
Supply Of Machinery Equipment, Govt Polytechnics of Jammu and Kashmir-Jammu And Kashmir

Department Of Technical Education has published Supply Of Machinery Equipment. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-12-2020. Machine Tools Tenders in Govt Polytechnics of Jammu and Kashmir Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Supply Of Machinery Equipment
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir
Govt Polytechnics Of Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Supply Of Machinery Equipment-2 Instrumentation & Transducer Trainer KitnInput Transducers Onbard:nCarbon track, wire-wound and precision rotary potentiometers.nSlide potentiometers.nNTC Thermister. Type K thermocouples. I.C. temperature sensor.nPhotoconductive cell. Photovoltaic cell.nPhototransistor. PIN photodiode. Linear variable differential transformer.nLinear variable capacitor.nStrain gauge. Air flow sensor. Air pressure sensor.nSlotted opto sensor. Reflective opto sensor. nInductive proximity sensor. Hall effect sensor.nPrecision servo potentiometer. Techo-generator.nHumidity sensor. Dynamic microphone.nUltrasonic receiver. Output Transducers Onboard:nHeater. Filament Lamp. DC motor. Solenoid air valve.nUltrasonic transmitter. Buzzer. Loudspeaker. Relay.nSolenoid. Counter/timer unit with LED display.nBargraph voltage indicator. Analog 10V center-zero meter 3 Microwave Bench(Klystron based) Includes Klystron mount with tube, KlystronnPower supply, VSWR digital meter, frequency meter, variable attenuator,ndetectror mount and other standard accesories including magic tee, directionalncoupler and horn antenna 4 Digital IC trainer Kit:n Built in power supply providing regulated DC for operationn At least 8 Logic inputs switchesn At least 8 LEDs for observing outputn Components Onboard:n NOT, AND, OR, NOR, NAND and XOR gatesn 4 Bit Universal Shift Registern 4 Bit Adder/Sub tractorn Flip Flops - RS, JK , Multiplexer, De multiplexern Encoder, Decodern Onboard Seven segment Display with inbuilt decoder ICn Patch Cords (at least 30) 5 Antenna training SystemnRF generator : 550 to 850 MHz , ModulationnGenerator : 1 KHz approximately (300 mV)nDirectional Coupler : Forward & Reverse (On board selector)nMatching Stub : Slide StubnAntenna Rotation : 0- 360 Degree, Resolution of n1 Degree Transmitting & Receiver masts provided n Receiving antenna : Folded Dipole with reflector, n Detector Display : Adjustable meter 6 Microcontroller 8051 trainer Kit: 8051 Microcontroller operating at 11.0592MHZ. EPROM.64KB on chip Flash memory, Two 16 – bit programmable on chip Timer, 50 pin FRC connector for system bus expansion, 20 pin FRC connector for user interface from 8255, 9 pin D type connector for RS 232C interface, Different selectable baud rates, 101 PC type keyboard for entering user address/data and for commands. Built in line by line Assemble and Disassemble. Facility to connect to PC.nSupports Assembly and “C” languagen 7 EPROM Programmer: USB 8051 Programmer AT89C series and AT89S series from Atmel. Supports 8 pin serial EEPROM ICs, Single ZIF socket for easy insertion and removal of ICs for programming. Software compatible with Windows 10 8 Experimental kit for Error detection & correction using Hamming code with built in power supply; On Board Digital Data signal generator and clock generator and a word length of 8, or more; with on-board noise insertion circuit and data receiver 9 Experimental kit for study of parallel to serial data conversion using USART 2) with built in power supply; On Board Digital Data signal generator and clock generator and LEDs for observation of Input and Output 10 Experimental kit for study of Time division Multiplexing & De-Multiplexing with built-in power supply, variable on-board data signal generation and LED Indication for outputs 11 Experimental kit for study of FSK modulation & Demodulation 4) with built-in power supply, variable on-board data signal and carrier generation and different test points for observation of waveforms 12 Experimental kit for study of ASK modulation & Demodulation with built-in power supply, variable on-board data signal and carrier generation and different test points for observation of waveforms 13 Demonstration kit of Inverter/UPS with different test points for observation of waveforms and troubleshooting using block diagram approach; including all accessories with batteries and power adapter 14 Experimental kit for plotting frequency response of a microphone With built-in power supply & Amplifier 15 Experimental kit for plotting frequency response of loud speaker With built-in power supply & Amplifier. 