TPP 45. UBS 46. Whatman 47. Xcelris Instrument: 1. Advanced Research Scientific, New Delhi 2. Agilent 3. Almicro 4. Ambassador 5. Ants Ceramics (P) Ltd., Maharashtra 6. APLAB LIMITED 7. Applied Biosystems 8. Axiva Sichem Biotech 9. BeckMan Coulter 10. Bio Linkk 11. Biogenuix 12. Bio-Rad 13. Borosil 14. Brand Scientific 15. Bruker 16. Citigen 17. Citizen 18. Cole-Parmer 19. Corning 20. EI 21. Elico 22. Envirotech 23. Eppendorf 24. Equitron 25. Equtrion 26. Eutech 27. Feeniks Technologies, Noida UP 28. G-Bioscience 29. GE Healthcare (Amersham) 30. Genaxy 31. Genetix 32. Genie 33. Geno Biosciences 34. Gilson 35. Grant 36. Hanna 37. Hi tech 38. Himedia 39. Hitachi 40. Holmarc Opto-Mechatronics Pvt. Ltd. 41. ICKON 42. ICON 43. Ika 44. Illumina 45. Imperial Life Sciences 46. INDOSAW 47. Insif 48. Jasco Cal 49. Jsgw 50. Kaypee Udhyog 51. Lab India 52. Labnet 53. Labtronic 54. Light Logics Holography & Optics Pvt. Ltd. 55. Merck 56. Merck Biosciences 57. Mettler 58. Mettler Toledo 59. Micro Cal. 60. Milipore 61. Moxcare 62. Omega Electronic 63. Omega Electronics, Jaipur 64. Orion (Thermo Scientific) 65. P,fact 66. Panasonic 67. Perkin Elmer 68. Precisa 69. Precissa Balances 70. Remi 71. Rescholar 72. Riviera 73. Rivotek 74. Rivotek (Riviera Instruments) 75. Roche 76. Rocker Scientific co. Ltd. 77. Sandvic Components New Delhi 78. Sartorius 79. SchiMadzu 80. Scientific & Analytical Instruments, New Delhi 81. Scientific and Analytical Instruments New Delhi 82. Scientific Suppliers, Jodhpur 83. SES Instrument Pvt. Ltd. , Roorkee 84. Sigma 85. Simadzu 86. Sonar 87. Systronics 88. Tarson 89. Tempo 90. Thermo Fisher Scientific 91. Thermo Scientific 92. Toshiba 93. Toshniwal 94. VestFrost 95. Waters general items 1. Abdos 2. Axiva 3. Axivachem 4. Cole Parmer 5. Corning 6. Dimple 7. Grant 8. Himedia 9. Insif 10. Labnet 11. MDI (MDI membrane technologies) 12. Millipore 13. Perkin Elmer (DSC Pans) 14. Polylab 15. Rocker Scientific co. Ltd. 16. Rubicon Formulation Pvt.Ltd. 17. Sandvic Components New Delhi 18. Shiv Instrument 19. Shree Nath Agensis 20. Sigma Aldrich, Supelco 21. Tarson 22. Thermo-fisher 23. Thermo-Scientific 24. Top- tech 25. Vigyan Bhawan 26. Vijay Scientific 27. Waters 28. Whatman 29. Wintex (Wintex paper products pvt. Ltd.)

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