
Supply Of Chemicals & Glassware Items For The Period Of One Year To The K.R. Hospital, Cheluvamba Hospital & Pktb & Cd Hospital, Mysore. , Mysuru-Karnataka

Medical Education Department has published Supply Of Chemicals & Glassware Items For The Period Of One Year To The K.R. Hospital, Cheluvamba Hospital & Pktb & Cd Hospital, Mysore. . Submission Date for this Tender is 17-04-2021. Container Tenders in Mysuru Karnataka. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Chemicals & Glassware Items For The Period Of One Year To The K.R. Hospital, Cheluvamba Hospital & Pktb & Cd Hospital, Mysore.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Chemicals & Glassware Items For The Period Of One Year To The K.R. Hospital, Cheluvamba Hospital & Pktb & Cd Hospital, Mysore. 1. Acetone 500Ml, 2. Acetone Free Methanol. 2.5 Ltrs, 3. Acetic Anhydride 500Gm, 4. Actidione(Cycloximide) 10Grms, 5. Aec Diluting Fluid 125Ml, 6. Agar Powder - ( Bacteriological) (Rm-026) 500Grms, 7. Alanine 100G, 8. Albumine Kit Erba -Em360(Liquid Stable) 5X50ml, 9. Alcohol 05 Ltrs, 10. Alcohol (Absolute), 11. Alkaline Phosphatase Kit Erba -Em360(Liquid Stable) 4X24/4X6ml, 12. Alpha Keto Glutaric Acid 100G, 13. Aluminioum 500Gm, 14. Aluminioum Ammonium 500Gm, 15. Amino Anti Pyrine 25G, 16. Ammonia, 17. Ammonium Hydroxide, 18. Ammonium Molybdate 500Gm, 19. Ammonium Oxalate 500 Gm, 20. Ammonium Sulphate, 21. Ammonium Sulphate 500Gm, 22. Amyl Alcohol (Rm4037) 500Ml, 23. Ansa, 24. Aptt (Qc) High; Normal, Low (4 Vial Each 12), 25. Aptt Reagent 01 Box (10X4ml), 26. Auto Wash (Ac/Al) Kit Erba -Em360(Liquid Stable), 27. Abg Printing Paper Roll, 28. Abg Sensor Cassette (100 Test) Sc80 100/60, 29. Abg Solution Pack Basic, 30. Ahg Coombs Sera 5Ml, 31. Andrades Indicator (1001) 25Ml, 32. Anti - A1 5Ml, 33. Anti A,B 10Ml, 34. Anti Abd Kit (Each 10Ml), 35. Anti D (Rh) Igg 10Ml, 36. Anti H 5Ml, 37. Barium Chloride 500G, 38. Barium Chloride Solution 10%, 39. Benzedine Powder 250Gm, 40. Benzidine Powder 200G, 41. Benzoic Acid 500X2, 42. Benedicts Solution 5 Ltr Can, 43. Benedicts Solution 500Ml, 44. Benedicts Reagent 500Ml, 45. Bilirubin (Total & Direct) Kit Erba -Em360(Liquid Stable) 4X60ml, 46. Bile Esculin Agar (M972) 500 Grms, 47. Bird Seed Agar (M675) 500Grms, 48. Bismuth Sulphite Agar ( M027) 500Grms, 49. Blotting Paper, 50. Blood Group Kit (A, B, D), 51. Blood Group Antiogen(A, B&D), 52. Blood Collection Tube 4Ml, 53. Blood Grouping Abd Kit, 54. Buffer Tablets (Both), 55. Bovine Albumin 5Ml, 56. Bovine Albumin Std 10Gm, 57. Boxfords Reagent 100Ml, 58. Bromine 500 Ml, 59. Bullet Cups With Cap Medical Easylyte (Na/K/Cl/Ca) - Packet, 60. Bullets (Pt Qc) (Each Pack 500Nos), 61. Beef Extract (Rm-002) 500Grms, 62. Brain Heart Infusion Broth (M-210) 500 Gm, 63. Brewer Thioglychollate Media (M019) 500 Grms, 64. Calcium Chloride 500Gm, 65. Calcium Chloride (Pt, Aptt), 66. Calibrator For D - Dimer (1X1ml), 67. Calorimeter, 68. Carbol Fushcin 125Ml, 69. Cary Blair Medium (M202) 500Grms, 70. Casein, 71. Cell Cleaner. 