16 Three phase Transformer: Operation of three phase transformers each of capacity 10 KVA, with provision for Star- Delta connections including Panel Board and all accessories. 17 DC Shunt motor coupled with Dc Shunt Generator: DC Shunt Motor 5 Hp including control panel board with starter 18 3-Phase Squirrel Cage Induction motor: 3-Phase Squirrel Cage Induction Motor with star –Delta starter 5HP, 440 V, 50 Hz, 1500 rpm including control panel Board and its loading arrangement. 19 Single phase Induction motor: Single Phase induction motor, 220V 2 HP including Panel Board, Wattmeter and power factor meter of suitable rating. 20 AC Distribution panel Single Phase 10 way MCB’s & RCCB 32A, 16 way (with pilot lamps and fuses) 21 AC Distribution panel 3-phase 4 wire distribution with MCB & RCCB’s 32A, 16 way (with pilot lamps and fuses) 22 DC Distribution Panel 240V DC, 16 way (with pilot lamps and fuses) 23 Tachometer capable, Analog Type/Digital type capable of Measuring speeds upto 20,000 RPM and above. 24 Single Phase Capacitor start and run Motor, 220V 2 HP including Panel Board, DOL starter and all accessories. 25 Stepper Motor 220V 0.5HP including Panel Board and all accessories 26 Servo Motor 220V 0.5HP including Panel Board and all accessories 27 AM Transmitter: Audio Oscillator with adjustable Amplitude & Frequency (300 Hz - 3.4 KHz), Audio Output: Amplifier with speaker Modulators: Balanced Modulator with Band pass Filter (1 MHz) - 2 nos., Balanced Modulator: 1 No. (455 KHz) Ceramic Band pass Filter: 1 No. (455 KHz), carrier Frequency : 1 MHz, Transmitter Amplifier Output gain adjustable) DSB (1 MHz), SSB (1.445 MHz) connected to Antenna/cable 28 Radio Receiver: Superhetrodyne type Rx, Frequency Range : 980 KHz to 2060 KHz, Intermediate Frequency : 455 KHz Tuning with variable capacitor (ganged), Dial marking on board, Receiving media : Telescopic antenna / Cable Audio Output : Amplifier with speaker Automatic Gain Control : Switchable 29 PCB Design & Fabrication complete Setup: PCB Art Work Film Maker, Artwork Table , PCB Shearing Machine , Photo Resist Dip Coating Machine , UV Exposure Unit , Dye Tank , Development Tank , PCB Etching Machine, Drill Machine , Solderable Lacquer, PCB Designer Kit , PCB Curing Machine 30 Digital IC trainer Kit: Built in power supply providing regulated DC for operationAt least 8 Logic inputs switches, At least 8 LEDs for observing output, Components On-board:NOT, AND, OR, NOR, NAND and XOR gates,n4 Bit Universal Shift Register,4 Bit Adder/Subtractor,Flip Flops - RS, JKnMultiplexer, De-multiplexer, Encoder, DecoderOn-board Seven segment Display with inbuilt decoder ICPatch Cords (at least 30)n 31 Amplitude Modulation & De-Modulation kit: Audio Oscillator(Sine Function) Output : 0-10 VPP , Frequency : 200Hz - 10 KHz,Carrier Output Frequency(Sine & Cosine),Output : 0-10 VPP, Frequency : 2KHz- 100 KHz, Modulator, Phase Locked Loop detector , Low Pass Filter:10 KHz cut-of frequency.nOutput Amplifier with adjustable Gain; with provision of obtaining DSBSC, SSB modulation using jumpers on the same kit.n 32 Frequency Modulation & De-Modulation kit: Audio Oscillator(Sine Function) Output : 0-10 VPP , Frequency : 200Hz - 10 KHz,Carrier Output Frequency(Sine & Cosine),Output : 0-10 VPP, Frequency : 2KHz- 100 KHz, Square law Modulator, Diode detector for demodulation with selectable RC constant and Output Amplifier with adjustable Gain 33 PAM kit: Pulse Output (frequency) : 8kHz, 16kHz, 32kHz ,Function Generators: Sine wave & Square wave with Gain Adjustable 34 PWM kit: Pulse Output (frequency) : 8kHz, 16kHz & 32kHz, Function Generators: Sine wave & Square wave with adjustable gain ,Voice Communication : Voice Link using Dynamic Mini Microphone & Speaker,AC Amplifier : With adjustable gain 35 PCM kit: Audio codec : Stereo Inputs : Single ended Number of bits per channel : 16 bits (Left and Right)Sampling Rate : 48, 24, 12 and 6 KHz System clock : 256 x (Sampling clock) Clock Source on-board, Analog Signal Sinusoidal with Frequency up to 3.3 KHz and Amplitude 0 - 5 Vpp 36 Delta Modulation & De-Modulation kit: Input Channel : Time Division Multiplexed Serial Crystal Frequency Sampling Clock Frequency : 50, 100, 200 & 400 KHz (Switch selectable)On board Generator :Synchronized & Adjustable Amplitude Sine Wave Generator of 1 KHz & 2 KHz, Separate Variable DC level ,Integrator : Four integrator gain settings Normal, X 2, X 4,Low Pass Filter (Cut Off Frequency 4.8 KHz). 