Supply Of Machinery Equipment-2 Compression Testing Machine :nComputerized 2000 KN least count 0.05KN. Load accuracy + 0.5% with PC and software with standard accessories for compressive testing. Complete with manual. The Installation, Commissioning and Training should be included in the offer. Conforming to IS: 14858(2000) and calibrated with an accuracy of ± 1% as per the requirement of 1828(Class1) . 3 Vee Bee Consistometer :-nAs per IS119 consisting of vibrating table 380mm long and 260mm wide. Resting upon elastic support at a height of about 305mm above the floor nComplete with start/stop switch, cord and plug.nA holder is fixed to the base into which a swivel arm is telescoped with funnel and guide sleeve.nThe swivel arm is also detachable from the vibrating table.nA graduated rod is fixed on a swivel arm and at its end a plastic disc is screwed.nThe divisions of scale on the rod record the slump of the rod record the slump of the concrete in millimeters.nSupplied complete with a sheet metal container with lifting handles which can easily be fixed to the vibrating table.nA slump cone open at both ends with lifting handles and a tamping rod of size 16mm dia and 600mm long, rounded at one end. 4 Standard Concrete Cube Moulds:-n 150x150x150 size.(Heavy Duty) 5 Vibrating Table:n 60cm x 60cm 6 Aggregate Impact Tester:- as per IS 2386 part IV. Quick release mechanism to ensure effective fall of hammer during test. The free fall can be adjusted .380mm. The hammer should be provided with lockage arrangement. Fitted with mechanical counter. Complete with manual. 7 Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus: As per IS 2386 part iv complete with manual. 8 Standard Sieve Set for coarse aggregate as per IS standard 30cm dia made of G.I frame with joint I.S meshes complete set with lid. 9 Standard Set of Sieve for fine aggregate as per IS 460 1962 made of polished brass frame, without joint and tightly fitting with each other 4.75mm to 75 micron is sieve with lid complete. 10 Digital Balance 5Kg, 10 Kg, 15 Kg (Platform Type) capacity sensitivity 1gm, 1 no each 11 Physical Balance with weights 12 Steel trolley (heavy duty) for carrying load upto 500 kgs 13 Penetrometer Apparatus: as per IP 49, 50 & 167 specification and also per IS 1448 (P:92) & (P:93) for penetration test of wide variety of materials like, bitumen, greases, wax, polish etc. Complete with electronic trimmer & electric arrangement with brass cone and needle complete with manual. 14 Ductility Testing Machine:- as per IS 1208 consisting of thermostatically controlled bath with inlet and outlet tap complete with moulds and plates, Thermometer etc and manual. 15 Centrifuge Extractor:- as per ASTMD-2172, AASHO T-58, T-64, T-164 for determination of Bitumen %age in bituminous mixture electrically operated. 16 Softening Point Apparatus:- according to IP58 & IS 1205-1958 with F.H.P electrical motor driver, Stimer and electric heater with transporates regulator control 17 Direct Shear Apparatus:-nConfirming to IS 2720. nShear velocity adjustable between 0.00001 and 6 mm/minnMaximum shear force: 5000 NnVertical load ratio: 10:1nMaximum vertical load: 500 NnMaximum vertical load using the lever: 5500 NnShear box and accessories made of brass.nPower supply: 220-240 V 50 Hz, single phasenDimensions: 1100 x 1200 x 550 mmnWeight: 150 nIncluding PC and Software 18 Unconfined Compression Test Machine: Electrically cum hand operated as per IS 2720 part x consists of lead frame, proving ring of capacity 5 KN and 50KN and two dial gauges, three rate of travel 1.25mm, 1.5mm & 2.5mm. Set of plain platen and conical