
Supply Of Furniture , Equipment , Decoration Item And Chemical, CMO Office and CHC PHC-Uttar Pradesh

Medical Stores Department has published Supply Of Furniture , Equipment , Decoration Item And Chemical. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-12-2020. Clothing Accessories Tenders in CMO Office and CHC PHC Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Furniture , Equipment , Decoration Item And Chemical
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh
Cmo Office And Chc Phc

Tender Details

Supply Of Furniture , Equipment , Decoration Item And Chemical -2 back three seater 3 bed fowler ( isi ) with i.v. stand 4 bed pediatric 5 bed side bench 6 bed side bench 7 bed side locker 8 bed side locker 9 bed side locker delux quality 10 bed side screen 11 bed side stool 12 computer almirah 13 computer chair 14 computer table 15 dental chaire 16 examination table 17 examination table 18 executive chair 19 executive table 20 foot step 21 hospital bed 22 hospital bed modular 23 hospital bed modular 24 hydrolic operation table 25 iccu bed 26 labour table 27 labour table 28 office chair visitor with arm 29 office chaire visitor with arm 30 office chaire visitor without arm 31 office chairvisitor with arm 32 patient stool 33 reception high stool 34 revolving chair steel base 35 revolving chair steel base 36 revolving stool 37 salaine stand 38 salaine stand 39 semi flower bed 40 steel almirah large size 41 steel almirah small size 42 steel rack large size 43 steel rack medium size 44 steel rack small size 45 steel waiting chaire three seater visitor 46 steel waiting chaire three seater visitor 47 strature with trolly 48 table with darar 49 table with darar 50 table with locker & double darar 51 table with locker & double darar 52 wheel chair 53 wheel chair 54 wheel chair 55 a / c split copmlete fitting 56 a / c split copmlete fitting 57 a / c split copmlete fitting 58 a / c window complete fitting 59 a / c window complete fitting 60 a / c window complete fitting 61 alliss forcep set 62 anesthisia kit 63 anima set 64 arm celling pouch 65 artery forcep set 66 autoclave 67 autoclave 68 b.p. aneroid 69 b.p. arms & bulb 70 b.p. blade 71 b.p. handle 72 baby cradle 73 baby photothreapy unit 74 baby reseption trolly 75 baby warmer 76 baby weighing machine with plate 77 back rest 78 bed pan female ss 79 bed pan male ss 80 bed side monitor ( multi ) 81 blood cell counter machine 82 blood mixer 83 boils appratus 84 bone cutting forceps ss 85 bone drill machine 86 bonedryle machine standerd ss 87 bowl ss 88 bowl ss 89 brain circuit 90 calorie meter 91 cardiac rest 92 cautry wave 93 celling fan 94 centrifugal machine 8 tube 95 cilicon heel 96 cooler 97 counting chamber with counter 98 dental set 99 dilevery kit set 100 disk forceps ss 101 districtive prosessior kit 102 dnc set 103 dressing drum 104 dressing drum 105 dressing drum 106 dressing drum 107 dressing trolly 108 e.c.g. machine 109 e.c.g. machine 110 electric cortery 111 emergency drug cabinet trolly 112 emergency light 113 emergency resociation kit 114 ent kit 115 examination couch 116 examination coutch 117 exercise ball 118 fire extinguishar 119 fire extinguishar co2 120 fital doppler 121 forcep dressing set 122 frize 123 frize 124 frize 125 frize 126 frize 127 fumigator 128 fumigator 129 general surgery set 130 glucometer 131 gynic surgery set 132 haemoglobin meter 133 hand gripper 134 hb set saily method 135 heating rod 136 hemodectomy set 137 hight measring stand 138 