50Ml Bottle, 72. Cell Pack (Dcl), 73. Cer Wood Oil 25Ml, 74. Chloroform 500Ml, 75. Chloroform 2.5 Ltr Bottle, 76. Citric Acid 500 Ml, 77. Cled Indicator Bromo Thymol Blue (M792) 500Grms, 78. Creatinine 100Gm, 79. Creatinine Kit (R1+R2) Erba -Em360(Liquid Stable) 4X60ml, 80. Cobalt Acetate 500Gm, 81. Cobalt Nitrite 500Gm, 82. Conc. Hydrochloric Acid 500Ml, 83. Conc. Nitric Acid 500Ml, 84. Corn Meal Agar (M146) 500 Grms, 85. Copper Acetate, 86. Cover Slips, 87. Cuvetts ( Pt, Aptt) Roll-1000, 88. Deoxycholate Citrate Agar ( M065) 500Grms, 89. D - Dimer Test Kit Fia - 8000 (25 Test), 90. D - Dimer Matex Reagent+ D - Dimer Reaction Buffer (200Test) - Test, 91. Dengue Kit (Igg, Igm), 92. Diamond Pencil, 93. Disodium Phenyl Phosphate 25Gm, 94. D.P.X.(Mountant) 250Ml, 95. Diacetyl Monoxime 300Gm, 96. Diluent - 2 Liss Solution 250Ml Bottle, 97. Diethyl Ether 500Ml, 98. Dimethyl Aminobenzaldehyde Pure 500Grms, 99. Dnase Agar Base (M1419) 500 Grms, 100. Disposable Pasteurs Piette, 101. Dr0pkins Solution 500Ml, 102. 2,4 Dinitro Phenyl Hydrazine 100 G, 103. 3,5 Dinitro Salicylic Acid Stain 100 G, 104. Ea36 125Ml, 105. Easylyte Printer Roll, 106. Easylyte Cleaning Solution - Medical Easylyte (Na/K/Cl/Ca) 6X15ml, 107. Easylyte Solution Pack - Medical Easylyte (Na/K/Cl/Ca) 800Ml, 108. Edta Tube Blue 2Ml, 109. Edta Vacutainer 5Ml, 110. Emulsifyling Ointment 500Gm, 111. Enael Tray, 112. Enamel Basin, 113. Eosin, 114. Eosin Yellow Powder Water Soluble 25Gm, 115. Eosin Powder (1%) 100Gm, 116. Er+Sec Ab (6Ml), 117. Erba Auto Wash Kit Erba -Em360(Liquid Stable) 10X100ml, 118. Esr Tubes, 119. Esr Disposable Pipettes, 120. Ethanol 500Ml, 121. Ethanol 99.99% Lr 500Ml, 122. Ethyl Alcohol 500Ml, 123. Ferric Chloride 500Gm, 124. Filter Paper 90Mm, 125. Filter Paper Round 100, 126. Filter Paper For Cytotek (Grade-1 Original), 127. Fin Pipette (Small) Medical Easylyte (Na/K/Cl/Ca), 128. Fin Pipette (Large) Medical Easylyte (Na/K/Cl/Ca), 129. Fleshing Bottle For Staining, 130. Formalin 37% 20Kg, 131. Formalin 20Ltr Can(5Ltr), 132. Formalde Hyde Solution 500Ml, 133. Formic Acid 500Ml, 134. Fouchets Reagent, 135. Funnel Plastic, 136. Fructose, 137. Gention Violet Powder 25Grms, 138. Gention Violet (1%) 100 Ml, 139. Ginger Syrup 500Ml, 140. Glacial Acetic Acid, 141. Glacial Acetic Acid (1Ltr), 142. Glacial Acetic Acid 100Ml, 143. Glacial Acetic Acid 500Ml, 144. Glasial Acetic Acid 500Ml, 145. Glycerin 500Ml, 146. D-Glucose 500Gm, 147. Glucose 500 Grms, 148. Glucose Kit Erba -Em360(Liquid Stable) 4X60ml, 149. Hbsag Kit, 150. Hbsag Elisa Kit, Each Kit 96 Test, 151. Hiv Elisa Kit, Each Kit 96 Test, 152. Hcv Elisa Kit, Each Kit 96 Test, 153. Hcg Kit, 154. Heamatoxyline, 155. Heamatoxyline Powder 5Gm, 156. Hicrome Uti Agar ( M1353) 500 Grms, 157. High Positive D - Dimer Control (1X1ml), 158. Hydrogen Peroxide 500Ml, 159. Hydrochloric Acid N/10 500Ml, 160. Hydrochloric Acid 500Ml, 161. Hypochloride Solution 5% 500 Ml, 162. Hypochlorite, 163. Id Gel Card Cross Matching Each Box 24 Test, 164. Id Gel Card Blood Grouping, Each Box 24 Test, 