
Supply Of Spares For Gtg 11Kv Panel, NFL Panipat-Haryana

National Fertilizers Limited has published Supply Of Spares For Gtg 11Kv Panel. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-03-2021. Spare Part Tenders in NFL Panipat Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Spares For Gtg 11Kv Panel
Open Tender
Nfl Panipat

Tender Details

SUPPLY OF Spares For Gtg 11Kv Panel , electrical items : , micomp141 / 40t , pn-e0nr-a0-00453 . preprogrammed by supplier before dispatch . settings shall be provided by nfl . quantity: 1 . 00 no , micomp242 / 60t , pn-e0nr-a0-00475 preprogrammed by supplier before dispatch . settings shall be provided by nfl . quantity: 1 . 00 no , micomp142 / 40t , pn-e0nr-a0-00476 , preprogrammed by supplier before dispatch . settings shall be provided by nfl . quantity: 1 . 00 no , micomp642 / 40t , pn-e0nr-a0-00477 , preprogrammed by supplier before dispatch . settings shall be provided by nfl . quantity: 1 . 00 no , micomp642 / 40t , pn-e0nr-a0-00474 , preprogrammed by supplier before dispatch . settings shall be provided by nfl . quantity: 1 . 00 no , insulating encloser ( epoxy body ) , pn-drc006259-01 . quantity: 3 . 00 no , insulating rod , pn-vdrk00037-01 . quantity: 3 . 00 no , stem insulated bottom 2000a to 2500a , pn-vdrk00029-01 . quantity: 1 . 00 no , stem insulated top 2000a to 2500a , pn-vdrk00030-01 . quantity: 1 . 00 no , isolating contact 2000a to 2500a , pn-vdrk00031-03 . quantity: 3 . 00 no , microswitch equipped , pn-drcn03377-01_s . quantity: 3 . 00 no , closing tripping coil 110v dc , pn-agsh31482-01l . quantity: 3 . 00 no , spring charging motor 110v dc , pn: agsh33019-01 . quantity: 1 . 00 no , cb aux switch assembly , pn-avx002294-03 . quantity: 3 . 00 no , tulip type cb contact for 3150a to 4000a ( 82fingers ) , pn-a61202000r1300 . quantity: 2 . 00 no , stem top / bottom 3150a to 4000a , pn-drcn02551-03 . quantity: 1 . 00 no , vcb , 4000a , w / pt , pn-gcr . quantity: 1 . 00 no , rot . switch 4nc 3no 1p r-m , pn-st443-002-111 . quantity: 2 . 00 no , rot . switch 4nc 4no r-m , pn-st443-002-109 . quantity: 2 . 00 no , microswitch-nc-blue-b-ag , pn-st435-530-002 . quantity: 6 . 00 no , microswitch 16a , pn-st435-520-001 . quantity: 6 . 00 no , cbctratio-50 / 1a , pn-ecc-s-aa0bc-001 . quantity: 3 . 00 no , door limit switch , pn-esw-e-aaa00-001 . quantity: 5 . 00 no , busbar / circuit spout assembly , pn-vdr108000-08 . quantity: 6 . 00 no , insulator , pn-vdr100170-02 . quantity: 24 . 00 no , crct11b04 , pn-e0ct-c0-01363 . quantity: 1 . 00 no , surge arrester , pn-esd-t-eaae0-001 . quantity: 3 . 00 no , bds bypass sel . sw , 16a , pn-esw-r-mccff-001 . quantity: 2 . 00 no , metrosil , pn-e0sd-a0-00001 . quantity: 1 . 00 no , wct11r , pn-e0ct-c0-01424 . quantity: 1 . 00 no , wct11r , pn-e0ct-c0-01366 . quantity: 1 . 00 no , wct11r , pn-e0ct-c0-01361 . quantity: 1 . 00 no , wct11r , pn-e0ct-c0-01364 . quantity: 1 . 00 no , voltage dependent resistor , pn-e0sd-a0-00002 . quantity: 1 . 00 no , diode , 40a , pn-ed1-a-aaaba-001 . quantity: 4 . 00 no , pt fuse , pn-ehf-b-bba00-001 . quantity: 9 . 00 no , f-f main busbar ag sn , pn-gde11462 , silver coated with heat shrink of raymchem make only . quantity: 12 . 00 no , f-f main busbar ( 800-1000 ) , pn-gde11684 silver coated with heat shrink of raymchem make only . quantity: 12 . 00 no , spacer 2000a to 3150a , pn-vdr100659-25 . quantity: 24 . 00 no , f-f main busbar ( 1000-1000 ) , pn-gde11746 , complte silver coated , with raychem heat shrink . quantity: 12 . 00 no , br-bc main busbar , pn-gde11950 , complte silver coated , with raychem heat shrink . quantity: 12 . 00 no , br-bc lower busbar y-phase , pn-gde11989 , complte silver coated , with raychem heat shrink . quantity: 12 . 00 no , br-bc lower busbar b-phase , pn-gde12214 , complete silver coated with rachmen make heat shrink . quantity: 12 . 00 no , br-bc lower busbar r-phase , pn-gde12212 complete silver coated with rachmen make heat shrink . quantity: 12 . 00 no

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