
Supply Of Surgical/Sutures And General Item, PBM Hospital, Bikaner-Rajasthan

Medical College has published Supply Of Surgical/Sutures And General Item. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-12-2020. Coats and Jackets Tenders in PBM Hospital, Bikaner Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Surgical/Sutures And General Item
National Competitive Bid
Pbm Hospital, Bikaner

Tender Details

Supply Of Surgical / Sutures And General Item-1 Abdominal Drain Kit No.20 2 Abdominal Drain Kit No.24 3 Abdominal Drain Kit No.28 4 Ambu bag Adult size 5 Ambu bag paediatric size 6 Amplantz Sheath 22Fr 7 Amplantz Sheath 24Fr 8 Asepto Syringe 9 Ayres T- piece 10 Bain circuit with mask 11 Bipolar double stem TURP ball electrode 12 Bipolar double stem TURP loop electrode 13 Camera cover 14 Cat Gat 2-0 R.B. 15 Cautery Tip Pencil 16 Chest Drain 24F 17 Corrugated sheath drain 18 DJ Stent 4.5F both end open 19 DJ Stent 4F both end open 20 DJ Stent 5.5F both end open 21 DJ Stent 5F both end open 22 DJ Stent 6F both end open 23 Durapore plaster All Size 24 Elastic Adhesive Bandage 10” 2Mtr. 25 Elastic Adhesive Bandage 6” 2Mtr. 26 Epidural catheter set 27 feeding Tube 5F 28 Feeding Tube 6 F 29 Foleys catheter 2 way 10fr 30 Foleys catheter 2 way 12fr 31 Foleys catheter 2 way 14fr 32 Foleys catheter 2 way 16fr 33 Foleys catheter 2 way 18fr 34 Foleys catheter 2 way 6fr 35 Foleys catheter 2 way 8fr 36 Foleys catheter 3 way 20fr 37 Foleys catheter 3 way 22fr 38 Foleys catheter 3 way 24fr 39 Formallin chamber large size (36) 40 Formallin chamber small size (24) 41 Guide wire 0.018 42 Guide wire 0.020 43 Guide wire 0.035 44 Guide wire 0.038 45 Hight frequency cord for bipolar cord 46 HIght frequency cord for monopolar TURP 47 Initial puncher needle for PCNL 48 Inj. Glycine 3 Ltr. 49 Inj. N.S. 3 Ltr. 50 kidney Tray 51 Knife Blade No.10 52 Knife Blade No.11 53 Knife Blade No.15 54 Knife Blade No.20 55 Knife Blade No.22 56 Knife Blade No.24 57 Laryngeal mask airway No. 1 58 Laryngeal mask airway No. 1.5 59 Laryngeal mask airway No. 2 60 Laryngeal mask airway No. 2.5 61 Laryngeal mask airway No. 3 62 Laryngeal mask airway No. 4 63 Laryngoscope with 4 blades Adult 64 Laryngoscope with 4 blades Pediatric 65 Long spinal needle 23G 12 66 Mallecot Catheter 14F 67 Mallecot Catheter 16F 68 Mallecot Catheter 18F 69 Mallecot Catheter 20F 70 Mallecot Catheter 24F 71 Monopolar TURP (Double stem ) ball loop electrode 72 Monopolar TURP (Double stem ) loop electrode 73 N Circle Stone Extractor 74 N Gaze Stone Extractor 75 N Trap Stone Extractor 76 Nebuliser mask Adult & paediatric 77 Nelaton Catheter 22F 78 Nelaton Catheter 24F 79 Nottingation ureteral dialator set 80 Oint.Neosporin 81 OPA (Ortho phthaladehyde 0.55%) solution for sterlization 82 Path Finder 83 PCN Dilator set 10F 84 PCN Dilator set 12F 85 PCN Dilator set 14F 86 PCN Dilator set 16F 87 PCN Dilator set 6F 88 PCN Dilator set 8F 89 PCNL alligator forceps 90 PCNL Drape 91 PCNL metelic dialator set 92 PDS 7-0 R.B. 93 Prolene 1-0 CB 94 prolene 1-0 RB 95 Prolene 2-0 CB 96 Prolene 2-0 RB 97 Prolene 3-0 R.B. 98 Prolene 5-0 R.B. 99 Prolene 6-0 R.B. 100 R/K-90 101 R/K-91 102 Silastic DJ Stent (Long Term) 5F 103 Silastic Foleys Catheter 14F 104 Silk 1-0RB 105 Silk 2-0RB 106 Silk Real 0 107 Silk Reel 1-0 108 Silk Reel 2-0 109 Skin Marking Pen 110 Spinal needle 16G 9 111 Spinal needle 18G 9 112 Spinal needle 