37 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope Two Channel Channel I & II alternate or chopped, X-Y operation,(Ratio 1:1 Input via CH II), Add/Sub CH I ± CH II, Invert CH II, Intensity and Focus Control, X-pos, Y-Pos controlsBandwidth : DC -30 MHz,Trigger Bandwidth : 40 MHz,Modes : Auto/ Level.Source : CHI, CH II, ALT-CH I/ CH IIExt. Slope : Positive or NegativeComponent Tester (built in)Display : 8×10 cm. Signal coupling modes - DC, AC. Calibrator : Square Wave generator 1KHz, approximately, 0.2 V. Included Accessories : BNC to BNC -2No.s, 1X/10X. Switchable probes - 02No.s 38 Digital Storage Oscilloscope Bandwidth - DC to 200 MHz,Number of Channels: 2, CH +1 Ext (or more).Acquisition Modes: Normal/Average/Peak Detect. Input Coupling - DC, AC and GND.Trigger Sources: CH1, CH2, Ext. AC LineTrigger Modes: Auto, Normal, SingleVertical sensitivity: 500µV/DIV to 10V/Div. Maths functions : +, – , ×, /, FFT. Power: 100 - 240V AC. Accessories: 1:1 Probe (2 pcs), Power Cord, USB CableSize of Jaw 4” (or 100 mm). 39 DSB /SSB Transmitter trainer kit.nOscillator : With adjustable Amplitude & Frequency (300 Hz - 3 KHz)nAudio Output : Amplifier with speakernModulators : Balanced Modulator with Band pass Filter (1 MHz) - 2 nos.nBalanced Modulator : 1 No. (455 KHz)nCeramic Bandpass Filter : 1 No. (455 KHz)nCarrier Frequency : 1 MHz (Oscillator controlled)nTransmitter Amplifier Output : (Gain adjustable) DSB (1 MHZ), SSB (1.445 MHz) connected to Antenna/cablenSwitched Faults : 8 nos.nInterconnections : 2mm Banana socketnTest Points : 27 nosnPower Supply : 110-220 V AC ±10%, 50/60HznPower Consumption : 4 VA approximatelynDimensions (mm) : W 326 × D 252 × H 52nWeight : 2 Kg. approximatelynProduct Tutorial : Online (Theory, procedure, reference results, etc).nIncluded Accessories :nPatch Cord 16 : 2 nos.nMains Cord, TechBook Power Supply, Microphone, Earphone:1 40 Optical Fibre Training Kit.nTransmitter : 2 No.,Fiber Optic LED having peak wavelength of emission 660 nm & 950 nmnReceiver : 2 Nos., Fiber Optic Photo detectornModulation Techniques : 1. AM / FM 2. PAM/PWM/PPMnDrivers : 1 No. with Analog & Digital modesnAC Amplifier : 2 Nos. Clock : Crystal Controlled ClocknPLL detector : 1 no. Comparator : 2 nos.nFilters : 2 nos. 4 order Butterworth.nAnalog Band Width : 100 KHz or abovenDigital Band Width : 1MHz or abovenFunction Generator : Sine wave (Amplitude adjustable)nOptical Power Meter, 5 meter fiber cable(650/660/950nm),n10 meter fiber cable(650/660/950nm). 41 CDMA Trainer kit.nDemonstrator Type kit for CDMA Trainer kitnOn board PN Sequence Generator 5,95 k Bits / secnOn board switch selection for DSSS and FHSSnOn board BPSK mod / demodulatornOn board comparator and data recovery blocknFacility for on boards USB programming of FPGA thru USBn16x2 LCD DisplaynHardware reset switch to refresh processnClock Generation of 10KHz outputnData Clock and serial data test point.nTest points to measure and test signalsnOn board programming facility for developmentnSwitches 13nos with logic Led indicatorsnSelectable data generatorn8-bit data Generator DIP switchesnOn board 3.3v and 5v power supply provision with test points 42 Prototype (constant K) low pass filter experimental KitnMeasurement of the following:ncharacteristic impedance,nattenuation,nCut- off Frequency 43 Prototype (constant K) high pass filter experimental KitnMeasurement of the following:ncharacteristic impedance,nattenuation,nCut- off Frequency 44 Prototype (constant K) band pass filter experimental KitnMeasurement of the following:ncharacteristic impedance,nattenuation,nCut- off Frequency 45 M-derived low pass filter experimental KitnMeasurement of the following:ncharacteristic impedance,nattenuation,nCut- off Frequency 46 M-derived high pass filter experimental KitnMeasurement of the following:ncharacteristic impedance,nattenuation,nCut- off Frequency 47 Crystal filter experimental KitnMeasurement of the following:nattenuation,nCut- off Frequency 48 Transmission line Trainer KitnMeasurement of the following:nSWR and characteristic impedance of the line. 49 Instrumentation amplifier Trainer KitnMeasurement of gain,input impedance and o/p impedance of instrumentation amplifier. 