Sale Of Old Unserviceable Machinery.-1 1.01 Sloting Machine,M/c no 343,Accessories 1)Elec.motor 3 HP 2)Rotary table Item1 1 Nos 2 1.02 Madras GD2 maysure kirloskar Gap bed Lathe m/c no 2621,165mm ,center height -100mm Accessories 1)Driving plate -1no 2)Box spanner-lno 3)Screw driver 8-1no 4)Face plate -1no 5)Ele.moter lHp -1no 6)Coolant moter -1no 7)Gears 63x126x24x96x30x30 -leach 8)Square tool post -1no 9)Thread dial indicator -1no 10)Flash guard -1no Item2 1 Nos 3 1.03 Hack saw machine Hyd. With ele. Motor & starter international make motor-BELCO-2HP,Model HM-10 ,Fram no-90, Motor no-21848 Item3 1 Nos 4 1.04 Milling machine Universal HMT make type FN2U,Sr no 1045 with Accessories 1)Ele. Motor 5.5 HP Sr no 10857 -1no 2)Ele.feed motor Sr no 82353 -1no 3)Coolant motor with coolant equipment -1no 4)MilIing arbor ISO-40-27-500 mm-1no 5)Crank handle -1no 6)Box spanner 19x22 -1no 7)Universal attachment -1no Item4 1 Nos 5 1.05 Bench grinder m/c Pedestal 300 mm 1)Electri c motor 2 hp 2) casting pedestal base,3)coolent system complit with tank pump Item5 1 Nos 6 1.06 Welding Transformer Arc,oil cooled STERCO model SRT-300,Sr no-11071,3HP,440vwith capacitor in 6 KVAR Item6 1 Nos 7 1.07 Lathe M/c centre Gadee weiler precision center Lathe ,Type-L2-300 ,m/c no- 667 Accessories 1)Drive plate 135mm-1no 2)Certers -2no 3)Hand wheel draw bar-1no 4)spindle nose cap with pin type spanner-1no 5)fixed saddle stop-1no 6)compound slide of STD single bolt with latch type tool post-1no 7)Set of 12 gears-24,25,30,48,60,95,35,36,42,45,120,127-1 each 8)c spanner 58/62,30/32-1 each 9)M8 alien key-lno 10)M6,M10 alien key-1 each 11)DE spanner 19x22-1no 12)Grease gun-1no 13)Coolant motor no-1no 14)Machine lamp-1no 15)3jaw chuck-lno 16)4jaw chuck-1no 17)jaw reversible 1 pair set of 3-1 set,6) Door key - 01 No,7) Grease gun - 01 No,13) Balancing stand without cooler- 01 No, 16) pecmanet magnetic chuck 450x50 -01 no Item7 2 Nos 8 1.08 Xerox machine modi stl025 with stabilizer Item8 1 Nos 9 1.09 Grinding machine Horizontal ,Grinding machine Surface Model 3671 M,Multipurpose precision with horizotal spindlerectangular mc no 1071 Accessories1) Grinding wheel dresser roller type - 01 No2) Wheel balancing mandrel - 01 No3)D E Wrench 17x19 MM- 01 No 4) Wrench hook 38x42 - 01 No,5) Wrench Socket - 01 No,8) Wheel Flange - 01 No,9) Cooling set with machine - 01 No,10) Electric Motor for wheel - 01 No,11) Electric Motor for Hydrolic drive -01 No,12) Eletric Motor for coolen - 01 No,14) Main Spindle - 01 No 15) Lead screen with box nut travel -01 no,16) Lead screen with box nut - 01 No,17) Ratchet gear - 01 No,18) Allen key 12 mm both end - 01 No,20) Spur gear - 01 No,21) Compound surface gear - 01 no,22) Hook Spanner for chuck nut smal- 01 NO23) Single ended spanner- 01 NO,24) pin spanner- 01 No,25) Gun metal spanner - 01 No 26) Spindle gun metal beaving - 01 no,28) Step Manddeel chuck - 01 No29) Imperial for coolant motor - 01 No 30) Wacm wheel -01 No Item9 1 Nos 10 1.1 Grinding Machine Surface red Machine no 143 Item10 1 Nos 11 1.11 Grinding Machine Cylidrical paragoan Item11 1 Nos 12 1.12 Grinding Machine Surface praga model 451Accessories 1) Electrc equpment for 440/400 -01 No 2) Wheel Flange - 02 set 3) Belt for wheel head - 01 no 4) Disk wheel 175x12x31 mm - 01 No‹5) Disk wheel 175x12x131 mm- 01 No 6) Collet extracte - 01 7) Tommy Bar - 01 No 8) Wheel Flange key- 01 9) Balancing mandeel- 01 No 10) Standered diametec holder- 01 No 11) Hand traver unit handle - 01 No 12) Hand traver unit pinion- 01 No 13) Allen keys 2,2.5 3,4,5,6,8 - 7 Pcs 14) Ligting equpment with low volt transformer 15) wheel flange - 01 no 17) Extractor screw - 01 no 18) Dimond holders and dimond for magnetic chuck- 01 No 19) Dimond holders - 01 No Item12 1 Nos 13 1.13 Arc welding Transformer Model AW 400 Make Electroweld Sr No 022-5-01 Item13 1 Nos 14 1.14 Grinder Vertical Surface Machine No 80 Accessories 01) D emagetiser opon type - 01 No‹02 ) Redious tengular wheel turing attachment- 01 No‹03) Swevel vice 4 jaw - 01 No04) Wheel balancing unit- 01 No 05) Wet grinder attachment - 01 No,06) Tab mounted wheel turing attachment - 01 No,07) Table Guard- 01 No,08) Allen key - 01 No,09) Flange Spanner - 01 No,10 ) Weel Head motor - 01 No,11) Hydraolic Motor - 01 No,12 ) Coolet Motor - 01 No Item14 1 Nos 15 1.15 Lathe machine iec chanana nmc no 1101 accessories:- 1)fixed steady rest-01no,2)traveling steady-01no,3)sleeve-01no,4)ceuter ording-01no,5)face plate-01no,6)grease gun-01no,7)3jaw chance-01no Item15 1 Nos