hot air oven 139 hot water bottle 140 humbeez knife 141 hydroseal set 142 incubator 143 infra red lamp 144 instrument cabinet 145 instrument sterlizer 146 instrument sterlizer 147 instrument sterlizer 148 instrument sterlizer 149 instrument stirlizer 150 instrument tray 151 instrument tray ss 152 instrument tray ss 153 instrument tray ss 154 instrument trolly 155 invertor with battery complete set 156 invertor with battery complete set 157 kidney tray ss 158 knee mobilizer 159 ladder wall 160 larengoscope 161 larengoscope 162 measuring cylender 1 ltr. 163 microscope binacular 164 microscope monocular 165 mtp suction kit 166 mucus sucker 167 multi parameter 168 muscular strimulator 169 nebulizer 170 needle holder set 171 o t test kit 172 orthopadic kit 173 over head pully 174 oxygen trolly 175 p n sterlization kit set 176 parraffin wax bath 177 pedstar fan 178 plaster cutting saw manual 179 plaster cutting saw motorised 180 plaster cutting siccor 181 protoscope 182 pulse oxymeter 183 pulse oxymeter 184 quadriceps table 185 radiant warmer 186 room heater 187 room heater 188 rotameter complete set 189 scalp vain set 190 seaserion suction set 191 seasor set 192 semi auto analyzer machine 300 programmable parameters with end point, kinetics, fixed time, 2 point end ( sample blank ) , bichromatic, 2.7 filters with 2 free position, ( 2 year warranty on each filter, 3. peltier temperature control function, peltier refrigeration function should be there, 4. 32 ul fkow cell and cuvette facility also available, 193 shadowless lamp 194 shadowless lamp 195 short wave diathermy 196 shoulder wheel 197 sims speculam ss 198 single stick 199 skin graph mesher 200 sphygmomanometer 201 sphygmomanometer 202 sphygmomanometer with stand 203 spong holding forcep set 204 sprit lamp steel 205 sputum stand with bowl 206 static bicycle 207 stethoscope 208 suction appratus 209 suction appratus 210 suction machine 211 syeinge needle distroyer & cutting machine 212 syringe needle distroyer & cutting machine 213 taylor brace 214 tens machine 215 tensh machine 216 thermameter 217 three leg stick 218 towel holding forceps ss 219 ultrasound machine 220 ultrasound threapy 221 utrine sound ss 222 vaccume extractor 223 vacu suction set 224 vaginal hystotomy set 225 vaginal speculum ss 226 ventilator kit 227 vertical leminar flow 228 wall clock 229 wall fan 230 wash basin stand 231 weighing machine adult 232 double layer mask 233 hand sanitizer 234 hypoehlorite 235 n-95 mask 236 ppe kit 237 triple layer mask 238 surgeon head cap disposable 239 shoe cap disposable 240 disposable bed sheet 241 face sheld 242 disposable towel 243 dead body cover 244 pocha pad 245 fiber plastic chair 246 plastic bucket 247 plastic dustbin large size 248 plastic dustbin medium size 249 plastic dustbin small size 250 plastic mug 251 plastic stool 252 plastic tub 253 cidex ( glutereldihide ) 254 pop for plaster 255 glycerin 256 hb pipette 257 micrpiette 10-50ul 258 micrpiette 10-100ul 259 micrpiette 10-1000ul 260 tips small 261 big tops 262 slide box for 25 slide 263 glass slide 264 pipette glass 265 glass rod 266 beaker-500ml 267 beaker-1000ml 268 glucometer strip 269 diluent ( tulip ) 270 carbon fuschin stain 271 leisman stain-500ml 272 edta powder 273 floride powder 274 rbc fluid-500ml 275 wbc fluid-500ml 276 bandict solution-500ml 277 disttled water-5ltr 278 n / 10 279 j.s.b. ist-125ml 280 j.s.b. iind-125ml 281 finit 282 g.b. paint 283 urine strip 284 serum bilirubin kit 285 s g p t kit 286 