
Emplanelment Of Laboratories For Civil Construction Materials Testing And Geo Technical Investigations 2 Punjab. To Carry Out These Works More Effectively Puda Intends To Empanel Civil Construction Material Testing Laboratories And Geo Technical Invest-Punjab

Punjab Urban Planning And Development Authority has published Emplanelment Of Laboratories For Civil Construction Materials Testing And Geo Technical Investigations 2 Punjab. To Carry Out These Works More Effectively Puda Intends To Empanel Civil Construction Material Testing Laboratories And Geo Technical Invest. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-12-2020. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Emplanelment Of Laboratories For Civil Construction Materials Testing And Geo Technical Investigations 2 Punjab. To Carry Out These Works More Effectively Puda Intends To Empanel Civil Construction Material Testing Laboratories And Geo Technical Invest
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Emplanelment Of Laboratories For Civil Construction Materials Testing And Geo Technical Investigations 2 Punjab. To Carry Out These Works More Effectively Puda Intends To Empanel Civil Construction Material Testing Laboratories And Geo Technical Investigation Laboratories For Various Statutory Towns/ Cities Of Punjab State. 1 Complete testing of Bricks (Dimensions, Water absorption, Compressive Strength and Efflorescence) 2 Complete testing of Pavers (Dimensions, Water Absorption, Compressive Strength and Block Density ) 3 Complete Physical testing of Cement (Consistency, initial setting time, final setting time, Soundness (a) Le-Chatelier (b) Autoclave, Fineness by Blains method, Fineness by dry sieving, Density, Drying Shrinkage ) 4 Complete Chemical testing of Cement (Silica, Alumina, Iron oxide, Insoluble residue, Magnesia, Sulphuric Anhydride, Chloride content, Chemical constituents CaO, SiO₂ Fe₂Oз, AI₂O₃ and loss on ignition) 5. Complete testing of Coarse aggregates Sieve Analysis, Silt content, Impact value, Crushing value, Abrasion value, Specific gravity, Water absorption, Flakiness index, Elongation index, Ten percent fine value, Bulkage, Bulk density, Stripping value, Soundness test, Deleterious material, organic impurities. 6. Complete testing of Fine Aggregates (Sieve Analysis, Silt content, 6. Complete testing of Fine Aggregates (Sieve Analysis, Silt content, Impact value, Crushing value, Abrasion value, Specific gravity, Water absorption, Flakiness index, Elongation index, Ten percent fine value, Bulkage, Bulk density, Stripping value, Soundness test, Deleterious material, organic impurities 8 EMPANELMENT OF LABORATORIES TECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS 7. Complete tests of Mortar ( Compressive Strength ) 8 Complete tests of Concrete mixes for buildings/structures (Workability, Slump test, Compressive strength cubes ( 7 & 28 days ), Concrete setting time 9 Complete tests of Concrete mixes for Road / Pavement work ( Workability, Slump test, Compressive strength ( 7 & 28 days ) Flexure strength beams ( 7 & 28 days ), Concrete setting time 10 Complete Physical tests on fly ash (Fineness by dry sieving. Fineness by blains method, density, soundness by autoclave, lime reactivity, compressive strength) 11 Complete Tests for road work A) Sub Grade/Embankment (Soil gradation, Soil classification, CBR, Standard proctor compaction test, Modified proctor compaction test, Atterberg’s limit, free swell index) B) Granular Sub Base (GSB) / Wet Mix Macadam ( WMM), (Gradation, CBR, Atterberg’s limit, 10% fines value, water absorption) C) Water Bound Macadam (WBM)(Gradation, Elongation index, Flakiness index, Water absorption, Impact value, Abrasion value) D) Premix carpet /Mix seal surfacing (Gradation, Binder content) 12 Flexible Pavement ( Bituminous Macadam BM, Bituminous Concrete BC) (Gradation, Stripping value, Binder content, Impact value, Specific gravity, Water absorption, Abrasion value, Elongation Index, Flakiness Index) 13 Rigid Pavement ( Pavement Quality Concrete PQC) (Gradation, Specific Gravity, Water absorption, Impact value, Abrasion value, Elongation Index, Flakiness index, Bulk Density, Concrete setting time, Compressive Strength) 14 Bitumen Tests Penetration Test, Softening Point Test, Ductility Test, Specific 9 EMPANELMENT OF LABORATORIES TECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS Gravity, Flash Point, Solubility 15 Bituminous Mix Design Marshall Test For Design Of Dense B.M., Semi Dense & Asphaltic Concrete, Density Of Compacted Layer, Gradation Of Aggregates, Binder/Bitumen Content, Density Of Core Of BM/SDBC/BC Supplied In Lab. 16 Marble/ Kota Stone (Water Absorption ,Specific Gravity, Hardness (Mho’s Scale) 17 Sand Stone (Water Absorption, Transverse Strength) 18 Terrazzo Tiles (Wet Transverse Strength, Water Absorption, Absorption Value, Dimensions ) 19 Glazed Tiles (Water Absorption, Crazing, Impact And Chemical Resistance ) 20 Ceramic Tiles (Water Absorption, Crazing, Impact And Chemical Resistance And Modulus Of Rupture) 21 Vitrified Tiles (Water Absorption, Modulus Of Rupture, Scratch Hardness, Bulk Density And Resistance To Chemicals, Acids.) 