platen to test specimen size 38mm, 50mm, 75mm & 100mm. 19 Standard Penetration Test Apparatus:-As per IS 2113 (SPT) to conduct STP & estimate value of “N” with:ni) Split spoon sampler.nii) Extension rod with coupling (A rods) 5ft long heavy duty.niii) 65kg driver wt with penetration guide assembly with 75cm fall designed.niv) Tripod 18’ with high and sleeve.nv) Spanners (set of two)nvi) Avger 6” dia with extension rods for bores.nvii) 50.8mm 60 threaded cone for dynamic cone penetration.nviii) Casing pipe.nix) Guide pipe assembly.nx) Pulley. 20 Vane Shear Test :- Laboratory purpose as per IS 270 part xxx electrically operator rates of rotation 1/60 rpm simple phase complete with manual. 21 Consolidation Apparatus:- For single sample complete with 2 no dial gauges and consolidation ring as per IS specifications 22 Falling Head Permeability Apparatus: for determination permeability studies of soil with over head tank and mould As per IS 2720 part xvii complete with manual. 23 Automatic Level. nSpecifications: Magnification 32x, Standard deviation per km (double run level)= 2.0mmnAccessories: nStand: Aluminium (heavy duty)-1non Staff: Aluminium (4m folding)-1no 24 Electronic Theodolite (including all standard accessories) Specification: nTelescope: Image erect, magnification 30x, effective aperture 45mm resolving power 3’, field of view 1 30’nMinimum focusing distance = 1.5mnMeasurement = Minimum reading 1”nDisplay : LCD screen, both sidesnLevel: vertical till compensation range = 3’ with setting accuracy 1”nAccessories: Diagonal eyepiece, adoptor, toolkit, battery holder, handlany case Almunium heavy duty stand. 25 Digital Theodolite: Specification: 2” angle accuracy, 30 x telescope, clear aperature 45mm two faced LCD display.Till compensation automatically, range o compensator + 3’ nickel hydrogen chargeable battery. Accessories: all standard accessories included complete with manual and training of staff. 26 Ranging Rod:- Steel Rods 10 ‘ height 27 Total Station: Specification:n2mm = 2ppm high distance accuracy, 2” angle accuracy, dual-axis compensation (range = 4’)n10hrs battery backupnHigh productivity with alpha numeric keyboard. nInternal memory not less than 10,000 points.nAccessories: Heavy duty aluminium tripod 2 nonPrism polygon-2no with prism polesnPrism 2nonSoftware (Data down loaden)nData case and toolkit. 28 Prismatic Compass :- 4” Prismatic Compass with brass tripod 29 Plane Table ncomplete with all standard accessories. Specification: nPlane Table Board: 600 x 750 x 16mmnPlane table stand: Aluminium, heavy dutynPlane table head: 151 specification ball and socket type.nMagnetic compass: 150mm brassnSpirit level: 150mm brassnAlidade : telescopic ( ISI standard)nPancake coils single layer: brassnPlumb bob : brassnCanvas cover: Full 30 Pipe Friction Apparatus: n(Closed circuit) This apparatus is used to measure Darcy’s coefficient “f” for given pipes. 31 Bernoulli’s Theorem Apparatus:-n (Closed circuit) This apparatus is used to verify Bernoullis Theorem 32 Notch tank Apparatus:- n(Closed circuit) The apparatus should measure coelf of discharge of various shape, v-notch of angle 60, rectangular Notch 100 x 150mm. 33 Venturimeter /orifice apparatus:n Use to determine the discharge of water in pipe. 34 Discharge measuring apparatus through orifice meter 35 Apparatus for conducting orifice coefficients(cd, Cc & cv): The apparatus is used to measure coefficient of contraction coefficient of discharge and coefficient of velocity of different type of orifices. 36 Hydraulic Bench : nComplete with tank and AC motor for circulation of water. Complete with accessories. 