
Supply Of Equipment List 1. Mridaparikshak Soil Testing Kit 2. Distillation Unit 3.Conicaj Flask 250M1 4. Beakerloomi 5. Measuring Cylinder 6. Measuring Cylinder 7. Measuring Cylinder 8. Measuring Cylinder 9. Funnel 75Mm 10. Funnel 75Mm Dia 11.-Jharkhand

Department Of Agriculture has published Supply Of Equipment List 1. Mridaparikshak Soil Testing Kit 2. Distillation Unit 3.Conicaj Flask 250M1 4. Beakerloomi 5. Measuring Cylinder 6. Measuring Cylinder 7. Measuring Cylinder 8. Measuring Cylinder 9. Funnel 75Mm 10. Funnel 75Mm Dia 11.. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-12-2020. Dustbin Tenders in Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Equipment List 1. Mridaparikshak Soil Testing Kit 2. Distillation Unit 3.Conicaj Flask 250M1 4. Beakerloomi 5. Measuring Cylinder 6. Measuring Cylinder 7. Measuring Cylinder 8. Measuring Cylinder 9. Funnel 75Mm 10. Funnel 75Mm Dia 11.
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Tender Details

Supply Of Equipment List 1. Mridaparikshak Soil Testing Kit 2. Distillation Unit 3.Conicaj Flask 250M1 4. Beakerloomi 5. Measuring Cylinder 6. Measuring Cylinder 7. Measuring Cylinder 8. Measuring Cylinder 9. Funnel 75Mm 10. Funnel 75Mm Dia 11. Volumetric Flask 25M1 12. Aspirator Bottle 2Oltr 13. Filter Paper 14. Cuvette 15. Weighing Machine 100 G 16. Weighing Machine 100 G 17. Hot Plate 18. Syringe 12 Ml 19. Syringe 6 Ml 20. Syringe 2.5 Ml 21. Tissue Paper 22. Test Tube Cleaning Brush (Small) 23. Measuring Cleaning Brush (Big) 24. Measuring Cleaning Brush (Medium) 25. Borosilicate Glass 100 Ml 26. Plastic Test Tube 5Oml 27. Filter Paper 28. Distilled Water Container 29. Plastic Rod For Stirring 30. Glass Rod For Stirring 31. Gloves 32. Goggles 33. Open Rack 34. Experimental Laboratory Table Chemical List 1. Chemical Refill Bottle no 2. Chemical Refill Bottle no 3. Soil testing refill kit Stationery List 1. Notebook 2. Pencil 3. Eraser 4. Sharpener 5. Duster (Napkin) 6. Bucket 7.Mug 8.Tub 9. Dustbin

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