23G 9 113 Stone cone 114 Stone Cone 115 Stylet Small & Large 116 Supracath 16F 117 Supracath 18F 118 Transpore plaster 3 119 TURP Drape 120 Turp Set 121 Under water seal Drain 122 Ureteral ballon dilator 5FR 123 Ureteral ballon dilator 6 fr 124 Ureteral ballon dilator 6.5 fr 125 Ureteral ballon dilator 7FR 126 Ureteric Catheter 5F 127 Ureteric Catheter 6F 128 URS Alligator forceps 129 URS Lithoclast Burr 1.33mm 130 Vaccum Suction Tip 131 Venti mask (Adult) 132 Venti mask (paediatric) 133 Ventilating Bougies 134 Vicryl 2-0 R.B. 135 Vicryl 4-0 C.B. 136 Vicryl 4-0 R.B. 137 Vicryl 6-0 R.B. 138 Vicryl No.1RB 139 Zebra Guidewire .035 inch 140 Abdominal binder L size 141 Abdominal binder XL size 142 Abdominal binder XXL size 143 Bipolar Forcep 144 Bone wax 145 Codon Filter 146 Contour Curved cutter stapler 147 Corrugated drain 148 CVP Manometer 149 Dental Burr 701-702-703 (Cross Cut Tappered fissure) 150 Dextran 40 151 Disposable Gown 152 DLT 35F left 153 DLT 37F left 154 DLT 39F left 155 Drill Beat Small Size 156 Dual mesh 15x15cm 157 Dual mesh 20x15cm 158 ECG Electrodes, Adult 159 Echelon flex articulating stapler 45 MM 160 Echelon flex articulating stapler 60 MM 161 Emergency percutenous tracheostomy set 162 ET Tube cuffed all sizes 163 ET tube uncuffed all sizes 164 Ethibond 1-0 40mm code NW679 165 Extension Line for blood set 166 Extension line iv line 167 Feeding Ryle’s tube 14G 168 Feeding Ryle’s tube 16G 169 Flexo metalic tube 8.0F Cuffed 170 Flexo metalic tube 7.5F cuffed 171 Flexo metalic tube 8.5F cuffed 172 Freka Tube no. 12, 14 173 Gauz Than 60x20 174 Groshong 8f ChemoFort 175 Groshong Pice line 4F, 5F 176 HARMONIC PROBES 17CM 177 HARMONIC PROBES 9 CM 178 HIV-Kit for Positive Patients (Disposable O.T. Gown & Kit) 179 ICDT 28,(Internal drain) 180 ICDT 32 (Internal drain) 181 Inj. Isolyte m 182 Inj. Mephentermin 183 Inj. Paracetamol 100ml Infusion 184 Inj. T.P.N. 1440 ML 185 Inj. T.P.N. 1920 ML 186 Inj.Succinycholin 187 Legaclip LT100 188 Legaclip LT200 189 Legaclip LT300 190 Ligasure curvad, small jaw, open sealer/divider Hand Probe 191 LINEAR CUTTER CARTRIDGE – 55 mm 192 LINEAR CUTTER CARTRIDGE – 60 mm 193 LINEAR CUTTER CARTRIDGE – 75 mm 194 LINEAR CUTTER CARTRIDGE – 80 mm 195 Linear Cutter Stapler 55mm 196 Linear Cutter Stapler 60mm 197 Linear Cutter Stapler 75mm 198 Linear Cutter Stapler 80mm 199 Loop ethilone 3348 (RB) 1-0 200 Loop Prolene no. 1 201 Lower Limb Stockings all sizes 202 LP needle 18G 203 LP needle 20G 204 LP needle 22G 205 LP needle 23G 206 Macintosh Sheet 190 mtrs. 207 Male to male connector 208 Mapelson c circuit adult 209 Megallis forceps ( adult & pediatrics) 210 Micro Volume Set 211 Mold (Position and fixsation device) 212 Nasal oxygen catheter adult 213 Nasal oxygen catheter pediatrics. 214 North Pole Tube 7.5F, 8.5F 215 Nylon 1-0 CB (RC) 216 Nylon 2-0 CB(RC) 217 Nylon 3-0 CB(RC) 218 Nylon 6-0 219 Nylon 8-0 220 Paraffin gauge 221 PDS Suture 6-0 (RB) 222 PDS Sutures 2-0 (RB) 223 PDS Sutures 3-0 (RB) 224 PDS Sutures 4-0 (RB) 225 PDS Sutures 5-0 (RB) 226 Picline (PICC) 227 Plain Rubber catheter Nil 228 Pressure bag leak proof 229 Pressure monitoring line 200cm 230 Prolene 1-0 RB 231 Prolene 2-0 1/2 circle TC needle Code CNW807 232 Prolene 2-0 17mm DA Code 8937 233 Prolene 2-0, 25mm 1/2 Circle DA TC Code813 234 Prolene 3-0 25mm SA RB 235 Prolene 4-0 13mm DA With Pledgets 236 Prolene 5-0 1/2 cirle RB 16mm 237 