37 Differential Manometer for measurement of pressure difference. 38 Meta Centric Height Apparatus: nApparatus is used to determine the meta centric height of a ship model under load and unload condition. (Flat bollomed versel). 39 Digital PH Meter:-n 3 ½ digit LCD, 0 to 14ph accuracy Io.1 ph. Manual lamp compensation 0-100c, IV DC battery electrode stand supplied with combined electrode, doffer solution, electrode stand. 40 P H Meter Pen Type:-n 0-14ph, accuracy I 0.2 ph. Temperature 3 ½ digit LED display. 41 Floculator:- nWith illuminated base having florescent tube fitted below fluorescent plastic plate. Consists of geared 1/20 HP variable speed from 10 to 100 RMP with speed control. Fitted with SS stirring rods, electrically operated suitable to work on 220v.nWith 4 stainless cap 1 lt/ 2ltnDigital RPM indicator for above 42 Dissolved Oxygen Meter:-n (Portable) 3 ½ digit LCD displays (CWM) 43 Portable Digital TDS Meter:n Display 3 ½ LED 0 – 1999ppm, 0 to 19.99ppt Acc 2 % FS IV DC battery operated. Supplied with conductivity cell housed in ABS cabinet. Complete with manual. 44 Residual Chlorine Meter as per Indian Standards 45 Digital conductivity meter (Portable):-n 3 ½ digit LCD display 0 to 1999 ms, 0 to 19.99 ms Accuracy 1% in ABS plastic cabinet with touch switches battery operator. 46 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 47 D.C shunt motor coupled with D.C Shunt generator 3hp motor ,5kw 1500rpm Generator including Control Pannel Board 48 D.C series motor coupled with D.C Series generator 3.5 KW,230 V,1500 rpm DC Series Motor Coupled with 3KW,230V,1500 rpm DC series Generator including Control Pannel Board. 49 D.C Compound motor coupled with D.C Compound DC generator 5 H.P.,220V DC,1500 rpm DC Shunt Motor Coupled with 3KW, 220V DC,1500 rpm DC Shunt Generator including Control Pannel Board 50 Three Phase Induction Motor ,3H.P, 440V,50 Hz,1500 rpm. Squirrel Cage Induction Motor having all Terminal on Terminal Box with Star/Delta Starter, Belt & Pully loading arrangement including Control Pannel Board. 51 3-Phase Solid state DC Source nStatic 3 phase Converter ,Input -440 V AC, 50 Hz,out Put 0--240 V DC,50A Including Control Pannel Board 52 SCR V-I Characteristics ,TRIAC V-I Characteristics and DIAC V-I Characteristics kit (Experimental Board ) Experimental Trainer Board comprising of experimental setup for performingV-I characteristics of SCR , DIAC AND TRIAC.The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2. On/Off switch 3 .Protection against high current and transients.n4.Operating manual with detail procedure andspecifications of components used . 5.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord(min. 4mm) required for the ETB 53 UJT Characteristics and UJT Relaxation Oscillator Kit (Experimental Board ) Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental setup for UJT Characteristics. The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: n1.In built power supply with indicator 2. On/Off switch 3.Protection against high current and transients.n4.Operating manual with detail procedure andspecifications of components used . 5.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord(min. 4mm) required for the ETB 54 Single phase half controlled and fully controlled full wave rectifier Using Thyristors (Experimental Board ) Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental set up for SCR based single phase half controlled and fully controlled full wave rectifier. The whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet (PCB sheet) with specification of each component used and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2. On/Off switch 3.Protection against high current and transients. n4. Provision for observing waveforms on CRO. n5.Operating manual with detail procedure and specifications of components used n6.