
Supply For Hospital Consumable Items Please Refer Tender Document, Principal GSVM Medical College, Kanpur-Uttar Pradesh

G.S.V.M.Medical College has published Supply For Hospital Consumable Items Please Refer Tender Document. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-06-2021. Disposable Medical Staff Clothing Tenders in Principal GSVM Medical College, Kanpur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Supply For Hospital Consumable Items Please Refer Tender Document
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh
Principal Gsvm Medical College, Kanpur

Tender Details

Supply For Hospital Consumable Items Please Refer Tender Document.- 1 BAG RE-BREATHING 2 LT.CAPICITY 2 BAG RE-BREATHING 1 LT.CAPICITY 3 Mox regulator oxygen/nitrus 4 FACE MASK SIZE 0-to-4 for Anesthesia Use 5 RE-SUSITATOR (AMBU BAG)SINGL ENDED WITH 2FACEMASK COMPLETE Silicon Rubber for pedicatrics 6 RE-SUSITATOR (AMBU BAG)SINGLE ENDED WITH 2 FACEMASK COMPLETE Slicon Rubbr for adult 7 PLASTER OF PARIS POWDER I.P. 50 KG Pack 8 LARRINGOSCOPE MACKINTOSH HOOK IN TYPE WITH 4 BLADE S.S.(ADULT) 9 10 LARRINGOSCOPE MACKINTOSH HOOK IN TYPE WITH 2 BLADE S.S.(PEDIATRICS) 11 LARRINGOSCOPE BULB. 12 BLADE MACKINTOSH HOOK ON SS SIZE 0.4 EACH 13 ENDO TRACHEAL TUBE CUFFED DISPOSABLE SIZE 0-10 14 ENDO TRACHEAL TUBE Plain DISPOSABLE SIZE 0-5 15 ECG ROLL Chemical Red 50 mm x 20 mtr, ECG ROLL Chemical Red 80 mm x 20 mtr 16 .F/A VALVE WITH GAUZE/ Regulater B Type Cylender 17 Tail PIPE FOR N20 & O-2 MANIFOLD PIPELINE 18 AIR WAYS PLASTIC (DISPOSABLE) SIZE 0.4 EACH 19 BAINS CIRCUIT WITH ENDO TRACHEAL CONNECTION ADULT ANAESTHETIC 20 BAINS CIRCUIT WITH ENDO TRACHEAL CONNECTION Pediatrics ANAESTHETIC 21 TRACHEOSTOMY TUBE PLASTIC PLAIN 22 TRACHEOSTOMY TUBE PLASTICCUFFED 23 LARYNGEAL MASK 24 B.P.SURGICAL BLADE Various size - B.P. Handle No.3 25 FOLEYS Balloon CATHETER Various size 26 CATHETER K-90/91 27 Urine Collection BAG 2 LIT.CAPICITY 28 ABGEL SPONGE(GELATINE SPONGE) 29 MELICOT NEPHROSTOMY CATHETER ALL SIZE 30 SPINAL NEELDE ALL SIZE BD 31 I/V CANNULA ALL SIZE 16 ,18,20,22,26 32 I/V CANNULA for Neo-Netal N0.24 33 I.C.D. CHEST TUBE No. 24, 28 ,32, 36. 34 PIGTAIL SUPRAPUTIL CATHETER 35 ROMOVAC SET ALL NO. 36 Trechea Tee 37 INFANT FEEDING TUBE FG 5,6,7,8,10 38 ABDIMINO DRAIN KIT. 39 ZINK OXIDE ADH.TAPE 2.5 cmx5 mt 40 ZINK OXIDE ADH.TAPE 5cm x 5 mt 41 ZINK OXIDE ADH.TAPE 7.5 cm x 5 mt 42 ZINK OXIDE ADH.TAPE 10 cm x 5 mt 43 PAPER ADHESIVE TPE PER- BOX 44 Transparent Hypoallergenic Synthetic paper tape per box 45 PLASTER OF PARIS BANDAGE 7.5 cm x 2.7 mt 46 PLASTER OF PARIS BANDAGE 10 cm x 2,7 mt” 47 PLASTER OF PARIS BANDAGE 15 cm x 2,7 mt. 48 Crape bandage 4” 49 Crape bandage 6” 50 Nasopharyngeal Air way 6.5,7,7.5,8,8.5, 51 OP SITE MEDIUM/LARGE 52 EXAM PAPER GLOVES sterlize 53 EXAM RUBBER GLOVES sterlize 54 EXAM rubber GLOVES non sterlize 55 Suction Catheter Finger Tip Control 56 Suction Catheter vairous Size 57 Dressing parafin Gauze Roll 15cm X 2 mtr. 58 Surgical Dressing antiseptic Tulle Gras dressing Roll 15cm X 1 mtr. 59 ADHASIVE PLAST 6” 60 ADHASIVE PLAST 4” 61 DOUBLE LUMEN CENTRAL VEUOUS CATHETER 62 CVC FOUR LUMEN 63 EPIDURAL CATHETER with needel vairous size 64 EPIDURAL CATHETER mini set No.16&18 65 EPIDURAL CATHETER set with LOR syringes size No.16&18 66 E.C.G. ELECTRODE 67 DISPOSABLE Surgeon CAP STERLIZED PER Box 68 DISPOSABLE Surgeon MASK single/3 layer STERLIZED PER BOx 69 Kallis pad for gyneac 70 Plastic Appron water proof & autoclable (Reusable) 71 Plastice Appron (Disposabsle) 