Prolene 5-0 DA RB 13mm Code PL 8710 238 Prolene 6-0 239 Prolene Mesh 3*6 240 Prolene Mesh 6*6 241 PVC Suction Tubing, 12.5mm 242 Safe Step Neddle for Chemo port 243 Silk 1-0 CB 244 Silk 2-0 25mm TC Code 5670 245 Silk 2-0 CB 246 Silk 2-0 RB 247 Silk 3-0, RB, Code5087 248 Silk Reel 0 249 Silk Reel 1-0 250 Silk Reel 2-0 251 Silk Reel 3-0 252 Skin grafting blade 253 Skin Stapler 254 Skin Suture St. Cutting needle 1-0 Code 3389 255 Skin Suture St. Cutting needle 2-0 Code 3390 256 Spirometer 257 Stapler Remover 258 Steridrape 259 Stoma bag three piece set Disc, bag, clip 55mm 260 Stoma bag three piece set Disc, bag, clip 70mm 261 Straight Connector. 262 Strenal Closure Rim 263 Surgipad 10x10 264 Surgipad 10x20 265 Sutu pack 3-0 SW212 266 Sutupack 1-0 SFS214 267 Sutupack no. 4 SW218 268 Sutupak 2-0 SW213 269 Swan gage catheter 7fr 270 Syringe 20cc 271 Syringe 50 ml with luer lock 272 Syringe 50cc 273 T. Connector 274 T. Piece for venturi to fit ET Tube 275 Tegaderm 276 Therabite device (Mouth Opening Device 277 Thoracic Cathter All Sizes 278 Three way stop cock 279 Tracheoesophageal Voice Prosthesis 8 F(Provox/Bloom Singer) 280 Tracheostomy tube all cuffed 7.0f 281 Tracheostomy tube all cuffed 7.5f 282 Tracheostomy tube all cuffed 8.0f 283 Tracheostomy tube all uncuffed 7.0 284 Tracheostomy tube all uncuffed 7.5 285 Tracheostomy tube all uncuffed 8.0 286 Transducer dom with flusing device 287 Transpore 3 288 Tripple Lumen Catheter ( Adult) 289 True cut biopsy gun 16G 290 True cut biopsy gun 18G 291 True cut biopsy gun 20G 292 True cut biopsy needle 293 Umblical Cotton Tape 294 Upper Limb Stockings all sizes 295 Vaccume Suction DRAIN 20 296 Vaccume Suction DRAIN 10 297 Vaccume Suction DRAIN 12 298 Vaccume Suction DRAIN 14 299 Vaccume Suction DRAIN 16 300 Vaccume Suction DRAIN 18 301 Venoline with 3 way 50cm long 302 Ventilator Circuit 303 Vicry 3-0 1/2 circle 25mm RB Code2356 304 Vicryl 3-0 20mm 1/2 circle Code VP2437 305 Vicryl 3-0 Rapid Cutting SFN2732 306 Winged infusion set port needle 307 Arthoscopy drap 308 Bone cement 20 gm with Disposable sterile cement gun/ syringe kit with Low/High Viscosity 309 Bone cement 40 gm with Disposable sterile cement gun/ syringe kit with Low/High Viscosity 310 Bone Wax 311 Cautery plate 312 Disposable Gowns 313 Disposable incise skin drape extra large 314 Disposable incise skin drape large 315 Disposable incise skin drape medium 316 Disposable plane shett 317 Disposable syrings for cement gun 318 Encore gloves 319 Ethibond 10-0 320 Ethibond 2-0 321 Ethibond 5 322 Ethibond 2 323 Fiber Tape 324 Fiber Wire All Size 325 G dress - 10 326 G dress - 15 327 G dress - 20 328 G dress - 30 329 HIP U Drape 330 IITV cover 331 Knee immobilizer long 332 KNEE O DRAPE 333 Passport Cannula Silicon 334 Polyglycolic acid sutures sizes 2-0 335 Polyglycolic acid sutures sizes 0 336 Polyglycolic acid sutures sizes 1-0 337 Polyglycolic acid sutures sizes 3-0 338 Porous tri calcium phosphate Bone Block 339 Porous tri calcium phosphate Bone Granules. 