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord(min. 4 mm) required for the ETB 55 Digital Trainer Kit for verification of logic Gates .nExpt. Board for verification and interpretation of truth table for Logic gates Inbuilt Power Supply alongwith individual terminals of all components with connecting leads for AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR, Gates. 56 3 HP ,230 V,1500 rpm Dc Shunt Wound Motor With loading arrangement & control Pannel Board. 57 Flip Flops (Experimental Board ) nExperimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental setup for study of Flip Flops(RS,JK, master slave J-K,D and T ). The. whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet in the form of logic diagram and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. The board must include the following facilities: 1.In built power supply with indicator 2 On/Off switch 3.Protection against high current and transients.4. Provision for logic inputs with display, output display(LEDs), 5.Operating manual with detail procedure and specifications of components used 6.Suitable numbers of Banana Patch cord. required for the ETB. 58 8085 micro Processsor trainer Kits nUser Memory : 8 KB Input : ASCII Keyboard Display : 20 X 2 LCD Power Supply : 110V - 260V AC, 50/60Hz Battery Backup for RAM Learning manual . 59 8051 Microcontroller Trainer Kit, operating at 11.0592MHZ. EPROM.64KB on chip Flash memory ,Two 16 – bit programmable on chip Timer.50 pin FRC connector for system bus expansion.Facility to connect to PC. nSupports Assembly and “C “ language 60 Desert Cooler 24 x 30, Fan Motor 0.5 hP 61 Digtal Clamp-On- meter Jaw Size 50 mm,AC/DC 0-200 A, DC 0-500 V, AC 0-700 V fluke 62 Construction Of Half Adder and Full Adder (Experimental Board ) Experimental Trainer Board comprising of Experimental setup for Construction of Half Adder and full Adder. The. whole experimental set up must be marked(printed) on the sheet in the form of logic diagram and should be duly housed in a suitable metallic/robust enclosure. 63 Function Generatorn Range 0.3 Hz to 10 MHz with Sine , Square , Triangle waveforms Square Wave Rise time typ. 70 ns , LED Display 64 Soldering and desoldering station 65 Contractor 15A,415V (4N/O,3N/C) 66 Crimping Tool capacity upto 300mm2 cable, Hydraulic 67 3 HP ,230 V,1500 rpm Dc series Motor With loading arrangement & control Pannel Board. 68 Power Measurement kit using CT, PT, Wattmeter 15- 1500w , CT Ratio 1 : 10 , Secondary current rating 2A , PT1 Ration 1 : 2 , primary 230v , secondary 115 v , Pt2 1: 4 , Primary 230 v, Secondary up to 60v 69 Ihp Automatic ceiling Fan Winding Machine with Coil Guides & Dies. 28- 38 swg 70 Washing Machine(Semi Automatic) 6 kg 71 Vacume Cleaner motor rating 1 kW 72 Electrical Machine Trainer for demonstrating the construction and functioning of Different types of Dc and AC Machines ( Should include machines as well control panael 73 Transformer OiI Test apparatus for measuring the Dielectric strength of Transformer oil with input 220 V,50 Hz Single Phase, testing voltage range from 0 to 100 KV,inbuilt Digital/analog Voltmeter,epoxy moulded bushings for HV terminals.2kv/sec 74 Electrical Transmission line Trainer Mains supply 230v +/- 10% , 5o Hz current 0-5A 75 Transformer differential Protection Trainer : 3 phase 3kva , 415/240 v , Delta Star Connected Natural Air Cooled with Differential Relay