s g o t kit 287 serum alkaline phosphate kit 288 glucose kit 289 serum urea kit 290 serum creatinine lit 291 serum cholestrole kit 292 serum t.g kit 293 serum uric acid kit 294 widal kit 295 vdrl kit / rpr 296 vdrl card 297 crp latex kit 298 anti abd kit 299 anti human globulin reagent 300 ra latex kit 301 aso latex kit 302 hcg strip 303 hcg card 304 malaria card 305 hiv card 306 hcv card 307 hbsag card 308 dengue card 309 chikengonia card 310 cbc regent 311 cbc cleaner 312 serum calcium 313 n / 10 hcl 314 igm typhoid card 315 powder bleaching 316 tinture lodine 317 savlon 318 tab-chlorine 319 mattress foam with eaksin cover 320 aasha bag 321 air bed mattress 322 bag 323 bed sheet 324 blanket 325 bottle ( thurmus ) 326 curtain cloth green / blue / tepasti 327 cut sheet 328 dari farshi 329 duster 330 flore cleaner 331 hand wash 332 ice cap 333 invertor stand 334 mattress for diagnostic table 335 mattress for examination table 336 mattress labour table 337 mattress pediatric 338 muffler 339 pillow with cover 340 table cover 341 tiffin 342 towel large size 343 towel small size 344 umbrella 345 adhessive tape 346 adk 28 no, 32no 347 ambu bag adult 348 ambu bag child 349 asha hbnc kit 350 blade no-15 with handle 3 351 blade no-15 with handle 4 352 bleaching powder 353 blood lancet 354 blood transisat set 355 catgut chromic 1.0 no with needle 356 cord clamp 357 cotton pound-200gm 358 cotton pound-500gm 359 crepe bandage 360 crepe bandage 361 disposable mask 362 disposable needle 363 disposable syringe-10ml 364 disposable syringe-1ml 365 disposable syringe-1ml 366 disposable syringe-2ml 367 disposable syringe-3ml 368 disposable syringe-5ml 369 e t tube 370 e t tube 371 e.c.g. paper role 372 edta tube 373 esr stand 374 esr tube 375 follys cathetror 376 follys cathetror 377 gloves surgical all size sterlized 378 glucocheck test kit ( glucometer, strip, lancet, swab ) 379 glucose kit ( per ml x 2 test ) 380 hb tube 381 hemocheck kit ( colour seal, strip, lancet ) 382 i.v. canulla all size 383 infant feeding tube 384 infant suction cathetor 385 infusion set 386 kellys pad 387 lancet 388 makintosh sheet 389 microdrip set 390 nai pahal kit 391 nitrite gloves 392 paper tap 393 pedia drip set 394 pmo line 395 printing paper role 396 raise tube 397 royals tube 398 sanitary napkin 399 sanitary napkin 400 spinal needle 401 surgical thread 402 suture needle 403 swab 404 test tube 405 triway canulla 406 u s g gel 407 ultrasound paper role 408 urine female ss 409 urine male ss 410 uro bag 411 x-ray film 412 x-ray film 413 x-ray film 414 x-ray film 415 x-ray film 416 x-ray film digital 417 x-ray film digital 418 x-ray film digital 419 x-ray screen 420 x-ray screen 421 x-ray screen 422 x-ray screen 423 x-ray screen 424 x-ray screen digital 425 x-ray screen digital 426 x-ray screen digital 427 x-ray hanger 428 x-ray clip 429 x-ray developer fixer tank 430 x-ray developer fixer tank 431 x-ray developer 432 x-ray developer 433 x-ray fixer 434 x-ray fixer 435 x-ray safe light 436 x-ray casette 437 x-ray casette 438 x-ray casette 439 x-ray casette 440 x-ray casette 441 x-ray chest stand 442 x-ray chest stand 443 x-ray view box single tube 444 x-ray view box double tube 445 led protection screen with glass 6x3 446 led eye goggle 447 led apron 448 led apron 449 master tank

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 590 /-
INR 80000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 40 Lakhs /-
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