165. Isoprophyl Alcohol 2.5 Ltrs Can, 166. Iodine 500Gm, 167. Lactose (Lr), 168. Lactose(Grm017) 500 Grms, 169. Lead Acetate 500Gm, 170. Lead Acetate 25Grms, 171. Leishman Stain Powder 25Gm, 172. Leishmans Stain 500Ml, 173. Liquid Ammonia 500Ml, 174. Liquid Paraffin 500Ml, 175. Liquid Paraffin 500Gm, 176. Litmus Paper (4-9), 177. Low Positive D - Dimer Control (1X1ml), 178. Lugols Iodine 100Ml, 179. Lysine Iron Agar ( M377) 250Grms, 180. Mac.Conkey Agar (M-082) 500 Grms, 181. Maltose, 182. Magnesium Sulphate 500 Gm, 183. Mannitol Salt Agar Base ((M118) 500 Grms, 184. Mayers Reagent 100Ml, 185. Medical Electrolytes Triple Qc Medical Easylyte (Na/K/Cl/Ca), 186. Mercuric Chloride(Hgcl2) 100Gm, 187. Mercuric Oxide Red 100Gm, 188. Mercuric Nitrite 100Gm, 189. Mercuric Sulphate 500 Gm, 190. Methanol, 191. Methanol 500Ml, 192. Methanol 2.5Ltr, 193. Methylene Blue 125Ml, 194. Moeller Decarboxylase Broth (Ornithine) (M-688) 250Grms, 195. Moeller Decarboxylase Broth (Lysine) (M-687) 250 Grms, 196. Moeller Decarboxylase Broth(Arginine) (M-689) 250 Grms, 197. Mp ( Malaria Parasites) Each Box 40 Test, 198. Muller Hinton Agar (M-173) 500Grms, 199. B Napthol 500Gm, 200. N-Butanol (Ar), 201. Neubars Counting Chamber, 202. Needles, 203. 23 Needle, 204. 23 G Needle (Blue Needle), 205. 24 G Needle, 206. 26 G Needle (Brown Needle), 207. Teasing Needles, 208. Nitric Acid, 209. Nice Water. (Distilled Water) 5 Ltrs Can, 210. Nutrient Agar (M-001) 500 Grms, 211. Og6 125Ml, 212. Oil Of Menthol 500Ml, 213. Oxacillin Screen Agar ( M1454) 500Grms, 214. Paraffin Wax 500Gm, 215. Paraffin Wax Rings, 216. Phenol Crystal C6h5oh = 94.11 500 Gm, 217. Phosphate 100Grms, 218. Ph Paper, 219. Ph Paper - 6 To 9, 220. Picric Acid 500Ml, 221. Platelet Diluting Fluid 125Ml, 222. Platelet Counting Fluid 100Ml, 223. P-Nitro Phenol 100Gm, 224. Ppd Syringe 1X1, 225. Ppd 5Tu (Arkray), 226. Peptone (Bacteriological) Rm001, 500Grms, 227. Pr+Sec Ab (6Ml), 228. Potassium Iodide 500Gm, 229. Potassium Dichromate 500Gm, 230. Potassium Di Hydrogen Phosphate 500G, 231. Pottassium Tellurite 50Grms, 232. Pt Reagent 01 Box (10X4ml), 233. Pt & Aptt Washing Solution X1, 234. Pt & Aptt Washing Solution X2, 235. Pt Collecting Tube (Citrate Tube), 236. Pt (Qc) High; Normal, Low (4 Vial Each 12), 237. Puncture Proof Container, 238. Purple Edta Vacutainer, 239. Qc 8 Check, 240. Qc Erba Norm - Erba - Em360(Liquid Stable) 1X5ml, 241. Qc Erba Path - Erba - Em360(Liquid Stable) 1X5ml, 242. Rapid Pap/Ultra Pap, 243. Rapid Test Hiv, Each Box 30 Test, 244. Rapid Test Hcv, Each Box 50 Test, 245. Rapid Test Hbsag , Each Box 50 Test, 246. Rapid Plasma Reagent (Rpr) Each Kit 100 Test, 247. Rbc Diluting Fluid 125Ml, 248. Red Vacutainer (Clot Activator) Medical Easylyte (Na/K/Cl/Ca), 249. Reticulocyte Stain 125Ml, 250. Reticulocyte Fluid 100Ml, 251. Robertsons Cooked Meat Medium ( M149) 500 Grms, 252. R2a (M962) 500Grms, 253. Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (Mh063) 500 Grms, 254. Sample Cups Medical Easylyte (Na/K/Cl/Ca) 2Ml, 255. Semen Diluting Fluid 125Ml, 256. Sgot - R Kit Erba -Em360(Liquid Stable) 4X24/4X6ml, 257. Sgpt - R Kit Erba -Em360(Liquid Stable) 4X24/4X6ml, 258. Shalis Hemoglobino Meter, 259. Silver Nitrite 100Gm, 260. Simon Citrate Agar Base ((M099) 500 Grms, 261. Sls Sulfolyser 5Ltr, 262. Sls Sulfolyser (1.5X2ltr Box), 263. Small Dropper, 264. Sodium Acetate 500Gm, 265. Sodium Sulphate 500G, 266. Sodium Bi Sulphate 500G, 267. Sodium Bi Sulphite 500G, 268. Sodium Chloride (Rm202) 500Grms, 269. Sodium Meta Bisulfate 500Gm, 270. Sodium Citrate 500Gm, 271. Sodium Citrate 3.8% 100 Gm, 272. Sodium Citrate Powder 35%, 273. Sodium Deoxycholate ( Rm131) 500Gmrs, 274. Sodium Hydroxide Pellets, 275. Sodium Hypochloride Solution 05 Liters Can, 276. Sodium Nitrite 500Gm, 277. Sodium Nitroprusside 500Gm, 278. Sodium Potassium Tartrate 500G, 279. Sodium Sulphate 500G, 280. Sodium Sulphite 500G, 281. Sodium Tungstate 500G, 282. Sodium Tetra Borate 500Gm, 283. Sodium Nitropruside 500Ml, 284. Sodium Taurocholate ( Rm011) 500 Grms, 285. Spirit Lamp, 286. Spirit 500Ml, 287. Staning Rack, 288. Starch(Soluble) 500G, 289. Stromatolyser 4Dl, 290. Stromatolyser 4Ds, 291. Stromatolyser Fb, 292. Sulpher Powder 250Gm, 293. Sulphosalicylic Acid (Powder) 100 Gm, 294. Sulphosalicylic Acid Solutin 500Ml, 295. Sulphuric Acid 500Ml, 296. Sulphuric Acid, 297. Sulfosalicylic Acid 500G, 298. Sulfosalicylic Acid, 299. Sulphur Powder 250Gm, 300. Syringe, 301. Sysmex 5 Part Cell Pack, 302. 10Cc Syringe, 303. Tannic Acid Solution 100 Ml, 304. Tarpentine Oil B.P 500 Ml, 305. Tcbs ( M189) 500 Grms, 306. Tetra Methyl 4 Pheny Lenediaminedi Hydrochloride 100Grms, 307. Tetrathionate Broth Base ( Mm032) 250Grms, 308. Thymol 100Gm, 309. Trilevel Qc Xn-Cheek L1,L2,L3 (Low, Normal, High) (01 Vial, X 3Ml Kit), 310. Triple Sugar Iron Agar ((M021) 500 Grms, 311. Trisodium Citrate 500Gm, 312. Tollens Reagent 100Ml, 313. Total Protien Kit Erba -Em360(Liquid Stable) 5X50ml, 314. Turpentine Oil 500 Ml, 315. Urea (Bun) Kit (R1+R2) Erba -Em360(Liquid Stable) 4X24/4X6ml, 316. Urea Agar Base (Christensens) (M-112S) 500Grms, 317. Urine Acid 100G, 318. Uristicks For Albumin, 319. Uristicks For Ketone Bodies, 320. Uristicks For Sugar (1X100), 321. Vancomycin Screen Agar (Vre) ( M1763) 500Grms, 322. Wbc Diluting Fluid, 323. Wbc Diluting Fluid 500Ml, 324. Wbc Diluting Fluid 125Ml, 325. Wbc Diluting Solution 500Ml, 326. Wbc Pipette, 327. Wdf Fluorocel (42Ml Box), 328. Wdf Lycercell, 329. Wnr Fluorocell (82Ml Box), 330. Wnr Lycercell, 331. Wilson &Blair Agar Base (M331) 500 Grms, 332. White Soft Paraffin Wax 500Gm, 333. What’S Man Filter Paper No.1, 334. What’S Man Filter Paper (Large Size) (Each Box 50Nos), 335. X1 Solution (1X100ml), 336. X2 Solution (1X100ml), 337. Xl Multical Erba -Em360(Liquid Stable) 4X3ml, 338. Xylene 2.5 Ltrs Bottle, 339. Xylene 500Ml, 340. Xylose Lysine Deoxychlotate Agar (M031) 500 Grms, 341. Zinc Sulphate 25Grms, 342. Autoclavable Plastic Petridishes 90Mm, 343. Autoclavable Glass Bottles With Aluminium Screw Cap And Rubber Liner 25Ml, 