Static / Numerical relay type with minimum basic Setting Biased feature of 10% , 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% Secondary CT CURRENT 1A 76 Electro Technology Trainer for Studing DC circuits fundamentals ( OHMS LAW , KCL, KVL, Thevenin , Power , Resistance in series parallel ) Ac Circuit fundamentals single phase and three phase 77 Buchhloz Relay Testing Kit 78 Alternator Protection Trainer for protection from overcurrent , under/overvotage , under/Over frequency , Reverse power protection Field Failure protection , Negative phade sequence protection 79 Power Drilling Machine- chuck capacity upto 1’’ make Wolf , (with Bits) 80 Micro wave oven ; Including Grill & Utensils 32L 81 Refrigerator 250 L 82 Three phase Slip Ring Induction Motor 3H.P,440V,50 Hz,1500 rpm. Slipring Induction Motor (with Rotor Resistance/ DOL Starter) including Control Pannel Board and its loading arrangement. 83 3 phase Alternator coupled with dc shunt Motorn5kw coupled with 7 hp shunt motor including panel board and all accesories 84 Auto Synchronous motor 5KVA with excitor 85 1 Phase universal Motor 2 HP including panel board and all accesories 86 1 Phase Capacitor start Capacitor run motor 2 KV 87 1 Phase split phase Motor 2HP including panel board and all accesories 88 Synchronization of alternator Lamp Method including panel board and all accessories 89 Parallel operation of 3 phase transformer each capacity 10 KVA */Delta connections including panel board and all accessories 90 Transformer for conducting OC/SC test 5kva including wattmeter , ammeter, voltmeter(ac) including panel board and all accessories 91 CRO 100 MHz Digital 92 Kits for Ohms Law, Kirchoff Law, Series and Parallel Resistances, Nortans Theorem, Thevenins Theorem, Maximum Power Transfer theorem, Reciprocity Theorem and Superposition Theorem 93 Synchronouscopen3 phase digital type Synchronous cope with all accesories 94 PLC TrainernSystem Specifications: v PLC MAKE: ALLEN-BRADLEY MICRO 800 SERIES 2080-LC10-12AWA/ STD. EQUIVALENT. v Micro810 Controller, 8IN 120/240VAC, 4RLY, AC PWR v 8 Digital input / 4 Digital outputs. v 24VDC, 1.5A Power source.4”X2”X2”. v I/p- O/p LED indication on front panel. v PC interface facility. PC-PLC interfacing cable. v 2080-USBADAPTER: USB Adapter Plug for Micro810 12-pt only v 2080-LCD: 1.5 LCD Display and Keypad, for Micro810 Only v Necessary I/p-O/p simulating devices. v Ladder diagram programming on PC. v SCADA SOFTWARE connectivity for PLC.(optional) v Electrical control panel for simulation of digital . 95 Coil Winding MachinenStandard Machine Specifications nBase Plate Size 15 x 14 in inchesnMaximum Coil/Bobbin Diameter 8 in inchesnMaximum Centre Distance 5 in inchesnMaximum Axial Winding Length 4.5 in inchesnWire Range 20-46 / 16-40 / 14 36 swgnChoose any one of the following wire rangenNo of Bearings 12nMain GearsnSteel (Big) - Nylon (Small)nNylon gear is used for noise reductionnTraverse ShiftingnManualnTraverse TypenV-BednRod bed can be used for better winding of thinner gauge at additional costnTensionernStandardnOptional: Regular Tensioner can be used for wire gauge 28-40swg at additional costnSpool Carriernup to 5KgsnApprox Weight 35Kgsnof the machinenAdditional Optional AccessoriesnMotorn1/2 HP 1440rpm Single or Three PhasenMarshall MakenClutch Foot Paddle AssemblynFabricated stand 96 1 Phase energy meter (induction type)nInduction type 40A 97 1 Phase energy meter (digital type)nDigital type 40A 98 1 Phase energy meter (electronic type)nElectronic type 40A 99 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 100 UNIVERSAL IMPACT TESTING MACHINEnWorking