
Provision Of 20 X Toilet With Commode Sheet Near Klp Of 1St Med Regt At Mil Stn Gandhidham, GE (ARMY) BHUJ / BHUJ AREA-Gujarat

Military Engineer Services has published Provision Of 20 X Toilet With Commode Sheet Near Klp Of 1St Med Regt At Mil Stn Gandhidham. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-03-2021. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in GE (ARMY) BHUJ / BHUJ AREA Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Provision Of 20 X Toilet With Commode Sheet Near Klp Of 1St Med Regt At Mil Stn Gandhidham
Open Tender
Ge (Army) Bhuj / Bhuj Area

Tender Details

ProvISIOn Of 20 X Toilet With Commode Sheet Near Klp Of 1St Med Regt At Mil Stn Gandhidham , m&l for carrying out soil investigation to determine sub soil strata classification of soil , geo technical data and safe bearing capacity of soil as per following details :- soil investigation ( i ) driling of test bore holes of 100mm dia by shell and auger ms casing as per is 1892-1979 ( ii ) standard penetration test ( is 2131 1981 ) conducted by means of the split spoon , specified in this standard , furnishes data adout resistance of the soils to penetration which can be used to evalute standard strength data , such as n values ( number of blows per 30cm of penetration using standard split spoon ) of the soil . mathods of calculation of bearing capacity of soil based on n values as specified 1s . 6403-1981 . the testing may be terminated earlier if n value reaches 50 . ( iii ) sub soil stratification: based on field and laboratory test data stratification be unumerated for bh at various depth incl level of water table . ( iv ) collection of disturbed / unsdisturbed sample as per is-2132-1986 and carrying out laboratory test . ( a ) sieve analysis ( b ) consolidation characteristics ( c ) partical size ( d ) wet and dry density ( e ) specific gravity , c value , moisture content etc ( f ) plasticity index ( g ) natural mosture content ( h ) shear strength charecteristics ( j ) swelling pressure and free swell index for clayey soils ( k ) conductying plate loadn test as per is 5249-1992 where essential will be decided in the consultation with soil investigation agency ( l ) evaluation of safe bearing capacity based on shear failure and settelment failure criteria , refer is-1904-1986 is-8009 part 1 & 2 . allowable bearing capacitty at various depth of 1 . 0m , 1 . 2m , m 1 . 5m , 1 . 8m and 2m more as required below gl is to be give with suggestion for economical width and type of foundation to be adopted ( m ) carrying cut swelling test soil ( n ) recommendation for suitability of earth abtained from foundation trenches for back filling and filling under floor also shall be given . , consultancy services for design and preparation of architectural drawing , structural drawings , design of services and bill of quantities for building and internal and external services ( a ) preparation of conceptual architectural drawings , minimum three proposals with latest architectural views in 3d ( on latest autodesk software ) with relevant details like plans , elevations , section , layout plan , etc . based on data and local architectural norms . the conceptual drawings shall be submitted in duplicate hard copies for approval of the users and the garrison engineer ( b ) after approval of conceptual drawings , the preparation of architectural drawings including schedule of finishes , internal water supply and internal electric supply drawings incorporating required changes / modifications , and submit the same in four copies . the working drawings shall be on a1 or a0 size as required on standard scale and working details on standard scale as per requirements . the final drawings shall be got approved from the garrison engineer . ( c ) analysis and design of the structure as per latest is codes in design software bim ( d ) preparation of structural drawings including all details in autocad including original prints in tracing papers a1 size and submission of 5 sets of ammonia prints / white prints and one set of drawings in soft copy , copied in cd ( all drawings shall be drawn to a suitable scale and shall not be printed in fit to scale mode . scale shall be clearly mentioned in the drawings . the preferred scales are as follows: ( i ) main plan 1:100 / 150 ( ii ) details of component 1 : 25 ( iii ) minor details / cross-sections of columns and beams , etc . 1: 10 ( iv ) vetting of design and drawings from iit / nit / govt colleges scanned in pdf format ( v ) submission of design folder ( one set each of soft copy and hard copy ) , details of calculations , one hard copy of architectural and structural drawings , softcopy of all architectural drawings and structural drawings in autocad as well as soft copies of signed and certified drawings ( vi ) after approval of architectural and structural drawings of the project , submission of final drawings in triplicate hard copy ( 1x tracing sheets ) to be submitted to this hq duly signed by an authorised architect of the consultant . the rates quoted herein shall include the cost of any such drawings or rendering ( e ) the consultant shall also visit the proposed site before carrying out design if required by him without any extra cost to the department ( f ) preparation of detailed estimates preparation of detailed estimate and item wise yard stick including taking off quantities and abstract as per mes ssr 2010 , market rates analysis including preparation of tender and submission of details to the garrison engineer as per approved drawings through the ge including market rate analysis of all provisional items for the above specified work .

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Tender Value
INR 1.29 Lakhs /-
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