
Setting Up Of Water Quality Management Programme Through Higher Secondary School Children At 8 Number Of Schools In Manaloor Lac In Thrissur District- Providing Equipments, Manaloor-Kerala

Kerala Irrigation Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited has published Setting Up Of Water Quality Management Programme Through Higher Secondary School Children At 8 Number Of Schools In Manaloor Lac In Thrissur District- Providing Equipments. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-01-2021. Brushes Tenders in Manaloor Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Setting Up Of Water Quality Management Programme Through Higher Secondary School Children At 8 Number Of Schools In Manaloor Lac In Thrissur District- Providing Equipments
Open Tender

Tender Details

Setting up of water quality management programme through higher secondary school children at 8 number of schools in Manaloor LAC in Thrissur District- Providing Equipments , appendix -a-equipments , od204707/2020_2021 : supplying and providing ready to use h2s strip bottles of glass type container having 20ml volume and incubation period of 24 to 28 hours for testing the presence of undesirable amount of coliform bacteria in water sample in the individual schools as mentioned . , od204711/2020_2021 : supplying and providing a sterilized plastic bottle of capacity 100ml graduated made of laboratory-grade plastic , screw-capped for collecting the bacteriological sample in the individual schools as mentioned , od204721/2020_2021 : supplying and providing beaker of capacity 100ml , borosilicate graduated in the individual schools as mentioned , od204723/2020_2021 : supplying and providing 250gm sodium thiosulphate ( dechlorinating agent ) -white crystals , reagent grade in the individual schools as mentioned . , od204724/2020_2021 :supplying and providing multiparameter water quality analyser for testing ph , tds , and ec with following specifications , ph range:0 . 00 to 14 , ph resolution: 0 . 01 , ph accuracy:+/-0 . 01 , ec range 0 to 20 ms , ec resolution: 0 . 01ms , ec accuracy :+/-1 , tds range:0 to 100 ppm , tds resolution:0 . 1ppm , tdsaccuracy:+/- 1 and having sensor type :ph/ec/tds , non-volatile memory , auto off option , temperature compensation atc/mtc , dual lcd , waterproof ip67 and auto buffer recognition including one year sufficient calibration standards . , od204725/2020_2021 : supplying and providing water testing kit ( color comparator kit ) for the estimation of ammonia , nitrate , and nitrite present in water which contains nitrate reagent 50gm , nitrite reagent 50ml , nitrate reagent 50ml , ammonium reagent 100ml , 20ml test tube 2nos , 10ml measuring cylinder , 3ml dropper , test tube brush , spatula including color indicating chart in the individual schools as mentioned . , od204726/2020_2021 : supplying and providing double distilled water ( ddh2o ) 10 litres , having boiling point 1000c , melting point 00c , specific gravity 1 . 00 , odourless , colourless clear liquid in the individual schools as mentioned

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1400 /-
INR 8870.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 5.91 Lakhs /-
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