on Pendulum principle for Izod and Charpy test.nCapacity: 30 kgf +/- 0.15 kgf, should be as per IS- 1499-1959. IS 1598, 1757 101 SPRING TESTING MACHINE.nElectronic type , 1-100gmsnDisplacement-: 50-200mm n5accuracy +/- 0.5mmnTemperature 5-50 deg C nSeven segment display.n30mm LCD 102 METALLURGICAL TRINOCULAR MICROSCOPE:nObjective: 5 X, 10X,20X, 40X. nEye piece: 10X/ 22mmnNosepiece: Quadruple.nStage moving range: 250 mm × 250 mmncoaxial coarse & fine focus adjustment system nIllumination: Halogens lamp 6v20 V,adjustable brightness. nDigital camera standard port. 103 ABRASIVE CUT OFF MACHINE:nThe rating is 2H.P provided with abrasive, grinding wheels capable of cutting different metals of various diameters. nTable top direct cutting model ( Aluminium base)nMotor capacity : 1 H.P, single phasenSingle illuminationnTWIN Cam operated vicenCutting Size : 40mm max.nWheel Size : 8”nFront hood with large windownSide opening for length specimennCoolant Jet nRecirculating Coolant Chamber, Capacity : 30 litres 104 POLISHING MACHINES:nDisc Size : 200mmnVariable Speed 50-800 rpmnNo.of Disc: 1nNo.of Motor: 1nWater flow: single 105 REFRIGERATION TEST RIG WITH COMPUTERISED CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION:nCompressor : Hermetically sealed compressor. Condenser : Air Cooled condenser made out of copper pipe & Aluminum fins of matching capacity with fan cooling. Evaporator : Copper Coil immersed in water. Expansion device : Capillary Tube & Thermostatic expansion valve. Energy Meter : One each for power measurement of compressor & evaporator heater. Pressure Gauge : 2 Nos. for H.P., L.P. measurement. Suitable filter/drier. Hand Shut Off type Service valve. Dimmerstat to control power supply to heater. Rotameter for Refrigerant flow measurement. Immersion type electric heater. Solenoid valve. Set of thermocouples. 12 Channel Digital Temperature Indicator. HP-LP Cutout. Switches : For compressor, condenser fan, solenoid valve & evaporator heater. Voltmeter : 0 - 250 V. Ammeter : 0 - 15 A Thermostat. The plant should have design of simple and functional concepts able to visuals the main components of a compression refrigeration cycle. 106 DEPARTMENT OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING 107 AUTOMATIC AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE UNIT :Type of refrigerant R134a, service process fully automatic ,display LCD monchrome 20*4,vaccum pump 1.8cfm,1/4hp,compressor 8.8cc, refrigerant bottle capacity 12 KGs, Power supply 230V 108 Automatic Tyre Changer. Rim clamping from inside: 12-24(305mm-610mm), rim clamping from outside:10-20(254mm-508mm),Max wheel dia 41(1041mm),Max wheel width 3-12(76mm-305mm),operating pressure 6-8 bar,Bead Breaker force 2500kg ,power supply 220-380v ac, single phase 50hz, power 1 hp 109 Portable Hydraullic Jack: lifting capacity:3 ton, double plunger, min height 127mm, max height 460 mm 110 Portable Hydraullic Jack: lifting capacity:3 ton, double plunger, min height 127mm, max height 460 mm 111 Workshop Trolley 5 Drawer: 930*710*410 mm(H*W*D), Solid sheet steel Design, ABS top tray with recesses for small parts,Two streeing wheels 100mm dia, one wheel with locking, load capacity 300 kg 112 Pnuematic Auto glass removal kit 9 blade: Low air consumption from 1cfm(30 l/min) to max 5 cfm (140 l/min),Complete portability using a small air compressor, weight: 1.1 to 1.5 kg, moisture resistant lubricating oil 113 Pnuematic wrench: Free speed:8000 rpm, maximum torque 922 nm,working torque range: 34-542nm,air inlet: 1/4, average air consumption (4.2 cfm/120 l/min, fexible hose pipe with moisture seperator. 