
Electronics Branch Related Equipments Supply Of Electronics Branch Related Equipments, As per Tender Documents-Rajasthan

Department Of Technical Education has published Electronics Branch Related Equipments Supply Of Electronics Branch Related Equipments. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-02-2021. Workshop Machinery and Equipments Tenders in As per Tender Documents Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Electronics Branch Related Equipments Supply Of Electronics Branch Related Equipments
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As Per Tender Documents

Tender Details

Supply Of Electronics Branch Related Equipments.- 1 1 Waveform Software ( 5 User Cost 25000 ) Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item1 5 Nos 2 2 Distortion Meter Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item2 1 Nos 3 3 3 ¾ Digit Digital Multimeter With Usb Interface Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item3 20 Nos 4 4 Chemicals & Raw Material For Pcb Lab. Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item5 2 Nos 5 5 Roller Tinning Machine Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item6 1 Nos 6 6 Tools Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item9 5 Nos 7 7 Orcad Pspice Simulation And Pcb Design Suite Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item10 5 Nos 8 8 Camcorder Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item12 1 Nos 9 9 Dlp Multimedia Projector Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item13 3 Nos 10 10 Universal Programmer Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item14 5 Nos 11 11 Smd Soldering & Desoldering Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item16 2 Nos 12 12 3D Printer Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item17 1 Nos 13 13 Transformer Winding Machine Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item18 2 Nos 14 14 Universal Device Programmer Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item20 1 Nos 15 15 8086 Microprocessor Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item21 1 Nos 16 16 Motorized Antenna Trainer Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item24 1 Nos 17 17 4 In 1 ( Test Lab ) Cro 30 Mhz ( Cro, Function Generator, Power Supply, Frequency Counter ) Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item27 10 Nos 18 18 Micro Controller Usb Ic Burner Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item30 2 Nos 19 19 Microcontroller Board Intended For Anyone Making Interactive Projects Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item31 10 Nos 20 20 Automatic Desktop Pick And Place Machine Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item32 1 Nos 21 21 Thermistor Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item34 1 Nos 22 22 Study Of Different Audio Circuit’S Volume, Tone, Bass, Treble And Equalizer. Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item38 1 Nos 23 23 Led Tv Demonstration Board Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item39 1 Nos 24 24 Installation And Study Of Different Tv Receiving Antennas Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item40 1 Nos 25 25 Lamp Dimmer Using Triac. Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item47 1 Nos 26 26 Different Types Of Pace Makers Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item48 1 Nos 27 27 Different Bio Electrodes Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item49 1 Nos 28 28 7-Seg Display Characteristics Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item50 1 Nos 29 29 Ups Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item51 1 Nos 30 30 Voltageregulator Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item55 2 Nos 31 31 Air Blower Variable Speed 700W. Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item57 2 Nos 32 32 Half & Full Adder / Subtractor Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item59 2 Nos 33 33 Shift Register Trainer ( Siso, Sipo, Piso, Pipo ) Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item60 2 Nos 34 34 Master Slave Jk Flip Flop Using Nand Gates Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item61 2 Nos 35 35 Modulo – N – Counter Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item62 2 Nos 36 36 Universal Counters Trainer Using Flip Flop Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item64 2 Nos 37 37 Easy Pc & Multi Sim Software Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item66 1 Nos 38 38 Flip Flop, Counters & Shift Register Exp. Panel Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item68 2 Nos 39 39 Multiplexer, Decoder & Encoder Experiment Panel Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item69 2 Nos 40 40 Half / Full Adder, Subtractor, Alu Experiment Panel. Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item70 2 Nos 41 41 Dac Card Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item71 2 Nos 42 42 Stepper Motor Card Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item72 2 Nos 43 43 Digital Temperature Indicator Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item73 1 Nos 44 44 Jfet, Mosfet& Igbt Expt. Panel. Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item75 2 Nos 45 45 Transistor Amplifier Experiment Panel Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item76 2 Nos 46 46 Transistor Signal & Feedback Amplifiers Experiment Panel. Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item77 2 Nos 47 47 Oscillator & Multivibrator Experiment Panel Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item78 2 Nos 48 48 Amplitude Modulation & Demodulation Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item79 2 Nos 49 49 Frequency Modulation & Demodulation Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item80 2 Nos 50 50 Tdm Pulse Code Modulation Receiver Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item84 2 Nos 51 51 Fm Receiver Trainer Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item85 2 Nos 52 52 Am Radio Receiver Demonstrator Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item86 2 Nos 53 53 Cellular Mobile Telephone Handset Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item88 2 Nos 54 54 Digital Blood Pressure Meter Trainer Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item91 2 Nos 55 55 For 40 Users Anti Virus Software ( Kaspersky / Mcafee / Quick Heal ) Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item92 40 Nos 56 56 For 60 Users M.S Office Software Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item93 60 Nos 57 57 For 40 Users C Complier Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item94 40 Nos 58 58 Mike Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item95 2 Nos 59 59 Portable Cd / Dvd R / W ( Transcend / Hp / Del ) Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item96 1 Nos 60 60 Black & White Television Demonstrator Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item98 1 Nos 61 61 Pattern Generators Colour Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item102 1 Nos 62 62 Pattern Generators B / W Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item103 1 Nos 63 63 50 Inches Full Hd Led Smart Tv Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item104 1 Nos 64 64 Strain Gauge Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item105 2 Nos 65 65 Temperature Measurement –Rtd, Thermocouple Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item107 2 Nos 66 66 Synchro Transmitter And Receiver Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item109 2 Nos 67 67 Capacitive Transducer Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item110 2 Nos 68 68 Magnetic Transducer Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item113 2 Nos 69 69 Techogenerator Transducer Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item114 2 Nos 70 70 Potentiometer Transducer Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item115 2 Nos 71 71 Digital Lcr-Q Meter Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item117 2 Nos 72 72 Distortion Meter Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item119 1 Nos 73 73 Lcrq Bridge Meter Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item120 5 Nos 74 74 Camcorder Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item125 1 Nos 75 75 Digital Still Camera 14 Mpi Or Higher Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item126 1 Nos 76 76 9 In 1 Service Test Lab Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item127 5 Nos 77 77 Eprom Eraser Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item128 1 Nos 78 78 Different Types Of Pace Makers ( Synchronous And Asynchronous ) Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item129 1 Nos 79 79 Different Bio Electrodes Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item130 3 Nos 80 80 3Mhz Ac Millivoltmeter Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item131 2 Nos 81 81 Trainers For Bio-Medical Instrumentation Lab Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item132 1 Nos 82 82 Lvdt Instrumentation Trainer ( Instrumentaion Lab ) Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item134 26 Nos 83 83 Ph Meter Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item137 5 Nos 84 84 Digital Multi Meter Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item138 20 Nos 85 85 Automatic Blood Pressure Measurement Instrument Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item139 2 Nos 86 86 Analog Multimeter Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item140 20 Nos 87 87 Resistance Welding Machine Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item142 1 Nos 88 88 Opamp Trainer Kit Ic ( 741 ) , Wein Bridge Using Opamp Electronics Lab Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item143 26 Nos 89 89 Demonstration Board For Darlington Amplifier. Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item147 5 Nos 90 90 Demonstration Board For Hartley Oscillator Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item148 8 Nos 91 91 Demonstration Board For Clapp Oscillator Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item149 5 Nos 92 92 Demonstration Board Of Diode Based Clipper Circuit. Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item153 6 Nos 93 93 Demonstration Board Of Diode Based Clamper Circuit. Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item154 6 Nos 94 94 Filter Circuits / Pie Section Filter Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item156 26 Nos 95 95 10 Mhz Function Generator With Color Touch Screen Display Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item157 6 Nos 96 96 Tools Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item160 5 Nos 97 97 Digital Multimeter Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item161 30 Nos 98 98 Coil Winding Machine Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item164 2 Nos 99 99 Digital Multi Communication Lab Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item165 5 Nos 100 100 B / W Tv Receiver Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item166 12 Nos 101 101 Fax Trainer Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item168 1 Nos 102 102 Rf Signal Generator Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item169 26 Nos 103 103 Ups 2Kva Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item170 18 Nos 104 104 Mono Chrome Tv Trainer Kit Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item172 11 Nos 105 105 Hand Held Multimeter Description: 3.5 Measurement Range: True Rms: 6, 000 & Equilent Size Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item174 5 Nos 106 106 Multimeter Description : 4.5 Digit, Measurement Type : True Rms, Count : 50000, Hand Held Benchtop Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item175 14 Nos 107 107 Frequency Counter Description : Frequency Counter 3 Ghz. Range : 2 Mhz To 3 Ghz. Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item176 2 Nos 108 108 True Rms Hand Held Clamp Meter, 1000 Dc And Tue Rms Ac, Ac+Dc Current Measurements Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item177 2 Nos 109 109 Rf Signal Generators 3 Ghz & Equilent Size Nfull Specification As Per Annexure H N Item178 5 Nos

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INR 400 /-
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