50 Thevenin’s theorem KitnExperimental kit for the verification of Thevenin’s theorem with suitable voltmeters 51 Norton’s theorem KitnExperimental kit for the verification of Norton’s theorem with suitable meters 52 Ohms law kitnExperimental kit for measurement of resistance by Ohm’s law 53 Kirchhoffs Current law kit in dc circuitnExperimental kit for the verification of kirchoff current law with ammeters 54 Voltage Laws in a dc circuitnExperimental kit for the verification of kirchoff voltage law with suitable voltmeters 55 Amplifier for conference room Wired for min 50 delegatesnFeatures:-nAmplifier 250 Watts(for conference Hall)n1)USB port for Pen driven2)Aux Port for playing mobile recordingn3)Must have feature of operating cordless mic(Min 3 no ).n4)Speakers(240 watts)-40wqtt/60wattn5)Cordless Micsn6)Chairman unitn7)Delegate unit 56 PLC Experimental Kit:nAllen Bradley PLC Configurable to both 24 V DC & 230 V ac, built in 24V DC power supply With digital and analog inputs & outputs. 16 I/O LED indications on front line panel, 64 k bytes memory. 8 I/O simulating devices(Toggle switch) Provision to interface PLC module with customized system and for student project interface. Relays protected output. Main socket with self illuminated switch and dual fuse protection. All major components is covered with acrylic or transparent sheet. USB based programming. Simulation basedm, 1) Sequential motor starter interface. 2)Star Delta interface, 3)DOL Starter, 4)Water level controller, 5)Reaction vessel interface,6)Resistance welding interface.7) Traffic Light, 8)Car parking interface,9)Piston cylinder interface, Real time working model for automatic sliding gate and Lift control sytem .Ladder programming & PLC to PC Communication software. 57 8051 universal developmemt platform, MCU : 8051 corenDC Power Supplies : : +12V, -12V, +5V & - 5VnCrystal Frequency : : 11.0592 MHznPower Supply : : 110V - 260V AC, 50/60HznProgrammer : : Ready to run programmer. 58 Electrical Engineering 59 Expt. Board for V-I Characteristics of a Semiconductor Diode and Zener Diode .Experimental Trainer Board comprising of experimental setup for performing V-I characteristics of semiconductor diode(Silicon & Germanium) and Zener Diode .The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. Inbuilt Power Supply, Digital voltmeter and Ammeter with connecting leads. 60 Expt. Board for observation of I/P and O/P wave shapes of a full wave rectifier. Ckt. With (1) Shunt capacitor (2) Series inductor (3) Pie- filter Ckt . . Inbuilt Power Supply along with individual terminals of all components with connecting leads. 61 CRO 50 MHz Duel beam 5v D.C Output terminal and having component facility. 62 Expt. Board to measure (a) voltage gain (b) I/P & O/P impedance for an emitter follower Ckt Inbuilt Power Supply, Digital Frequency meter with connecting leads. 63 Mono stable & astable , bi-stable multivibrator circuit using IC 555 (Experimental Board ) Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental setup for Mono stable & astable , bi-stable multivibrator circuit using IC 555.The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: study pin configuration of IC 555 , Inbuilt Power Supply , Provision to observe the waveform(i/o) on CRO, connecting leads. 64 Expt. Board for verification and interpretation of truth table for Logic gates Inbuilt Power Supply alongwith individual terminals of all components with connecting leads for AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR, Gates. 65 Trainer Kit for verification operation of a 8- bit D/A converter Inbuilt Power Supply alongwith individual terminals of all components with connecting leads. 66 8085 micro Processsor trainer Kits nUser Memory : 8 KBnInput : ASCII KeyboardnDisplay : 20 X 2 LCDnPower Supply : 110V - 260V AC, 50/60HznBattery Backup for RAMnLearning manual. 