114 Two stage air compressor: power: 5 hp, no of cylinders 2, piston displacement: 501 L/min,compressor speed 925 rpm, air receiver 220 litres 115 Hydrualic press: Capacity 16 tonnes, stroke: 150 mm, height 1620 mm,width 885 mm, width between legs 640 mm, depth between legs 130 mm, clearance 105-780mm, weight:130 kgs 116 Automatic fast chargers: Mains voltage 230 v, output voltage 12 & 24, charging current 30 amps 117 Angle Polisher: Backing pad 6, orbit: 13/16, power 500 w, rpm 2000-4000,electrical cord -30 ft 118 3 in 1 Random orbital palm sander: Pad size 6, free speed 12000 rpm, overall length 213 mm, net weight :.65 kgs, spindle thread: 5/16 119 Spot Welding Machine (Complete Set): n1. Primary voltage: to be suitable for 415v, 3 phase, 3 wire, 50 HZ, AC supply.n2. Rating @ 50% duty cycle: 200 KVA.n3. Secondary No load voltage ( in stages): 6-12vn4. Max. Welding current: 68KAn5. Secondary short circuit current: 85 KA (VDE 0545)n6. Max. Welding load: 680 KVAn7. Connected load: 520 KVAn8. Electrode pressure: 300 to 2500 KPA>n9. Electrode working range: 250mmn10. Arm spacing: 65/445mmn11. Clamping plates: (above): 400x400mm: (below): 400x400mmn12. Ventilation spacer: Rectangular cross section (2x10). Sq.mmn13. Max.dia of stamping : 1300mmn14. In case of segment dia. Uoto:3000mm n15. Thickness of ventilation stamping: up to 1.0mm.n16. Operating speed: 60 to 90 spots/min 120 OBD scanner with Bluetooth/Wi-Fi supported should be able to find faults on all Indian Vehicles.Complete with all connectors. 121 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 122 PCB Prototype Machine latest Model with PCAM and PCB design software and circuit simulation software. 123 Soldering & Desoldering stations 124 Drill Machine used in PCB 230V,1500 RPM which are adjustable in steps, with drill bits 0.8mm -5 nos,1.0mm-5 nos. 125 PCB designer Kit with content Rotring pens,Marker pens, Magnifing lens,Ruler,Stencils,cutter.Adhesive tape,srubber,cleaning reagent. 126 PCB curing Machine with Blower ,Heating area 12”*12” with accessories as tray , Brush ,PCB Laminate , Measuring Flask , Clips , Hand Gloves.nA nd Chemicals as LPR Photoresist negative ,LPR Thinner , Developer ,Dye Blue ,Developer Part A ,Developer Part B ,Fecl3 127 Digital Rework Station 128 Portable Lith Camera for PAB Lab. ( Latest specifications ) 129 Project Board nSolder less high quality bread board with tie points 1685 .In built DC +5V/1A & variable DC power supply : 0 to +15V ( 500ma ) and 0 to -15V (500mA) 130 Programmable Logic controller nMicro PLC from delta ,On board NO/NC switches High execution speed, PC based programming ,Soft copy of PLC introduction & Tutorials ,built –in power supplies. 131 Industrial PLC nMicro PLC from Fatek , on board ON/NC switches ,On board IR switches ,Pc based programming ,soft copy of tutorials ,built in power supplies. 132 CPLD Trainer kit nXilinx chip , usng VHDL software languages. 133 Microprocessor Training Kits 8085. 134 Microcontroller Development Board with Programmer . 135 Photo resist DIP coating Machine 136 Art work table 137 Dry Film Laminator 138 Photo Dye Developer 139 PCB shearing Machine 140 UV Exposure Double sided machine 141 PCB Etching Machine 142 Monochrome TV Demonstrator Kit 143 Colour TV Demonstrator Kit 144 GENERAL WORKSHOP 145 Lathe MachinenWith accessoriesnBed length : about 2 metersnHeight of centre : about 200-230 mm.nSwing over bed: about 415-425mm.nDistance between centres: about 1000 mmnBed Type :Standard straight type.nBed width: about 270-275mm.nSpindle speeds : 8nSwing over cross slide: about 300mm.nSpindle bore: 40 mm.nFeed range longitudinal: 40 