72 Disposable leggins sterile/1 Pair 73 Gluthyde Solution 1 lt 74 Gluthyde Solution 5 lit 75 Hot Water Bottle 76 Shoe Cover 77 Meckintosh Rubber Sheet- autoclavable 78 Blood Transfusion Set 79 Disposeble Needle Strialzed ½ inch 80 Disposeble Needle Strialzed 1 inch 81 Disposeble Needle Strialzed 1.5 inch No. 16 & 18 82 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE WITH NEEDLE 1ML 83 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE WITH NEEDLE 3ML 84 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE WITH NEEDLE 5ML 85 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE WITH NEEDLE 10ML 86 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE WITH NEEDLE 20ML 87 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE WITH NEEDLE 50ML 88 DISPOSABLE SYRINGE Without NEEDLE 50 ml 89 DISPOSABLE Insuline SYRINGE WITH NEEDLE 1ML unit 90 FLEXI MASK for oxygen 91 I/V Drip Set 92 MICRO DRIP SET 93 Pedia DRIP SET 94 NEBULIZER MASK 95 NON STERILE RUBBER GLOVES ISI Nos.6.5,7,7.5,8 96 STERILE RUBBER GLOVES ISI Nos. 6.5 ,7 ,7.5 , 8 97 OXY Set 98 RYLES TYBE Strilize Nos 10 ,12 ,14 ,16, 18 . 99 THERMAMETER Digital 100 TRIWAY 101 GLOVES FOR SPECILITY DOBUL PAIR SUPPER PROTECTION & PREVENTIVE 102 ORTHOPADICS GLOVES POUDER FREE ELBOW LENGHTH PROCEDURE GLOVES 103 Incise Drap with Iodine size 30x 25 cm Incise Drap with Iodine size 35x 35 cm Incise Drap with Silver Ion size 45x 35 cm 104 Incise Drap with Iodine Size 60 x 45cm Incise Drap with Iodine Size 60 x 55cm Incise Drap with Silver Ion size 65x 45 cm 105 V-grip for endoscopy 106 I.C.D. Bag 107 I.C.D.Ja r Complete 2 ltr Cap. 108 HIV Proction kit compelete with hood cap & shield-1 109 HIV Proction kit compelete with hood cap & shield-II 110 ICP baby sheet 111 Hot & Cold Firstaid pack 112 Disposiable ventilator tubing with flowmeter tape 113 FaceMask with shield antiglare and antifagging 114 Easy fix 115 Auto collect Blood sample Floride (NAS) 2ml EDTA 3ml Citrate Vial ( For PTINR) Plain 5ml Urine Container 50 ml 116 Blood sugar meter 117 Blood sugar strip 118 N/95 Mask A N/95 Mask ( Copper infused nano, film Protective layer) B 5 Layered Copper infused PM 2.5 replaceable activated Carbon antiviral Mask Filters C 4 Ply protective Mask Copper & activated carbon infused nano film anti microbial Layer 119 Flexiseal Fecal incontinence kit All Sizes 120 Hourly Diuresis monitoring system with NRV & samp 121 OT SURGICAL DUAL GOWN WITH WATERPROOF FRONT 122 OT Surgeons Dress 123 OT Instrument Trolly Drepe sheet waterproof size 60x40 124 OT Surgical Waterproof Appran Length 54 125 OT Table draw sheet size 80x30 126 Oxidized Cellulose Hemostat Size 1.5 cm X 5 cm Size 7.5 cm X 5 cm Size 12.5 cm X 5 cm Size 20 cm X 10 cm 127 Concentrate electrolyte pack for generating super oxidized water 128 Mucusextractor 129 Cordclip 130 Baby Feeding Tube 131 Spiral Hot Wire Disposable Circuit For Neonatal / Pediatric use with W.T. & Humidifire Chamber 132 Advanced Fluid Administration System with BCV (Safeset) 133 Disposable Suction & irrigation system set with 5 mm probe, valve, 3m tubing and 2 spikes plus connector, Two Separate channels for Suction and Irrigation, 9mm direct flow through suction channel with false air regulator. Single use 134 Pencil for Electrosurgery 135 Nanocrystalline Silver Coated Dressing 10cm x 10 cm 10cm x 20 cm 136 4-Layer Compression Bandage System 137 Feracrylum (3%) Gauze Dressing 138 Craniotomy Drapes 139 Anti Bactirial Bathing wipes (Alchohal free) 140 Ketoprofen 20 mg plaster 