Supply Of Laboratory Equipment Items-autoclave , beaker , binocular microscope with oil immersion , cavity block , centrifuge machine , charts , chromatography jar , clinostat , compound microscope , conical flask , cover slip , dissecting microscope , dissection box , dropping bottle ,electric balance, electric water bath , electronic ph meter , hemoglobin meter , hemeoglobin rod , human skeleton, incubator, iron quadrat , leaf lamp , measuring cylinder , microwaven oven , mitosis /miosis slide , museum specimen , needle , over head projector , permanent slide, petridish , pipette , plastic model , plastic model , refrigerator , slide box , slide projector, spatula , spirit lam , staining rack , staining rack , test tube , thermometer , vaccum dessisator , wash bottle , scissors , scalpel , herbarium press , plain slide , cotton , dissecting tray , bunsen burner , funnel , forceps acetic acid , ,acetocarmine , aceton , ammonium chloride , ammonium oxalate , antigen abo group , bendect solution , boric acid, buffer tablets , chloroform , crystal violet , deithyl ether, dpx mount , ethyl alcohol , ferrous sulphate, filter paper, formaldehyde , glycerin , grams stain ,jsb stain , leismans stain , magnesium sulphate, methanol ,methele blue , molishs reagent , nitric acid , oil , petroleum ether, ph paper , potacium hydroxide , agar , tollens reagents , formalin , agar, yeast , eosine, urea , litmus paper , whatman filter paper , chemical balance , drawing board , ammeter , ammonium chloride , bar magnet , bathing box, battery eliminator , boyles law app , burette stand , carbon rod , chart , chemical weight box , compass , concave lens , concave mirror , connecting wire , convex lens , copper plate, copper sulphate , spanner , daniel cell , dc wire , demonstration , drawing board , drawing pin , dry cell , ebonite rod , electro magnet , electronic generator , electronic motor , extension cord , eye model , g clamp for inclined plane , galvanometer , glass slab , glycerine ,hand centrifuge , hollow prism , hookes law app , inclined plane with roller and pan , jookey , law of parallel gram forces , lechlanche cell , lens holder , magnetic needles , magnifying lens , measuring cylinder , metallic cube test , meter scale , milli ammeter , motor model , multimeter , newtons cooling app , npn transistor , optical bench , pass , pascals law ap , plain mirror strips , plier , plug key , pn junction diode , pnp transistor , polaroid , porous pot , potentiometer , prism , reflector telescope , resistance box , rheostat , resistance wire, resistance coil , right angle prism , rsonance tube , screw driver , screw driver , screw gauge , searts app , side cutter plier , siple pendulum , slinky , slotted weights , soldering iron , sonometer with brass part , spherometer , spirit level , spring balance , spring balance , stabilizer , stop clock , strokes app with glass tube , telescope astrolon hand held , thermometer stand , tikertape timer , travelling microscope , tunning fork , youngs modulus searles app , zener diode , zinc plate /zinc rod , burette , pipette , beaker , conical flask , measuring cylinder ,volumetric flask , spatula wire gauge , triopod stand , burette stand with clant , test tube , test tube stand , reagent bottles , glass rod , glass steel , cork , cork boarder , pair of tongs , china dish, kipps apparatus, , chemical balance , water bath , funnel , filterion stand , wash bottle, test tube brush , blow pipe , dropper , blue glass , separating funnel , gas jar , triangular file , watch glass , round bottom flask , thermometer , mortar with pastele , wonf bottle , pipette satnd , grazed tile, beljar , condenser, fusion tube etc