340 Prolene 3-0 341 Prolene 4-0 342 Pulse Lavage Set 343 Radiofrequency Probe compatible with mitech system (Disposable) 344 Radiofrequency Probe compatible with Striker (Disposable) 345 Radiofrequency Probe compatible with Stroz (Disposable) 346 Shaver Blade of various diametres compatible with Striker system (Disposable) 347 Shaver Blade of various diametres compatible with Stroz System (Disposable) 348 Shaver Burr various diametres compatible with Mitech System (Disposable) 349 Shaver Burr various diametres compatible with storez (Disposable) 350 Shaver Burr various diametres compatible with Striker (Disposable) 351 Shoulder Drape 352 Sponge (4 -layered) 353 sterilium (500 ml) 354 stokinett 1.5 meters 355 Suture Lasso L/R suture passer 356 Tourniquet 3 357 Tourniquet 4 358 Tourniquet 6 359 Vacuum Sterile Dressing 360 Disposable Craniotomy Burr With Self Stoppage Mechanism 14 MM 361 Disposable Craniotomy Burr With Self Stoppage Mechanism 16 MM 362 Disposable Craniotomy drap 363 Disposable laminectomy drap 364 Fibrin Glue (2CC) 365 Gigli Saw Wire 366 Haemostatic Gelatin Sponge 367 High frequency Bipolar Cautery Cord Bipolar Forceps 368 Merocele 369 Oxydized regenerated Celluose 2*14 370 Oxydized regenerated Celluose 2*3 371 Raney Clips 372 Raney Clips Applicator 373 Uroflow meter 374 Ventriculoperitoneal Low Pressure Shunt 375 Ventriculoperitoneal Medium Pressure Shunt 376 escape basket - Nitinol Stone Retrieval Basket with two port scope adoptor can be used in combination with a 200µ laser fiber. n 377 Nitinol Stone Retrieval coil for active baskstop for lithotripsy with detachable handle 378 Nitinol Stone flexibel 3 arms stone Retrieval basket with OpenSur Handle release large, complex kidney stones with single press, 1.9Frx8mmx120cm 379 dual durometer percuflex materil stent with hydro plus, hydrogel coating, have placement marker, tapered tip, indwelling time up to 12 months 4Fr -7FR and length 20cm -30cm 380 Dual durometer percuflex loop stent with hydopulse coating feature a novel bladder loop desing ,indwelling time up to 12 months 4Fr -7FR and length 20cm -30cm, 381 percuflex stent with hydro plus, hydrogel coating, have placement marker, tapered tip, indwelling time up to 12 months 4Fr -7FR and length 20cm -30cm 382 Flexible single tapered tip Ureteral access sheath for ureteral dilatation and working channel for ureteroscope have radiopaque marker bend, dual durometer dilator, have hydrophilic coating, kink resistant, have single latch mechanism, 11Fr/13Fr, 28cm and 36 cm 383 Nephrostomy balloon catheter for radial dilation of nephrostomy tract for working sheath placement, have balloon sheath for different patient type,Balloon inflated OD 28 & 30F, 10CM & 12 cm 384 Hydroplus coated, high pressure non compliant balloon for radial dialation of urinary tract with different balloon lenghts with smaller profile, Balloon length 4cm & 6 cm, Iflated O.D 4-10mm, catheter 5.8mm, length 75cm 385 Urology guide wires having alternate blue and white strips to identify the movement, kink resistent natinol shaft, platinum distal tip, comes with straight, comes with different dia 0.35 & 0.38 and 150 cm length 386 PTFE Nitinol guidewire with hydophilic tip have feature of 10 cm proximal flexibal design comes with different dia 0.35 & 0.38 and 150 cm length 387 Flexible uretroscope with retrival deployment device, have tip dia 7.7 cm with cmos techniology. 388 Latex Foleys Catheter with 3 noble Metals coating, gold, silver and palladium, size 14-16 F 389 Silicone Foleys Catheter with 3 noble Metals coating, gold, silver and palladium, size 14-16 F

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 90000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 90 Lakhs /-
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