
Supply Of Civil Branch Related Equipments, As per Tender Documents-Rajasthan

Department Of Technical Education has published Supply Of Civil Branch Related Equipments. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-01-2021. Prime Mover Tenders in As per Tender Documents Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Civil Branch Related Equipments
Open Tender
As Per Tender Documents

Tender Details

Supply Of Civil Branch Related Equipments=1 Standard Test Sieves set for coarse aggregate of (450mm) dia nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 2 Standard Test Sieves set for fine aggregate of(450mm) dia nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 3 Sieve shaker (Digital Timer) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 4 Compression Testing Machine (Pillar Model) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 5 Specific gravity bottle nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 6 Cube mould nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 7 Cube mould nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 8 Dial spring balance nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 9 Vibrating machine with Digital nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 10 Ductility mould nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 11 Ring & Ball apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 12 Aggregate impact value test apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 13 Test sieves nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 14 Compression testing machine 1000 KN capacity-(Digital) IS nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 15 DIGITAL CBR TEST MACHINE nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 16 Vane shear apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 17 Soil permeability Apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 18 Containers for samples nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 19 Electronics balance nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 20 Pycnometer nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 21 Sieve shaker (Digital timer) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 22 Test sieve (Brass frame) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 23 Plate Load Test nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 24 Precision balance nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 25 Core cutter nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 26 Swell test apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 27 Unconfined Compression Tester Motorized (Proving Ring Type) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 28 Extractor used for standard PROCTOR penetration nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 29 Extractor used to extract UCS sample (Unconfined compression test sample) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 30 Triaxial Shear Test Apparatus. nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 31 Revenue chain nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 32 Gunter chain nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 33 Engineer’s Chain nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 34 Linen tape nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 35 Invar tape nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 36 Pantograph nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 37 Total Station nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 38 Air Permeability Apparatus (Blaine Type - Automatic) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 39 Apparatus for determination of Soundness of Cement nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 40 Automatic Compression Testing Machine nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 41 Set of Sieves for Coarse Aggregate nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 42 Set of Sieves for Fine Aggregate nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 43 Sieve Shaker nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 44 Le Chatelier Flask for Specific gravity of Cement nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 45 Density Basket for specific gravity nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 46 Constant Head and Falling Head permeability test nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 47 Direct Shear Test Apparatus-Electronic nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 48 UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TESTER FOR Soil nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 49 Standard Penetration Test for Soil nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 50 Split spoon sampler with Auger Dia 75mm x 1m long nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 51 Automatic free fall hammer nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 52 Pycnometer nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 53 California Bearing Ratio Test Apparatus ( Electronic) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 54 Universal Penetrometer nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 55 Ring and Ball Apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 56 Flash Point (Closed) - Pensky-Martens type apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 57 Digital PH Meter P.H.E. Lab/Soil Lab nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 58 Nephelometer nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 59 Muffle Furnace nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 60 Water Distillation unit nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 61 Digital Conductivity Meter nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 62 Water Analysis Kit nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 63 Digital Electronic Balance nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 64 B. O. D. Incubator nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 65 COD ANALYSIS SYSTEM nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 66 DO Meter nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 67 Refrigerator: nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 68 Jar test apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 69 Oven Universal nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 70 Digital Turbidity Meters nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 71 Plastic Limit Set (IS: 2720 Part 7) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 72 Liquid Limit Cone Penetrometer (IS: 2720 Part 5) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 73 Liquid Limit Device (IS: 2720 Part 5 ) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 74 Core cutter (IS: 2720 Part 29) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 75 Standard Compaction Test (IS: 2720 Part 7) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 76 Heavy compaction Test (IS: 2720 Part 8) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 77 Pycnometer nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 78 Infra-Red Moisture Meter: (IS: 2720 Part 2) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 79 Direct Shear Apparatus should be conforming to IS: 2720 (Part 13) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 80 Sand Pouring Cylinder (IS: 2720 Part 28) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 81 Unconfined Compression Tester nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 82 Permeability Apparatus (IS: 2720 Part 17) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 83 Standard Penetration Test IS 2131, IS 9640 nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 84 Sieves: Spun Brass frame sieves 20cm dia. nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 85 Sieves:G.I. Frame Sieves 30cm dia. nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 86 Sieve Shaker ‘Gyratory’ nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 87 Auger outfit (Helical type) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 88 Auger outfit (Helical type) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 89 Oven Universal nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 90 Slump Test Apparatus:- (IS 7320-1974) CONCRETE LABORATORY nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 91 Compaction Factor Apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 92 Bulk density Measures :- (IS: 2386) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 93 Cube Mould 150 mm - made of cast iron. nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 94 Cube Mould 70.6mm - made of cast iron. nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 95 Cylindrical Mould Cast Iron – Size 150 mm dia x 300 mm high. nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 96 Lab Concrete Mixer Motorised nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 97 Weight Balance nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 98 Electronic Balance : Capacity upto 10 Kg. nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 99 Vibrating Table nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 100 Vicat Apparatus: (IS 5513) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 101 Sieves: I.S. Spun Brass frame sieves 20cm dia. nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 102 Sieves: I.S. G.I. Frame Sieves 30cm dia. nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 103 Length Gauge nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 104 Vee Bee Consistometer as per IS: 1199 nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 105 Lechatelier Flask for determinations of specific gravity of cements as specified in IS 4031 nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 106 COMPRESSION TESTING MACHINE nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 107 Vibrating Machine IS 4031- 1968 nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 108 Oven Universal nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 109 Electronic Balance complete metal body nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 110 Pycnometer nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 111 Dumpy Level Quick Setting Survey Lab nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 112 Tilting Level nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 113 Prismatic Compass nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 114 Surveyor Compass nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 115 Full Aluminum Body Leveling Staff nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 116 Plane Table Set nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 117 Optical Square nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 118 Optical Square : Complete in Wooden Box With Prism nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 119 Abney Level nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 120 Ghat Tracer nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 121 Box Sextant nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 122 Survey Chain (MERTIC CHAIN) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 123 Survey Chain (MERTIC CHAIN) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 124 Surveyor Measuring Tape nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 125 Surveyor Measuring Tape nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 126 Automatic Level: with accessories nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 127 Electronic Digital Planimeter nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 128 Sextant – 3” dia divided from 0 to 140 degree fitted with vernier to read accurately one minute nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 129 Clinometer nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 130 Brass pantagraph nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 131 Vernier Tranist Theodolite nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 132 Vernier Tranist Theodolite nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 133 Total Station nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 134 Digital Computerized UTM (One Set Complete) Material Testing Lab/ High Way Engineering Laboratory nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 135 Impact Testing Machine nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 136 LEAF SPRING TESTING MACHINES nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 137 Spring Testing Machine nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 138 Torsion Testing Machine nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 139 Rockwell Cum Brinell Hardness Testing Machine nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 140 Deflection of Beam Apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 141 COMPRESSION TESTING MACHINE nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 142 Los Angeles Abrasion testing machine –IS:2386 (PartIV) ASTM: C131, AASHO T96 nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 143 Aggregate Impact testing machine nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 144 (A) Aggregate Crushing value Apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 145 Standard Penetrometer nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 146 Ring & Ball apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 147 Flash & fire point test apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 148 Ductility testing Apparatus nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 149 Set of Sieves for Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 150 Length Gauge nFull Specification as per Annexure H n 151 California Bearing Ratio Apparatus (Motorised) nFull Specification as per Annexure H n

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 400 /-
INR 180000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.80 Crore /-
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