Tender For The Supply And Installation Of Laboratory Equipments And Materials Under Scp-Tsp Plantender For The Supply And Installation Of Laboratory Equipments And Materials Under Scp-Tsp Plan 1. Glass Prism (50 Mm 1 No.), 2. Tollens Reagent (250 Ml=1 Unit), 3. Sucrose (500Gm=1 Unit), 4. Beakers (250 Ml=1Unit) Glass, 5. Beaker 25 Ml Glass, 6. Set Of Ores Tinkering Lab Model School Lab Model, 7. Sulphuric Acid (500Gm=1 Unit), 8. Electrical Hot Water Bath 200 Ml, 9. Galvanometer 30 0 30, 10. Mercury Vapour Lamp With Light House And Power Source (For Spectrometer), 11. Water Bath (Copper), 12. Silver Nitrate Solution (500Gm=1 Unit), 13. Oxalic Acid (500Gm=1 Unit), 14. Watch Glass (3 Diameter=1 Unit) Glass, 15. Manganous Sulphate (100Gm=1 Unit), 16. Spirit Lamp, 17. Nitrobenzene (250 Ml=1 Unit), 18. Stainless Steel Ime Type Vernier Caliper Lc 0.01Cm, 19. Voltmeter Dc 0V To 5V, 20. Reagent Bottle Glass (100 Ml=1Unit), 21. Petroleum Ether (500Ml=1 Unit), 22. Burette 50 Ml Capacity Polyfiber, 23. Glass Dropper Small, 24. Aluminium Sulphate (500Gm=1 Unit), 25. Meter Bridge (Brass Fittings), 26. Beaker Polyfiber (250 Ml=1 Unit), 27. Microscope Glass Slides For Laboratory Use, 28. Triangular File Metallic, 29. Hydrochloric Acid (500Gm=1 Unit), 30. Ammonia Solution (500Ml=1 Unit), 31. Carbon Tetrachloride (500Ml=1 Unit), 32. Measuring Cylinder Polyfiber (10 Ml=1 Unit), 33. Crucible Tongs, 34. Human Skeleton With Glass Cover, 35. Binocular Compound Microscope With Electric Light Source With Movable Condenser Along With 10X, 15 X Eyepiece For Laboratory Use., 36. Spectrometer Brass Scale Or Stainless Steel Scale, 37. Milliammeter 0 500Mamp, 38. Digital Weighing Machine 500 Gram Capacity, 39. Copper Sulphate (500Gm=1 Unit), 40. Stop Watch Digital, 41. Reagent Bottle Amber Colour (100 Ml=1Unit) Glass, 42. Ammonium Chloride (500Gm=1 Unit), 43. Methyl Orange Indicator (100Ml =1 Unit), 44. Transformer For Electromagnet (0 12 V Ac), 45. Beaker Polyfiber 1 Liter=1 Unit), 46. Convex Lens (Dia 75Mm & Fl 15Cm), 47. Cover Glass For Slide Preparation, 48. Junior Medical/Compound Microscope With Electric Light Source With Movable Condenser Along With 5X, 10 X Brass Eyepiece For Laboratory Use., 49. Convex Lens (Dia 75Mm & Fl 20Cm), 50. Sodium Sulphide Flakes (500Gm=1 Unit), 51. Potassium Chromate (500Gm=1 Unit), 52. Sodium Hydroxide (500Gm=1 Unit), 53. Glass Tubing, 54. Molecular Model Set Detachable, 55. Test Tube Glass, 56. Glass Dropper Large, 57. Slotted Weights (50Gram X 5) With Frame, 58. Analytical Thermometer, 59. Resistance Box (0 Ohm To 5000 Ohm), 60. Handy Gas With Regulator (4 Ltr Capacity=1 Unit), 61. Thieles Tube, 62. Bunsen Burner, 63. Acetanilyde (250Ml=1 Unit), 64. Slotted Weights (500Gram X 5) With Frame, 65. Pipette (10 Ml=1 Unit) Glass, 66. Fehlings A Solution (250Ml=1 Unit), 67. Barium Chloride (100Gm=1 Unit), 68. Benzaldehyde (250 Ml=1 Unit), 69. Litmus Paper Blue (Set Of 100 Pieces), 70. Digital Weighing Machine 0 500 Gm, 71. Wash Bottle Plastic (250Ml =1 Unit), 72. Lab Alcohol Burner Stainless Steel, 73. Trough Polyfiber, 74. Spherometer Double Disc Brass Nickel Coating, 75. Travelling Microscope, 76. Potassium Nitrate (500Gm=1 Unit), 77. Ethyl Alcohol (500Ml=1 Unit), 78. Needles With Plastic Handle For Laboratory Use, 79. Glass Rod 10Mm Thickness, 80. Induction Stove, 81. Beaker Polyfiber (500 Ml=1 Unit), 82. Resistance Box (0 Ohm To 500 Ohm), 83. Projection Microscope For Compound Microscope, 84. Spatula Ss, 85. Whatman S Filter Paper 2 Diameter, 86. Test Tube Brush, 87. Litmus Paper Red (Set Of 100 Pieces), 88. Convex Mirror (Dia 75Mm & Fl 20Cm), 89. Blotting Papers A3size, 90. Digital Thermometer, 91. Micro Spatula Ss Metallic, 92. Voltmeter Dc 0V To 1V, 93. Potassium Dichromate (500Gm=1 Unit), 94. Dissecting Microscope For Laboratory Use With 10Xand 20X Bull Eye Lens, 95. Phenolphthalein Indicator (100Ml =1 Unit), 96. Resistance Box (0 Ohm To 100 Ohm), 97. Set Of Metals Tinkering Lab Model School Lab Model, 98. Electromagnet For Sonometer, 99. Ammonium Bromide (500Gm=1 Unit), 100. Pointer Eye Piece For Microscope, 101. Tunnel Polyfiber (3Diameter=1 Unit), 102. Beaker Polyfiber (100 Ml=1 Unit), 103. Concave Mirror (Dia 75Mm & Fl 20Cm), 104. Test Tube Holder, 105. Polariser And Analyser For Spectroscope, 106. Calcium Carbonate (500Gm=1 Unit), 107. Beaker (100 Ml=1Unit) Glass, 108. Magnesium Carbonate (500Gm=1 Unit), 109. Methanol (500Ml=1 Unit), 110. Storage Bottle Glass (250 Ml=1Unit), 111. Pipette Stand, 112. Burette Stand Heavy With Fish Clamp, 113. Burette Stand Metallic, 114. Pendulum Bobs (Set Of Different Metals) 2Cm Dia, 115. Micrometer Screw Gauge (25 X 1Mm) Lc 0.001Cm, 116. Potentiometer (Brass Fittings), 117. Concave Lens (Dia 75Mm & Fl 20Cm), 118. Test Tube Holders, 119. Inclined Plane Apparatus, 120. Nessler’S Reagent (100Ml=1 Unit), 121. Fehlings B Solution (250Ml=1 Unit), 122. Rheostat 200 Ohm And 1.2 Amp, 123. Sonometer (Teakwood) With Brass Fittings, 124. Droppers 6,