Supply Of Spares For Abc Make Acb 400Amp And 300 Amp , Arc Chute , Auxiliary Transformer ( 50 Va ) , Magnetic Overload Relay Oil Dash Pot Type , Earth Leakage Relay Upto 750 Ma , Test Microswitch , Microswitch For Earth Leakage Lamp , Isolator On/Off Heavy Duty , Outgoing Lead Cb , Isolator Lead Incoming , Isolator Lead Outgoing , Bush Insulator For Through Going/ Incoming , Bush Insulator For Outgoing / Interconnecting , Through Going Terminal , Interconnecting Terminal , Outgoing Terminal , Incoming Terminal , Auxiliary Transformer ( 100Va ) , Trip Bar Assembly , Link Gear Mechanism , Circuit Breaker Sub . Assly . With Ct Incoming & Outgoing Lead Cb , Ammeter , Auxiliary Transformer ( 50 Va ) , Current Transformer For Ammeter , Current Transformer For Overload , Dash Pot Oil For Overload ( Pot ) , Earth Leakage Lamp Holder With Lamp , Earth Leakage Relay Mechanical Latch Type , Earth Leakage Relay Upto 750 Ma , Fixed Contact , Fixed Contact Carrier , Interconnecting Terminal , Isolater Interlocking Micro Switch , Isolater On/Off ( Heavy Duty ) , Isolator Lead Incoming , Isolator Lead Outgoing , Isolator Moving Contact , Magnetic Overload Relay Oil Dash Pot Type , Microswitch For Earth Leakage Lamp , Moving Contact , Moving Contact Carrier , Control Panel Assy . With /Upto 750 Ma Earth Leakage Relay , Out Going Lead Cb , Short Circuit Trip Assembly , Shunt Trip Coil/Uv Coil , Through Going Terminal , Control Fuse Holder , Incoming Lead Cb , Incoming Terminal , Outgoing Terminal , Resistance , Sensative Cbt For Earth Leakage Relay Upto 750 Ma , Test Micro Switch