10cm x 7 cm 141 Ketoprofen 30 mg plaster 10cm x 7 cm 142 Sterile guaze swabs 143 Sterile combine dressing pad 144 Orthopadics fiber glass casting tape 145 Fixing Roll wound dressing 146 Lipido-colloid contact layer 147 Adhesive foam dressing 148 Collagen sheets 149 Collagen absorbent dressing 150 Silicone sheet 151 Medicated collagen particles 152 Hydrophilic foam dressing 153 Collagen sponge 154 Adhesive waterproof film dressing with absorvent pad Small Medium Large 155 Haemoglobin analyser Portable : Finger Prick, spot testing with a drop of blood 10 UL Azidemethemoglobin principal, Microcuvette technology, Dual Wavelengths of 570nm Hb measurement and 880 nm turbidity compensation, Battery Operated 156 Microcuvette for Hemoglobin Analyser 157 Glucose Analyser Portable : Finger Prick, spot testing with a drop of blood Wet Chemistry Glucose dehydrogenase principal 158 Microcuvette for Glucose Analyser 159 Laminectomy Drapes 160 VP shunt drapes 161 VP shunt-dome-shaped, Low pressure 162 VP shunt-dome-shaped, Medium pressure 163 External Ventricular drain set 164 Lumbar drain set 165 Baby Drapes 166 Surgicel 167 Fibrillar Surgicel 168 Gelfoam 169 Patties/cottonoids/lint (a) Small size (b) Medium size (c) Long size 170 Gigli wire 171 Skin stapler 172 Vacuum Suction set 173 Trolley drape set 174 GasC3 F8 175 Disperable vitreon cutter 176 Endostapler for Bariatic surgery (1) The stapling device should be USFDA & EU-CE (2) The stapling device should be with curved shaft detachable with 29 mm & 33 mm diameter head, adjustable staple height Longer staple leg, Lumen Size between 20 mm - 25 mm with controlled tissue compression (3) Should have bladcless trocar 5 mm & 11 mm & 12 mm with optical trocar tip, clear canulla with stability sleeve of length between 100 mm & 150 mm with feature of inbuilt reducer for accommodating instruments. (4) The stapling device should have Endoscopic linear cutter - 60 mm with articulates inbuilt knife, compatible with gripping surface technology, reload of 6 staples height from 1.0 mm upto 2.0 mm and capable of entry through laparoscopy trocar single handed articulation. (5) The stapling device should have Endoscopic 60 mm reload with 06 rows of staple line with closed staple height between 1.00 mm upto 2.0 mm with gripping surface technology without knife and compatible with endoscopie liner cutter with pocket extnsion at tissue gripping surface. DIALYSIS ITEMS 177 Hallow Fiber Dialyer 178 Hemo Safe (Blood Line) 179 Femoral Catheter Single Leuman 180 Femoral Catheter Double Leuman 181 A.V.F. Needle No. 16. 182 Fishula Needle No. 16 & 17 183 Shunt Cannula 184 Guide wire 185 Double Lumen Dialysis kit 186 Tripple Lumen Dialysis kit 187 Dialysis Fluied –Acetate with powder 188 Dialysis Fluied –Bicorbonate 189 Citric Acid 500 gm pack Merk 190 Y- Set 191 Internal Jugular Catheter 192 Absorable Gelatine based topical absorbale flowal hemostate with six cc syringe prefilled with hemostate matrix with 14.3 cm vlue flexibale aplicator tip 193 Absorable gelatin sponge 194 All human (bovine Aprotin free) fibrin Sealant containg 1 vail each of BAC2(50-90 mg / ml fibrinogen and thrombing 800-1200 IU /ml human thrombing) frozon solution triple lumen tip to privent clogging inside the applicator. 195 Oxidised regenerated celluose, Rayon fibers with bactericidal property Approvrd by USFDA. 