344. Beakers 100 Ml, 345. Beakers 25Ml, 346. Beakers 50Ml, 347. Beakers 250 Ml, 348. Beakers 500 Ml, 349. Beakers 1000Ml, 350. Beakers (Plastic & Glass)100+100Nos 250Ml, 351. Capillary Tube (Non Heparinzied), 352. Conical Flasks 1Ltr, 353. Copling Jar, 354. Cryovials 2Ml, 355. Cylindrical Glass Jar With Lids Htx Diameter (Inches) 11X6, 356. Digital Refrigerators Thermometer, 357. Dhurhums Tubes Small Size, 358. Dropper 200Ml, 359. Dropping Bottle(Plastic) 200Ml, 360. Dry Heat Indicator Strips 1X250, 361. Forceps Plain Pointed, 362. Glass Beakers 5Ltrs, 363. Glass Funnel Big Size, 364. Glass Rods(For Bent Tubes), 365. Glass Rods Medium Size, 366. Glass Rod 2 Feet Lent , 1/2 Inches Thickness, 367. Glass Slides, 368. Glass Slide, Each Box 50Nos, (Size 75Mm Longx 25Mm) Thickness 1.35 Mm, 369. Glass Test Tubes 5Ml (Length 7.5Cm, Width 1Cm), 370. Glass Pipetes Borosil 10Ml, 371. Glass Test Tube 5Ml Medical Easylyte (Na/K/Cl/Ca), 372. Hb % Kit (Hemo Meter), 373. Hb Pipette & Tube 100+100Nos, 374. Hb Pipettes German Made, 375. Hb Tubes Sahles Method, 376. Hb Whatmans Filter Paper Cat No 1001-090 90Mm, 377. Heumo Cytometer, 378. Khans Tube For Calorimeter, 379. Measuring Jar 10Ml, 380. Measuring Jar 60Ml, 381. Microtome Blade-50, Low Profile Microtome Blades (Leica 819) .(Each Box) Contains 50 Blades, 382. Micro Cover Slips (Blue Star) (22Mmx50mm Size Each Box Contain 24 Pkts) 22M Square (Small Box) English Glass., 383. Micro Cover Slips 25X50nos, 384. Micro Slides, 385. Measuring Jar (50Ml - 500Ml), 386. Micro Pipette Tips Blue-1000 Micro, 387. Micro Pipette Tips Yellow, 388. Micropipette Tips Small-2-10 Micro, 389. Micro Pipettes (50 - 100 Micro Ltr) 1X1, 390. Micro Pipettes (100 - 1000 Micro Ltr) 1X1, 391. Museum Jar With Lids 15X10x12, 392. Museum Jar With Lids 12 X7x12, 393. Museum Jar With Lids 17X7x12, 394. Museum Jar With Lids 10X7x12, 395. Museum Jar With Lids 8X6x12, 396. Museum Jar With Lids 8X8x30, 397. Museum Jar With Lids 10X8x20, 398. Museum Jar With Lids 11X6x10, 399. Museum Jar With Lids 7X5x20, 400. Museum Jar With Lids 8.5X6x15, 401. Neubauers Counting Chamber, 402. Nichrome Loop-D-4Mm La019 10X10no, 403. Nichrome Loop-D-2Mm La020 10X10no, 404. Nichrome Straight Wire La022 10X10no, 405. Plastic Test Tube 5Ml, 406. Plastic Wash Bottles 500 Ml Capacity, 407. Plain Glass Test Tube 5Ml, 408. Rbc Pipette, 409. Slide Box 50, 410. Small Droper 100X5box, 411. Steam Indicator Strip 1X250, 412. Straight Wires(Nichrome) 10, 413. Sterile Cotton Swab With Wooden Stick Gamma Sterilized (Individually Packed) 1X500, 414. Test Tubes With Rim 12X100mm, 415. Test Tubes With Rim 15X125mm, 416. Test Tubes With Rim 15X150mm, 417. Test Tube 5 Ml, 418. Test Tube 10Ml, 419. Test Tube 20Ml, 420. Test Tube Big, 421. Test Tube Rack, 422. Test Tube Holders, 423. Test Tube Stand, 424. Test Tube Stand (Plastic), 425. Tuberculin Syringes, 426. Vintrob Esr Tubes, 427. Watch Glass, 428. Westergreen Esr Test Tube, 429. Trasnparent Plate 9X9, 430. Trasnparent Plate 10X4, 431. Trasnparent Plate 11X6, 432. Trasnparent