from 0.64 to 1.98/ revolution.nFeed range cross: 0.16 to 1.98mm/revolution.nMetric Thread: minimum 20 from 0.5 to 15mm.nMotor details: minimum 3hp/ 400v, 3phase.nFour position tool post, tool post spanner, centre adaptor, MT-4 dead centre, thread dial indicator, chip tray, tool kit and manual and standard cutting tools.nRear tool post, Machine lamp, quick change tool post, coolant arrangement, chuck guard,3 Jaw true chuck (8”) with C.I. flange, Rear splash guard.nTaper turning attachment, Face plate( 350 mm dia)nSheet metal spinning attachment. 146 Universal milling machinenGeared head universal milling machine having longitudinal auto-feed.n1.Surface of table-1120x280mm(Approx.)n2.No.of T-slots-3x15n3.Longitudinal Power & by hand-558mmn4.Cross by hand :200-250 mmn5.Vertical hand :375-415mmn6 Length of Arbor-635mm approx.n7 No. of spindle speed-6 n8.Spindle motor-2h.pn9.Feed motor -2h.p n10.Coolant motor-1/10h.p approx.n11.Dividing head and slotting attachment 147 Radial drilling machinenAll geared Radial drilling machinenDrilling Capacity in M.S-38mmnMain drive motor-2H.PnElevating motor-1H.P with accessories 148 Gear ShapernAll geared Shaper machinenLength of Ram Strokettt- 450mm approx. Working Surface of Table- 450X320mm approxnMax. Horizontal Travel of Tablett- 510mm approx.nMax. Vertical Travel of Table tt- 320mm approx.nNo. of Ram Speeds tt- 6nRange of Ram speed(stroke/min.) t- 20-90nMain Drive Motor tt- 3H.P 149 Universal cylindrical grindernCentre distance-600mm ,Centre height-130mmnWheel head motor-3H.P.nWork head Fitting taper-MT3nWork head motor -1h.p 150 Hydraulic surface grindernWorking surface of table-600x200mmnMax. Job height admitted-275mmnLong traverse of the table-650mmnCross traverse table-Hyd.-225mmnVertical traverse wheel head-400mmnSize of grinding wheel-250x19x76nWheel head motor-2H.p, Hydraulic pump motor-1h.p,Rapid transverse-0.5H.p. to be supplied with Electro mag. Chuck, Coolant pump ,wheel dressing attachment 151 Tool and Cutter grindern1. Swing over table-800mmn2.Longitudinal Traverse-250mmn3Cross Traverse-175mm 4.Table size-500X113mm 5.Admit bet centre-300mmn6. Motor-1/2H.p Table swivel clockwise-90deg.nTable swivel anticlockwise-45deg. Height of cabnit-5feetto be supplied with indexing head, Universal vise-three way, Tilting table convex movement, Magnetic chuck radius wheel dresser. 152 Power hacksawnHydraulic Power hacksaw Capacity of round-200mm Capacity of square-150mm. Size of blade-350-450mm, Motor -1H.p. 153 Pedestal grindernDouble ended pedestal grinder with rough and smooth grinding wheels at each end. Both the wheels are guarded. Wheel size 200mm25mm.Motor-1H.p. 154 Shearing Machine nwith Motor, v belt, starter, stroke counternCutting width 0-300 mmnCutting thickness : up to 1.3 mmnShearing accuracy: 0.1mmnMotor power : 2 to 5 hpnShearing capacity: 4 mm 155 Single Phase A C Welding machine nSupply voltage 220-230 Volts, Frequency 50/60 Hz 156 Gas Welding MachinenWith Shank Mixer and detachable welding blow pipes complete 157 MIG Welding MachinenAcetylene / Oxygen Cylinders 158 TIG Welding Machinen3 phase full wave silicon rectifier power source 159 Seam Welding MachinenVertical TypeCapacity 80 KVA. 220-240V 160 Iron Jack Planar n8inch and 12 inch size, Cast Iron Body, Carbon Stel Hardened Body 161 Portable Electrical Planarn240-380 V 162 Portable Bandsawn350 watt 163 Bench Drilling MachinenBosch, 13mm Pilar 164 Bench Vicen12 inch and 8 inch 165 Pipie Vicen6 inch and 8 inch 166 Bar Bending MachinenWith upper and lower tools 167 Mini Lase Engraving diykit 50MW 168 Pellet Press dies 12 MM 169 MLT 100 Table Saw 255MM, 10 INCH