196 Oxidised regenerated celluose, Rayon fibers with bactericidal property Approvrd by USFDA.Fibril material 7 layer for broad surface area coverage 197 Oxidised regenerated celluose, Rayon fibers with bactericidal property Approvrd by USFDA.Structrcurs with bactericidal property 198 Oxidised regenerated celluose, Rayon fibers with bactericidal property Approvrd by USFDA thiker weave can be struchure through 199 Spirolog Flow Sensor (5x) 200 Expiration valve, completa 201 Mask ClassicStar, NIV, SE,S 202 Mask ClassicStar, NIV, SE,M 203 Mask ClassicStar, NIV, SE,L 204 EroStar CM 50 for adult 205 EroStar CM 40 for pediatric 206 Filter TwinStar 55 (for adult) 207 Filter TwinStar 25 (for pediatric) 208 Vent Set basic Adult 209 VentStar Basic (P) 180 pediatric 210 Dressing for VAC with Canister Small Medium Large 211 Dualmesh for IPOM 15 X 20 cm 15 X 15 cm 20 X 25 cm 212 Vent Set Adult Double Limb circuit should allow placement of nebuliser either distal or Proximal side in the ciruit so that drug delivery can be optimized. 213 Colostomy/ Ileostomy set (Containing one self adhesive base plate + one bag with Velcro closing) Size- 50 mm 50 mm 214 Colostomy/ Ileostomy set (Containing one self adhesive base plate + one bag with Velcro closing) Size- 60 mm 60 mm 215 Colostomy/ Ileostomy set (Containing one self adhesive base plate + one bag with Velcro closing) Size- 70 mm 70mm 216 Wound Manager ( Post Operative Bag) 100 gm 217 Ostomy Paste for filling and sealing arround stoma 60gm. 60 gm 218 Ostomy Powder 25gm 25 gm 219 Barrier cream for soothing dry/cracked skin around stoma 60 ml 220 brava Elastic Hydrocolloid Adhesive tape ( C-Shape) C-Shape 221 One PC drainable stoma bag- Double layered self adhesive with flex paterm, transparent with inbuilt filter and velcro outlet 12-75 mm 222 Skin Protective sheet for ostomy care and Fistula and Wound care 20*20 cm 223 Non Resorving Bag (NRV) 224 PPE Cover All - DRDO and CETRA Approved (Height- 6 ft and Width- 2.5 ft ) 225 Sodium Hypochloride 2% 5 Lt Sodium Hypochloride 10% 5 Ltr 226 PMO Line ( For Infusing Fluids or Blood) 227 HME + BV Filter 228 Goggles - POLYCARBONATE LENSES AND FLEXIBLE PLASTIC BODYLens Type: Zero-power, Disposability: Disposable, Frame Type: Plastic,Lens Material: Polycarbonate,Color: Transparent 229 Face Shield 230 Finger Tip pulse Oxymeter 231 Digital B.P. Machine 232 Bipap Mask Vented Small 233 Bipap Mask Vented Medium 234 Bipap Mask Non Vented Small 235 Bipap Mask Non Vented Medium 236 Ventury Mask 237 Infrared thermometer 238 Disposable Bed Sheet 2.5 X 1.5 M 239 Linear stapler 80 (Blue/Green) 240 Linear stapler Gun 80 241 Circular Stepler 30,31 242 MIPH Stepler 33 243 Pen ( polyethelene Napthalate) Bottle wich is transparant Biodegradable and chemically enertthus minimizes chances of lavis acid and HF Production. 244 Quick Fill System- Witch offer hassle free filling in vaporizer minimise spilage and wastage , no separate adopter required. 245 Wel Formulation > 300 PPM of water that inhibits livis acids madiated sevoflurane degration and HF production. 246 Shunt Drape 247 C Pap Tubing in Neonates with heated Wire ( Reusable Tubes) 248 Baby Dippers Small Size 249 Minicom ( urine Collection) 250 Leader Flex in Neonates 8 cm size 251 Pick line in Neonates 2F Size 252 Ventilator Tube in Neonates with heated wire (Reusable Tubes) 253 Body Bag

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 03-05-2021 DateCorrigendum Date 15-05-2021
2 13-05-2021 date extension Date 04-06-2021

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1180 /-
INR 50000.0 /-
Tender Value
Refer document
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