Plate 11X8, 433. Trasnparent Plate 11X10, 434. Trasnparent Plate 11X13, 435. Trasnparent Plate 11X15, 436. Trasnparent Plate 14X6.5, 437. Trasnparent Plate 19X5, 438. Trasnparent Plate 19X8, 439. Trasnparent Plate 29X6, 440. Mannitol Sucrose Mannose Arabinose Sorbitol Maltose Dulcitol Raffinose (25Grms Each), 441. Ampicillin Amp (10 Mcg) 50X5ct, 442. Amoxycillin/ Clavunalic Acid Amc (20/10 Mcg) 50X5ct, 443. Aztreonam Ao (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 444. Amikacin Ak (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 445. Azithromycin Azm (15Mcg) 50X5ct, 446. Ceftriaxone Ctr/Ci (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 447. Cefoxitin Cx (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 448. Ceftazidime Ca/Caz (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 449. Cefotaxime Ctx/Ce (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 450. Cefuroxime Cu/Cxm (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 451. Ceftazidime-Clavunatic Acid Cac (30-10Mcg) 50X5ct, 452. Cefotaxime-Clavunatic Acid Cec (30-10Mcg) 50X5ct, 453. Cotrimoxazole Sxt/Cot (25Mcg) 50X5ct, 454. Chloramphenicol C (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 455. Clindamycin Cd (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 456. Ciprofloxacin Cip/Cf (5Mcg) 50X5ct, 457. Colistin Col (10Mcg) 50X5ct, 458. Erythromycin E (15Mcg) 50X5ct, 459. Ertapenem Etp (10Mcg) 50X5ct, 460. Gentamicin Gen (10Mcg) 50X5ct, 461. High-Level Gentamicin Hlg (120Mcg) 50X5ct, 462. Imipenem Imp (10Mcg) 50X5ct, 463. Linezolid Lz (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 464. Meropenem Mem (10Mcg) 50X5ct, 465. Netilmycin Net (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 466. Nitrofurantion Nit/Nf (100Mcg) 50X5ct, 467. Norfloxacin Nx/Nor (10Mcg) 50X5ct, 468. Penicillin Pen/P (10Mcg) 50X5ct, 469. Piperacillin/Tazobactam Tzp/Pt (100-10Mcg) 50X5ct, 470. Tetracycline Te (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 471. Tigecycline Tgc (15Mcg) 50X5ct, 472. Vancomycin Va (30Mcg) 50X5ct, 473. Vdrl, 474. Hcv Rapid Test Card 50, 475. Hbsag Rapid Test Cards, 476. Widal Test Kit 50, 477. Crp (Latex Agglutination) 60 Tests (Turbodyne Crp), 478. Aslo(Latex Agglutination ) 60 Tests (Turbodyne Aslo), 479. Rf(Latex Agglutination ) 60 Tests ( Turbodyne Rf), 480. Latex Weil Felix Kit (Ox19,Ox2,Oxk) 3 X 5Ml, 481. Brucella Abortus & Melitensis Latex Agglutination, 482. Bac T /Alert R Pf Plus (Paediatric) & Pa Plus (Adult) (It Has To Be Biomerieux Only), 483. 1. Shigella - Group 1, Antisera Polyvaaalent 2. Salmonella Polyvalent 04, 09, 06, 08 (Each - 02 Nos), 484. Sterilium, 485. Cpo Detect Panel , Size - 25X10, 486. Panel Phoenix Nmic/Id 55, Size - 25X10, 487. Panel Phoenix Pmic/Id 70, Size - 25X10, 488. Panel Phoenix Nmic/Id 421, Size - 25X10, 489. Panel Phoenix Nid, Size - 25X20, 490. Panel Phoenix Pid, Size - 25X20, 491. Panel Phoenix Nmic 404 , Size - 25X20, 492. Panel Phoenix Pmic 84 , Size - 25X20,

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