67 8051 Microcontroller Trainer Kit, operating at 11.0592MHZ. EPROM.64KB on chip Flash memory ,Two 16 – bit programmable on chip Timer.50 pin FRC connector for system bus expansion.Facility to connect to PC.nSupports Assembly and “C “ language 68 V- I CHARACTERISTIC OF SCR Experimental Trainer Board comprising of experimental setup for performingV-I characteristics of SCR .The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3. Digital voltmeter and ammeter 4.Operating manual with detail procedure andspecifications of components used . 5.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord(min. 4mm) required for the ETB 69 V- I CHARACTERISTIC OF DIAC and TRIAC Experimental Trainer Board comprising of experimental setup for performingV-I characteristics of DIAC and TRIAC . The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3. Digital voltmeter and ammeter 4.Operating manual with detail procedure andspecifications of components used . 5.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord(min. 4mm) required for the ETB 70 Use of variable frequency Drive kit for controlling the speed of a 3 phase Induction motor Inbuilt Power Supply, Digital voltmeter and Ammeter with connecting leads. Make. Omega / Sigma/ Scientific Systronics/ Aplab /Meco/Testronic 71 Digital Multimeter Multimeter Digital (for measurtement of ac voltage 0-500v/ Dc voltage-0-750v, current 0-10 A , alongwith component testing facility . 72 10 KVA ,440/220 V,Three- Phase air cooled Transformer housed in a nVentilated sheet metal case with all winding terminals fixed on the ntransformer body . 73 Diesel Generator set 3 phase Silent Diesel generator , 3- Phase , 415v, 50 Hz , 30 KVA , Water coolant 74 3 HP ,230 V,1500 rpm Dc series Motor With loading arrangement & control Pannel Board having the provision of changing the value of armature resistance and field resistance with ammeter installed for showing the value of Armature current / field current 75 5 HP,220V DC.1500 rpm. DC Compound Motor With loading arrangement & control Pannel Board. 76 Single phase Transformer 5 KVA ,220/440 V,Single Phase two winding air cooled Transformer housed in a Ventilated sheet metal case with all terminals out 77 Synchroscope meter Electronic / Electrical synchroscope 78 Three phase Wound Rotor /Slip Ring Induction motor 3H.P,440V,50 Hz,1500 rpm. Slipring Induction Motor (with RotorResistance Starter) including Control Pannel Board and its loading arrangement. 79 Three Phase synchronous Generator 3 KVA,440V,1500 rpm,(3-Phase 4-Wire) Alternator coupled with 5 HP,220V DC.1500 rpm. DC Compound Motor including Control Pannel Board ( also having a provision of Synchronisation on the same panel Board, synchroscope /lamp method) 80 Synchronous Motor 3 hP, 1500 rpm , 3 Phase synchronous motor with all field and armature terminals brought out. With load arrangement and control panel 81 Single Phase Capacitor start Motor and Single Phase 1 HP ,220,1500 rpm Capacitor Strart, capacitor run Single Phase Induction Moto with control panel and loading arrangement 82 Hysteresis Motor Hysteresis Motor 220V 1 HP including Panel Board and accessories. 83 Transformer Oil test Apparatus Oil Testing Set input 230V,Out Put 0-50 KV,2KV/Sec. 84 Tachometer Techometer Digital,Non-Contact Type, 0-3600 r.p.m. 85 Automatic Voltage stabilizer 10KVA, SINGLE PHASE 90-250 /220 + 10% , Digital Display 86 Single phase Digital energy meter Digital Energy Meter Single phase , 20 A , 220V, 50 Hz 87 Earth tester electronic Electronic earth tester (with complete Kit) 0- 100? Range 88 Single Phase wattmeter WATTMETERS:- Provided with Knife Edge Pointer mirror scale, Accuracy ±1% :-Portable wattmeter,dynamometerType,fitted in a wooden/PVC box 1/2 A, 300 V /500 25/50A, 150/300 /500V 89 Megger insulation tester Megger/Insulation Tester 500 V,200M? Analog 90 Single phase Power factor meter Portable power Factor Meter (0.5--1--0.5 range) : (Provided with Knife Edge Pointer mirror scale ) 10/30 A, 150/300 /600V 91 Current transformer ( Panel Mounting Type) 2000/1-5A 92 3-phase Resistive Balanced load Resistive Bank 15 KW,440 V,Three Phase , Loading Rheostat housed in a well ventilated metal case with switches &Fuses , all connecting terminals fixed on the body (With Step Variation) 93 Rheostats Rheostat ( Single Tube) With Carbon Contacts , 25 ? / 3 A , 110?