22 Particle Board / NUWUD / MDF Shutter/MDF Cupboard (Shutter Density, Moisture Content, Water Absorption after 2h & 24h,Swelling Due To General Absorption after 24 H Soaking(Av Increase In Thickness and Length), Swelling due To Surface Absorption after 2h Soaking of One Face(Av Increase In Thickness), Modulus of Rupture/Modulus of Elasticity in Bending, Tensile Strength Perpendicular To Surface/Tensile Parallel To Surface/ Screw Withdrawal Test) 23 Pre laminated Particle Board (Density, Variation In Density, Water Absorption after 2h and 24h, Swelling after 2h, Moisture Content, Tensile Strength, Perpendicular To Surface after Cyclic Test, Modulus Of Rupture, Screw Withdrawal Test, Resistance To Steam Crack, Cigarette Burn & Stain) 24 MDF Shutter/Eucalyptus Shutter (Slamming Test, Impact Indentation Test, Shock Resistance, Resistance To Misuse, Resistance To Buckling, Local Plainness & Screw Holding Test) 25 PVC Shutters (TADS) (Slamming Test, Impact Indentation Test, Shock Resistance Test, Resistance To Misuse Test, Resistance To Buckling Test, Edge Loading Test, Screw Holding Test, Local Plainness Test ) 26 Flush Doors/ Cup Board Shutters (Knife Test, End Immersion Test, Glue Adhesion Test, Slamming Test.) 27 Ply Wood (Test Of Moisture Content, Glue Adhesion, Glue Shear Strength In Dry State, Water Resistance Test) 28 Wood Moisture Content, Chemical Testing Of Preservatives, Identification Of Wood, Unit Weight Of Wood) 29 Block Board (Dimension Changes Caused By Humidity, Resistance To Water, Adhesion To Plies) 30 Mild Steel & TMT Bars (Mechanical Testing: Mass Per meter Run, Tensile Strength, %age Elongation, 0.2% Proof Stress, Bend, Rebend) . 31 Mild Steel & TMT Bars Complete Chemical Analysis Carbon, Sulfur, Phosphate and Sulfur+ Phosphate Combine) 32 M.S. Tubular Pipes, Plates, Flats, Angles Tees, Beams, Channel etc (Tensile Strength, Yield Strength % age Elongation, Bend Test For Prepared Sample ) Complete Chemical Analysis 33 M.S. Tubular Pipes, Plates, Flats, Angles Tees, Beams, Channel etc. Complete Chemical Analysis Carbon, Sulfur, Phosphate and Sulfur+ Phosphate Combine) 34 Stainless Steel (Grade and Complete Chemical Analysis ( Carbon, Sulfur, Phosphate and Sulfur+ Phosphate Combine) 35 Weld Test of Bars, Plates, Pipes Etc (Tensile Strength, Bend Test and Nick Break Test) 36 Barbed Wire (Weight/Meter, DIA, Pitch of Boards, Tensile Strength, Breaking Load, Galvanizing ). 37 Aluminum Section Thickness of Anodic Coating, Physical Testing, Chemical Testing 38 Chromium Plating (Thickness of Chromium Plating) 39 Galvanized Steel Sheets (Plain & Corrugated) (Mass of Coating) 40 Oxidised Coating Of Doors/Window Fittings (Thickness Of Oxidised Coating) 41 G.I. Pipes (Galvanising, Weight/Meter, Wall Thickness and Outside Diameter) 42 RCC Pipes (Upto 400mm DIA: Dimensions, Hydrostatic Test, Three Edge Bearing Test, Reinforcements (Longitudinal & Spiral) 43 RCC Pipes (Above 400mm DIA & upto 600mm DIA: Dimensions, Hydrostatic Test, Three Edge Bearing Test, Reinforcements (Longitudinal & Spiral) 44 Glazed Stone Ware Pipes (Hydrostatic Test, Absorption Test, Test For Acid Resistance, Test For Alkali Resistance, Crushing Strength Test ) 45 D.I. Pipes (Hammer Test and Hydrostatic Test) 46 C.I. Pipes (Hydrostatic Test, Hammer Test, Coating Test) 47 Cement Mortar/Cement Concrete (Chemical Analysis To Determine The Ratio By Silica Method) 48 Lime (Chemical Analysis) 49 Micro silica (Physical & Chemical Analysis) 50 Non-Destructive Concrete Test Rebound Hammer Test 51 Non-Destructive Concrete Test Roof Deflection Test 52 Standard Penetration Test for determining Bearing Capacity including sinking of bore hole with all relevant soil tests like classification of soils at different depths, sub soil water conditions, collection of undisturbed and disturbed samples from the site of investigation, their laboratory investigation like sieve analysis, hydrometer analysis, soil gradation, consistency limits, natural bulk density, moisture content and strength parameters, along with preparation and submission of detailed analysis report. (a) Up to 6 Mts Depth or Refusal (b) Beyond 6 Mts depth and upto Refusal (Refusal means SPT value more than 60 ) 53 Tri axial shear test for determining C & Ø value, Unconfined Compression test, Direct Shear test. 54 Determination of CBR including collection of samples and allied tests 55 Soil Dynamic cone penetration test up to 10 Mtr or Refusal 56 Soil Electrical Resistivity Test 57 Any other item not covered above with discription

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