Providing Of Services For Operation Of Sub Station In The Area Of Afmc Old Nda Wing Including Asi Area And Aipt Area Under Ge Central Pune , providing services for operation of the following sub stations combined with complaint cells in the area of afmc , old nda wing including asi area and aipt area by attending various ht/lt faults / break downs in the sub station jurisdiction , attending the various complaints as and when required round the clock in three shifts , separately by three fully experienced electricians ( one electrician in each shift in each area ) in each shift of 08 hours including holidays and sundays etc complete all as specified and directed by engr-in-charge . ( i ) three electricians in three shifts ( i . e . 01 electrician in afmc , 01 electrician in old nda wing including asi area , 01 electrician in aipt area in each shift ) as under :- - 0600 hrs to 1400 hrs : first shift - 1400hrs to 2200 hrs : second shift - 2200 hrs to 0600 hrs : third shift , emergency breakdown services are to be attended for the following substations comes under afmc area . , ( a ) afmc main substation combined with complaint cell including transformers 300 & 500 kva feeding to afmc hq bldg and all connected areas along with ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( b ) transformer 200 kva installed at 450 ors pump house locations including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( c ) transformer 100 kva at laundry area including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( d ) transformer 50 kva at jcos qtr area including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( e ) transformer 200 kva at 53 ors area including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( f ) transformer 160 kva at girls hostel area including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( g ) transformer 500 kva , 100kva & 160kva at boys hostel pump house . including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( h ) transformer 315 kva at central cadet mess including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( j ) transformer 200 kva at kt line including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( k ) transformer 250 kva at btd including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( l ) transformer 400 kva & 315kva at dhanwantari auditorium and complex including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( m ) transformer 250 kva at pump house for offrs mess including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( n ) transformer 200 kva at golden jubilee block including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete all as specified and directed . , ( o ) transformer 250 kva & 200kva at mri & irc including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( p ) transformer but 400 kva & 315 kva at diamond jubilee block including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( q ) transformer 200 kva at new library including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( r ) transformer 160 kva at new btd including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( s ) transformer 200kva at ct scan including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( t ) transformer 200kva at golden jubilee for offrs mess including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( u ) transformer 400kva at project qtrs area including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( v ) transformer 200kva at pwd 12 including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , ( w ) transformer 200kva at alc dhobi ghat including ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete all as specified and directed . , emergency breakdown services are to be attended for the following sub stations comes under old nda wing and asi area . , ( a ) old nda wing area substation combined with complaint cell including transformers 400kva feeding to old nda wing area and 500 kva feeding to asi area along with ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , emergency breakdown services are to be attended for the following sub stations comes under aipt area . , ( a ) aipt area substation combined with complaint cell including transformers 400 kva / 315 kva feeding to aipt area along with ht/ lt control panels , god/dos , ht/lt cables , over head lines , under ground cables etc complete . , notes for the item no 1 :- , ( i ) rates quoted by the tenderer for the above items shall deemed to be inclusive of cost required for general cleaning of sorrounding area of the installation complete . , ( ii ) protective clothing as per is and safety instructions are to be provided by the contractor and will be continuously in use of the fgm / electrician on duty . no extra payment shall be made to the contractor for the same . , ( iii ) log sheet shall be maintained by the contractor properly as per the format approved by engineer-in-charge and the same shall be handed over to engineer-in-charge on completion of contract period . , ( iv ) day to day maintenance shall be carried out by the contractor . materials other than grease , glands shall be supplied by the department . , ( v ) the contractor shall employ adequate tradesmen for weekly off , holiday and leave replacement and the cost of the same shall deemed to be included in the quoted rate and no additional amount will be paid in this respect . , ( vi ) all stationary items such as daily log sheet , attendance register , complaint register for complaint cell shall be supplied by the contractor without any extra cost .