/ 1.5A , 500 ? / 1A 94 DC Regulated Dual power supply Regulated Dual power supply 0-30 V / 0-5 amp +/- 15V, 0-5 A 95 D.C. Ammeters Portable Moving Coil Ammeter(DC), fitted in a wooden/PVC box square type 0-10m A , 0 - 5A , 0- 10/20 A 96 D.C. Voltmeters Portable Moving Coil Voltmeter(DC), fitted in a wooden/PVC box square type 0-150/300V , 0-300/600V 97 AC Ammeters Portable Moving Iron Ammeter(AC), fitted in a wooden/PVC box square type 0- 10mA, 0- 10/20 A, 0- 50A 98 AC Voltmeters Portable Moving Iron Voltmeter(A.C), fitted in a ooden / PVC box, square type 0-150V/300V , 0- 300V/500V 99 DA and AD Converter kit Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental setup for Analog to Digital and digital to Analog converter The. whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet in the form of logic diagram and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3.Protection against high current and transients.4. Provision for logic inputs with display, output display(LEDs), 5.Operating manual with detail procedure and specifications of components used 6.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord. required for the ETB 100 Single Phase Controlled rectifier Kit Single phase half controlled and fully controlled full wave rectifier Using Thyristors (Experimental Board ) Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental set up for SCR based single phase half controlled and fully controlled full wave rectifier. The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities:1.In built power supply with indicator 2. On/Off switch 3.Protection against high current and transients. 4. Provision for observing waveforms on CRO. 5.Operating manual with detail procedure and specifications of components used 6.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord(min. 4 mm) required for the ETB 101 Universal IC Tester : IC PACK : Digital ICs up to 40 pins and analog ICs up to 20 pins in DIP package.IC TYPE : Tristate, open collector & bidirectional TTL/CMOS digital ICs also analog ICs as per list. TEST BY : Truth table comparison for digital ICs. Functional test of output for various input conditions for analog ICs. ZIF : 20 pin DIP ZIF for analog ICs and 40 pin Universal ZIF for digital ICs.KEY : 24 keys DISPLAY : 16 character x 2 line SUPPLY VOLTAGE : 230V AC. 102 TRIAC characteristics Kit Experimental Trainer Board comprising of experimental setup for performingV-I characteristics of TRIAC . The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3. Digital voltmeter and ammeter 4.Operating manual with detail procedure andspecifications of components used . 5.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord(min. 4mm) required for the ETB 103 Signal Generator Operating Modes : Sine, Square, Triangle, Ramp, Pulse,nTTL and Serial DatanFrequency Range : 1 Hz - 10 MHz Sine wave &1 Hz - 2 MHz othersnFrequency Accuracy : 0.5 %nFrequency Display : 20 x 4 character LCDnOutput impedance : 50nOutput Voltage : 10 Vpp into 50.n 104 Function Generator Range 0.3 Hz to 10 MHz with Sine , Square , Triangle waveforms, Ramp and pulse Square Wave Rise time typ. 70 ns , LED Display 105 Hartley Oscillator Kit Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental setup for Hartley Oscillator circuit .The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities:1. In built power supply with indicator 2. On/Off switch 3. Protection against high current and transients.4. Provision to observe the waveform(i/o) on CRO.5. Operating manual with detail procedure and specifications of components used .6. Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord(min. 4 mm) required for the ETB. 7. Quality check and calibration certificate for meters used. 106 Clipping and Clamping Kit Clipper and clamping circuit trainer (Experimental Board ) Experimental Trainer Board comprising of experimental setup for performing clipping and clamping operation .The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure.The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3. Provision to observe the waveform(i/o) on CRO. 4.Operating manual with detail procedure andspecifications of components used . 5.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord(min. 4mm) required for the ETB 107 Transistor Characteristic Kits (Common Base and Common Collector).Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental setup for Input & Output Characteristics of Transistor(NPN&PNP) in Common Base and common collector configuration mode .The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3. Digital voltmeter and ammeter 4.Operating manual with detail procedure andspecifications of components used . 5.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord(min. 4mm) required for the ETB 108 Single stage transistor Amplifier Kit Single stage Transistor Amplifier Circuit(CE mode) . (Experimental Board )Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental setup for Single stage Transistor Amplifier Circuit(CE mode).The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3. Digital voltmeter and ammeter 4.Operating manual with detail procedure and specifications of components used . 5.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord(min. 4mm) required for the ETB 109 V- I Characteristic of Field Effect Transistor (Experimental Board )Experimental Trainer Board comprising of experimental setup for performing V-I characteristics of Field Effect Transistor ( FET) .The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure.The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3. Digital voltmeter and ammeter 4.Operating manual with detail procedure andspecifications of components used . 5.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord(min. 4mm) required for the ETB 110 Washing Machine Semi Automatic 6KG 111 Electric Oven MICRO WAVE OVEN; Including Grill & Utensils 32L 112 Electric OTG Furnace Digital PID controller muffle furnace 900 0c 9 x 4 x 4 113 Drilling Machine Power Drilling Machine- chuck capacity upto 1’’ make Wolf , (with Bits) 114 Motor starters 1. D.O.L. Starter upto 5 hP 2. Mannual Operated Star-Delta Starter (For 5-20 HP) 3.Automatic Star-Delta Starter (Above 20 HP) 4. Three point starter 5. Four point starte 115 Binary Half And Full Adder Experimental Kit Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental setup for Construction of Half Adder and full Adder. The. whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet in the form of logic diagram and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The boardmust include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3.Protection against high current and transients.4. Provision for logic inputs with display, output display(LEDs), 5.Operating manual with detail procedure and specifications of components used 6.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord. required for the ETB. 116 Binary Half And Full Subtractor Experimental Kit Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental setup for Construction of Half subtractor and full subtractor. The. whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet in the form of logic diagram and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The boardmust include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3.Protection against high current and transients.4. Provision for logic inputs with display, output display(LEDs), 5.Operating manual with detail procedure and specifications of components used 6.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord. required for the ETB. 117 Flip Flops (Experimental Board ) Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental setup for study of Flip Flops(RS,JK, master slave J-K,D and T ). The. whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet in the form of logic diagram and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3.Protection against high current and transients.4. Provision for logic inputs with display, output display(LEDs), 5.Operating manual with detail procedure and specifications of components used 6.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord. required for the ETB. 118 Mona Stable Multivibrator , Astable Multivibrator Circuit , and Bistable Multivibrator Circuit (Experimental Board ) Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental setup for Astable Multivibrator Circuit ,Mono stable Multivibrator and Bistable Multivibrator Circuit .The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3.Protection against high current and transients.4. Provision for logic inputs with display, output display(LEDs), 5.Operating manual with detail procedure and specifications of components used 6.