
Supply Of Lab Equipments To Chemistry Dept, Vidyanagar, Kasaragod, Kerala-Kerala

Government College has published Supply Of Lab Equipments To Chemistry Dept. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-01-2021. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in Vidyanagar, Kasaragod, Kerala Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Lab Equipments To Chemistry Dept
Open Tender
Vidyanagar, Kasaragod, Kerala

Tender Details

Supply Of Lab Equipments To Chemistry Dept-2 Safety shower and Eye wash station: Extra large drench shower head made of highly visible yellow ABS plastics. Receptor bowl made of ABS and highly resistat to acid, alkali and oil. ISI marked GI pipe with powder coating for anti corrossion. Water inlet and drain: 11/4 inches BSP, water outlet connection 11/4 inches: Tee flow: 110 LPM, Activation: For shower- Pull rod, For eye wash- Push platte/Foot paddle, Bowl material: ABS, valve material: SS stay open ball valve with yellow ABS push plate, Ppe material: GI Shower Head Material: ABC plastic, operating Pressure: 2.81 kgf/cm2 (40 PSI)- CE 3 Class ABC (dry) fire extinguishers, 4 kg Refillable with wall mounting accessories 4 Class B CO2 type fire extinguisher 5 Lab Centrifuge (4500-5000) rpm Multipurpose Lab Centrifuge, Rectangular shape Swing out head with Digital Timer and speed regulater which can accommodate eight centrifuge tubes of 15 ml capacity 6 Digital conductivity meter,source frequency 100Hz or 1KHz automatically selected, range 0 to 200mS in 5 ranges, accuracy ±1% of F.S. in all ranges, ± 1 digit, indication- three digit LED display, conductivity cell - 1 cell constant [approx.], cell constant compensation- 0.9 to 1.1,power requirement-230 V , 50Hz +or-10% , dimension-235mm[w]x185m[d]x85mm[H], weight- 1.25 kg, Standard accessories- one conductivity cell and stand, clamp, instructiuon manual, dusty cover. Systronics or equivalent standard 7 Digital Potentiometer: Input configuration-bipolar, mV range- 0 to 1999 v, resolution 1 mV, Control set zero mrange 0 to ±1500 m V,stirrer speed- 0 to full speed, Polarization current- 10 micro A for metal to metal electrode,Input impedance 10 11ohms, polarity -autamatyic, magnetic stirrer- in built with variable control, Display- 3 and half digit LED, Power 230 V AC, Dimension 235 x 185 x 85, weight 1.25 kg, Accessories- Combined Pt and Ref Electrode or Pt & Ref Electrode, Electrode stand and clamp, Stirrer Pedal,instructiuon manual, dusty cover. Systronics or equivalent standard 8 Digital pH Meter: Range 0.00 to 14.00, mV mode 0 to 1999 V, Resolution- 0.01 pH,Accuracy, Input impedance: 10 raised to ohms, Temp compensation 0 to 100 o C, Display 3.5 digit LED display, Calibration- two buffer calibration, manually, Power 230 aC, Dimension 205 x 130 x 65 mm,, weight 1.5 kg, Accessoried, pH electrode, stand, rod, clamp, dust cover, instruction manual, Systronics or equivalent standard 9 Digital Abbe Refractometer, measuring range 1.300 to 1.700, Accuracy- 0.0002, sugar percentage scale- 0 to 95 %, with glass standard plate, attachable thermometer, contact solution for use with standard plate, dust cover. 10 Hot Air Oven with Digital Temperature Controller cum indicator, outer body made of M S sheet, inner chamber of stainless steel, Temperature range ambient +5o C to 200 Accuracy +-1o C at higher temp, Internal dimension 45x 45x 45, No of shelves 2, Watts-1200, capacity 95L, inner chamber stainless steel. 11 Digital Colourimeter with eight filters,Light source-Long life, broad spectrum LED covering full visible range, Detectoe- sealed, high sensitivity silicon photocell, Display 3 digital display, Wave lenth range-400-700 nm with eight optical filters, Resolution-0.01 in Abs, Range- Abs 0.1 to 1.99, Power 230 AC+-10% 50Hz, weight 1.5 kg, Accessories 4 nos flat bottom test tubes.instructiuon manual, dusty cover. Systronics or equivalent standard 12 Research Polarimeter with Light Source Tube Length 400mm, sensitive half shade device, 0-3600 circular Scale divided in single degree, every 10th line numbered and every 5th line extended with 0.050 vernier reading. Sugar Scale -0 to 300& +0-1300 divided in single degrees- every 10th line numbered and every 5th line extended. Scale housing consisting of upper eye piece for scale reading & focusing, Lower eye piece for half shade focusing. Light source: 35W, 589.0nm sodium lamp with suitable transformer. Supplied with sample tubes of 100mm, 200mm & 400mm Borosilicate thick glass with brass holders

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 672 /-
INR 2090.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 2.09 Lakhs /-
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