Supply Of Raw Materials Requirement For The Factory To Ballari Central Prison Zone Under Lot-12 1. Bobbin Tailoring, 2. Bobbin Case, 3. Buffers (Leather) S/U Shape (Mahaveer Brand), 4. Carbolic Acid Bottle, 5. Castor Oil, 6. Char Coal, 7. Coconut Oil, 8. Caustic Soda, 9. Criosit Oil, 10. Fire Wood, 11. G C Yarn 10 S, 12. G C Yarn 20 S, 13. G C Yarn 2/20 S, 14. G C Yarn 2/40 S, 15. Grease, 16. Hand Needle, 17. Hydro Sulfate Of Soda, 18. Leather Belt Loom 1 11/2 Thick, 19. Leather Pikker, 20. Loom Spring 6 & 8 (Plane), 21. Maha Karanja Oil, 22. Mobil Oil, 23. Neem Oil, 24. Pickers, 25. Reed 40 X 56, 26. Salt, 27. Sewing Machine Needles, Size 16 Round (Quivalent To Singer Or Juki Co), 28. Sewing Machine Oil, (Singer Co), 29. Shuttle, 30. Sodium Silicate, 31. Rozin, 32. Tailoring Marking Chalk, 33. Tailoring Tape, 34. Turkey Red Oil, 35. Vat Colour, 36. Washing Soda, 37. White Button, 38. White Thread Tubes-300 Mts Spade Polyester,