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord. required for the ETB. 119 Earth Leakage Relay voltage 90-270v AC/DC , BURDEN UP TO 3VA, Current rating 10mA - 30 Ma 120 Frequency Meter Analog up to 60 HZ ,220V 121 Coil Winding Machine 15” X 14”, 152-C Coil Winding Machine. (Floor Model) Standard Machine specifications Base Plate size 15 x 14 maximum coil/Bobbin Diameter 8 Maximum Centre Distance 5 Maximum Axial Winding length 4.5 Wire Range 20-46/16-40/40-36 SWG Motor 0.5 hP 1440 RPM Single Phase Clutch Foot Padle Assembly Fabricated Stand 122 Cross Sectional Model Of Motor( Cut View Model) Cut View of 3- Phase induction motor 123 Relay Demonstration Panel 124 Single Phase Induction Motor along with Panel Board 1 HP,220V , 1500rpm,50Hz Capacitor Start Induction Motor Provision of connecting and disconnecting the capacitor 125 Synchronous Motor Coupled With DC Generator , 5HP Synchrous motor with 3kw , 220v shunt gen 126 Tachometer Digital,Contact Type , 0-3600 R.P.M. 127 Electronic analog Frequency Meter 0- 60 Hz 128 Rheostat ( Double Tube)160 ? / 2.8 A 129 Rheostat ( Double Tube)1350 ? / 1 A 130 Cable Jointing Kit : lv/lt heat shirnk type cable jointing kit for 1.1kv, 3.5 core, 17mm2 power cable 131 Contractor 10A,230V (3N/O,2N/C) 132 Contractor 10A,230V (4N/O,3N/C) 133 Contractor 15A,415V (4N/O,3N/C) 134 Crimping Tool(Hand) Hand crimping tool 10mm2 135 Instrumentation and Control Engineering 136 PLC Automation Lab Set Upn- System Specification: - PROGRAMMAMBLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC)n - Make: - ALLEN - BRADLEY/SIEMENS/MITSUBISHI n- Micro 810 Series 2080 - LC10 -12AWA or Equivalent n - Micro 810 controller Input /Output :- 8 INPUTS (4 Digital,4 Analog/Digital ,Configurable) and 4 Outputs (Relay)n - Output:- Total Four with Two Relay at 8 A @ 240V AC and General Use , Other two Relay at 4 A @ 240V AC, General Use n- Power Rating:- 120-240 V AC ,50 Hz n - PC Interface Facilityn - PLC interface cable 2080- USB Adapter, USB Adapter Plug for 8010 12- point onlyn - 2080 LCD, 1.5 LCD display and Key Board for micro 810 n - Necessary I/P - O/P Simulating devices n- Ladder Diagram Programming on PCn - SCADA SOFTWARE Connectivity for PLC (Optional) n- Electrical Control Panel for Simulation of Digital Circuits 137 Power Electronics Multi trainer Kitn- Operated on mains power supply with inbuilt power supplies of +5V, +12V, 0-15V, 0-30V, 15-0-15Vn- With analog and digital meters on front panel for dc voltage and current measurementsn- Power devices to be mounted on panel for their characteristics study: SCR, DIAC, TRIAC, UJT, MOSFET and power dioden- On-board resistor bank: rotary switch load resistance, fixed and variable resistances and potentiometer for intensity control applicationsn- On-board capacitor bankn- On-board firing circuit: RC firing and UJT firingn- Electric bulb of 12V 18 Wattn- Interconnection points and interconnection cords. 138 Optical Pyrometern- Optical Pyrometer: Temperature Range: - -40 degree Celsius to 900 degree Celsius (Rugged and Usable up to 180 degree Celsius without Cooling)n-Spectral Range: - 8-14 micrometren- Optical Resolution: - 22:1n- System Accuracy (at ambient Temperature of 23+_ 5 degree Celsius): - +_ 1% or +_ 1 degree Celsius (Whichever is greater)n- Repeatability (at ambient Temperature of 23+_ 5 degree Celsius): - +_ 0.5% or +_ 0.5 degree Celsius (Whichever is greater)n- Response Time: - 150 millisecondsn-Display: - LCD Backlit Displayn- Analog Outputs: - 0/4- 20m milliampers,0-5/10V, Thermocouple J, K typen- Inputs: - Programmable Function Inputs for external emissivity adjustment, ambient temperature compensation, trigger (reset of Hold Function)n- Cable Length: - 3 metern- Current Drawn: - maximum 100 m amperen- Power Supply: - 8-36 V DC 139 TRAVEL & TOURISM 140 Camping Tents for 02 persons 141 Camping tents for 03 persons 142 Sleeping Bags 143 Inflatable mattresses 02 person 144 Inflatable mattress 01 person 145 Hikers cooking set with nontick cationg for 4 persons 146 Camping Lamps

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 26-12-2020 Date Extension Date 31-12-2020

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2500 /-
INR 250000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.30 Crore /-
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